The jade family wants to play Ding Yu's attention. This thing is quiet, but it doesn't happen. What about the above? It's also a matter of paying attention to Ding Yu. It's also not a success. It's also a matter of smoke and dust. For a while, we really have no way to take Ding Yu, but it's not a bad thing to take Ding Yu.

Ding Yu has always been a kind of person who doesn't offend me or me. At least at this time, it's like this. Even if you don't provoke too much, Ding Yu won't show you. As long as we don't provoke him to the bottom line, did he do anything after he came back? It seems that there is no such thing!

So it's really hard to say about the nature of some problems. After Ding Yu came back, it seemed that his main energy was put on his work. In addition, he was bored in the courtyard, and he didn't seem to have any hobbies. What's more, he couldn't see what kind of preferences he had. He even had a little bit of abstinence.

We are really so uncertain. What is Ding Yu thinking about in his head? But judging from the current situation, it is not a good thing to offend him too much, at least it is not a good thing. In the past, many people have offended Ding Yu, but now they are basically disheartened.

So it's better to have some self-knowledge. If you can't afford it, don't add any trouble to yourself out of thin air. The power is totally unequal. How to play with others! In fact, these are not the most important, mainly because there are so many who can not grasp the details of Ding Yu. This is the most troublesome.

At the beginning, there were many people who were ready to move, but now all of them have stopped. There is no way to stop. At the beginning, if the jade family didn't deliberately release the news, not many people knew the contradiction between the jade family and Ding Yu, so the jade family can control this matter.

At this point, it needs to be explained that Ding Yu's goal is very accurate. He can solve the problem directly, quickly and directly, and it is quite effective. However, this matter has just aroused some discussions within a small range. In a large circle, there is really not much news spread.

In the evening, Ding Yu accompanied his parents to have a meal. Wang Yang and Wang Li did not follow him. After dinner, Wang Changlin and Su Yuan stayed for a little while and said a few words of self-respect. That's all. There was no other meaning.

Some words? Since Ding Yu doesn't say it, it's not easy to talk about being a parent. What's more, it also involves some other problems. If you really ask about this, it will be too realistic to be a parent. This is really a scene that Wang Changlin and Su Yuan do not want to see.

And Ding Yu also did not want to explain what meaning, at least in Ding Yu's view, there is no need in this respect, is it difficult for him to show something deliberately in front of his parents? It's too naive. I don't need to prove anything deliberately at this time. It has no significance and value.

"I just found out now, you are really not so fierce!" Wang Jianguo also said rudely, "anyway, I'm afraid of the people of the jade family. It's too hard to provoke. The economic strength is so strong that people really feel that they can't bear it. Although the cruel words are put out, there are also some fears in my heart. After all, if it is really made, both sides will be hurt, and I'm a little bit more hurt. "

In her own office, Ding Yu also smiles at Wang San Ge, who is slightly "unscrupulous." he runs to the hospital to look for me. There must be something wrong! Since the matter of the jade family has passed, let it pass. Do I have too much enmity with the jade family, not to mention the last thing has been stopped! It's better to take it easy! "

"So it's so strange to say that you are so strange. Anyway, since I met you, I feel that I can't understand you. We have known each other for a few years, right? It's always been a blur! " Wang Jianguo said while shaking his head, "but I'm very interested in people who can give you face!"

Ding Yu also laughed, "there is no way to tell you about this problem for the time being. As for whether there will be such a chance in the future, I don't know. But I think there should be no problem, right? I'll let you know then, but I think it's necessary for you to be prepared in this respect, because the truth may surprise you a lot! "

When the two people were talking, there was a knock at the door. Then he saw the girl with two people coming in. Wang Jianguo also stood up and said, "Ding Yu, let me introduce my hair to you, Mo Hongqi! This is sister-in-law! Red flag, sister-in-law, this is Ding Yu, doctor Ding! "

They shook hands with each other, and then they also sent several bottles of water. Some of the tea was unrealistic. After all, this is a hospital, not in your own home. Soon, the relationship between each other has become familiar. Now that the relationship is familiar, it is better to speak."Dr. Ding, the situation is like this. My mother has some physical problems. The plan put forward by the domestic side is conservative treatment. We heard that the United States is more advanced in treating this problem, but the problem is that we can't find a way to deal with this problem. I heard that Dr. Ding, you

"What's the condition?" Ding Yu's speech is very insipid.

