When Meng Chong, Gai Tianxing and Dahong come back, Ding Yu has already packed up! Not to mention, other people really do not have such treatment, can let Ding Yu personally cook!

"Big brother, today's specification is a little high!"

"I made a tranquilizing soup, that's all!"

"Enough time for me to brag all my life! At least other people don't have such treatment. I have to have a good taste tonight! "

"Let Ding Yun cook some meat for you when you have time! Let alone at least in this point, I really can't catch up with them. During the Spring Festival, I'm also a good dish at home. It's quite delicious! "

As we sat down, Ding Yu spoke casually!

"No! eldest brother! How old are they? You are a bit of a bully! "

Meng Chong is quite puzzled about this. Ding Yun's age is not that he hasn't seen it. Maybe it's OK to make a fool of it. If you let her cook, it's a little bit of a joke!

"At that time, it was a bit too noisy, so they were given a period of time. It was during that period that they learned. Although they were rich and noble, they could not be unaware of the sufferings of the people! What's more, training their ability can't make them not work hard and not divide their grain! It's not like that

When he finished, Ding Yu took a look at Meng Chong and said, "I think you haven't experienced the same thing?"

"That time was different from now! What was the situation at that time? To put it in a bad way, you don't know what you can eat if you want to eat. Although there are pampered ones, obviously I'm not among them! I believe big brother should have done this, but now the children? Even the children in the countryside don't have much to work in the fields! Elder brother, do the old people in the family let you go? Didn't you pull out your skin? "

"How are you! Except when I was sick, I complained bitterly! Even scolded a, other things? That's what happened for a while! " Ding Yu didn't care. "When I was there, I took them to the gully. There was no signal in it! I can't get a call! That's how it came! "

Meng Chong stood up his thumb! And next to gai Tianxing, he looked at Ding Yu with admiration!

Gai Tianxing has never done such a thing, or even thought about it!

"Mr. Ding, how old were they then?"

"Not yet in school? Although received some education, but at that time did not seem to go to school! The old people at home are too spoiled! With their mother is the same, said to the sky above the stars, do not dare to give them the moon, it is a bit too exaggerated! I can't help it

Meng Chong is slightly sigh“ But even so, I still feel a little incredible! I really can't do such a thing without so-called great perseverance! "

"There's a letter from Lao Gao?"

"I didn't know before, but now I should have heard something! However, he is afraid that he has no time to worry about these things. Chen Long's side has caused considerable constraints to him, and the forces behind Chen long are not easy to provoke. Even if he can't get Gao Changyu, what's the matter? But if you give him a little bit of power, you can still do it! "

Ding Yu didn't ask Gai Tianxing to serve the soup. Instead, he picked up a spoon and gave it to Meng Chong and Gai Tianxing. As for himself and Dahong? Basically, there is no need for this aspect! Don't you see Dahong gnawing a bone now? This guy has a big heart, too!

"In this way, Lao Gao's plan is still successful!"

"On the face of it, it is!" Meng Chong took over the soup. Brother should have made a lot of deployment. Tonic is definitely better than tonic. Meng Chong still knows this“ But we're in control now! So it's not out of control! "

"I didn't expect to have such a dog skin fall!"

"Big brother? Do you want to deal with it? " Meng Chong asked subconsciously?

"I don't want to pay attention to these messy things. How does the farm deal with this matter? It's a matter of the farm. It's true that the farm was founded by me. If this kind of thing happens to me, I really won't pay any attention to it, or let the farm deal with it by itself. How can I deal with these guys?"

"So it is!" Meng chongduo is clever and immediately knows what Ding Yu's intention is“ Elder brother, how to deal with things on the other side of the farm? What about the Wu family? "

"What? Is there someone to intercede with you? " Ding Yu pondered for a while, "I haven't made this decision yet. The Wu family's business is really different. If it's not handled properly, it will make other parties have ideas. After all, the farm is a piece of fat, and everyone wants to come up and have a bite! This is a very troublesome thing! What's more, even if I don't handle it, Wu Chun! It's not going to be so good! He just gave it to other people. "

"What a disgusting thing to do! It's too much to be criticized

"What can I say?" Ding Yu snorted, obviously not satisfied with Meng Chong's concealment!

