"What?" Guan Yue can't help it! Even looking at Gai Tianxing's eyes is a little bad!

For Guan Yue's attitude change, Gai Tianxing didn't do it at all! However, he also had a good judgment. When he didn't encounter Ding Yu and Meng Chong, Gai Tianxing might not have this feeling!

But now? Gai Tianxing's feeling can be said to be extremely sharp!

It's like pickled vegetables and radishes every day. Now suddenly, I've changed the home dishes for you. That kind of difference is really not enough for outsiders! Fortunately, Gai Tianxing has been trained for many years, so he didn't show any dissatisfaction! As for what I think in my heart, there is no need to tell Guan Yue!

Calmly looked at Guan Yue, Gai Tianxing looked at Guan Feng!

Guan Feng also solemnly looked at Gai Tianxing, "Tianxing, I know you are. Xiaoyue is not sensible! You don't mind! "

If placed in the past, Gai Tianxing will not be regarded as a matter, and now Gai Tianxing will not be regarded as a matter! After all, the location is quite different! Different angles, different problems!

After all, she is the chairman of the board, but now? Do you need Guan Yue to apologize? Why? With such a person? Didn't you jump into the pit yourself?

"Chairman, Mr. Meng's words don't have much effect, because Mr. Meng is not from the farm! And as far as I know, he should not be involved in the farm, which is a very taboo thing! "

"It's impossible?" Guan Yue still can't hold back! The voice is a little sharp! Even a little crazy!

"Xiaoyue, shut up Guan Feng can't help it! There's even the smell of reprimand! Then Guan Feng looked at Gai Tianxing and apologized“ Tianxing, Mr. Meng is not from the farm, that is to say, Mr. Ding is from the farm! "

Gai Tianxing was thinking about it for a while, holding the hand of the checklist and patting his trouser legs! Obviously, Gai Tianxing is thinking about it at this time! Consider the gain and loss of this matter!

From the usual situation, he is not able to leave Mr. Meng's side, but now Mr. Meng takes the initiative to leave, it is obvious that he deliberately let himself out quite a mouthful! What does it mean? I haven't guessed yet, but since Mr. Meng has done so! I need to accept it!

"Is Mr. Ding a farm man? I can't say that! " Gai Tianxing said vaguely, "but I've been with Mr. Meng for a few days, but I know something about it. He didn't come here specially this time, or even check the farm work by the way! I also entered into the interior of the farm before, which is unimpeded! "

"Unimpeded?" When Guan Yue talks, he doesn't believe it!

Gai Tianxing didn't look at him at all, just nodded slightly“ yes! Without any obstruction, I just accompany you! However, there are not many strange places in it, which are basically used for research! Of course, that's all I see! As for whether there are others, I don't know! This is the general situation! "

"Heaven, anyway? I'm an old man and I need to thank you! "

Gai Tianxing is smiling, "old chairman, from my observation, now for Dinghu, there are only two ways to go! To be exact, there is only one way to go! Mr. Ding is such a road. As far as I know, although the attitude of the farm here is also very important, Mr. Ding said that there should not be too many problems! "

"Heaven's way?"

But this time Gai Tianxing shook his head! I said no“ Old chairman, it's not that I don't help, it's that I can't help this matter, and Mr. Meng can't help it. It's up to Dinghu himself. "

But speaking of this, Gai Tianxing suddenly stopped! It seems that I remember something. At this time, Guan Feng waves his hand and interrupts his daughter who wants to speak. After a while, Gai Tianxing wakes up!

"It suddenly occurred to me! I remember that before Mr. Ding and Mr. Meng came here, they seemed to have encountered quite a lot of things in other places, but I don't know what kind of things they have encountered! What conditions are involved in this? Old chairman, you can check this matter, but from what they said, I can tell that this matter should be solved! "

"I see! Tianxing, I won't say anything! But I will remember this thing. In the past, I was the old guy who was sorry for you! " He nodded to gai Tianxing heavily! Then he left with his daughter!

"Check it out?" Looking back at Gai Tianxing, Meng Chong asked casually!

