Ding Yu and Meng Chong smile at each other, and then shake their heads!

"Old guy! The so-called habitual son is like killing a son. Who knows this truth? But when it's your turn, there will always be many problems and situations. Who caused them? I'm afraid no one can make it clear! When it's not my turn, it's better to speak than to sing. When it's my turn, it's too late to cry! "

Meng Chong patted Lao Gai on the shoulder!

"What's more, we didn't give it a chance! Even the opportunity is placed in front of him. There are two roads. Let him choose by himself, since he has chosen! Then we have to bear such a price! "

"Let's go!"?! It's too hard for the young master Wu of the province to wait! "

Although Meng Chong was a bit of a mouthful just now, now he is looking at Ding Yu attentively! Sometimes there are not too many problems to say, but if you really do it, Meng Chong is quite worried in his heart!

"Brother! I'll do it with old guy! Just forget it! We're both rough and fleshy! I really can't bear the responsibility, brother, you pity me! Is that all right? "

Ding Yu snorted! Coldly said“ The weight of you two is not enough. If you add me, the situation will be different! I asked the security to make a considerable arrangement, there is no too much problem! Stop dawdling! Get in the car! Think about where you should go at noon! What's more, that young master Wu should be an acute man! You can't make people wait too much! "

Ding Yu and his party have just left the farm. They may not have gone far! Two muck trucks show up! The security guard in the car has been informed! When Ding Yu and Meng Chong heard the news, they also looked at each other!

Think is a thing, really things come to another thing!

"It can be seen that this young master Wu is really not an ordinary acute man!"

Meng Chong and Gai Tianxing, who have got the news, tighten their seat belts and check their objects at the same time! What kind of situation will it be like after a while? I really don't have much confidence in my heart! But look at the expression on Ding Yu's face, it seems that he is quite stable again!

Security has absolute control over the car, but even so, two cars! There are still some problems!

Ding Yu is a little better. There's nothing wrong with him. Where's Dahong? It's just a bruise! As for Meng Chong and Gai Tianxing, they are a little sad, but they are just superficial injuries! But the car is not so good! Of course, this is also the reason for the intentional security, otherwise it would not be so!

Meng Chong looked at Ding Yu and then at other people. He didn't know where to take out the "red ink". Before he got off the bus, he sprinkled it on the people in turn. On the surface, it seemed that it was not so miserable! But even so, Meng Chong still felt a little bit inadequate!

"All right?" Ding Yu looked at Meng Chong with disgust, "too much is better than too much!"

"Big brother! I have to make myself worse! And big brother? Aren't you a doctor? "

Looking at Meng Chong with a bad smile on his face, Ding Yu really doesn't know what to say! The previous tension has disappeared! It can be seen that this time, he is still very concerned about it“ Head ache, when waiting for a while to check, go to the bathroom to buckle his throat, and then turn a few more circles! Just go to the doctor when you feel dizzy! "

When speaking, Ding Yu is pinching Meng Chong's pulse, together with Gai Tianxing, they have not let go!

"It's not a big deal. At most, it's a little frightening! In the evening, just drink some tranquilizer! But I don't have to think about drinking these two days! Call now! Go to the hospital for examination! "

Ding Yu and his party came to the hospital. Meng Chong was not ambiguous at all. After coming out of the bathroom, he ran to the doctor for a meal of white work! Even the doctor has some silly eyes, but looking at even the head of the hospital coming, he will not be unintelligible!

What's more, Dr. Ding is also a person inside the system! Quite a lot of things we all know, since the president did not say anything, then why do you have to pierce this layer of window paper? Anyway, check one by one, how serious the situation is!

After all, just now I checked Dr. Ding through my mobile phone and computer. I don't know if I didn't check. After checking, I was really scared. I didn't pee in my pants! It's a bit of an exaggeration!

My father gave birth to my mother. Why are you so excellent? Do you want others to live like this?

"What? I beg your pardon? I didn't hear you clearly? " Wu Chun has no way to believe his ears! Feel your head suddenly as if there are countless machines roaring in general! Buzz!

After waiting for the phone to say it again, the phone in Wu Chun's hand fell down on the desk, and Wu Chun was a fool! Then he fell on the table! Fortunately, the next secretary was quick to help, and then quickly took out the insurance from the next pocket. Seeing that Wu Chun's mood was stable, he helped to the next chair!

"Xiao Zhao, get ready to get off!"

Give orders to your secretary! When the secretary left, Wu Chun looked sad! How did you give birth to such an evil animal! How can he be so ignorant of the importance? Why don't you discuss this with your family!

Even if you don't discuss with your family, you should consider it! Act on impulse! You think everything can be solved by force? If all things could be solved by force, he would not have known that it was buried in that pit today! It's his turn there and he's still breathing!

