It's impossible to find the relationship between the female devil and the female devil. We still need to find another relationship. Jin Taixi is one of the parties. We should look for clues in this aspect from her body! Her father's intersection is also relatively wide. Although she said that this matter had some shame, now it is the most important to be able to solve the problem.

When he heard about this, he was angry and even patted the table heavily. He didn't want to be shameless. What kind of person did he regard his daughter? If he said yes, would he still be a father? I didn't cut that guy with a knife. It was light.

The problem is that we can afford to wait here, but some of the South Korean government can't afford to wait, or some of the big consortia behind it can't afford to wait. What are the reasons? Now the international crude oil price has been crazy, completely crazy, but at this time, the female devil of Wall Street has come to South Korea. What do you want to do?

South Korea has already felt the hairy bone velvet ran, even if it is a platform for friends, it doesn't need to visit in person, right? South Korea is too small, and whether it has any so-called resources, all of its oil needs to be imported. If this big devil makes trouble again, it is hard to estimate how far South Korea's economy will decline.

This is not about worrying about gain or loss, but about the real situation. This is how a large group of people live in Walker mountain villa. Do they come to visit the mountains and rivers? It seems that some of them are unlikely. What's more, are these consortia in South Korea? Also want to through this opportunity, and the big devil pull a relationship.

Europe, the United States and the United States are now about to start cooking. At this time, the big devil of Wall Street has a mind to come to Asia, even to South Korea. We can imagine how much influence this reveals.

Moreover, there is a problem. Both of them are women. If we talk about Madame diplomacy, we can't say too much. There are not many people who can set off the female devil at the level. However, if we don't engage in Madame diplomacy, then there are not so many women who can take advantage of it.

However, the Korean side soon found two very suitable representatives, one is the eldest princess of the Lee family of Samsung, and the other? The identity seems to be quite special. Although the representative figures of the Grand National Party of Korea lost in the previous presidential election, their prestige remains unchanged.

It is also quite extraordinary that the Li family of Samsung can seize this special visiting position. After all, in the past, because of other things, the Li family made a lot of noise and had a bad impact. Even the prince went abroad to avoid risks. Of course, there were some other problems and situations involved.

But anyway, to be able to seize such a position is enough to shock other forces. As for the other one? This has no choice, can not let a man come to visit it! Both emotion and reason are not in line with the situation.

However, it seems that it is not appropriate to block people in the street. It happens that Jin Taixi and sun Yingnan also go home at noon. Originally, there are some inappropriate people on the street, but now they can't care so much, so they also go straight to the villa.

Kim Tae hee was stunned when he heard that someone was visiting. After hearing the visitor, his chin was about to fall to the ground. Of course, the Li family heard about it, and the presidential candidate was deafening. To some extent, these two are their idols.

Immediately, Jin Taixi also looked at the two people sitting there, seemingly indifferent to Ding Yu and sun Yingnan. Their attitudes seemed not to have been taken seriously. Kim Tae hee also explained patiently. What about the big Princess of the Li family? Not very cold, but for the former presidential candidate seems to have some interest.

In fact, the mood of the two people standing outside the door was also a little uneasy. After waiting for the door to open, their hearts were relaxed. However, the situation that happened immediately also made them dumbfounded. It turned out that a man stood at the door and welcomed a young and handsome man.

Standing there suddenly, it really makes people feel a little shocked and tall. However, it is quite different from the cream and middle-aged uncle in South Korea. The first feeling of this person is not only handsome, but also a little sassy. When he sees the two ladies standing in front of himself, Ding Yu is also the first to extend his hand.


Ms. Park and Ms. Li are also staring at this time. After looking at the two women behind, they are also shocked. When they come, they seem to have forgotten one thing. At least it is ignored by everyone. You should know that at that time, they were deliberately waiting for this one at the airport.

