Gai Tianxing, they brought the car here! But just opened the door! A few bright lights shine on it!

Ding Yu slightly waved his hand! Gave their own security a hint, otherwise they will definitely rush to the first time! When Meng Chong saw this scene, he stretched out his hand to block the dazzling light!

"Brother?" When speaking, Meng Chong is not as hippy and smiling as before, and his expression is extremely indifferent! Even with a bit of killing!

Just now, the elder brother took himself into the car. To a certain extent, although he didn't mean to be infected with this, he introduced his uncle to himself! This friendship I need to remember!

I'm not a wolf! With the big brother of this period of time, although I am a little bit! But always in control of a considerable proportion! But it's obvious that some people don't want to be careful today! This makes Meng Chong feel very visible!

Looking at the slowly driving vehicles, Ding Yu has the heart to take a look at Gai Hao standing on his side!

"Well, are you afraid?"

Gai Hao narrowed his eyes and felt that he couldn't carry it! So cover your position in front of you with your hands!

"The light is a little too dazzling!"

"Yes! It's good to have the courage! " These people stand in front of Gai Hao. Now even if Gai Hao is afraid, he will not show too much! What do you say? Can't afford to lose this man!

"Old guy?" Meng Chong also said to gai Tianxing“ I feel like I've given them a chance! Even gave a considerable opportunity! Although I am not a magnanimous person! But what do you say? Some people really think I'm a bully! Even now I want to take a shit on my head. How do you say that? "

"Mr. Meng, I really have nothing to say!"

From the perspective of Gai Tianxing, I have tried my best, even the human relationship that should be paid has been paid! Under such circumstances, Guan family still came to the door! This is no longer a question of right or wrong!

Give you face, you don't, in this case, it's not as simple as slapping you! Especially people like Mr. Ding and Mr. Meng! To a certain extent, what they care most about is their face! Sometimes I think my face is more important than the sky!

Previous forbearance has made Gai Tianxing feel a bit incredible! Even in the heart of admiration, but do anything need to have a limit, right? Can not be endless, and now the family's actions, it seems a bit inappropriate! Even let oneself all feel a little beyond measure!

Look at the people coming from the left and right! Ding Yu slightly rubbed his fingers! Meng Chong's eyes narrowed together, of course, because of the lighting, but more because there are so many people who want to get angry!

"Are you Meng Chong?"

The people who got off the car went to the front position of Ding Yu and Meng Chong! We met last night, but we didn't say hello to each other! So now? It should be the first time we met!

"Wu Bi, right?" Meng Chong takes a look at Ding Yu and then takes a step forward“ Your father Wu Chun, right? Do you dare to come and stab me without asking me about my identity? Are you really floating? Or do you think I can't lift the knife? oh by the way! Your family is united with Guan family! From then on, we need money, money and power! Is that right? "

Huh?! Wu Bi Leng for a moment, because of the light, so he is very clear to see Ding Yu and Meng Chong their figure, is not imagine so flustered! Of course, there is no imagination of holding the head to beg for mercy!

"It seems that you are going to pay the bill today! So I'll tell you something about me, too? You don't know who you have offended in the future! How about me? Meng Chong?! In the Meng family? I'm just a rich man! My father Meng Benqing! The way of Mencius! By the way, the second ancestor of the family is more famous, Meng Zhiyuan

"None of them?" Wu Bi snorted with disdain!

ha-ha! Meng Chong couldn't help laughing! The small ones are so reckless! Even there are some happy!

"What about me? A rich and idle man! So home is nothing? But how to give me the feeling, you seem to be a wine bag? And Guan family? Guan Yue, I remember warning Lao Guan this morning. You didn't come here in the afternoon. You're not very particular about it. Of course, you're still a yellow haired girl. I don't care. Adults don't remember villains, but now you come to the door? What's the matter? I think Dinghu is really deep rooted, isn't it? "With these words, Wu Bi and Guan Yue were overwhelmed directly from the momentum!

They haven't inquired about the origin of Ding Yu and Meng Chong, but their own foundation has been explored! Originally intended to give them a little color to see, but now it is a general!

"You are arrogant! Domineering, it doesn't matter. Anyway, it has nothing to do with me! But you bully me! What's the matter? I think you are really bullying, aren't you? "

Meng Chong almost pointed to his nose and scolded! Of course, Meng Chong is also really angry and angry!

