Just when the military was at a loss, a message came back, and Ding Yu went away by plane. When hearing the news, people standing in the room with sad faces were even so silly. It seems that April Fool's day has passed. Now who is the one who stands up to make this joke?

Surprise is not to come too suddenly, suddenly people feel a little unconvinced.

However, it was soon confirmed that Ding Yu really left the plane. I'm afraid it was the time for him to get off the plane with Tao Jin. He arrived at the airport with his two children. It seems that he went to South Korea. It is not clear what the reason is. There is no news.

When confirming the news, all the people in the military subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. At least, the difficulties in front of them were over. Tao Jin looked at the things on the table and did not make any other representations. However, the people in the room were very clear that the difficulties in front of them were over, but what happened next? What's next?

Ding Yu will come back after all, that is to say, this time the matter is just to give everyone a buffer time. If there is still no breakthrough in this buffer time, then facing Ding Yu, it is still out of a situation that there is no way to explain.

They asked you to bring things back, but they didn't let you open them. This is exactly two times. What's more, from the current situation, Ding Yu's purpose is obvious, is to test you! But this test seems to have failed for the military, regardless of who opened it. Now the black pot is carried by the military.

"Tao Jin, since Ding Yu has left, you can go back for a while, and then contact with Ding Yu!" After saying that, the speaker also put his eyes on the middle-aged man not far away. His eyes narrowed slightly, staring at him for a long time. He did not mean to speak, but this expression is enough to illustrate the problem.

The reason for Ding Yu's coming to Korea is very simple. The two little guys haven't seen their mother for a while. Moreover, when Tao Jin didn't come back, they contacted him as soon as possible and knew that something was wrong. All these were in his expectation. So he pushed his boat along the river. Moreover, he needed to meet sun Yingnan!

It's not very appropriate to arrange a meeting in China. Sun Yingnan's identity is now more or less sensitive, at least for domestic people. However, arranging to meet in Korea saves a lot of trouble for him. There is also a reason. It seems that someone bullies his mother of two children, which is hard for Ding Yu to bear By.

Sun Yingnan came to South Korea one step earlier. The relationship between her and Kim Tae hee is quite good, a little bit of so-called small competition, but this is not the main contradiction between each other, so they get along well with each other. To know that Ding Yu can know Kim Tae hee well, there is also sun Yingnan's credit.

Sun Yingnan wants to keep a low profile, but the problem is that she also came by private plane, and there are so many people around her, not only bodyguards, but also assistants and other personnel. After all, she has to report some problems and conditions to Ding Yu, the master. It is also a summary, so all relevant personnel need to take them.

Although South Korea has developed well in recent years, some enterprises have sprung up in China, but relatively speaking, what can sun Yingnan see in his eyes? Not much.

But it's a matter that he didn't pay attention to. Sun Yingnan really didn't say anything else about it. He came here to report the situation. By the way, he had a look at his old friend and solved the problem. He had no other plans.

However, sun Yingnan's lack of this meaning does not mean that the South Korean side has no meaning in this respect. Sun Yingnan's reputation on Wall Street can be said to be well-known, and even many people describe her as a flaming red lip behind the scenes. Her means are absolutely cruel and heartless, and she is a character.

In fact, at the beginning, we really didn't have much impression on this female devil. Although she has already played a role in the energy capital market, what you really know about her is probably the outbreak of the subprime mortgage crisis!

But what about this understanding? It is also quite one-sided. More often, it seems to spread false information. There is no practical thing. In addition, the relationship behind her is also extremely complicated. So once she comes forward, it is really quite shocking. Let alone countries like South Korea, even Europe and the United States, do not let go.

However, sun Yingnan is still a very low-key person. On this issue, he has inherited some of Ding Yu's views, and he is high-profile in his work, but he is very low-key in his life. The understanding of sun Yingnan in South Korea is mainly due to several large consortia? It's just a little bit. It doesn't make a lot of water.

