Ding Yu takes a look at Meng Chong. After Meng Chong understands it, he picks his chin on Gai Tianxing!

"Come on! You don't have to be reserved! You can still give me that face! " It's not Meng Chong's intention to stir up trouble, mainly to give Lao Gai a face, so that he can at least say the past!

Gai Tianxing nods to Meng Chong, then stands up, walks to Guan Yue's front position and makes an invitation gesture“ Guan Dong, please The voice is soft!

It doesn't mean to turn Guan Yue out! But with her came to Ding Yu and Meng Chong in front of two people! Then Gai Tianxing stood behind Meng Chong and didn't want to sit down! Meng Chong looks back and complains. Gai Tianxing smiles. Of course, he knows what Meng Chong means, but it's really unnecessary!

It's just standing. I've been sitting for a long time. Standing up can relieve my body!

"Mr. Ding! Mr. Meng Before sitting down, Guan Yue didn't mean to be reserved, but bowed respectfully. The situation is better than others! If you still pretend to be proud at this time, maybe the next moment, you will be knocked down the dust! This is a certain thing!

After all, in front of Mr. Ding and Mr. Meng, their identities were not revealed, but they were shocked!

"Sit down!" Looking at the elder brother did not mean to speak, Meng Chong snorted!

After waiting for Guan Yue to sit down all the time! Meng Chongcai continued to speak, but Ding Yu was not interested in this aspect at all! After all, Gai Tianxing is Meng Chong's person, not his own. Now it's Meng Chong's turn to show it! This is the reason why Ding Yu is not interested!

Looking at Guan Yue's shivering look! Meng Chong couldn't help laughing! Take the cigarette in your hand, think about it, and put it aside. It's not inappropriate. To a certain extent, it's respect for women. There's no need to have the same opinion with her!

"Mr. Guan? In a word, there should be no contradiction between us? " Then Meng Chong gave a hum, pursed his mouth and nodded, "of course, there may be some small problems in communication between each other. I have a crush on Lao Gai, which should make Dinghu a little embarrassed!"

"It's not Mr. Meng's problem, it's not Mr. Gai's problem, it's just that I'm a little chicken bellied!"

Before, Guan Yue would never admit his problems, but now? Even if the situation is stronger than others, it is definitely not the reason why Guan Yue admits defeat! Because Guan Yue has realized quite a lot of problems, at least proved that he is not the material. Even people like Gai Tianxing can give up. How much water did he put into his head at that time?

Think about it. If Gai Tianxing now stays on his own body, or even attaches great importance to him, at that time, his whole heart was on Dinghu, and he was still his father's daughter!

Maybe he has other opinions and ideas about himself, but he is very sincere to Dinghu, even the one that can't be added. He doesn't have any opinions to express even when he asks him to go to the stall. He even takes the initiative to attract customers for Dinghu. Unfortunately, he didn't know about it at that time!

At that time, my whole thought was to get rid of Gai Tianxing and set up my prestige!

But now? Things may not have been passed on to Dinghu! But I believe that it will not take too long for everyone in Dinghu to know this! Gai Tianxing is dedicated to Dinghu, even the kind of hardworking. Although he is not an employee of Dinghu, he regards Dinghu as his home!

But even so? So what? When it's time to start, it's still like a dog being kicked out!

People like Gai Tianxing can be abandoned at will. What about others? Want to send, is not directly to the document to the face, hurry to leave me! Don't you see the end of Gai Tianxing? Even if it's a good time to go, but because of the previous procrastination, his shop said it was smashed! No mercy!

Even Guan Yue can imagine that even if he goes back now to admit his mistake to everyone, but not many people will pay attention to it! Because in everyone's opinion, it's just because the situation is better than others that I admit my mistake, because Gai Zong's identity has changed dramatically. When he was in Dinghu, he was not regarded as a matter, but it doesn't mean that no one else valued him!

Now, isn't it that someone has a crush on him?

But don't admit it? How to deal with this matter? Put everything on Wu Bi's head? Even Guan Yue knows that Wu Bi made the decision, but the problem is that he didn't pay attention to other things at that time! That is to say, I am at least the default one!

At that time, I paid too much attention to the relationship between the Wu family! I even think the Wu family has done it! Along with other relationships, some people will certainly not be able to bear such pressure. If they can really open the breach of the farm? Think about it, I am so excited! My legs are shaking!