And Ding Yu has been listening to it for two minutes at this time! Looking at the two people who still didn't have any reaction, I was very disappointed with them! Such people? Also want to cooperate with the farm, even a little machine change reaction! I really don't know how to cultivate them at home!

Of course, Ding Yu's "dislike" is not entirely due to the two of them! Mainly by his uncle to affect the mood! So Ding Yu is not very happy now!

So I took two steps forward and came to Meng Chong's side. I patted Meng Chong on the shoulder twice! Meng Chong was stunned for a moment! Take a look at my big brother“ let's go! There's no point in teasing them! "

Looking at Ding Yu has opened the door, Meng Chong Leng for a moment, can hear the tone of big brother is not so happy! Meng Chong immediately understood that something must have happened on the bus before, but this kind of thing is not something he can speculate about, so he'd better take it easy!

So Meng Chong raised his hand and ordered Wu Bi and Guan Yue in front of him!

"You two are really idiots and idiots! Fish for fish! Shrimp for shrimp! You two are really a couple! I'm waiting for you to come! When the time comes, I'll kill you When carrying the car, Meng Chong stops at the door“ I don't know what to say

Until the car lights up, Wu Bi's talent suddenly realized, and then someone ran to the position behind Wu Bi!

Looking at the car that left, Wu Bi and Guan Yue's faces were so embarrassed! During the day, when they got together, they had a lot of discussions. At night, when they were in the auction house, they also embarrassed Ding Yu and Meng Chong! But did not think, others a few words, directly to bring down the dust!

Guan Yue takes a look at Wu Bi. Her eyes are so complicated. At first, she feels that Wu Bi is very good. Her family is very good. Although she has some pride, it's common to grow up in such a family! It's not a big deal!

What about your own family? Want to enter the Wu family, to a certain extent, there are still some climbing! In Guan Yue's mind, even if Wu Bi can't compare with his elder brother and sister, he should still be able to be influenced by such a family!

But now, it's just an embroidered pillow! Two words directly to frighten! Along with the whole people, there are some grass chickens! Let oneself don't know how to mention!

Now everything has happened, but Wu Bi has no way to do it except to be furious! Associated with their own want to call, are furious! Now this time Guan Yue very hate, his previous time, how to take a fancy to Wu Bi? Why are you so obsessed?

"Uncle Ding, is this the so-called thing that can cause trouble, or even cause great trouble, but it can't solve the problem?" While everyone is not paying attention, Gai Hao stares at the bright eyes and whispers!

"Gai Hao, what would you do if it happened to you?"

Meng Chong's ears moved, and then he leaned on his body! Because it is a business car, so there is not much impact!

Gai Hao was stunned! After thinking about it for a long time, I don't know what to do?

"Teach you a good boy! What about this one? There's nothing about principles, or what? Surrender! And the first time to surrender and admit defeat, a little more open, at the same time heart remember! Find it back in the future! Of course, you can also choose to fight hard. It's no big deal. It's just the way you deal with things! "

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing. He could tell that Meng Chong was joking on purpose!

"Listen! You have done so many things! " Ding Yu slightly breathed a sigh of relief“ Gai Hao! This kind of thing may look like a disgrace at your age, but don't be brave! Let's put it this way! I don't know if you've ever been in touch with the air force? Have you ever contacted a pilot! Do you know how their teachers teach them? ""I don't know!" Gai Hao's answer is very happy. If he doesn't know, he just doesn't know. There's no need to mystify!

"In the face of considerable danger, the first time to choose to avoid, of course, mainly with their identity has a considerable relationship! Because they are one by one! All of them are untouchable. It's not too much to say that they are made of pure gold! All in all, the cost on them! It's not a problem to build a few little golden men! "

Heard Ding Yu continue to say“ They are all priceless treasures of the country, and so are you! Size up the situation, in the face of danger, first estimate your ability! Do what you can! Don't try to be brave. After all, you are also cultivated by your father and mother! "

This metaphor is very popular! Gai Hao understood it immediately! So I nodded my head!

"And you, uncle Ding?" After thinking for a while, Gai Hao suddenly came back!

