I had breakfast in the canteen the next morning! Ding Yu received a call from Lu Zili!

"Sir, we know all about it!"

Obviously, it's not so easy to call at this time! Even quite a lot of things have been dealt with. Everything has been dealt with properly! Then I'll call you! After all, Lu Zili is a supervisor! He is the most suitable one to make this call!

"If you know, you'll know! It's no big deal! This time I come out, I just want to have a look. It's amazing that I'll spend two more days on this side of the farm! " Ding Yu's suggestion is very obvious!

Lu Zili thought for a while, "I've talked with the chairman of the board of directors of orange and apricot, and the executives of the farm have held video conferences! It may take two days! "

"Everything is all right with me! My father may come over in the evening, and he happens to be here to check his work! In fact, there is not much to do. He just doesn't feel at ease. I still want to think about how to pacify my father. It will be better in this way! " Ding Yu is very happy that Lu Zili can understand what he is saying!

Speaking of this, the Wu family wanted to design the farm, but they designed the Wu family in turn. There is no right or wrong. Ding Yu doesn't want to put himself on the commanding height of morality to criticize other people. There is no such need! The Wu family is not a good person. Is it hard to be a good person? Don't be deceived by such falsehood!

It's not a bad thing to keep a clear understanding of yourself all the time!

"Yes, sir, we know what to do!"

Since something happened, now "give me the feeling, you are also now!" Gai Tianxing is very knowledgeable, and the joke is very appropriate!

Did not see Meng Chong already some cannot stop laughing!

"Stop it! let's go! People outside can't wait! We go to the hospital for examination, but are we human? After all, we can't go too far! going beyond the limit is as bad as falling short! This is the same thing as doing things! "

Gai Tianxing understands the meaning of Meng Chong's words! Do you want to do something? You can die! Do absolutely! But what about being a man? There is no need to forgive others, especially on the scene! This may be the difference between people!

Looking at Meng Chong and Gai Tianxing coming down from the car, the Wu family and the Guan family quickly face each other! Although we met yesterday, yesterday is yesterday, today is today!

Wu Li and Guan Feng stand in front of each other. Guan Feng's face is very heavy. Although they should be happy to see Meng Chong and Gai Tianxing now, at least they are willing to see themselves! But so what? I almost stayed up all night last night!

It's true that I've done a lot of foreshadowing, but it's still unknown how much effect it can play, and I vaguely feel it! Wu has been abandoned! Together with Wu Chun, it seems to be abandoned!

Why do you say that Wu Chun was also abandoned? There is a reason! Although it's not Wu Yu who comes to Wu's house alone! But in terms of identity, Wu Bi is not enough, and still far from enough!

Under such circumstances, why didn't Wu Chun mean to come? Has the Wu family been settled? It's quite possible that Wu Bi will come to do it now! But more possibilities? Wu Chun should be the same as himself. He is making quite a follow-up arrangement! Especially the things on the scene must be arranged!

This should be the main reason why Wu Chun didn't come here!

Even the Wu family has reached a tacit understanding with Ding Yu and Meng Chong! He threw Wu Bi on the surface. After all, he made trouble. If it wasn't for him, would it attract the attention of Ding Yu and Meng Chong? If it didn't attract two people's attention, how could it be today's situation?

All these things flashed through Guan Feng's mind!

If Ding Yu is here, it must be said that Guan Feng is really not a general hypocrisy at this time. In the past, Ding Yu may not have seen the whole thing clearly, but now? Ding Yu really understood!

Guan Feng! Certainly has the quite consideration, even has the expensive mixing!

You should know that the situation of the Wu family can't be spared lightly! Is it possible for Guan family to leave? Although Gai Tianxing was originally from Dinghu, so what? Gai Tianxing is from Mengchong now! In addition, this time, Ding Yu has been very face!

This is not really a bloodletting problem! Do you want to sneak in now? Is it possible?

Maybe Ding Yu and Meng Chong won't pay special attention, but the problem is that the farm will really do nothing? Do you really take the farm here as a persimmon? Anyone can come up and pinch it, can't they?

But what does Guan Feng do now? No problem!

After all, the identities of Ding Yu and Meng Chong are extraordinary. If we can let them say a word, it will play a vital role in Dinghu. This is certain! But why do people say such a sentence to you?

You open your mouth, and then people let you go? For what?

Dinghu may have considerable power, but such power can't play any role in the face of Ding Yu and Meng Chong. What can the Wu family do? Is the Wu family a giant for the Guan family? But in the face of Ding Yu and Meng Chong, what can we do?

Now that we see hope, we are looking forward to catching it. Otherwise, what should we do? Wait for the thunder to come and turn the whole Dinghu lake into nothing? When a fish is pressed on the chopping board, it can still flutter twice, let alone Dinghu? It's just that I really don't know how much movement I can make!

"Mr. Meng! General manager Gai

Meng Chong nodded his head slightly, and the expression on his face was even so pleasant!

