After Wu Chun came out, he didn't go to find Ding Yu at the first time! But looking at Guan Yue!

"You and Xiao Zhao, bring Wu Yu to me! If you don't see Wu, you don't have to come back! "

Guan Yue nodded his head and left immediately! Wu Chun came to Ding Yu's door, but when he wanted to knock, the security guard standing at the door stopped Wu Chun for the first time“ Sorry Words are very insipid, but insipid with an unquestionable attitude!

Wu Chun Leng for a while, he seems to have never encountered such treatment! And the security guard standing at the door looked at Wu Chun and lifted his coat! Look at the guy under the armpit! Wu Chun's eyes are dull! What happened to NIMA? Is it your own eye?

I think about a lot of possibilities. Through Meng Chong's words, I know that Mr. Ding Yu's identity is absolutely extraordinary, but I never thought that Ding Yu's security level would be so high! Even myself! There is no such treatment!

Security did a check, and then knocked on the door, the door was opened from the inside!

Wu Chun stabilized his mood for a while, and then went inside! Come in to the room, there is a security guard standing at the door, but just standing at the door! I didn't mean to accompany Wu Chun!

But he and the security outside the door formed two protections!

After walking through the corridor, Wu Chun saw Ding Yu for the first time! Ding Yu is standing at the window to talk on the phone! Hearing Wu Chun's footsteps, he made an apologetic gesture! Then he made another gesture of invitation!

"Sit down, Mr. Wu! Just a moment Ding Yu covered his mobile phone microphone and said in a low voice!

After Wu Chun sat down, Ding Yu released the microphone and continued to say“ Mom! When did you hear the news? It's no big deal! Before, the car just touched. It's just a small thing. This time it's just an accident! "

Su Yuancai doesn't care so much“ I know the previous time, yes! It's a small thing, but this time? If it wasn't for Meng Chong, I didn't know such a thing had happened! I'll call uncle Jiang and let him have a look! "

"Uncle Jiang? Who is it Ding Yu slightly frowned, and next to Wu Chun is a shiver! Because my head suddenly jumped out of a person!

"Your uncle's people have changed their jobs now! It's developing well! "

"Ma! Give me a break! Don't let people go! What happened to me is not so big. What's more, you know me. I don't have much interest and interest in things at home. Besides, you won't tell my dad about this, will you? He is so busy with his work, just stop it

"I want to tell your dad! He just went down to check his work. He didn't contact you! As far as I know, he's with you! Don't you know the news? "

Ding Yu immediately felt a bit toothache“ My dad's here? When did it happen? I'm a little busy at this time! I haven't heard of it

When Wu Chun, sitting not far away, heard the news, his whole body seemed to fall into the ice hole! All over the body has been frozen! Even the sound of gasping is so subtle!

"And the old man and the old lady don't know the news? It happens that your uncle Jiang is with your father! Even if I want to keep it from you, I can't keep it from you. What's more, it's still such a big thing that the old man and the old lady don't know at most! "

After all, how many pairs of eyes are staring at Ding Yu! How can we not know such a big thing?

"Ma! Don't let the old man and the old woman know about this! It's better for the old man. If grandma knew this, she didn't know how much noise she would make! What about me? It's just to have a look at the situation and check it. Who knows such a small accident will happen? I'll pay attention to it then! "

Hear the voice on the phone! Ding Yu had a look!

Then I continued to say“ Mom! My dad seems to know the news! Give me a call, I have nothing here, you can rest assured! Take care of your grandparents more

Wu Chun made a gesture, Ding Yu is connected to his father's phone!

After Wang Changlin got through, he was relieved“ I heard something happened to you? How's it going? " Anxious mentality, so that Wang Changlin did not have the usual stability! Although some people mentioned some situations to themselves, but I don't talk to my son personally, I always feel that there are some worries!

"Hi! I don't have anything to do. I haven't been hurt anywhere. Meng Chong has a little accident and needs to be hospitalized for examination. I just come to accompany him. If there's nothing to do, I want to go back later! "

"Check in the hospital! I'm a little busy tonight. I'll let uncle Jiang have a look! "

"No? I just talked to my mom on the phone! There's no need to make things noisy, and you don't need to let uncle Jiang deliberately go. The work is so busy! "

"To a certain extent, he is also your student. Maybe you didn't care too much at the beginning! When something happens to you as a teacher, he as a student always needs to come and have a look! "

"I taught him? I don't have any impression Ding Yu blinked his eyes, while reading his memory!