Maybe at the beginning, we should be cruel! Directly solve all the problems! As for the current catastrophe? Originally, the attitude of the farm has been very dissatisfied! okay? They can maintain the current balance, are already haggard, OK? How about the farm? His son stabbed himself in the other way!

This knife is really good! Originally, there was still talk about everything, even if it was to sacrifice themselves, it was no big deal! But now? After this knife goes down! It's not just about sacrificing yourself! Maybe the whole Wu family needs to be buried! There is no doubt about this!

It would be disgusting for anyone to do so! However, due to many aspects of things and problems, the farm is not easy to make trouble directly, but even so, I will definitely be criticized by many colleagues, because the way I do things, I really give everyone a mouthful of shit!

And now Wu Bi's so-called, even better, is riding on everyone's neck above shit!

You've fed everyone a mouthful of shit, and it's already a little unbearable! Now I want to ride on everyone's neck to shit, what? Do you really think you can handle it? Right? I think others are afraid of you! Right?

When Wu Chun came to the hospital, he went to see the president of the hospital at the first time!

President Wu Chun is not familiar with, but not familiar with, does not mean not know! But what about knowing each other? There is no affiliation between each other! Even if you want to flatter yourself, isn't it better to flatter Ding Yu to a certain extent?

If you have a good relationship with Ding Yu, what problems do you have in the future, or even hinder you, so everyone is in the same vein! Don't look at the monk's face, look at the Buddha's face, plus this time things, mutual sell a human! As for Wu Chun, please call him yourself! ha-ha! There's a hundred thousand miles between them? So myself! Just respect!

What's more, all the inspections have been done. These are all made by machines. The problems are written on them. Some of them are obscure, which can't be understood by outsiders!

So after Wu Chun came, the hospital put out all the information and pictures!

Wu Chun looked at the photos and the results of the inspection! Heart a miserable! The people in the photo don't have many good looks! That's a tragedy! There is also the status of the vehicle, which is basically a scrapped state!

What makes Wu Chun feel so depressed is that he can't find his son now! The phone is off! I can't get in touch at all! You make such a big thing, make such a big mess, and then you pat your ass and leave!

Even his own son, now Wu Chun has some impulse to kill him!

I'm not a man! Even if you are a pit father, you can't use this way!

When seeing Guan Yue, Wu Chun didn't feel angry. Why? In this matter, Guan family is absolutely a passive victim! Even quite a few things can't be controlled at all! Guan Yue called home more than once. Why didn't he call himself!

If you call yourself, then there is no way to avoid everything!

And to this step today, there is no way to avoid all things! So Guan Yue appeared in front of him, it is not so strange“ Haven't you found him yet? " When he spoke, Wu chunqiang suppressed his anger!

"I've got it!" Guan Yue didn't say he found it, but he still didn't find it!

As soon as Wu Chun heard it, he knew what happened! The fire inside the belly is like an erupting volcano, which can burst out at any time! But the problem is that we can't find any outlet now!

Of course, I can hear the meaning of Guan Yue's words. It's not that I can't find Wu Bi, but Wu Bi's side? After making it out, you must have realized something, so now it's time to avoid it! But the more so, the more angry Wu Chun's heart was, the less he would fight. Fortunately, Wu Bi was not in front of him now!

Really in front of the words, do not know what kind of situation will happen!

After comforting Guan Yue, it has nothing to do with the Guan family. If you blame the Guan family now, I'm afraid you can't even keep this meager relationship! There is also the matter of two children! forget it! Guan's family hasn't spoken yet, but how can he not understand the situation?

Why let each other's face have some embarrassment?

When I came to the ward, Ding Yu was not in the ward!

Inside the ward lie Meng Chong and Gai Tianxing! The package for two is a little serious! Meng Chong is better! There is only a little bandage on the arms and legs, but it covers the sky. There are several circles on the head, and the face is red and swollen! Anyway, after watching it, it's so miserable!

See Wu Chun, Meng Chong listen to Guan Yue's introduction, Leng for a while! But still get out of bed! Even Wu Chun's insistence did not stop Meng Chong! And next to gai Tianxing is the same!

How to say is a thing, how to do is another thing!

When Wu Chun sat down, Meng Chongcai sat down with him, together with Gai Tianxing, who was next to him! As for Guan Yue? Now at this time, she is still standing on one side of the position, so the effect may be better!

Wu Chun has heard of Meng Chong, but it's really the first time he has been in contact with him? Looking at him, you will know that the situation is not so simple, but others did not give themselves a cold face, and even insisted on getting out of bed, including waiting for themselves to sit down and then sitting down together! From the perspective of dealing with people, there is no place worthy of being critical!

Of course, he may be much older than his son, and he has more social experience!

