"Right? Why didn't you see my sister-in-law? Not quite

In the face of Li Hao's joke, Gai Tianxing shows his helpless expression. Is it really good to tease himself? You should know that you came here with your son tonight“ She went back with the girl! Children's family, too noisy! It's a bit inappropriate to come to such an occasion! "

Things have done a lot of communication, so it's no big deal to say two jokes between each other! Even can promote the feelings between each other, which is also a good thing!

Back to the room, Li Hao also noticed that the door was opened by Gai Tianxing's eldest son Gai Hao! When I saw myself, I didn't have the panic of young people. I was very calm, and I couldn't help looking at it more! His eyes are not entangled in his father's body, is very active to open the door of the room! Everything seems so natural!

Great! Li's kind heart sighed to himself! I didn't expect that Gai Tianxing had such a good son!

You know, a child of Gai Hao's age is the most impulsive age. Let him take the initiative to open the door. Are you kidding? The reverse is almost the same! Even if it is forced to helpless, eyes and expression will also be very stubborn, Shan Si Gai Hao's body even can't see any expression, aiming at this point, this child is not ordinary!

Gai Tian walks to Meng Chong and ignores his son at all!

"Mr. Meng, the guans are coming too!" Whispered, as for how to do the follow-up, this thing has nothing to do with yourself!

And next to Ding Yu, it seems to be indifferent, looking at the hand inside the atlas, also don't know what are thinking about! And Gai Hao after bringing the door, quietly went to the position behind Ding Yu, he saw too many things today! Enough to make yourself change and change from the inside out!

Now I want to take advantage of this limited time, to feel more things, so that I can become better!

After a period of time, Ding Yu and his party entered the auction hall, but they just sat at the back. Due to other reasons, the lights here were even dim!

Originally, Gai Hao wanted to sit beside his father, but he didn't want to be pulled by Ding Yu. He was pressed on Ding Yu's side. Meng Chong took a look at Gai Tianxing, who was sitting beside him with his elbow!

Gai Tianxing really didn't expect such a thing to happen. Today, his son's performance is in his eyes and in his heart! Compared with the past, the son is absolutely earth shaking changes, are about to change their own dare not recognize! The most direct reason is because of Mr. Ding!

Of course, Gai Tianxing also knows that the reason for Mr. Ding to do so is very simple! Because I followed Meng Chong, if I didn't stand on Mr. Meng Chong's side, what would be the result? Don't take it for granted!

Because it's the sofa, so when you sit down, the sitting posture is not so easy to adjust. For Gai Hao, it's a little out of control! Ding Yu is the side comes over own body!

"How do you feel?" Speak in a low voice, even have some intentional meaning!

"I don't know what it's like." what you're learning now is just the most elementary things, but you still don't understand the significance of learning these things, that is to say, you're still reading! What I have read is just because of exam oriented education! "

"Mr. Ding, how do I feel that what you said has no effect on my learning from the school?"

"No! What we learn in school is very basic! It's like building a house! It's not that you only have bricks, it's not that you have wood! Do you still need tools? Brick! Wood, tools and so on, these are the foundation, only to lay a good foundation! You can build a house, what's more, these are mathematics! Chinese and other subjects, you are not good at these so-called contact, you also want to build a house, want to fart eat it? "

"Then how can knowledge be reflected in it?"

"Good question, that means you think!" Ding Yu nodded, "knowledge is how you go to raise! How many stones do you need! How much wood is needed, what kind of tools are needed, how to allocate manpower in the process, and more complicated things include how to build a beautiful and comfortable house. It takes the same amount of time. Why do some people build a beautiful house for a long time! Kick and fall? "

"That's a wonderful metaphor! I understand a little bit! " Gai Hao said thoughtfully!

This time I really understand! It's really not deliberately trying to evade something! Look at his eyes and you'll know!"Uncle Ding, if you were my father!"

"You're thinking shit!" Ding Yu directly laughed and scolded!

Speaking a little vulgar, but it can be very good to close the relationship between each other! At this time, Gai Hao has no tension“ Uncle Ding! I once thought that reincarnation is definitely a technical job! But compared with each other, it seems that I live a more relaxed and happy life, right? "

"I can't say that. My situation is a little bit special! With your uncle Meng's special situation, it really doesn't have any universality! If it's really mentioned, uncle Meng and I! They are all people with special identities. There is no way to change this reality! "

"Uncle Ding, have you always gone too far?" When Gai Hao said this, he had some impulse!

"Not so good in the early years! I'm not in Beijing, so I don't know much about the situation. What about at home? My brother is better! As for my sister? " Ding Yu has so some toothache slightly, "the person pour is no problem, some unruly, good fight against injustice! There are not many people to offend. Of course, quite a few people dare not offend! "

"There is also a question, our identity is too special, and even there are some mysteries to a certain extent. Do you know anything about mysteries? After all, I have a lot of curiosity. It's the same thing. In different people, there will be a lot of romance. This is quite common! "

"Uncle Ding, did you and uncle Meng study hard at the beginning?"

"It's hard when you don't understand! Even can't learn at all! Even if it's a duck like education, it doesn't have much effect. But after knowing some powerful relationships and the essence, it's learning very fast! Even now I'm still learning. What time do you sleep at night Ding Yu seems very casual asked!

"Senior three! So it will take some time! After eleven o'clock! You need to get up at five in the morning! I will have a rest at noon. I have a lot of schoolwork

"After I finish my official business, I am used to reading in my study. It's about 11:00 to 12:00, and I get up at 4:00 in the morning for exercise."

"I wipe it!" The words just finished, Gai Hao directly covered his mouth“ Uncle Ding, don't you? Harder than us? Why? Because you know the essence of it? "

"After knowing the essence, some people continue to explore, some choose to practice, some choose to show off! But most of the time, it's the role of a bottle not satisfied with half bottle clang. In the end? Basically, the drowning people are all able to drown. That's the general situation! "

"Uncle Ding, all of a sudden, I have some longing, but also some fear!"

"I send you a word to keep a heart of awe! I said this to others, but I kept it in my mind

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