Dinghu's development in recent years has reached a bottleneck, at least in Guan Yue's view, if Dinghu wants to break through itself, it needs the help of external forces! And the farm is the best step! Is also the most suitable!

Dinghu has cooperated with the farm, and even has considerable cooperation! At this point, Guan Yue has a very clear understanding! But in the past two years, the farm has been alienated from Dinghu! The reason is more or less clear! Obviously, my father is not very authentic in some things!

Relying on himself, Guan Yue wanted to turn the situation around. He really had more than enough heart but less power. It happened that the Wu family showed quite a sense of alliance. He had this idea at that time! Have a try! If it is successful, Dinghu will break through its own bottleneck! It'll even soar!

Let alone the Wu family! How can it fail if other forces are involved?

Even when his father knew this, he had no other attitude to show. Why didn't he have other attitude to show? Is it because his father was also moved? Otherwise, how could that be?

These things in Guan Yue's mind once again, although it may be a moment, but even Guan Yue did not expect, this moment will be so long!

For Guan Yue's expression, Meng Chong smiles“ Where's old guy? It's not that I dug it from you. Mr. Guan had been there before, but it was a favor. As for the follow-up? After so many things, Lao Gai didn't mean to keep them in mind! He doesn't care, and naturally I won't care too much about today's affairs? It doesn't matter who is right or wrong. That's it! There is a long way to go! Take care of each other! What does Mr. Guan think? "

"Mr. Meng is magnanimous and general manager Gai is very kind to Dinghu! It's a little girl who has eyes and doesn't know Taishan! It's funny

"Very clever!" Meng Chong looks at Guan Yue quite unexpectedly, then turns his head and looks at Gai Tianxing. Gai Tianxing doesn't mean to speak! Why don't you look at your big brother? He has already made a lot of comments on Guan Yue, so he won't pay any attention at this time!

"Mr. Ding! Mr. Meng, do you have time in the evening? You are welcome. I don't know how deep you are. I hope you can give me a chance

But this words just finish saying, Wu Bi there is a quick walk back! The pace is a little messy, even in a hurry!

It's obvious that the Wu family has already known about this matter. Maybe they didn't understand it, but they still don't understand it. There has been a big mistake in the farm. If the contract has been signed, it may be better. But now the contract hasn't been signed, they have been caught!

What can the Wu family do? And Wu Chun is not saying that he didn't inquire, he really asked! It may be just five minutes, but in five minutes, there is no message coming! What does this mean?

Is there really no news? Like a fool?!

No news, that Ding Yu's identity is absolutely extraordinary! Even more violent than Meng Chong's!

A Meng Chong has already let himself be overwhelmed! Now one more Ding Yu! Wu Chun felt that he was about to lose control of his emotions! Is your son a fool? What time is it! Now just tell yourself this aspect!

Even if Guan Yue didn't tell him something yesterday, the news would be hidden! How could I have such a stupid son?

Can't you even see the priorities? What's more, can't you see the weight of identity? For a moment, Wu Chun even wanted to crush him to death! I really don't know how to speak and deal with it!

There is that Ding Yu's words, things are too obvious! If Wu Bi is responsible for this? Well, we have to give an explanation to our own side. If we say things are done on our own side? Wu Chun even has some who dare not think about it!

Since people dare to say that, they must be quite prepared!

Even a long time ago, we have started to make preparations in this aspect! It's a pity that my son is stupid! The knife has been put on the neck, and I don't have any feeling about it!

Now people have to say! On the difference of direct in front of their own face to say! The question is how do you give a statement? People seem to have given them two different choices, but what is the reality? Is to give a choice!

Can a fool like Wu Bi do such a thing? Are you really treating everyone like an idiot? Or who do you look down on? You Wu family are really good! How can you do such a thing!

Since you can do it like this, I'm sorry! Let's come in the open! Let's see who is more powerful! Does it make sense with you? It's not so hanging! If there is something wrong with the farm, you can! Whatever you do!

But now you can all do it! What else do you want? To reason? Talk to me!

Why don't you open it up?! Look who's better! If the farm has to swallow such a thing, I don't know how many people will ride on the neck of the farm in the future! For a long time, the farm really has not taken any measures, but now someone has extended his paw. This is not as simple as bold!

So make a fuss?! See who is more powerful! If you can overpower the farm, there is no problem, but if you can't overpower the farm, ha ha! Farms are not vegetarian, either!

Of course, there is another meaning for Ding Yu to do so! Although Lao Gao doesn't stare at himself all the time! But he can't have no news of this aspect. Even the forces behind him should have considerable attention!

