Ding Yu really has no other requirements for Lily, at least for the time being. On the contrary, it also provides quite convenient conditions for Lily. Unfortunately, Lily has no other meaning for the time being. Otherwise, Ding Yu will really consider it and introduce some people to her!

Since lily is going to leave, Ding Yu also made a phone call to her assistant and told her about the situation. How will the military arrange the situation? There is not much to do with himself. Ding Yu doesn't mean to be curious about it.

In this respect, Ding Yu's attitude can be said to be very resolute, completely indifferent, you see to sit! Anyway, where does the plane take off, where are you and where you land? Although it is not your own place, the British side will give this face. As for other things, do you need to pay attention to it?

In fact, the military really hopes that Ding Yu can be more curious and even slightly contaminated, but the problem is that Ding Yu has no intention at all in this respect. I just provide transportation and special immunity. Other things have nothing to do with me. Don't find my head, otherwise, don't blame me for turning over my face.

Ding Yu didn't show any curiosity. In fact, it was a headache for the military. What about this cooperation? It seems that there are some chicken ribs, tasteless to eat, but a pity to abandon. Obviously, what about Ding Yu? He came out of the military. He was very familiar with the situation of the military. I'm afraid this is the main reason why he is not willing to contact too much.

Although the above sentence is hard to say for the sake of national interests? We can't see the light, because if we see the light, the interests of the country will be damaged. This is what everyone needs to avoid.

At the beginning, the reason why he came out of the army has become a estrangement in his heart. If we want to eliminate this estrangement, we can not do it in a day and a half. It will be very difficult. Even if it is the one who has been investigated for a long time, this problem has been left over there and has not been solved.

Do you want to discuss with Mr. Wang about this? The military really didn't expect that Ding Yu would be the grandson of Wang Lao, his close grandson and his eldest grandson. This is also a talisman on his body. Although Ding Yu has not returned to the Wang family, the blood relationship can not be changed.

However, the military personnel considered it and finally gave up looking for Mr. Wang. Why is this? Although Ding Yu said that he was the great grandson of the Wang family, the problem is that the relationship has not been made public until now. What's more, Ding Yu's attitude towards this identity? It seems to be quite problematic.

That is to say, up to now, Ding Yu has not made it clear that he wants to go back to the king's house. He has been there all the time, and the military dare not act rashly. If there is any mistake, who is the problem then? The king's father is not vegetarian!

So the relevant things are also crossed there, we all know how to deal with things, but no one will rashly reach out to deal with the relevant aspects of the problem, all this? We still need to see when Ding Yu will change. We have some expectations about this.

Although the expectation may be so dim, it is better to have hope than not to have hope? I don't know when this hope will come true. But now? Ding Yu has paved the way for the military. The rest depends on the military's own performance.

When Lily boarded the plane, she just met with Ding Yu's assistant. They were not very familiar with each other. Fortunately, Lily was also a character who had experienced many years in the world. She contacted with her, built a bridge between them, and then took their own rest. After all, they had their own affairs.

On the way back, in fact, some things have started. Although lily is sitting on the plane, instant messaging can still be done. Lily can control everything perfectly. She even has time to take a bath to make her body and mind more happy. Tao Jin in the other room feels a little complicated at this time.

The tasks of the military are on one hand, and on the other hand, they are assigned by Ding Yu. What about the tasks above? It is not a difficult thing for him. As long as there is no problem with the special immunity given by the British side to Ding Yu, everything will be very smooth. What he needs to consider is what Ding Yu has told himself. This is the trouble.

He is not clear now. What is Ding Yu's account of himself? Will it be a trial? If the trial is successful, what will happen? What will happen if the trial fails? These problems really need to be considered carefully, because they need to be judged and understood by ourselves.