"Such an opponent is very boring!" Ding Yu said with disapproval“ At least for me now, it doesn't mean too much! For your uncle Meng, the same is true, he! I just want to have fun! It's really too angry to have a wine bag like that. "

"Big brother? I'm really angry! How about that? " Meng Chong said, "but that Wu Bi! Jue Bi is a man of wine and rice bags, but Guan Yue's reaction is a bit out of my expectation. I think he should be with Wu Bi in the afternoon! Of course, there should be other careful thinking in my heart. I underestimate her

"Yes! I can see that! "

"Although it's not so obvious, it can be felt that Guan Yue still disagrees with this matter. Of course, there are acting elements in it, but anyway, at least it proves that she has considered it and doesn't know anything! Maybe she didn't understand the interests, but with this thinking, she still has some abilities! "

Ding Yu sighed a little!

"In fact, what I'm afraid of most is that she has the ability, maybe some abilities, but this kind of ability can't go up or down. To a certain extent, she can't realize her own problems at all! Don't experience a little precipitation! That's it for a lifetime! But if we can survive, it will definitely be a different sight! "

This seems to be for Meng Chong, but most of it is for Gai Hao!

And Gai Tianxing, sitting on the other side, naturally understood! But Gai Tianxing didn't dare to be any presumptuous! I know very well that Mr. Meng Chong and Mr. Meng brought these things to me. If I didn't choose Mr. Meng at the first time, I would never have such treatment at this time. This is certain!

At this time, Guan Yue has already called the Wu family, and even Wu Bi's obstruction has no effect!

Because Guan Yue is very clear that the more such things are concealed, the more serious the consequences may be in the end. This is like a mine! Now the mines have been buried, and with the passage of time, the mines are getting bigger and bigger. I didn't pass this afternoon, which has caused considerable consequences!

At that time, we should listen to our father's arrangement. Now I think of it, my father mentioned it to me with great care at that time! Even put down the phone, full of helplessness and exclamation, but his heart hesitated, coupled with Wu Bi and the position next to instigate, so he did not make this decision!

But now it's too late to repent. I can't call Uncle Wu instead of calling Wu's family. If I call Uncle Wu, there will be no chance for me to get along with him! But call the Wu family, the situation is quite different!

I have already done what I should do! What about the rest? I don't know!

Guan Yue's heart is really there are some worries, even some fear!

And the people around you that you bring! Now this time than their own look to panic! If you expect them to give you some so-called ideas, it's better to let them stop!

At this time, Guan Yue finally remembered the use of Gai Tianxing! Originally, he was in Dinghu, not prominent at all, even an indispensable character! Quite often, it's to win over the relationship between customers. As for the so-called business, sometimes the profit is not as good as the salary given to him!

It's a combination of a lot of reasons to open Gai Tianxing! Actually? To a certain extent, it's not that Gai Tianxing takes pride in himself, nor does it mean that he gives directions, but that Guan Yue thinks, what about Gai Tianxing? It's a legacy of my father, not a pillar! In addition, it can kill chickens and frighten monkeys!

I have also considered quite a lot! But on the whole, Gai Tianxing is the most suitable, there is no heel! There won't be too many constraints when dealing with it. Even his father won't express too many opinions and opinions on it!So I opened him up! But now we need such people to stand up, and then we suddenly realize how important such people are! Even completely is the irreplaceable one!

Those with followers can play a considerable role in the interior of Dinghu, but without Dinghu, they are basically useless!

Usually, as long as there are such people, all aspects of people can be contacted! Even how to pave the way, how to deploy, can be very good to operate, but now there are no such people, many so-called pillars? It is the same busy, but how to say? It's like a fly without a head!

Maybe they can play a considerable role, but the force is not used everywhere! We all want to have performance, so the East hammer, the West hammer, there is no accurate number, and even affect their own judgment!

Even Dinghu, the more it develops in the future, the more serious the defect will be!

Even if they start training now, but can it play too much effect? I'm afraid it will be very difficult to do it in three or five years, and even if it can? How can we guarantee loyalty? If we really switch to other companies, all the previous achievements of Dinghu will be wasted! This is a problem that can not be ignored!

Do you want to get Gai Tianxing back? When I think of this problem, Guan Yue, along with herself, has some "patience and good looks". Why? A good horse doesn't want to go back. What's more, he was kicked out by himself in the past! Even if he is not angry with this, but now? People are also climbing the high branch! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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