After Ding Yu made the invitation, they walked into the room in shock. Then Ding Yu again made an invitation gesture. Although Ding Yu sat down, sun Yingnan and Jin Taixi hesitated for a moment. The reason for their hesitation is very simple.Ding Yu then nodded to Kim Tai hee, meaning very simple, to guests, you half hostess always need to entertain it! Jin Taixi understood immediately, and then went to fetch the tea in person. Then Ding Yu also indicated to sun Yingnan. Sun Yingnan hesitated, but under the sign of Ding Yu's eyes, he still sat down.

After Jin Taixi came back, they introduced each other, and they began to get familiar with each other. The communication in this process is all in English. Since there is communication, the rest of the things are easier to say. "Mr. Ding, the South Korean side welcomes you very much. We will also seriously deal with the problems and situations that happened to Tai hee."

"What did Ms. Li say?" On this issue, Ding Yu didn't throw the contradiction to Ms. Park, but aimed at the Li family Princess next to her. If Ms. Park mentioned this matter, the problem would not be easy to solve. But if the eldest princess of the Li family mentioned it, it would be another thing.

"It's the son and nephew of Cui's family. It's going too far. It's even a kind of damage to our national image. Such people must be severely punished." When Li's eldest princess spoke, she also deliberately looked at Ding Yu, and then took a look at Kim Tai hee with her spare light. Then she said solemnly, "I have contacted the procuratorial office!"

The prosecutors in South Korea are quite different from those in China. Their rights relative to the police in China are too large to be boundless. What about the police in South Korea? Generally speaking, it is used to maintain public order. When a specific case comes out, it basically depends on the coordination and organization of prosecutors.

Ding Yu also paid attention to the big Princess of the Li family. It was obvious that such an intention could not satisfy him. Then Ding Yu also looked at Sun Yingnan, who understood and nodded his head. The eldest princess of the Li family didn't quite understand what it meant, but the lady Park sitting next to him understood it.

Obviously, this Mr. Ding is not satisfied with the matter, at least the result of the treatment is not satisfied. Since you can't make me feel satisfied, I'll solve the problem in another way. Anyway, the main business of Cui's family is energy business. For sun Yingnan, it's the right thing to do!

Ms. Park hesitated for a moment, and then coughed slightly. "Mr. Ding, our country's geographical location is very special, and there is a little lack of resources. Enterprises such as SK and Samsung, which can support the main industry, not only represent the problem of image."

Listening to this Ms. park's words, Ding Yu's eyes are also slightly bright. She is indeed the person who will inherit her father in the future. This speech is quite unusual, not hard hearted, but absolutely not weak. At the same time? To a certain extent, it reminds the Li family Princess nearby.

"Interesting!" Ding Yu said this in Chinese, and even in the following words, Ding Yu said in Chinese, "Ms. Park, do you have any views on Hillary Clinton's losing the election within the Democratic Party? If it's convenient, I'd like to hear from you. "

Ms. park's eyes are also slightly narrowed for a moment, does this really reflect themselves? At such a time, she suddenly brought out Hillary Clinton. The former first lady of the United States was defeated by a black man in the choice of the democratic party this year, which is similar to her own situation.

I was also defeated by the current president in the internal election. By contrast, the political resources and energy behind the two men are beyond imagination. There are too many similarities between his late father and the president's husband who has left the throne, and the two people's political aspirations.

These thoughts also came out in Ms. park's mind. She knew that it was not a good thing to delay too long. She then laughed, "she is a woman, and she is a strong woman."

As soon as he said this, Ding Yu directly shook his head, and sun Yingnan over there also laughed. This statement is too superficial and even too formulaic, "Ms. Park, you are also a woman, although you say your performance is not the same as Mrs. Hillary, OK! Let's put this problem aside for the time being. Do you think about it? Or is it John McCain? "

"I think it's a little heavy!"

Ding Yu also looked at Sun Yingnan deliberately and nodded slightly. She was satisfied with the performance of Ms. park because she did not follow the rhythm and layout step by step, but expressed her own unique ideas and views. This is really not easy.

"I'll stay in Korea for a few days. If I can, can I invite you as a guide? What's more, we don't want to have any other impact! " Speaking of this, Ding Yu suddenly said in English, "but Cui's affairs are not within the scope of this time. We also need some influence."