Mo Hongqi looked at it, and then simply said that the condition was a little serious.

As soon as he said this, Ding Yu had a certain understanding of the disease. "The treatment effect of Harvard general hospital is good, but it's not so exaggerated as imagined!" In fact, many people in China have misunderstandings about this. The general feeling is that the hospital may be tall, but the actual situation is not like this.

However, since such a thing happened, Ding Yu also patiently explained it, which was not difficult. After explaining it, Ding Yu also gave a phone call, "I'm still a little concerned over there. I can make this call over there. There's no problem! But it may be a little expensive! "

When the two left, Ding Yu also grabbed Wang Jianguo in the corner, "third brother, what do you mean! How do I feel a little confused, is not it just seeing a doctor? You don't have to come to my side, do you? It's good to ask someone who knows this. I feel so strange! "

Wang Jianguo looked around and said, "my aunt! Ever since they got this problem, there have been some suspicious people who have a very heavy burden on their minds. " After that, Wang Jianguo looked around again, "plus, there are other problems and conditions at home."

Ding Yu also had such a feeling of crying and laughing, "third brother, I said such a good thing, can't you push it on me in the future! You're not a doctor who knows me! Why do you always ask me to carry the pot? Do you think the pit in front of me is not deep enough, so you have to step on it? "

"You are really right. I know some doctors in other fields, but there are not many people who can speak. Most of the time, there is not much common language, so the friendship between each other is not very deep. In addition, this time, the things are quite special. If there is any noise, it is not very good!"

When he said this, Wang Jianguo also showed a little embarrassed expression. Ding Yu nodded clearly at this time, "OK! I have other things on my side, so I won't send them to you! " Wang Jianguo is also waving his hand, "with you to open your mouth, this matter at least face can prevaricate in the past, don't say, that day to find you to eat!"

Seeing Wang Jianguo off, Ding Yu received a call from Lily, "I'm going to go back in the next two days and hide from you for two days. It seems that the problem is serious! I'll treat you to dinner at noon! Now we need to add some weight to some people's hearts, and become the last straw to crush the camel

"Is the situation so serious?" In the past two days, Ding Yu has never met lily. This is intentional. It can be regarded as a little tacit understanding! In order to let more people stand up at this time, the wind and rain may be bigger, but relative to the results, it doesn't matter.

"It's about to boil, so we need to add the last fire!" Lily's voice seems very calm. At noon, the place where the two met was a coffee shop. However, the time for the two people to talk was not very long, and it was less than 10 minutes! At this point, the conversation between the two did not seem to be very pleasant.

But the British side is really a bit confused at this time. Lily doesn't sit down at such a moment, but runs to Ding Yu for help. According to the news, the effect of this help seeking is not as good as expected, or even has not achieved considerable effect.

Otherwise, why did Lily still not come back at such a critical time? It was obvious that she did not reach an agreement with Ding Yu. It seems that there is nothing difficult to understand. For Ding Yu, the expansion of Lily's organization is the most in line with his interest needs. Lily's behavior seems to have infuriated Ding Yu.

Two people have a conflict over the fundamental interests. If according to their relationship, Lily should be warmly welcomed by Ding Yu when she comes to the capital. However, it is obvious that the situation is not quite the same as expected. It seems that Lily did not get the courtesy when she came to the capital. This is the problem!

The acting between Ding Yu and Lily is only one aspect. The main reason is that there are other people who are stirring up the muddy water. Therefore, the truth is directly concealed. Even if someone wants to look for it, it is not as simple as imagined. The two main parties are good actors in acting!

As for the attitude of the upper echelons of the United Kingdom on this matter, it is slightly ambiguous. It does not have much influence on them as far as the organization is concerned. As long as the organization survives within the scope allowed, the British side needs obedient people, which is so simple.

