Looking at Gai Hao's appearance, Ding Yu couldn't help but move!

"If you say something, just remember! You can think of what I say as chicken soup or Bible! It doesn't matter! But don't take what I say as the truth. To a certain extent, you can doubt it and verify it. When you think what I say is nonsense, you also have quite a feeling! "

Ah? After hearing this, Gai Hao felt his scalp numb. Is uncle Ding making fun of himself on purpose?

But Ding Yu did not make any explanation!

And this is to let Gai Hao quite depressed, but there is no way!

And next to Meng Chong this time is with the side of Gai Tianxing, from time to time will command twice! It's not a big deal to start with good things!

But it's a pity that I didn't know it was intentional tonight? Or bad luck! There are always people who want to fight against Meng! Meng Chong here is also very good to feel this!

And Gai Tianxing's face was so ugly at this time! Mr. Meng chongmeng has already felt it! Don't you really feel it? How can it be! But just because I feel it! That's why I feel so incredible! Even in my heart there are some terrible feelings!

Who is so shameless! Even a little breathing space is not given! That's too much!

You know, after coming here, no matter Mr. Ding or Mr. Meng, they don't have much communication with other people. What's the only contradiction? Maybe it's Guan? But this contradiction is not big. Although Mr. Meng has already suppressed his anger in the past, it does not mean that there is really nothing left!

What's the matter with Guan family? You're gone? It shouldn't be!

Want to get back this face for chairman Guan? But you can't do it in this way! Where did you put Mr. Meng's face? What's more, some things can't be suffered twice!

But I dare not mention it with Meng Chong. I have already observed it! Mr. Meng's face was a little gloomy in the past, but now it has completely disappeared, and he even deliberately picked up another topic with himself!

"Lao Gai, although elder brother said it was for my face, how can I say that? If Gai Hao didn't have this dexterity, he would never have said that! It seems that this tutor can! Anyway, it's very rare for me to go all the way? "

Gai Tianxing has a peek“ Mr. Meng, I dare not say that! With a look at Mr. Ding, I feel that there are some sudden changes in my heart! I can't tell what it is because of? "

"Big brother is always like this. You haven't seen big brother angry, OK? I'm standing so far away that I don't dare to get close at all! " Meng Chong said in a low voice, "we may have to go to the capital in two days, and then do some preparatory work. This should be your strength!"

"Mr. Meng, I haven't made much contact!" Gai Tianxing rubbed his trouser legs with his palm!

"Nothing! Just act on the occasion! The people in the family are more easy to talk, because of big brother, other people see us! I don't know what's going on. You'll know then! "

Although Li Hao didn't take the stage to host the auction, the whole auction was under his control. Of course, he noticed Guan's death! With this morning's time, Li Hao inquired clearly!

Yes! Xiaoguan is climbing on Gaozhi. He knows this thing, even the details of Gaozhi, but he also knows Meng Chong's identity. Besides, he is Mr. Ding around him!

I noticed that I had seen Mr. Ding, especially his eyes, which left me too much impression!

Too calm! Just like the calm sea! No matter it's gale or rainstorm, it can't be moved! But just because of this, Li Hao really has some fear! Can let Meng Chong all such compliment, add his this performance, this person's identity! It's not as simple as you think!

Such people do not have too many conflicts, not to mention even if there is a conflict, to solve it! What's the matter? We must be more serious, we must be out of the heart of this tone, but the problem is that you do not even know the details of others! That's it?

Ding Yu is watching the auction, and the security guard quietly walks to the position behind him. When he hears the footsteps, Ding Yu is surprised! The security of my family came over. What happened!The security guard whispered two words in Ding Yu's ear! Ding Yu can't help but be stunned!

"Meng Chong, go!" Ding Yu took advantage of the situation to stand up! Go out the first time! Meng Chong was a little at a loss, but he stood up for the first time! Next to gai Tianxing and Gai Hao, they stood up and went out together!

Meng Chong is a little puzzled, but after taking a look at the elder brother's security, he doesn't mean to hear anything. Now it's better not to mention too much! But look at big brother's appearance, it doesn't seem to be so anxious!

Looking at all the way straight over the good, Meng Chong toward him put a hand! Li Hao is slightly bow, his own show this aspect of the attitude is good! As for going forward or not, it's not so important! It doesn't need to be a thing!

The party came to the location of the parking lot! Ding Yu looks at the bus not far away! There is a little twitch in the corner of the mouth!