After coming to Britain, the situation is basically the same as expected. The British side also looked at it superficially. You know, Ding Yu has special immunity. The British side will not deliberately slap in the face. More importantly, at this time, Tao Jin is not as important as lily.Tao Jin looked at what he had brought with him, and he also laughed at himself. On the road, he thought about countless possibilities and made countless reasoning and decisions. However, when he came to England, he found that the eggs were useless. The British side did not care about his own meaning at all. It was just a scornful attitude.

Declined Lily's invitation, the housekeeper William has moved all the things to the car, and then Tao Jin also left with the housekeeper William. As for Lily's side? The situation was a little bit special, and her delay was a little longer.

William paid attention to the assistant sitting in the back, but he just looked at it. There was no other opinion to show. Mr. Wang called earlier and asked him to entertain him. He has been at the manor all the time, and there are many things to take care of.

Obviously, sir, what about this assistant? It seems that there are some test meanings. You can feel one or two of them from the tone of your husband's speech. Although William said that he was curious, he didn't have much to pay attention to because he didn't need it at all.

From the hidden message that Mr. Zhang sent to himself, what about this assistant? It seems that it is not only in the assessment period that it is so simple. As for the problems and conditions, it depends on William's observation. When he arrived at the apartment, William gave a brief account of the situation, then left and gave the assistant the rest of the space and time.

The house is a little empty, but there is still a breath of life. William will let people come to clean the house often. What's more, the little sister will come here from time to time to play. Otherwise, the whole house is a little empty. Although the housekeeper has already indicated it, Tao Jin still comes to the upstairs position.

Looking at the layout, it seems that there is not much difference with the capital. The room is full of books and models, but there are a few pictures on the wall, which are very eye-catching. Most of them are group photos, and there are no single photos. The people in the photos are full of happy atmosphere, which gives people a feeling of happiness and harmony.

After a simple appreciation, Tao Jin came to his room. He had brought the things with him, and there was no trouble or change in the whole process. He had sent the message to his home. He didn't need to worry about the rest of the things. After that, he needed to visit some people and take back the things Ding Yu wanted to take back.

Now the problem is how to bring things back? This is the most important problem, and it is also a headache. Things are handled by one's own hands, that is to say, if you don't move your hands and feet, it depends on your own ideas. If you say you want to, then you can use your hands and feet. If you say you don't want to, it seems unlikely.

Why? Does this matter need to be explained? The truth is very simple, but the simpler things are, the more complex they will be to deal with!

Lily's situation is more dangerous. On the way back, it can be said that there are many twists and turns on the way back. When encountering a car accident, it can only be said that it is a small matter. The bomb explosion, even the terrorist attack, happens all the time without any pause. For lily, this is a great test.

But the more like this, the more she identifies Lily's determination. Who could have thought that these guys in the organization should have inflated to such an extent that they made great efforts for the benefit. I can understand this, but with such reckless means, I feel a little uncomfortable.

Originally, she wanted to give them some opportunities, but who let them not cherish it? Lily kept giving orders on the car. When things were solved, it was dark. Lily was also sitting in the room alone, without the intention of turning on the light. Maybe this would make her feel safer!

Although it is just a day's work, but this day for themselves, really a river of blood, and many of these people, have been with their own adversity, but who let them choose betrayal? The price of betrayal is very serious, but it's not that there are no happy things. You can let go of organizational matters.

The reason why I sit here alone at night, on the one hand, is that I feel so lonely, on the other hand? Although I didn't do it myself today, I also saw blood. The feeling was really terrible. I couldn't say clearly. I always felt the smell under my nose was bloody.

However, after wiping herself many times, she still can't get any improvement. This also makes Lily feel a little distressed. Although she knows that it's a very good way to get rid of a thousand worries once drunk, it's absolutely inappropriate for her to stay sober now.

When Ding Yu knew the news, it was already in the morning. According to the message from the housekeeper, the matter with Lily had been properly solved. "Sir, everything has entered the normal stage, but Miss Lily asked me to pay a sum of money. Does this problem need to be considered?"