After listening for a long time, I felt that there were so many clouds and misty clouds in Li's family. When she heard each other suddenly speaking English, she was in a daze. However, the words also made me feel a little sluggish. How did this happen? How can you say that and it will collapse?"Mr. Ding, I'm very honored to have your invitation, but I think Samsung will definitely give you a satisfactory reply about Cui's family." This is totally the cause of disaster. The biggest difference between himself and the president in office is also here. If we say that if we take office, the attitude of these consortia towards themselves is different from that of the incumbent.

I have heard news from some aspects, and it seems that they have reached some consensus. Next year, the chairman of Samsung may be granted an amnesty. What will be involved in this? I didn't investigate and inquire in detail, just know the attitude of this matter.

This Ms. park is also considering that her own affairs have nothing to do with the domestic consortia. This also makes her realize some problems. But now that people from Wall Street come to her, it is also a threat to her. She needs to think about it carefully and not act rashly.

When leaving from here, Ding Yu didn't mean to see him off, nor did sun Yingnan. Only Jin Taixi delivered him to the door, but that's all. He didn't even mean to send him out. However, the two ladies really had nothing to say about it. The situation was stronger than others.

After waiting all the time, this Ms. Park was a little worried and said, "the so-called punishment is obviously not able to make Mr. Ding feel satisfied. What kind of conditions will make Mr. Ding satisfied? I am not sure, but the result of dissatisfaction is that SK will be taken, which is even certain!"

After leaving the house, Ms. park also talked about this with the eldest princess of the Li family. Because she was worried, the eldest princess of the Li family didn't understand the situation.

Although Ms. park is also a conservative, what about these plutocrats? It seems that I don't have many good impressions. I can tolerate some situations within the allowable range, but it doesn't mean that I will compromise everything. Besides, I have explained all the situations that should be indicated.

As for why they want to win over to themselves, Ms. Park really didn't think about it. Moreover, the people sent out were not as simple as the big devil. Did the people behind the big devil come out and give their own hints? It seems that there are some naked feelings, a little bit of small terrible ah!

The eldest princess of the Li family was not very happy. The reason was very simple. During the whole conversation? How many of their own so some of the feeling of being ignored, people completely did not take themselves as a thing! This makes me feel that I can't be tolerated.

But then they announced their intention to do something about sk. This made me feel a little cold. When I hesitated, a piece of news made me feel confused. The lady sun Yingnan was going to visit her father. What's the meaning?

I just went to visit her, but in the opposite direction, she went to visit her father. Although she said that there was not much news delivered, as a daughter, she got the news at the first time. After her father resigned from the position of chairman, she had already lived in a simple way. What does the devil's visit mean?

Even if sun Yingnan visits in person, the emperor of the Li family of Samsung can refuse. Although the prestige of Wall Street is very high, it does not mean that the emperor will be afraid. The old man has already passed this age, but looking at the list of gifts he brings, he is really a little bit restless.

Then he also personally welcomed the devil, "Hello, Miss Yingnan, welcome to you!"

"Hello, Mr. Li!" Speaking of this, sun Yingnan also stopped for a moment, "I don't know much about the folk customs and customs of South Korea. If there are any mistakes, please forgive me more from Mr. Li!"

Sun Yingnan is also the first to show his attitude, right or wrong this is not important, I believe this president Li will understand, "please How many storms have the elderly experienced? Naturally, they will not take such things seriously. But what about this visit? It's not a private visit. It's more or less business like.

Although it is said that the old man has left Samsung, we all know that this is only a nominal departure. In fact, Samsung is firmly in his hands. He is the leader of the Empire, and no one else can replace him.

Don't look at the old man is living in seclusion now, but does a person from Samsung dare to come out and stab? No one dares to stand up and mention the position of the president. This is not only unnecessary, it is simply crazy, because only if you are crazy, you can make such a choice.

If placed in other countries, this matter may be difficult to imagine, but in South Korea, it is very normal, normal people seem to have ignored some existing facts. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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