"Meng Chong, you follow me, Lao Gai, you go and wait for a while!"

Then Ding Yu took Meng Chong to the bus! Before Ding Yu got close, the door of the minibus opened! When the people who came down saw Ding Yu, stand at attention and salute“ Director Ding

Ding Yu nodded his head slightly! The attendant simply checked Ding Yu, and then emphatically checked Meng Chong. It's not the first time Meng Chong has encountered such a situation, but the salute in front of him makes Meng Chong feel different!

After the inspection, Ding Yu takes the lead in getting on the bus, while Meng Chong carefully follows Ding Yu!

Then the door was closed! You can't see anything inside!

"Director Ding?" Someone leaned over and shook hands with Ding Yu!

Ding Yu looks at the situation inside the car, there are so many twitches in the corner of his mouth!

Nod your head to your uncle! There are not many people in the car! Ding Yu rubbed his fingers and sat down in the position opposite his uncle! Meng Chong hesitated a little! It is very careful to sit down beside Ding Yu!

Looking at the Venus on the clothes, Meng Chong couldn't help swallowing his saliva! This NIMA is a little scary!

"What's the matter? You are still quite interested in auctions. As far as I know, the auctions in the capital are always handled by the housekeeper. Basically, I have not heard how many times you have been to them. Really speaking, the children in the family should go more often than you do? "

Ding Yu nodded his head“ Meng Chong! My uncle must have lost the foundation of your investigation! " How can Ding Yu not have a clear understanding of his uncle? It is precisely because of a clear understanding, so there is not much to hide!

Su Quan nodded his head“ I heard that Lao Meng's child was mentioned by your mother at the beginning! Your mother likes this little fat man very much. She has to mention it twice from time to time. I didn't expect that she would be a little rich when she grew up! " When speaking, he stretched out his hand and said, "I'm Su Quan! His own uncle

"Good uncle!" Meng Chong, who was sitting there, quickly stood up, stretched out his hands and shook them with Su Quan!

Looking at Meng Chong cautious appearance, Su Quan cold smile, "pour also reluctantly can, although some mischief!"

"I've got it!" Ding Yu snorted, which made Meng Chong shiver, "uncle! Are you trying to make use of this? Meng Chong, if you have something else to do, I won't leave you! "

When Meng Chong got out of the car, looking at the closed door, he couldn't help feeling the sweat on his forehead. He was really scared! No kidding!

Go to gai Tianxing's side, is to put his body to gai Tianxing's body, pressure of Gai Tianxing can't help but stagger for a while, fortunately Dahong beside! So I came forward to help!

"I'm scared to death!" After a while's delay, Meng Chong is also afraid to say!

"Mr. Meng? Mr. Ding hasn't come down yet? "

"Don't ask! You'd better not know it now! " Meng Chong waved his hand, but then pointed to the direction of the sky! Gai Tianxing and Dahong understood immediately! Gai Hao doesn't have much experience! There are so many surprises!

"Sir?" Gai Tianxing called in a low voice, "do you want it?"

"No! I can't afford this! Even my father can't afford it? But look at the elder brother's appearance, it has some meaning Meng Chong's eyes brightened up. "Today is really a day of luck. There's nothing to say. I'm sure I need to show off with my grandfather and my second grandfather, and my father!"

When he said this, Meng Chong was a little proud!While sitting in the car, Ding Yu looks at his uncle and frowns slightly. What's the identity of his uncle? Can he still not know? But it's just because I know that I'm embarrassed. Why? My uncle would never go out if he didn't have something to do!

And now it's not just going out! Besides, he is still out of the courtyard. You know, he has always been subjective. Now he suddenly comes to find himself, even without any precaution. It's strange that there's still no problem!

"I came here in secret, of course, in the name of tolerance. I want to find you two things, exactly one thing! Money! Three hundred million dollars! There are still people! At least twenty people are needed

"Are you kidding?" Ding Yu some bares teeth to say“ Money is no problem, but people can't! I don't have so many people! I can give you the money in other ways! It can be cash or promissory note. Of course, what do you need? It doesn't matter, but people don't! That's it

Having said that, Ding Yu's buttocks have been out of the seat, but then Su Quan was pressed there!

"What about people? You have to come out! There is no doubt about that! "

Looking at Su Quan who wanted to speak, Ding Yu stretched out his hand, "uncle, I don't ask anything, and I don't bother to worry about what happened! It's impossible to let me out! Too many eyes, as for the money, this is not too much problem! What else are you dissatisfied with? "

For nephew's attitude, Su Quan felt that there were some toothache!

