The Wu family knew the news at the first time, but knowing the news does not mean that it can be solved. This is a matter of two times. The Wu family has no communication with the Meng family! The difference is too far!

Of course, it's all people! So it's not as hard to get in touch as you think!

But what did Wu Bi do? This matter still needs to be understood after all. There are considerable contradictions between them. This is understandable, but how to say? You can't say that if you are powerful and powerful, you can bully people, can you? Although the Wu family is weak, they are not vegetarian!

It didn't take long for the relevant information to be gathered to Wu's house!

Wu Chun is going to be mad! Although I know that my little son is not striving for success, I didn't expect him to be so unsuccessful! What did he do? Smash people's stores! Embarrassing people at the auction, or even deliberately ran to the parking lot to block people. What kind of underhand means are these?

If this is known to the outside world, how will it be arranged? Such a thing born in my own home! I will only use such means to force others. My son has already done so! What about his father? as one can imagine!

Wu Chun thought of so many things at this time! At first, although I felt that my little son was not very successful, I didn't expect that he was so stupid? What's the matter? Do you think you can do whatever you want? What on earth did he think? Is there water in your head?

With Guan's father and daughter trying to save it, he is good! Stop! hold about and give oneself airs! Let the whole thing even go so far! For a moment, Wu Chun felt that his blood pressure was almost to the top!

But anyway? Things need to be solved quickly! So Wu Chun made a lot of arrangements to communicate from the top, but the people below also need to communicate, right? I'll get in touch with the Meng family! Although there may be some roundabout, but contact should not be difficult!

As for the following? After all, we need to let Meng Chong calm down! As an elder, I need to arrange such things by myself. It's all due to my son. Some of them are too shameful! Otherwise, how could that be?

And Meng Chong has not been to the place, he has received a call from home! After two simple sentences!

Meng Chong put down the phone in his hand! Smiling at Ding Yu, he said, "it's obvious that the Wu family and Dinghu have not realized the seriousness of the problem! At the same time, they also got the wrong direction, so no one would care about it! Now I'm fighting for this, ha ha! "

For this word, Ding Yu smiles and puts his hand to Meng Chong!

The party sent Gai Hao back, but when Gai Hao wanted to get off, Ding Yu was watching Gai Hao!

"You have a little more experience today! It takes quite a long time to digest. It's not a day or two, or a month or two. It's not easy for you to understand these things in two or three levels! If you have time, it's good for you to experience more! "

"Uncle Ding! Uncle Meng! I will do my best Gai Hao got out of the car and saluted respectfully. His attitude was impeccable!

"Yes! Come and play if you have time! Tell your mother, Lao Gai won't go back here! There's something else on our side! " Although there is no need, but Meng Chong or exhort!

"Uncle Ding! Uncle Meng! Dad! You slow down

Watching Gai Hao go home! Even Liu Yuan stood at the door and said hello. Ding Yu drove here! Now this time there is no need to continue to disturb the past! Not so much time!

"Big brother, how to arrange the farm? I can't intervene in this matter! And Luo Ge and President Lu have already called! " Meng Chong still has a little resistance to the farm! Lao Gao can intervene in his own affairs, which is handed over to him by elder brother. But let's forget about the farm!

"Do you know on this side of the farm?"

Meng Chong's smile is a little bad“ If you don't know, it's a matter of love. After all, you didn't show up. If orange and apricot came, they might know each other, but would you? Only the name! No one! As for the top? If they don't know anything, I think they're trying to fool ghosts on purpose! "

"Let's go! Now that they all know! See you then! They don't feel comfortable

And next to gai Tianxing is a little silly. He seems to have heard something from the words?Meng Chong patted Gai Tianxing on the shoulder! Then he whispered, "OK! Lao Gai, don't exaggerate. The farm was founded by elder brother. But elder brother doesn't interfere much in the development of the farm or the operation of the farm, so quite a few people don't know about it

After all, Gai Tianxing is a fool! Mouth open big, with Meng Chong dragged two times, also did not have too much effect, but this is understandable! When I first knew the news, it seemed that there was no better way to get there than Gai Tianxing! Now it depends on when he can recover!

After waiting for about ten minutes, Gai Tianxing's eyes turned twice, then touched his chin, all saliva! Gai Tianxing is not very interesting! I don't know when there are a lot of paper towels under it! It's all wet!