In that case! Then give them some news! They think they will stop and have other ideas!

Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to Wu Bi's arrival! Meng Chong looks at Wu Bi's phone, smiles at Wu Bi and answers the phone! At the same time, he nodded to Guan Yue!

Guan Yue is a little confused, so after Meng Chong answers the phone, he immediately stands up. Although he answers the phone in situ, this action gives Guan Yue a new understanding of Meng Chong!

Would you stand up if you were yourself? Even if you don't stand up, no one will have other opinions and ideas! They have the strength and capital!

But Meng Chong still stood up!

From the perspective of common sense, this is a kind of respect, but can you learn such respect for yourself? It's not that you can use it on your body after you have seen it once! Think of here, Guan Yue is really so some emotion, emotion at the same time there are so some chagrin!

The object of chagrin is naturally Wu Bi beside him! Look at him. He's as honest as a quail! But there is still a little resentment in the eyes, even the one without cover up! Have reached such a point, you do not know any repentance, what should you say is good?

Even he can see Wu Bi's mood, Ding Yu and Meng Chong can't see it, but even if they can see it! But both of them didn't make any response. What's the reason? Does it need to be explained? It shows that people don't care about it at all!

In other words, Wu Bi was not seen in the eye at all! Out of the understanding of Wu Bi, Guan Yue really doesn't think this is a good thing! You know, he could have smashed the store of Tianxing before, and later embarrassed Ding Yu and Meng Chong!

This kind of person is just because he didn't find the so-called "self-confidence" in front of Ding Yu and Meng Chong. It's just a small thing! Under such circumstances, they are all wantonly retaliating!

Think of this, Guan Yue's heart suddenly has a very bad feeling! Also can not say what the reason is caused, anyway give Guan Yue personal feeling, is not appropriate!

Meng Chong didn't speak for a long time, and then he handed Wu Bi his mobile phone!

"There's nothing wrong. Now that it's all said! Big brother and I will not keep two! Please help yourself

Just then, Wu Bi snatched the mobile phone directly. She didn't want to pay attention to Guan Yue at all, so she went away! Meng Chong has such silly eyes! Guan Yue looks at Ding Yu and Meng Chong and apologizes! And then quickly catch up!

Meng Chong takes a look at Gai Tianxing, and then looks at Ding Yu! At the same time, I pointed to myself!

"Big brother! Am I just so unpopular? Isn't that a little too much? " When he said that, Meng Chong really felt a little out of breath! Nima! I'm talking to your father! Is it settled? This is not so important, but the question is your attitude. What do you want?

What's more, was it just for your face? That's just to give your father face! You really think of yourself as an onion! But it also depends on whether I want to dip in the sauce!

Ding Yu looks at Wu Bi far away and shakes his head slightly. After thinking for a while, he speaks aloud!

"Meng Chong, do you want to make a bet?"

Ah? Meng Chong was stunned for a moment, and then he responded, "won't you? Brother, will this guy do it? " Then Meng Chong took a breath of air-conditioning, "I'm the one who fucked him. Is this guy crazy? At this time, he has other thoughts. What does he want to do? You don't have to do it that way, do you? "

"I don't know the details? What about? Do you want a bet? "

Meng Chong looked at Ding Yu and thought for a while, "I bet I lose?"

"What is it?" Ding Yu wants to swear a little. Looking at Meng Chong, he can't help humming, "you'll take advantage of it! forget it! Anyway, when you go home, you won't be too astringent. You can choose what to look at at at that time! "

For this aspect of things, Ding Yu is really not so concerned, as long as Meng Chong like it!

But the back of Gai Tianxing has some toothache“ Mr. Ding! Mr. Meng, is this inappropriate?! Will there be too many risks! I just looked at his eyes and movements. It's a bit strange. It's hard to say what he will do! At this point, we can't be unprepared! It's better to be safe! "

Ding Yu looks at Meng Chong. Meng Chong also looks at Ding Yu!

But Ding Yu didn't mean to speak, and Meng Chong grinned“ Old guy! This matter needs to see blood! It's not easy to do without blood! With blood, things will be easy to do! "

Ah? Gai Tianxing's scalp is numb“ But the problem is that I don't know what kind of methods he won't adopt! Such a child must be spoiled seriously at home! It's not easy to do things at that time! That's what I'm worried about. If I were older and had some experience, I might be OK! "

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