"Brother, someone has found me. I will never interfere in your decision. They just let me say a word. I said it! As for the outcome, it has nothing to do with me. I can't make this decision for you, elder brother! "

"You Ding Yu sighed, but then also a smile, "in fact, I have thought about how to deal with this matter, just more appropriate! If you really move Wu Chun or even the forces behind him, it's no big deal! But doing things like this is obviously not my style! "

"Brother, are you worried about other aspects?"

"They don't have any opinions!" Ding Yu snorted, "I've never been a good person in their heart, even in their mouth! This aspect should not be mentioned to you! "

"Big brother! That's why you don't get involved in the family business so much? "

"More or less so!" Ding Yu sighed again and then laughed, "OK! Don't be so sad. People who don't know think something happened! Since someone is intercession, you can't wipe away your face. I always need to give you face. At least I can give myself a step down. If I don't come down this step again at this time, who knows what some guys will think about this? "

Meng Chong couldn't help licking his lips, "big brother, can't you?! Isn't that what I think it is? "

"I'm not a good man! I have said that more than once! If you really get involved in it, some people may say that I am making trouble! forget it! What did you say? If you have to forgive others, please forgive them. "

The reason why Ding Yu said that, to a certain extent, is also considering the Wang family. When his father comes over tomorrow night, he will definitely mention this matter. So it's better to make a decision now. After all, Meng Chong is also responsible for this time! I also need to give him something affordable!

"Big brother? I don't like to hear you say that! Others don't know, I don't know yet? "

"You! Too little is known! If you go out and shout now, I don't know how many people will throw bricks at your home at night. It's not a good person, so don't pretend to be a good person! "

In this regard, Ding Yu is not taboo! Even the performance is taken for granted!

Quite a lot of things, Meng Chong doesn't know all about it, even half of it. In this case, he really needs to give him some hints! If everything depends on speculation, it will cause a lot of problems and troubles! This is not what Ding Yu wants to see!

After dinner, they are separated from each other! Ding Yu returned to the place where he stayed! Reading, rest, that's all!

But Meng Chong is a little busy. Why? Do you still need to say that? There are a little too many people on the phone! Even Gai Tianxing's side is the same. The Wu family and Guan family work hard at the same time! Is it OK if you don't work hard? Is this the time?

You bow your head and beg for mercy. There's no problem. But you need to have an attitude, right? All think of white female ticket, how can it be, there is no such cheap thing under the heaven and earth!

I can't see you, but it's OK to make a phone call?!

After all, it's a little difficult to contact Ding Yu, but it's OK to contact Meng Chong and Gai Tianxing! Two people can be said to be busy! When I came back, it was already more than ten o'clock!

"I'm NIMA's!" Looking at the time, Meng Chong even scolded“ Don't these guys really know the time! It's already this time? Don't care whether it's a good person or a bad person, it's time to rest! "

"Is it a rest? It's hard for me to say this, but I know one thing very well. My home is already full of people tonight! Liu Yuan is going to be furious over there! I've just been called. It's like boiling hot water at home tonight! "

"I don't seem to have a good place in my house! It's thousands of miles away, but so what? Fortunately, the identity is a little different, otherwise it's not much better than your family! " In this regard, Meng Chong also felt some irritability! Old guy, this way? At most, there are some people at home, but what about your own? hey!

What if some other time? It's really a good thing, but now this time? After all, I already know quite a lot of news! My father is going to be promoted! Under such circumstances, so many people come to the door! I'm afraid my father can't bear it! You can imagine the complaint in your heart!

But Meng Chong is also very helpless! Do things have nothing to do with yourself? A little pull, really have a considerable relationship, but to say that things are their own, it is a bit wronged yourself!

Fortunately, I used to communicate with my family, but communication doesn't mean everything. Meng Chong is very clear about this!

So now is also with Gai Tianxing two people look at each other, are a face of helplessness and bitter sigh!

However, if the Wu family and the Guan family now know what Meng Chong and Gai Tianxing think, I'm afraid they will really jump! But even if it is again angry, again angry, how can it be? What role can it play? There is no meaning at all!