"Take me to say hello to Meng Chong. I need to tell Benqing when I get back! I'll come over tomorrow night and have dinner with me If you don't have a look in person, Wang Changlin still has some worries. After all, the situation of his eldest son is different!

"Well! If you are busy, forget it! Pay more attention to rest

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu took a look at Wu Chun sitting there! I didn't mean to let him stand up. I sat down next to him“ Hello, Mr. Wu

"Ding..." Wu Chun almost bit his teeth and said! There are too many things revealed on the phone! More let oneself already have so some can't carry the pressure! I never knew that Ding Yu's identity would be so complicated!

Ding Yu looked at Wu Chun, but he didn't mean to fall into the well! What is Wu Chun's identity? I still know. I just don't know if Wu Chun understands now. The core of the problem is!

"Mr. Wu, do you understand now?"

Wu Chun Leng! He did not immediately answer Ding Yu's words, but was thinking about the deep meaning of Ding Yu's words! There is no spirit of high ambition, there is no ridicule, when talking to yourself, it pays attention to attitude!

Wu Chun knows very well that the more such people are, the more terrible they are!

Because it's hard for you to see any flaws in his face or action! The previous Meng Chong is so, in front of Ding Yu is still so! Can I do this at their age?

Take a look at the two of them and think about their son. The eldest son and daughter can be better. The younger son is nothing but shit. Even if their eldest son and daughter compare with Ding Yu and Meng Chong and carry shoes to others, they will not notice! This is the gap between each other!

But in Wu Chun's head, what he is thinking now is not all these things, but the true meaning of Ding Yu's words!

The people from above still know it, even they saw it yesterday! But I am not the main person in charge! This is also one of the reasons why I have the opportunity to come here today! But if you think about it carefully, among the people you contact, it seems that there is no one surnamed Ding! This more or less comforts Wu Chun!

Pondered some time, Wu Chuncai has quite tentatively said!

"Mr. Ding, don't you know your father?"

Listening to Wu Chun's words, Ding Yu really has some funny feelings! This is not just to explore their own details, so simple! There is another meaning, he wants to solve this matter through other means!

Why do you think so? I think he has other ideas about his identity! After all, his father Wang Changlin is not the same surname as himself! So it also created a misunderstanding for him, but he was very clever!

Want to understand this point, Ding Yu is looking at Wu Chun sitting on his side of the hand! He leaned back to relax his body. At the same time, he put one hand on the armrest of the sofa, and the other hand was holding his chin, even his legs!

In an instant, Ding Yu's whole demeanor immediately changed dramatically, which was completely visible to the naked eye! And all this is completely in Wu Chun's eyes! Even Wu Chun was puzzled. What's the situation?

But the way he looked at himself? How to put it? It's not like banter, it's not like curiosity, it's more calm. Calm makes Wu Chundu feel hairy in his heart! But I haven't waited for Wu Chun to speak! Ding Yu is the first to speak!

"Let uncle Jiang come here! In fact, I don't have any big problems! It's quite inappropriate to let uncle Jiang go for nothing. After all, it's not a big deal! "

"Mr. Ding, you can't say that!" Wu Chun obviously feels that this is a thorny matter. Lao Jiang doesn't have much contact with him. We are familiar with him, but after all, he belongs to different systems! And the whole thing? If you don't strangle from the source of Ding Yu, I'm afraid many of your colleagues will strangle themselves!

Ding Yu didn't immediately want to block Wu Chun's mouth. He even raised his hand on the armrest of the sofa and made a gesture of please. Since you are interested in this, go on!

"Mr. Ding, this time things are caused by children!"

Ding Yu nodded his head and then waved his hand“ It's no big deal! " Since he has such an attitude, why should he block himself? Right? There's no need for that! You know it, but pretend you're confused. Why bother“ Go back to a good education on the line! After all, it's not a child! "

I don't have the time to educate your children. I have other affairs on myself! Just don't have so much time to accompany you gossiping, since you said so! Then I won't say it! It's not necessary to say that!

As for how you educate your own son, it's your business. It doesn't matter whether it's public or private!

