In the morning, Meng Chong didn't have anything to do, so he took Dahong to the tobacco Hotel of Gaitian expert!

Came after saying hello, and then sat inside the position! Not at all! It's fun to watch Gai Tianxing's daughter. They can play together! This makes Liu Yuan's eyes are not quite right!

"I've had it in the morning! Sister in law, go and ask the person who smashed the shop last night! What is the situation? "

Liu Yuan pointed at herself! I don't believe it! Is it right to ask yourself about it?

Gai Tianxing nodded at his wife. He just went to ask about it. It's not a big deal!

I have understood more or less! Meng Chong just wants an attitude, which has nothing to do with other aspects!

However, when waiting for a Rolls Royce to stop at the door, Liu Yuan's face also changed!

Look at the people coming down from the car! Gai Tianxing is stunned for a moment, but he looks at Meng Chong for the first time. Meng Chong pinches the cigar in his hand at this time, and doesn't care at all!

But even so, Gai Tianxing still reminds me that he has been working with Meng Chong now, and these details still need attention! Never be vague! Then I quickly walked out!

"Mr. Guan, why are you free today?" It seems polite to speak, but the politeness also brings a little sense of alienation!

Guan Feng obviously feels Gai Tianxing's attitude! I have been informed of what happened last night. Is there something wrong with Gai Tianxing? From Guan Feng's point of view, there is no problem, even for Dinghu!

But what about your own daughter? More trendy, plus Dinghu and some other considerations! So it's no big deal to give up such a thing as Gai Tianxing!

But the problem is that what happened last night made me feel uncomfortable after listening to it!

During the day, Gai Tianxing went through the formalities, and then at night, his shop was smashed! What's this for? How will the outside world look at this time? When you use people, you should face forward. When you don't use them, it's not just that simple! Even stepping on it!

My daughter wants to put her own logo on Dinghu, not to say no! No problem!

Once the emperor, once the courtiers! Although Gai Tianxing has been working for Dinghu for so many years, he is also doing his best, but how to say? There are no problems in doing things, and there are no mistakes in all aspects, but sometimes too careful! The traces of the old school are too thick!

So my daughter chose to kill the chicken and frighten the monkey, but she didn't have any words! But the way to do things is too rough! And it will make many people in the company sprout some other opinions and ideas!

No matter whether it's done by my daughter or not! Now I need to stand up and stabilize the situation! So I also chose to come to gai Tianxing in the morning. Looking at the plaque that hasn't been taken off, Guan Feng's face is also a little embarrassed!

"Tianxing, I heard that I quit my job in Dinghu?" When Guan Feng talks, he deliberately stops his steps“ Hard for so many years! Others do not know, my heart or remember is very clear! Ah! Xiaoyue is a little too young! Sometimes, I can't keep up with her thinking! "

"Guan Dong! Look what you said! I can't keep up with the situation! "

Is Mr. Guan clear or clear! Only your own heart is the most clear!

If it was yesterday, Gai Tianxing would not really think about it like this. However, after going through the formalities, Gai Tianxing has no nostalgia. After all, Dinghu is closed by others, and they think about it for their daughter. What's wrong with this?

After all, Dinghu has been handed over to Guan Yue! And when I was in Dinghu, I never did anything to apologize to Dinghu! It's still a good way to get together! There's nothing else to say!

"It's good not to get involved in the affairs of Dinghu! It's all about their young people! " Guan Feng thought for a while, and then slowly said“ Speaking of which, Gai Hao should go to college?! You can't stay at home all the time! Take a break first! Then I'll see what's the right place! "

"Guan Dong, you don't have to!" Gai Tianxing said politely“ I saw a job earlier, and I felt pretty good! I'm so old! Do not want to continue the struggle! Gehhot has grown up! I'm going to take the college entrance examination soon! Academic performance is still good! And the little girl has grown up! There are a little more things at home! "Guan Feng was stunned! Even a little unbelievable to see to cover the sky!

Gai Tianxing is easy to use, very easy to use, but no matter how easy it is, it can't be worth your own daughter, so it's no big deal to sacrifice Gai Tianxing! I come here today to appease Gai Tianxing, but to a certain extent? It's not an account for Gai Tianxing! To a certain extent, it's an account for some old employees of Dinghu!

But looking at the meaning of Gai Tianxing, he seems to have made a big mistake all of a sudden!

"Really?" Guan Feng's face pulled down, hesitated for a moment or continued to go inside! Turned the hall, came to the inside of the room, looking at Meng Chong sitting there, Guan Feng is also Leng for a while!