Now, what we don't understand is, what is the purpose of this female devil to come to Korea, because sun Yingnan's identity is so special, and the national side of South Korea has also done strict protection work, but the following situation makes everyone feel that there are some accidents, even shock.She even invited a friend to have coffee, and it was not far from the airport. What about this friend? I don't seem to be surprised by sun Yingnan at all. When they drink coffee, they talk and laugh, which makes the people who receive the news feel so incomprehensible. When did this beautiful woman meet such a friend?

However, some people were surprised and shocked, and some quietly reflected on whether there was any crime in the past. This beauty, you know, in a country with extremely developed entertainment, such as eating and drinking, is a very common thing. But after careful consideration, it seems that such a thing has never happened to this one.

On the one hand, she is clean and has a long career, but she really hasn't heard any gossip. Moreover, her family has decided that she doesn't need to have financial pressure. However, some people are relieved, and some people are afraid at this time.

When I was drinking two days ago, my nephew seemed to have mentioned this, as if he had threatened the beauty. There seemed to be a lot of conflict between them. On the one hand, they didn't show too much image, but their nephew seemed to make something behind their backs?

It's not because of that, is it? If it's for this reason that we've found the female demons. Are there so many people on this platform who are too high-end, just angry with children, or even don't even have a fight. Are there so many people who are too much?

Both of them didn't mean to leave the airport. They were waiting there all the time. It's certainly not the reason for the formalities. Even if it's the formalities, it doesn't take so long. It should be waiting for someone! Soon, the South Korean side verified some news, and soon, a private plane also landed at the airport.

Someone went to go through the formalities, but Ding Yu had already walked down from the plane with his children. Looking at the two girls standing there, he also gave a smile. Sun Yingnan and Jin Taixi walked to Ding Yu's body position together. Ding Yu nodded, "hard work, I'm a little late!"

In a place like the airport, they really didn't show too close to each other, but they quickly picked up Ding Yu's two children, one holding one, and even left Ding Yu behind. The two girls played with the children for a long time.

South Korea has some doubts about Ding Yu's sudden appearance. Sun Yingnan and Kim Tae hee have been waiting at the airport for such a long time. Is this a man waiting? And look at the attitude of the two people, it seems that it is not only respectful so simple, who is this man?

Now that the owner has arrived, the next thing is simple. A group of people left the airport in a big way. However, some of them went to the hotel, and the other part went to a villa. Not many people went to the villa, and few people entered the villa.

"There seems to be a lot of noise outside!" The two children have already rested. Jin Taixi also specially brought tea, knelt down there, placed the tea in front of the two people, and then knelt down not far behind Ding Yu.

Sun Yingnan also slightly smile, his master for this woman is really not the general pet, he really has so some small jealousy feeling, but jealousy to jealousy, he is very clear, two people's position and identity is not the same, there is no need to have any comparison, there is no need for that.

In the most realistic terms, there is no conflict of interest between the two people, so naturally there is no contradiction. It is so simple. "It seems that the news has been passed on. My identity seems to have played a small role, but I have tried my best to hide my identity, but it seems that the effect is not very great!"

Ding Yu took a sip of the tea cup and nodded to Tai Xi, "not bad!" Kim Tae hee is also happy to Zizi, other issues she really did not care about, but Ding Yu's words, for her, is not just to encourage so simple.

"The development of these years is a little fast, and even can be described as expansion, so try to keep a low profile, but it is not as simple as you think. You are already very excellent!" Ding Yu is also generous in praising sun Yingnan. Although he says that Ding Yu has mastered some information beyond time and space, without sun Yingnan's help, everything is just a mirror image.

"Time is too fast, so some actions will inevitably reveal the so-called horse feet. From this, we can see that our inside information is really very weak. This problem still needs to be recognized. If we have a deep foundation, then our total interests can even be increased by 10% or even 15%."

Two people simply talked about some work related matters, and then everyone went to have a rest. Kim Tae hee's face was also a little red. Today, it is not only that he is at home, but also sun Yingnan. His heart still feels so guilty.