"Mr. Guan!" Looking around at the crowd, "good morning, everyone! This one is a little crowded in the early morning! "

Guan Feng has learned Meng Chong's strength now. He met Wu Bi earlier, but Wu Bi is still rebellious now. It's obvious that Wu Chun's preaching didn't play much role. Or when Wu Chun was here, it was better. When Wu Chun wasn't here, Wu Bi! Still restored his former disposition!

"We are very concerned about the injuries of Mr. Ding and Mr. Meng, including general manager Meng!"

Thank you Meng Chong said blandly, "in fact, there is no big problem, that is, when the doctor checked yesterday, he said a little bit more, so he came to check today! See if there are other changes in the situation! There are other things over there, so we came first! "

"Yes, Mr. Meng. This way, please."

When passing by Wu Bi, Meng Chong said hello with a smile“ Here we are? "

Wu Bi obviously did not expect that Meng Chong should say hello to himself so kindly! Give their own feelings, Meng Chong seems to yesterday's things, did not put the heart above the meaning! It's true that his father educated himself and even expressed that this matter was very serious, but Wu Bi didn't pay special attention to it!

In Wu Bi's opinion, if the situation is really serious, or if Meng Chong's background is particularly big, why is Meng Chong still treating himself like this?

We can't say that Wu Bi is a fool, and we can't say that Wu Bi just lacks a string. How can we say that? He was spoiled a little too much! This also led to his lack of sensitivity to certain things. If his brother and sister came, it would not be the current situation! Even feel shivering! But what?

So after seeing Meng Chong's attitude, Wu Bi nodded reluctantly! Even his eyes were full of pride! And this action, is covered Tianxing and Guan Yue two people to see a positive!

Gai Tianxing's eyes swept by without any reaction! And Guan Yue saw Wu Bi's reaction, although there was not much attitude on her face, there was already some disgust on her action! Not even from the position to the side of the two steps!

Don't look at Wu Bichang's model, but this guy's stupidity is not the first time he has learned it! And the more contacts Guan Yue had, the more disgusting he was. How could he have been blind and taken a fancy to this one?

Of course. What about this? To a certain extent, it's also because the family can't bear the bait thrown by the Wu family. Since they can't carry it, they can only swallow it. But now, the bait is so simple and poisonous!

Now the Guan family is suffering from this kind of attack. Ding Yu and Meng Chong can't get in touch at all. They can't find any relationship. Is Gai Tianxing the only one who can get in touch? Always follow Meng Chong's side! Ah!

Accompanied by the same into the hospital, Guan Fengcai finally came into contact with Gai Tianxing, because Meng Chong and Gai Tianxing's examination is quite different, of course, Meng Chong did it on purpose!

"Heaven goes!" The expression on Guan Feng's face is very complicated, some helpless, some pleading, and some expectation“ I know you must be very embarrassed now, but the trouble at home makes Dinghu very passive now! "

Gai Tianxing nodded his head“ I heard about it, chairman! What's your opinion? "

What is the reason? Each other's hearts have been very clear! Even Gai Tianxing knows a lot about it, but knowing is one thing, and how to deal with it is another! After all, I am no longer in Dinghu! But with Mr. Meng's side, how to deal with things, buttocks should sit there, still need to consider?

"Uncle Gai, there are so many hesitations at home. Now they are all at a loss!" When Guan Yue talks, he looks at Gai Tianxing carefully. "This is something I've made up for. I'm willing to take all the responsibilities! Even if it is to pay what, I will never have any complaints

Gai Tianxing with the checklist nodded his head“ I'm not sure what Mr. Ding and Mr. Meng mean, but from the current situation, Mr. Ding and Mr. Meng are not very interested in it! Even some of them don't care! "

Is it true? The absolute truth! But there are too many ambushes in this truth! Ding Yu and Meng Chong naturally don't care too much! But what about the farm here? They have no action now, which doesn't mean they still don't have any action in the future. This is totally two times!

"Heaven goes!" Can Guan Feng not understand what Gai Tianxing said? Of course I understand! But this thing really can't be exposed in front of Gai Tianxing. It should be exposed in front of Gai Tianxing! Between each other will appear very abrupt and awkward“ Mr. Ding and Mr. Meng here, we will express our biggest apology, but we still hope Tianxing can help us with quite a few things! "

Looking at Gai Tianxing who wants to speak, Guan Feng says it in a hurry“ Tianxing, I know it's really difficult for you to open this conversation with you at this time. After all, you just followed Mr. Meng's side, but Dinghu is really desperate now! "

"The chairman, what do you mean?"

"Tianxing, can you let Mr. Meng have a word?" Looking at Gai Tianxing's expression, Guan Feng continued to say, "don't worry, I'm ready! No matter what happens, I need to work hard! Otherwise, there will always be considerable reluctance in this heart! "

But Gai Tianxing's face is so strange“ Chairman, where did you get the news? " Looking at Guan Feng's displeasure, Gai Tianxing shook his head, "Chairman, no matter what? I've been in Dinghu for so many years, so it's my duty to help. But you really find the wrong direction in this matter, chairman. If Mr. Meng can't speak, he can't speak! It's no use at all

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