"Mr. Meng, is that how you see my jokes?" Gai Tianxing pretends to be aggrieved!

"There's nothing I can do about it. I didn't seem to get there better than you at the beginning! Now that I've been like this! Then you always need someone to accompany me, don't you? " Obviously, Meng Chong did it on purpose!

Ding Yu and his party came to the farm. In terms of time, it was a little late! However, there are also people on duty in the farm. As for whether it is intentional or unintentional, this is not as important as you think!

The next morning, Ding Yu got up a little early. After the exercise, he went to the canteen to have a meal, but there were not many people to get close to! And Gai Tianxing naturally noticed! But there are a lot of people's eyes are more eager, together with looking at their own time, are about to make their own scalp numb! Too much focus!

Even a considerable number of people look at their own time, there are some small joy! As for the reason is also very simple, because I am familiar with some people, at least we have played a considerable hand in!

But no one dares to step forward now! At this time, it is absolutely to find the so-called discomfort for yourself!

Ding Yu didn't mean that he had to have breakfast in the canteen of the farm, but he mainly took a look at the standards of the farm and got to know the mental outlook of the workers by the way! I arrived last night! It's not particularly abrupt!

As for the farm here, are you ready? There must be considerable preparation, and even the preparation time will not be too short! In Ding Yu's opinion, it's a so-called surprise to come here at this time!

If employees have any opinions, they will certainly have quite a lot of complaints even if they don't break out now. This is for sure! But Ding Yu is also clear, some things are really not too true! If it's true, the problems and troubles will be more serious!

And those things should not be under their own jurisdiction. After all, the farm is under the jurisdiction of oranges and apricots. It's better to deal with quite a few things like oranges and apricots! To a certain extent, Ding Yu is just doing something!

If you don't even know how to behave, then Ding Yu really doesn't have any need to exist!

After breakfast, Ding Yu really didn't want to go down for inspection, just strolling in the farm laboratory! Of course, Ding Yu has absolutely no intention of entering the laboratory. If you're kidding and exaggerating, even if it's not for his own consideration, don't make trouble for the farm, right?

And when Gai Tianxing followed Meng Chong, he had a good insight. He couldn't get in at that time! On the one hand, it's because I'm not from the farm. On the other hand? Not qualified enough! Even now I know! Even the people inside the farm can't get in!

It's not that there's something confidential inside. Gai Tianxing doesn't have long eyes. He can see quite clearly and clearly! The reason why the farm is isolated from quite a number of people is that on the one hand, it is for the sake of safety, on the other hand, it doesn't want to be disturbed by too many people! That's all. It's really not as exaggerated as you think!

When I didn't enter here, I was full of reverie about the interior. But when I enter here, I will find that the situation inside is really disappointing. It's true. There is no falsehood!

"Mr. Meng, I've been to the farm many times, but it's really the first time I've been inside the farm. I used to think that there may be some treasures in it, or I don't know what's hidden in it! Although I'm an old guy, I can't stand it. I'm quite curious! "

"A little better than you, but to put it bluntly, it's like a bird!" Meng Chong is familiar with Gai Tianxing, so it doesn't matter“ When I was young, I knew what was in it. There were no treasures or fairies! It's just to make the working environment quieter, and at the same time, you can make a lot of deployment, that's all! I always wanted to go to the mountain to have a look. I followed my elder brother once before. It can be said that once I went in, I would never think about this aspect again in my life! I'm so tired! ""Forget it, don't you?" Ding Yu jokingly said, "I want to say that when I enter the mountain tomorrow, you promise to run faster than the rabbit. Lao Gai doesn't know you. Don't I know you? Do you still have this

"Brother, don't always tear down the platform like this! You have to save me some face! "

Have been waiting to see Wu Bi and Guan Yue and others into the farm, Ding Yu also stopped with Meng Chong between the joke!

Wu Bi and Guan Yue look at the spring breeze. No matter how unhappy they were last night, they can come to the farm today! It's a good thing after all! As for the process, what measures have been taken? This is not as important as you think, or even not worth mentioning!

But when seeing Ding Yu and Meng Chong, Wu Bi's face turned black! And Guan Yue was shocked! Why are the two of them here?