What they think now may have quite a deviation. What Guan thinks is that it's best to get off the ship! Even if it is to pay something, it is no big deal! And what does the Wu family think? It's to calm things down quickly!

Of course, think of things to completely flat! This is a fantasy, and it is impossible! If things were really so easy to do, Wu Chun would not be so sad when he was first there!

To a certain extent, to do so is to pry the foundation of the farm! In other words, you dig other people's foundation with a hoe, and even get caught. In this case, no matter how much work you do, the farm will really calm down, which is impossible!

If the farm really does this, is it because everyone can do this in the future? He set a precedent and didn't receive punishment. Wouldn't other people think about it?

Relatively speaking, he is just a small fish, not even the so-called bait!

Hidden in the sea bottom of the shark, is behind the covetous look, if the farm silent! Then the big shark behind will crack its own bloody mouth. What will the farm do then? Therefore, the farm will definitely adopt a considerable way and method for this time! Then warn everyone!

Even the relevant departments will take appropriate measures. Why? Because of their actions, has seriously affected the relationship between various departments and farms? Originally everyone's cooperation is very good! But now? Some people even want to dig the foundation of the farm. What else do you want?

These questions? Wu Chun knows that if you make a choice, you need to pay a considerable price! But I can't be alone with my little son! It'll destroy the whole family! So try your best to save it! Who let oneself at the beginning of time stubborn, did not withstand the temptation?

What happens to Guan's family? For that? Wu Chun's idea is very simple. It's just a matter of lying to others! When it's useful, guest of honor! When it doesn't work, who knows who you are? What's more, even if the Dinghu lake is filled in? Can you hear me? This is still two things! To be discussed!

Guan Yue is not deep in life, but Guan Feng is an old man! He saw this very clearly and clearly!

So in the evening, Guan Feng brought his daughter to the tobacco Hotel in person! Make an apology and admit your mistake! How serious, how serious, how sincere! Of course, Guan Feng didn't come with his daughter!

It's just two people coming! Liu Yuan can't refuse them, but she won't give them any good looks. At that time, she will give you a so-called "one ask three don't know". What should I do?

So the social relations Liu Yuan knew, basically can invite all to please!

Not to mention, it really has a considerable effect. Although Guan Feng is very clear that doing so is a double-edged sword, hurting people and oneself, and even may be liquidated afterwards, what can he do? Does Guan family have any choice now? Not at all, OK?

Are the Wu family too busy for themselves? Under such circumstances, will you worry about closing the house? What's more, taking Guan's family and Dinghu's family to do a favor along the river is probably the most important thing the Wu family wants to do!

So now the Guan family has to find their own way! It's not that there are no candidates, but Gai Tianxing is the best one! But this candidate, let Guan Feng and Guan Yue, now are particularly embarrassed!

After all, Gai Tianxing has not helped twice at a time! Even if it's cheating, you can't do that, can you? Back and forth pit, repeated pit, what? Don't let people die, don't you?

So Liu Yuan is particularly irritated! Fortunately, Gai Hao seems a little different about this!

My father is not here, and my mother is so upset. Under such circumstances, I can't let my sister stand up, can I? Of course, it's not so appropriate to stand up, but it's still no problem to stand beside her and be a supporter for her!

Although Gai Hao doesn't like Guan Feng and Guan Yue, because of Uncle Ding's education, Gai Hao's mentality has changed a lot! At least, compared with the past, they are quite calm. When they see Guan's father and daughter, they are very angry, but can anger solve the problem?

What's more, the most crucial point is that I have a problem now. Can I really solve the problem?

Since we can't do this, why do we make trouble? Let your father come to the end?

It's true that this time they come here, they are seeking for their own family, but their more goals are Uncle Ding and uncle Meng, together with their father, which is just a transition point in the middle! This point is very important, but it's not important. It's not as important as you think!

To make matters worse, a few days ago, my family still had to look up to Guan's family. Now it seems that the situation is reversed? But so what? Do you have anything to do with yourself? Since it has nothing to do with myself, it's good to serve tea and pour water honestly at this time!

Will it be looked down upon? It's not important at all. Even in Meng Hao's heart, if he is really looked down upon, he really doesn't waste his time!

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