But the Meng family also said that Meng Chong is just a rich man! With such people are rich and idle, so what's that son of a bitch? Scum? Even if you come here now, come here with bruises and bruises! At least the scene will look a lot better! It will also give things a lot of leeway! But now?

"Meng Chong! I didn't expect such a thing to happen! You have suffered

Wu Chun has come! What about the equivalent? It's on the surface! There doesn't need to be too much obscurity!

Meng Chong listened carefully and held his head in his hand! After Wu Chun finished, he thought for a while, "Uncle Wu, that's what I call you! Where's old guy and I? It doesn't matter. The skin is rough and the flesh is thick! "

Hearing Meng Chong say so, Wu Chunxin was still a little happy at the beginning, but after he was happy, Wu Chunxin couldn't help shivering! Why? Something's wrong! There's something wrong with it!

"You can't say that. Take good care of yourself. You will be a pillar in the future!"

"Hi! Uncle Wu! I'm just an idle person! " After brewing for a while, Meng Chongcai continued to say, "maybe you don't know Uncle Wu, I came with brother Yu! There's something special about him! " When he said this, Meng Chong's voice was a little bit low, with some intentional meaning!

"I heard! It's like a farm! "

ha-ha! Meng Chong couldn't help laughing and leaning back his body! I pointed to the roof with my hand!

Wu Chun's face suddenly, even his body can't help shaking!

"Lao Meng?" When he said this, Wu Chun's voice trembled!

Meng Chong shook his head“ My father! It's almost the same to give a hand! Sometimes I go to see the old man and the old lady during the Chinese New Year! If it wasn't for the old relationship at home, I couldn't even get in! When my second grandfather is OK, he just gives brother Yu a hand! Second grandfather, he usually works in Guobo! It is precisely because of this that I have such an opportunity! "

When Meng Chong finished, Wu Chun was silly! The whole person is dull! And next to Guan Yue is not good to go there! Fortunately, it's against the wall, otherwise I'm afraid I can't even stand now! Some of these are too shocking!

"Meng Chong!" Wu Chun almost cried! I know the disaster of my son's hot down, even the great disaster, but now, it is a big hole in the sky“ I'll let Wu Wei come here! I'm going to see Mr. Ding now! "

When Wu Chun stood up, the whole person trembled! Absolutely scared!

Meng Chong stood up to see him off! After Wu Chun left, Meng Chong shook his head slightly!

"Old guy? What do you say? "

"I feel a little taken for granted!" Gai Tianxing can't help shaking his head“ I came in a hurry, but why didn't Wu Bi come with me? Isn't this a bit wrong? Apology should also be sincere? "

In this regard, Gai Tianxing is quite puzzled, you are here! Why didn't Wu Li come?

Meng Chong snorted and said, "Lao Gai! You've never met such a child. I've seen such a child! Although there are so many deliberately hold their own identity meaning! Home is the same existence as ancestors! From childhood to most of them are like this! Everything can be settled! In the long run, you will be arrogant! Anyway, it's not my responsibility to do anything! It's all other people's problems! "

"That's not possible. I don't understand the basic truth, do I?" Gai Tianxing has so much to say!

"Don't you see it today?" Meng Chong doesn't care about it“ Such a person at home is absolutely the general existence of the emperor! Clothes to hand, food to mouth! Even to a certain extent, it's a beast in clothes. Who dares to provoke Wu Chun's identity outside? Don't you have to be honest with me. After a long time, what do you think it will be like? "

"No one's in charge? It's not right. I have something wrong with what I said. Don't you know about it at home? If it goes on like this, it will definitely bring disaster to the family! "

"Who knows? Maybe I managed it, maybe I just dealt with it! But this young master Wu! It's really a bit out of line! I'm afraid he doesn't know how much trouble he has caused. To put it a little worse, I'm afraid I'll have to be disciplined this time! "

Gai Tianxing was stunned for a moment, then nodded“ It's a good thing, too! " Then Gai Tianxing looked at the door, "Mr. Meng, what you said is true?"

"Shit? Do I have any of those inconsistencies? Do you think I'm bluffing Lao Wu? " Speaking of this, Meng Chong also sighed“ You see! I will definitely go to my elder brother's home for the Chinese New Year. It will be hard for me then! If you don't slap me twice, I'm afraid it will be light! Even my father and mother will be there to embellish

"No! How old are you

"Uncle and aunt are a little better. There is no big problem. When I was young, because of my father's work, my elder brother was not at home for other reasons, so I often went there! This is also the reason why I can see the old man and the old lady. Otherwise, even if I want to kowtow to the old man and the old lady, I can't get into this door! As for the big brother's door, it's even more difficult to enter! You will know the reason in the future! "

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