What's more surprising to Guan Feng is that the man in front of him didn't pay any attention to his own meaning and devoted himself to playing with the cigar in his hands! Occasionally fiddle with the teapot on the table, the water inside has been boiling!

"Mr. Meng!"

Meng Chong took a look at Guan Feng, but he also took a look! And I took a look with my eyelids! That's it!

Guan Feng's anger came up all of a sudden! I've been mixed up for so many years, and no one dares to treat myself like this! But thanks to my age! Now the mentality is much better! Otherwise, it's not as simple as lifting the table or embarrassing him!

Hum! Guan Feng snorted heavily! And sat down!

Has been waiting for Guan Feng to sit down, Meng Chong slightly wrinkled his brow! Take a look at Gai Tianxing! forget it! Give Gai Tianxing a face! Especially now! It's not necessary to be angry with such an old man!

"Pour tea?"

Meng Chong looked at Guan Feng and pointed to himself! Gai Tianxing took a look at the scene and quickly walked forward two steps! But the hand hasn't come out yet! Meng Chong waved his hand! Let Gai Tianxing not get involved in this matter!

"You want me to pour you tea?" Meng Chong can be said to be a face of disbelief?

"What? Do you have a problem? "

hey?! Meng Chong suddenly began to laugh. He was very presumptuous!

"Mr. Meng!" Meng Chong shook his head at Gai Tianxing! Rub your fingers! Then pick up the teapot and start making tea! The process may be a little cumbersome, but Meng Chong is a little attentive!

But while making tea, Meng Chong looked at Guan Feng and said“ Really if say! I don't seem to have served too many people! When I was young, I served my second grandfather. When I was in the bath, I was a little guy! They all belong to my grandparents. They watched me grow up and took care of me! "

"Even now, I am a grandson in front of them! It's no big deal, even I'm enjoying it! They deserve my respect! Even quite a lot of people shed blood and sweat for our new China! Carry your head forward! Now I think of it, I still feel strong and fierce! "

Hearing Meng Chong say so, Guan Fengxin suddenly feels a little bad! And Gai Tianxing is a little sigh!

There are too many things revealed in this discourse!

"I met my elder brother before! I really admire big brother! It's true that I can't catch up with the horse! I don't admire many people in my life! But to big brother, I'm convinced! "

After that, Meng Chong bared his teeth and looked at Guan Feng, "NIMA's! Now somebody let me serve you with tea? It seems that you are a character! that 's ok! You also let me open my eyes today! If you can't open my eyes, what about me today? I'll open your eyes! "

Guan Feng's face is a little red! I have been in the world for many years! How much or can know some things and conditions!

Obviously, this one in front of us is not talking nonsense! I'm not trying to scare myself! I really have some doubts now! I was a little angry before, so my attitude was a little too much!

"Old Guan Feng, haven't you consulted yet?"

Meng Chong looked at it with disdain“ Where do you want to ask? Tell me! Anyway, we have a grudge! I really want to see what kind of capable people Dinghu has! At the beginning, I really had some worries! How many capable people are there in Dinghu! People like Lao Gai can go to the stall! It's scary! When I was young, my heart and liver burst out! "

"I'm lucky! The old cover was opened immediately! At the beginning, I was thinking about whether to have some other means! After all, talent is rare! But also to the old cover such talent, I NIMA lantern can not find! Since Dinghu is so kind-hearted, I will let him go! At least Lao Gai said a lot of good things to Dinghu, and I don't care about them? What's the matter? You really treat me like a dish, don't you? "Meng Chong's eyes have been sharp up!

"I've been talking for a long time! You say it! Come on! Didn't you ask me to pour you tea? Tea, please

Guan Feng's face is very embarrassed. Don't you know the rules? The one in front of me said it took most of the day! That's to say, I've rowed my way! The question is, do you dare to answer it?

Haven't you answered this yet? Have let oneself feel pressure mountain big, really if don't know good or evil, go to drink tea? What kind of consequences will appear, Guan Feng really dare not guarantee!

The older a man is, the less daring he is! That's because I have experienced too many things! Even if there is an absolute grasp of things, they need to think about it! What's more, now I'm still uncertain!

After taking a deep breath, Guan Feng suddenly changed his face!

"Mr. Meng! You come all the way, I'm sorry to meet you! My old man is rude

When he spoke, he stood up, took a teacup in person, and poured tea for Meng Chong! Even personally sent to Meng Chong in front of the position“ Mr. Meng, please have tea

If the one in front of you is not deliberately bluffing yourself, then you should quickly remedy it! At this time, there is absolutely no advantage in a stalemate! It doesn't matter if he makes a mystery. Next year, at most, the grass on the grave will be three feet high! It's no big deal!