"Things are a little bit special. The money may not be enough, but it will be returned to you in two years at most."

"I'll go. Is the sun coming out in the west?" Ding Yu snorted, but it can be heard from his tone that he should be more sarcastic and sarcastic. For this, Su Quan really can't say anything. After all, the money he took out from his nephew's pocket is really a little too much, and he never paid it back!

"It's not the same! It will take two years for the money to be in place! " Some money can be used, but what about some money? Can only be borrowed, since it is borrowed, then you need to borrow and return“ But people need a lot of cooperation! "

"It's impossible! Uncle! I can do quite a lot of things, but I need to be responsible for them! " Ding Yu pursed his mouth and said“ So there's no room for negotiation! If there's nothing wrong, I'll go back first! After all, there are quite a few things on my side! "

"Boss, there must be twenty people. There are no conditions to discuss this!"

Looking at his uncle's face, Ding Yu's mouth was twitching“ Do you have to? You should also know, how many eyes are staring at it! It's even more so between us! "

Looking at my nephew! Su Quan sighed a little! Things are really too important! Otherwise, I won't come in person. One reason? Only his nephew here can use the fastest speed to take out the money, other aspects are also able to take out the money, but the timeliness is too poor!

Another aspect? The information management department can't show up. If it does, there will be a lot of troubles. If there is no alternative, we will remember Ding Yu!

It is precisely because this suitable person is Ding Yu! So Su Quan came here in person! If other people come over, whether they can see their nephew or not is a matter of two words! Don't think your nephew has no temper. On the contrary, his nephew has a big temper, and even has considerable opinions and ideas on the intelligence department!

On this point, Su Quan has no way to deny some things! In many places, the intelligence department is not particular about his nephew! Although I am also a person in the intelligence department, or even a high-level person, I really don't want to avoid this! Even quite a few people will not be too shy about it! Because this is the fact!

"If you can, you need someone without any identity or record?"

Ding Yu looks at his uncle! He turned his eyes twice. "How about I find you dozens of old men? They are all elite, and they all come down from the battlefield! I can check my identity, but I can't find anything useful! Moreover, there is no problem with obedience! "

"Do you still have such people?" Su Quan really lost his mind. As far as he knew, he didn't know that there was such a person under his nephew's hand! This is the lack of information!

But the next moment, Su Quan is considering the feasibility of this matter!"It's very important. I'm not sure if I give it to them!"

Ding Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, "what? Do you want me to do it myself? I don't seem to belong to the intelligence department! It seems that this request is a bit out of line! "

"There is no way to guarantee the loyalty of these people!"

Ding Yu hummed to this noncommittal“ It's too much to ask for money or life! Uncle! Anyone here? If you don't worry about these candidates, I don't have any way. What about the money? I'll be ready and I think it's OK! As for other requirements, I'm sorry, I have other things to do now! "

He didn't care about his uncle. Ding Yu got up and left! Su Quan took a look and didn't call his nephew!

When I came here, I didn't expect to be able to talk about such a situation! It is obvious that his own caution and care, or let his nephew feel something! He is always very smart and intelligent! And the more difficult to control!

What are the problems in this? Who is right and who is wrong? Really do not know how to distinguish!

It can only be said that each other is not a system, so the way we deal with things and methods are quite different!

So you can't say that you are right, that your nephew is wrong! Things can't be seen in this way!

Ding Yu didn't walk two steps from the car. Someone on the car came down and quickly walked to Ding Yu's side. He whispered a few words. Then he got on the car again and the car drove away! There is no stop at all!

Looking at the car leaving, Meng Chong went to Ding Yu's side for the first time! A tentative question“ Big brother

Ding Yu waved his hand, "just come out and wait for the bus, it has nothing to do with you, and you don't have to ask!" Then Ding Yu uses a color for Gai Tianxing, who drags his son to drive!

"Brother, that's a little scary!"

"Nothing happened, we just got in the wrong car!" Ding Yu warning said, looked around, at the same time pulled his hand above the umbrella“ My uncle is from the intelligence department, so don't ask for any information. I have nothing to do with them, but you don't have to! "

"Hi! Can I just say it? I must have got on the wrong car, and I don't know who it is, so I stopped the car. Isn't that harmful? "

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