But Wu Chun looked at Ding Yu's attitude, his heart is a cool, "Mr. Ding! This time things with you and Mr. Meng caused considerable damage and loss! Whatever the reason, it's my father's dereliction of duty

When speaking, Wu Chun pays attention to Ding Yu's expression and action, but puts forward some conditions. As long as Ding Yu shows a little, it doesn't matter what kind of price he pays!

But the problem is that there is no change of expression on Ding Yu's face! Things are going in their own worst direction! Maybe even worse than what I imagined! I didn't set out all the conditions, but would people care about it? It is obvious that what he put forward is not enough to move Ding Yu!

"Mr. Ding, I heard that your relationship with the farm is extraordinary!" Looking at the change of expression on Ding Yu's face, Wu Chun continued to say, "I admire him very much, but I have no other choice?"

oh Ding Yu snorted, "it's very interesting! Let's hear it. If it's from the capital, there's no need to mention it! They don't have the guts! Lend them two courage, and they don't dare to do such things. Don't tell me that they have a lot to do with Tiansheng. If they do, it's a very interesting thing, but they are half dead now! I'm too lazy to deal with them, and they should not take the initiative to pick up the trouble! "

Wu Chun does not know whether it is true or false, but since Ding Yu dares to say so, he can only listen!

"A port city company! It's said that someone in the capital is pulling the line! "

"Oh, this one hit me in the face! The capital aspect unexpectedly someone to lead the line! That's interesting! "

"The company in Hong Kong is called Tianhua, and the person in Beijing is Tian Qi!"

Ding Yu took out his phone immediately, "Hello! Housekeeper, it's me! There's nothing wrong. Don't be so nervous. Help me check the company named Tian Qi, and I'll know a name. It's from Beijing. Then I'll call Xiang's home in Hong Kong and check the company named Tianhua. Let me know if there's any specific situation! "

After putting down the phone in his hand, Ding Yu looks at Wu Chun again and nods at him!

That's it! If there is no problem in the investigation, then the matter on my side is up to now! If there are problems in the investigation, then the accounts before and after the investigation will be calculated together!

"Wu Zhen doesn't have to come here. He doesn't want to! After all, it's quite inappropriate to meet. This is the hospital! "

"Mr. Ding, I'll go back first and get ready!" Wu Chun faltered when he got up, even when he left. Ding Yu stood up at most, that's all! As for the others, I didn't say anything!

When he came out, Wu Chun grasped the handrail on the corridor. Originally, it was for patients, but now if Wu Chun didn't help him, it would be very difficult for him to stand up! The driver standing at the door trotted over!

Hurry to help Wu Chun! Wu Chun holds his driver's arm!

On the elevator, back to the car! Then he took out the phone and waved to the driver! Let him wait a minute! Now this time I need to calm down! At the same time need to call home to arrange!

The previous conversation with Ding Yu seems to be peaceful, but in fact, it is just like a sword!

The confrontation between each other, now also let Wu Chun shudder, he seems to occupy the home advantage, but in fact? In the fight with Ding Yu, I always fell behind, and even had no chance to fight back!

He threw out quite a lot of chips, but the problem is that Ding Yu didn't pay any attention at all!

It is obvious that his son is not sensible. Although Ding Yu is a little annoyed, it is not the reason why Ding Yu is really annoyed! The real reason for Ding Yu's anger is that he paid attention to his farm!

My son is not sensible, this matter seems very heavy, but the problem is not very big! Don't even need to pay what kind of price! This can be done!

Now it seems that the initiative has been handed over to him, but the problem is that when dealing with Wu Bi on the farm, he has to put a heavy hand, even a hard hand!

But this does not solve the most practical problem!

Take advantage of the opportunity now, others give themselves some so-called thin noodles, and also save some face for themselves!

What should be dealt with, what should be dealt with, as for yourself? If there is a problem investigation, if there is no problem, it seems that my age is not so suitable! At least this way, maybe we can make people satisfied! But this is probably the best idea!

Ding Yu and Meng Chong are satisfied here! But what about my colleagues? After all, this time the thing is really so noisy some big! It seems that the cause is his son, but do you really have no problem?

Do you really don't know what kind of goods your son is? What's more, what's the reason why Guan family is close this time? Do you really like your little son? Of course, the youngest son's appearance may not have too many problems! But in other aspects, it's a mess!

So The reason is still in their own body, Guan family is to see their own, so will make this decision!

What a pity!

But who knows whether it's a pity for myself or for my family? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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