But without waiting for Meng Chong to serve tea, there was a sound of footsteps outside! Ding Yu came in slowly from the outside!

"Brother?" Meng Chong jumped up! It's like a nail under your ass!

Ding Yu looked around the situation inside! Looking at Gai Tianxing with a bitter smile, he nodded his head slightly, took a look at Guan Feng, and then snorted to Meng Chong! Obviously, there are some dissatisfaction!

Go to Meng Chong's previous position and sit down! Made an invitation gesture to Guan Feng“ Sit down, please Attitude is beyond doubt! Guan Feng hesitated for a moment, then sat down with the table, but he half pulled his butt and sat down on the chair, with his body bowing up!

"What's the matter?" Ding Yu said in a deep voice!

Meng Chong looked at the chair next to him! Touch it with your hand! But Ding Yu snorted again! It's very discontented“ You stand by me! Old guy, what do you say? What's the matter? "

"Mr. Ding, there is nothing too big! Just a little misunderstanding! " Can Gai Tianxing pull it out completely? How is it possible that I need to eat under Meng Chong's hand in the future, not to mention the present scene! What is Mr. Ding's attitude? I know how much I have in mind“ Mr. Meng is not familiar with Mr. Guan! How about tea? "

Ding Yu looked at the layout of the table! Then he looked back at Meng Chong“ What did you do? "

Meng Chong glared at Gai Tianxing, but he didn't complain too much! Then he looked at Guan Feng!

"Brother! I did it! The old shop was smashed last night! Although we haven't fully discussed it before, Lao Gai is my man after all?! I didn't care about Lao Gai's face before! Old man...! " Hear Ding Yu cough! Meng Chong also immediately changed his words“ After chairman Guan came, he asked me to pour him tea? "

"How about tea? What's the matter? You want to go to heaven? How about I pour you a cup of tea?! It's not like that

Ding Yu finished his words and nodded to Guan Feng!

"Lao Gai, please come to me with the new tea!"

Gai Tianxing quickly steps to the shelf! Holding his hands, he brought a box of tea and put it in front of Ding Yu! Then resolutely went to Meng Chong's side position! Meng Chong took a look at Gai Tianxing! Gave a good look!

Ding Yu took a look at the electric kettle. The water in it has already boiled! Pour out the previous pot of tea! Then start making tea again! But when it's finished! Ding Yu didn't mean to start!

Meng Chong said! It is to pull a want to go ahead of the Gai Tianxing! Bring up the teapot in person!

When Meng Chong poured the tea, Guan Fengxin was about to faint! Tremble long stand up! Tea cup in both hands! After Meng poured the tea, he even said thank you, and then sat down again!

"Guan Dong, Meng Chong! It's my brother! I'm used to the rich and the idle! Some things are inevitable some wanton! You've been through the storm! have great experience! Please forgive me! " When speaking, it is to take up the tea cup in front of you in person!

Can Guan Feng not understand the meaning of the words?The so-called wealthy idle people? What kind of family has so-called rich and idle people? Does this need to be said? You know, even your own family can't support rich and idle people! Talk about yourself going through the storm! To a certain extent, they are warning themselves!

The young man with a moustache in front of him seems to be young, but he is too old to deal with this matter!

For Meng Chong, Guan Feng is not so afraid!

Don't look at what he said! But in my opinion? On purpose! I just want to give up the identity and face! The follow-up is easy! But what about the moustache in front of me? Come up after a simple inquiry about the situation!

Even in front of his face began to reprimand, but also let Meng Chong to his tea admit! Do you want to serve this cup of tea now?

If you don't serve this cup of tea, it means that you will hold on to it! I've already served tea. I'm sorry?! What do you want to do?

But the question is, is it really right to take the cup in front of you? There's thunder in it. It's even a big bomb. Can you, or even the Dinghu lake behind you, bear such thunder? Still unknown!

So now Guan Feng really has some dilemmas! This tea is not served, not served!

How good is it?

When Guan Feng hesitates! Gai Tianxing gave Meng Chong a color, and then stood up!

"Mr. Ding, it's all my fault! If it wasn't for me! Will not make out in front of this matter! You see, Guan Dong is getting old too! And at this time, we can't just drink tea, can we? I'm going to prepare some tea. I don't know what kind of tea Mr. Ding and Mr. Meng like! "

Ding Yu nodded his head and didn't care!

"Guan Dong, you are an old man! You see? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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