"She may be short of funds. Just write a check for her, and my things will be brought back by Tao Jin. Don't forget to prepare well when you leave. By the way, I've been working hard these days!"Thank you William is very clear about the meaning of this words, and also feel a little happy, because the gentleman has no longer regarded himself as an outsider. For himself, the sense of identity is sometimes more important than the so-called money. He does not deny money, but sometimes he is admitted, which is also a matter of physical and mental pleasure.

Tao Jin's life in England is going well. It seems that no one wants to care about her. Ding Yu's account is not very troublesome for her. Then William also gives a file bag to Wang Ying. Looking at William's action, she is serious and seems to be very important.

The package of the document bag is not as tight as expected, and it is not packed with password box or other things, it is just a simple wax seal. Looking at this thing, Wang Ying also feels that the corners of her mouth are twitching. What is the package inside? Ding Yu will pay so much attention to it.

Wang Ying can be said to be quite curious about this, but the above is opposed to this aspect, although they also want to know what it is, but this person is Ding Yu! If you really open this, will there be a so-called overturning situation? It's hard to say.

On the plane back, Wang Ying looked at the package around her and sighed for a long time. However, when she got off the plane, Wang Ying was directly picked up by someone, mainly to report the specific situation of the trip. However, when reporting, Wang Ying also deliberately emphasized it.

"This is what Dr. Ding Yuding asked to bring back. It was given to me by his English housekeeper!" Wang Ying also looked at the people around her, especially emphasized the importance of this package. She obviously had a premonition of something, so she deliberately said this word.

However, she just took the package away without saying anything else. After waiting for about two hours, Wang Ying still didn't get any reply. This also made Wang Ying feel a little bit of a problem. She had already reported the trip, but why didn't she let herself go?

In fact, the reason for this is very simple. The package has been opened, but it is not a simple thing to restore. The wax seal is actually very simple, but the problem is that there is special protection inside. There is a small object made of special materials, which was not paid attention to during the previous scanning inspection.

and so on, after opening the parcel, things broke up at once, and then a fragrance came out. At that time, people thought they were what biological weapons were coming, but later they found that they were specially made perfume, but the taste was slightly special, and the little thing was really quite strange. How to deal with it.

As for the documents inside the package, you have already seen the financial statements of listed companies and some relevant documents. These things are really very important. It is reasonable for Tao Jin to bring them back in person. However, the problem is that the package can not be repaired now. This is the most troublesome one.

Earlier, Tao Jin deliberately said this. Ding Yu could ask for something to bring back, but some people turned a deaf ear to it and opened it directly. You know, doing so is destroying the foundation of cooperation between them!

More importantly, what about this time? It seems that the above did not agree, but someone started privately. Now the problem can't be solved. The only way to solve the problem is to report the matter. Previously, there was no smell at all. After the package is opened, the smell will be sent out, and even if the package is wrapped, there is no way to hide the smell.

This place has been tested many times, otherwise it won't be delayed. It's only two hours. On the one hand, the taste can't be eliminated. On the other hand, it's destroyed. It's impossible to recover. Previously, we expected all kinds of difficulties, but we didn't expect that Ding Yu would be overcast by him.

If this is the above decision, then there is no problem, but the matter has not been approved by the above. Now that the matter has been made public, how can we explain it? Tell Ding Yu that there is something wrong with the package during transportation. Has it broken itself? Don't you think Ding yugei is a fool?

When Tao Jin knew about this situation, he was also honest and stood aside. Now he can't make his own voice. He is only responsible for bringing things back. What's his identity? It is just a link between the military and Ding Yu. The cover identity is Ding Yu's assistant, that's all.

No matter whether the black pot is buckled on his own head or other people's head, he can only bear the problem passively. If he takes the initiative to stand up now, Tao Jin is determined to be very sure that he will definitely die miserably, even the one with no skin in his body.

Now I keep silent, for myself, is the best protection.

At the beginning, he was chosen to follow Ding Yu's side, not because Tao Jin's lessons were the best.

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