As for the question of who lives and who dies, I don't care so much about it? Is there any reason for Ding Yu? It can't be said that there is no such thing, but the British side will not reveal it. No matter who it is, no matter who will bring this matter to the public, this is for sure. As for private affairs? Whose method is more superb?Lily has decided to go back the day after tomorrow. It is said that Ding Yu has given her a special treat and will send her back by plane. It is not clear what the reason is. But obviously, when it comes to a final conclusion, if lily really comes back, some things will be helpless. We must solve some problems after she comes back.

After solving the problem, Charlie met with Ding Yu and left with the delegation from the beginning to the end? Charlie didn't ask lily about it. He didn't know whether he was more confident in Lily or more confident in Ding Yu. It was really unclear.

After all, China is a little far away from Britain, and what about Ding Yu? It is also different from other people. The British people did not think of other ways, but they were resolved by Ding Yu in silence. The British side had nothing to do with it.

Small to small movements can be, even if Ding Yu knows, will not care too much, but if the action is really too big, this is the problem, Ding Yu is not as easy to provoke as imagined, what's more, if Ding Yu gets angry, it's not worth the loss, so take it easy!

In fact, there are two plans, one of which? It's in the capital to get rid of lily, and then put the blame on Ding Yu. Anyway, this thing happened in the capital. Even if Ding Yu wants to get rid of this relationship, it seems unlikely that Ding Yu will be dumb enough to eat Coptis, but he can't say what he has suffered.

However, there are too many disadvantages to do so. First of all, the British upper class will not agree. This is totally equivalent to poking a hornet's nest. Ding Yu's relationship with the British upper class is still very good. Even if Ding Yu is successfully framed in the end, it is not worth the loss. So what about this scheme? Let's forget it!

The so-called second plan is to solve Lily when she comes back. As long as lily is solved, what about the rest? It is relatively simple. What Ding Yu needs is an organization. As for who is the head of the organization, as long as there is no impact on Ding Yu's interests, it can be.

Judging from the current situation, the second scheme may be more suitable. Now that everything is ready, it depends on when to start.

In the evening, Lily came to the courtyard again. "I'll go back tomorrow. Things seem to have gone wrong. It seems that the house has started to go haywire! Everyone became ants on the hot pot

Ding Yu had no objection to Lily's request. He put down his coffee cup. "The plane can be on standby at any time, but my assistant will go to London with me to greet Professor Wilson for me and bring some things back. But you are sure you want to do this. There is no turning back in the bow!"

At this time, lily also gave a cold smile. Her eyebrows stood up, and her eyes were slightly murderous. Ding Yu shook her head when she saw it. It was obvious that she had been angered. Otherwise, she would never be in such a state. The small face pulled down really has a special flavor, which is hard to describe.

"Since they are not benevolent first, then don't blame me for being unjust. I have got the exact news. They are going to do me when I go back. I can't blame me if I say I intend to clean them up, but I never give them the idea and meaning to do it!"

"It's a little helpless, but it's something inside your organization. I'm an outsider? It's not easy to get involved too much. I've helped all the places where I can help. However, since the other party has made plans in this respect, I think it's better for you to be more careful! "

"The partner you introduced is very good, I feel very satisfied, and there is not a person around me, after all, I am not alone, so this aspect of the matter is not so worried!" After saying that, lily also took out the cigarette and ordered one for herself, "but there is something that may need to be discussed?"

"At this time, do you think you need to discuss anything else?" Ding Yu's words are not rhetorical questions, but also some curiosity. After all, they have reached such a point. Even if they want to discuss something, it seems that there is no need for them!

"Misunderstanding, I mean the organizational aspect. What about this time? It will certainly have a considerable impact on the organization. I'm afraid it will be very difficult to help you within a certain period of time. You should know that there is no way to delay the domestic affairs in the UK. We have a lot of people to deal with, so we can only do what we can to do! "

What does Ding Yu mingbai mean when she says this? Although lily has a good relationship with herself and even grows up with the whole organization with her own support, she is on the British territory after all, and needs to serve the British father first. This is the problem! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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