Also didn't wait for Wu Bi and Guan Yue to react, the person in front of is quickly walked to Ding Yu here“ Mr. Ding? "

Seeing Ding Yu reach out, it is the first time to hand in the documents to Ding Yu's hand! What's more, it's a document delivered with both hands. How respectful is the attitude!

"Why should he?" Wu Bi can't hold down her emotion, almost roaring!

Ding Yu's eyebrows beat slightly for a while, while Meng Chong beside him gave Gai Tianxing a cigarette with a smile“ I know at a glance that there is no good education! This is not as simple as being ignorant! "

"Mr. Meng, I have so many difficulties now!" Gai Tianxing looks at Guan Yue not far away! Now at this time, she can only stand there honestly, and what about herself? But can sit here, everyone has their own choice, and since made a choice, then you need to bear the consequences of choice!

"You are cautious. That's why I value you! This year! It's not easy to find someone like you! There are not too many people willing to precipitate themselves! "

"Mr. Meng, it's easy for me to be proud of you When speaking, Gai Tianxing is not as formal as before! However, we need to pay attention to the balance between each other! In this respect, maintain a modest and cautious heart!

Ding Yu read the copy for a while! After seeing it, I gave it to Meng Chong next to me!

Then look up and down at Wu Bi! After a period of time, I looked at Guan Yue, but I didn't pay much attention to Guan Yue! Because Guan Yue won't attract too much attention!

"Wu Bi, right?"?! I can understand it as, "is this the behavior of your Wu family?"

Wu Bi just wanted to talk, but Guan Yue pulled her back skirt! Wu Bi can not help but is a smart!

"Who are you?"

Looking at Meng Chong, Ding Yu waved his hand slightly“ If you do this, then your father needs to give me an account! If the Wu family did this, I'm sorry! I don't care who is involved in it, and no matter how much is involved, it doesn't matter! See what I mean? "

Wu Bi is a bit of a failure, but it doesn't mean he really doesn't know anything! So after hearing Ding Yu say so, he looked at Ding Yu deeply, "who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. The question is what you do and what you do? Some of them are too serious. If everyone is the same as you, it's hard to imagine what kind of consequences they will have. It's really the first time I've encountered such a thing when I've been inspecting the farm for such a long time! "

Then Ding Yu looked at the people in the nearby farm! But it's just that there's really no words, but some people are shaking like quails! So many farm executives are here! We don't have any words. Can't we see the problems and conditions?

Mr. Ding in front of me! Identity is absolutely beyond imagination!

Guan Yue takes a deep look at Ding Yu and Meng Chong. Maybe Wu Bi doesn't understand what happened! But Guan Yue now has a thorough understanding!

At the very beginning, they had a clear understanding of their own affairs, and even the situation of the Wu family. But all along, Ding Yu and Meng Chong didn't do anything, and they even looked on coldly!

The movements of the Wu and Guan families, for them, are just like the fighting between children!

Ding Yu and Meng Chong didn't care whether they smashed the store of Gai Tianxing, embarrassed Ding Yu and Meng Chong at the auction, or in the parking lot. For them, this kind of children's play may be a little angry, but they will never lose their sense. They are just waiting!Now, I've seen everything!

In other words, the problems of Wu family and Guan family have been exposed to Ding Yu and Meng Chong. Maybe Guan Yue was full of confidence before that, but now? My heart has sunk in the ice water!

Although this time the matter itself is not dominant, but already on this boat! Now what if you want to get off the boat? Can everything go back to the past?

And Meng Chong took Gai Tianxing away! Is it because of what they think of Dinghu? If you really have any idea about Dinghu, Gai Tianxing has an unusual understanding of the interior of Dinghu! When I think of it, Guan Yue feels that there is something cool in the back of his head!

Wu Bi did not do any stay, the first time left in a huff! They didn't even pay any attention to Guan Yue, while the senior management of other farms took a look at Ding Yu, and then left quickly! But Guan Yue stood there alone, pathetic!

Think about it, if there is no Wu's participation! Just a Dinghu, want to do such a thing? Too fanciful! But the problem is that Wu Bi has left now! Does Guan Yue dare to leave? It's just to stay for thunder!

Just let Guan Yue stay here to fight against thunder. Wu Bi's work is not so authentic! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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