But anyway, he still went into the bathroom and looked at Ding Yu standing there. Jin Taixi also forced himself to come to the position behind him, but then he also dragged Ding Yu to the bottom of the shower head. Jin Taixi also called out, and even his little hand was patted in front of Ding Yu's chest.But then the voice was blocked, and then the small hand slowly put his arm around Ding Yu's neck. The two people spent a little longer in the bathroom. Recently, Jin Taixi has begun to forget himself. He feels that he is not himself. He has also checked some information. How can a man be so strong?

If the quality of life, for Kim Tae hee, there are really so some can not bear, his body has so many can not stand it! Even in the process, Kim Tae hee also thought about whether he wanted to drag sun Yingnan in. He felt that he could not bear it!

But what's the good news? Ding Yu still takes pity on himself. Otherwise, the next morning, he can't get out of bed. In that case, it will be more than embarrassment. But even so, the next morning, I still feel a little ashamed, especially in the face of sun Yingnan.

"Let's give you a day off. The scenery and environment of Walker villa are pretty good. Let's have a meeting tomorrow." Ding Yu also explained with sun Yingnan some relevant information, we are not here for tourism, relax some, no problem, but can not be too reckless.

Sun Yingnan takes a look at Kim Tae hee, who is dressed in household clothes. He also smiles. In fact, he is the same on his body. At this point, he is not too restrained. He is the master. However, for himself, Jin Taixi is not the master. This is different from her son and daughter.

Ding Yu is not very fond of going out for a stroll. Instead, Kim Tae hee accompanied sun Yingnan to go out for a stroll. It is not to say that he wants to buy something, but to go out and contact his feelings. He has no other actions and ideas.

But for the South Korean side, the information they have got is enough to make them feel shocked. The Wall Street witch is actually a friend of Kim Tae hee, and the relationship is still abnormal. What's more, the witch has brought so many people here. Is this going to do something about the economy of South Korea?

This is not a joke. We should know that affected by the subprime mortgage crisis, the problems in South Korea have become more and more serious. Now, except for Samsung, all the other outstanding enterprises seem to be in such a state of malaise. If we say that this female devil displays her so-called hands and feet here in South Korea, it will definitely lead to a bloody situation.

When sun Yingnan and Jin Taixi were choosing goods in a small shop, several cars came to the door, and then a few black supermarkets came down from the car. It seems that the people on the car are extraordinary, mainly these cars are also very ordinary.

It's not Rolls Royce, BMW, Mercedes Benz and other vehicles. It's made in South Korea. But it seems to be very famous in South Korea. It's not that everyone can afford to drive. The bodyguard standing at the door looked at the situation, the first time to block the door, like a joke, you want to go in?

"Hello!" The person who came here also introduced me. The bodyguard standing at the door didn't pay any attention at all. No matter who you are, I don't know. What's more, my boss doesn't have an appointment in this respect, so I'll stay where it's cool! You may have some identity in Korea, but in my eyes, bullshit is not.

Don't say to see sun Yingnan and Kim Tae hee, even the door has not been reduced, the bodyguards directly to the block, this if there is no sign, the bodyguards will do this? It's impossible at all, but the bodyguards do it like this. The meaning is so obvious.

Obviously, sun Yingnan is angry for his friends. This matter can't be resolved by apologizing. It's too simple to think about it! At least what about your identity? There are still some who are not qualified. The visitors have bowed there for a long time, but the problem is that the bodyguards have no attitude at all.

In the view of these bodyguards, it's OK to be responsible for the safety of sun Yingnan and Jin Taixi. As for other problems, they should not worry about. Sun Yingnan also has his own assistant, but the assistant is carefully accompanying sun Yingnan and Jin Taixi inside. As for the people outside, he has no time to pay attention to them!

The people standing outside were already very anxious, but the bodyguards wouldn't let them in, and the people inside didn't mean to come out. The sweat soon soaked the clothes on their bodies. It wasn't hot, but scared. How could such an evil barrier come out of the house!

There are so-called stars in South Korea. Who do you like? You like this one. Of course, if you take the initiative to pursue it, there is nothing wrong with it, but what have you done? Such a big devil! My family is so small that I can't stand it. It's not a matter of one or two yuan.

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