Gai Tianxing nodded, "there's no big problem! Don't even need to change the medicine. The doctor said that if I don't worry, I can take anti-inflammatory drugs for two days! I just met with Chairman Guan. He always wanted to talk to Mr. Ding through you. I rejected him, but it depends on the situation. He should have gone to inquire! "

Meng Chong heard Gai Tianxing say so, is very satisfied with the nod, even give Gai Tianxing erect his thumb!

"Well done! I think you should feel something about it, too? "

"I just got a word of it. After all, I've stayed in Dinghu, and I've paid back almost all my human feelings! If the old chairman is still stubborn, then it's not my problem! "

"You! Hi Meng Chong sighed, "this is why I value you! What do you say? Dahong is really far from you in this point! "

"Mr. Meng? I'm a little scared when you say that! "

Meng Chong waved his hand, "he! Tell him to do quite a lot of things, we must make it clear! Otherwise, it's easy to have problems! It's not that he's not smart, but that everyone has his own advantages and disadvantages. If Dahong is allowed to do this, even if he's successful, he's easy to let go! "

"If you don't pursue my responsibility, I already feel a little lucky!"

"Come on! Don't talk about bullshit! by the way! Does Lao Guan have any indication? Is that too much? Is this old guy a little too stingy? Having been the chairman of the board for a lifetime, I've been wandering in the world for so many years. I can't understand this aspect at all, can I? That's a bit of a shame! "

"I didn't pay too much attention. Maybe it was because I was in a hurry?" In this regard, Gai Tianxing is really not so attentive! What's more, Gai Tianxing still has some knowledge about Guan Feng! Now that we understand it, there is no need to pick on such things!

"Come on! Let's talk about Lao Gao! Now that you have come to me, you need to know something, but you can know it yourself! Big brother came out this time just for this matter. Now it's in my hands. I can't use so many people! Good thing you're here! Otherwise, I really have some heads that are going to explode! There's too much news to summarize! "

"Mr. Meng, is it appropriate for me to get involved in such a thing?"

"You need to sign a confidentiality agreement. Similarly, your ancestors of eight generations have basically been investigated! This matter is not what I can decide, also is not what elder brother can decide! Do you understand? "

"I understand!" Gai Tianxing knows this very well! But just because he knew it clearly, Gai Tianxing shook his head. "I didn't expect that I still had such treatment! It's a happy thing! "

"What's more, this is the end of the investigation! There will not be any exposure, at least in the open, there can not be any disclosure, as for the secret inside? I don't think it's a bad thing to be strict. It's not something you and I can decide! " Meng Chong is very careful to warn Gai Tianxing!

"Mr. Meng, is it so serious?"

"It's more serious than I thought! let's go! Get in the car, go back and have a good look at the information. Previously, I didn't let you see the information in this aspect, because of the situation in other aspects, but now there's not much need. Lao Gai, let you get involved in it. I believe you. Be careful! "

"Yes! Mr. Meng, I understand! "

When they came back from the hospital, they didn't see Ding Yu. However, Gai Tianxing had a good look at the materials for a period of time. After reading them, he couldn't help taking a few breaths of air conditioning. It was really frightening!

"Mr. Meng, does Lao Gao feel that he is impatient with life! I've been in the Jianghu for so many years, and I've come into contact with a lot of dirty things, but this one is really rare! Is this a little too arrogant? He has been in the position for so many years, how can he not even understand this? "

Meng Chong with a cigarette shakes his head!

"What else can I do? Greed is not enough! If you look at it carefully, you can see Lao Gao's ability! If it's true, I'm the one who carries shoes for him! But so what? Elder brother once said to me, with a sharp blade, I will kill myself! This is very reasonable! Do you know who said that? "

"Heard about it?"

"Lao Gao! What a pity! The means are too cruel and vicious! Who is right and who is wrong? It's really not easy to judge, but what he did seriously violated the bottom line of the country! At the same time, it is against the bottom line of life, so the consequences will not be too unexpected! "

"Mr. Meng, I have seen it! The context has been very clear! In addition to a considerable number of personnel, basically have been understood! I haven't started yet. Is it because there are other reasons? "

Meng Chong showed his satisfaction! This is why I value Gai Tianxing! Can think! If this matter is handed over to Dahong, he will only ask when to arrest people! Instead of focusing on the context and reasons behind it!

"There are quite a few reasons for this. After all, Gao's identity is extraordinary, and there are too many troubles behind it! It can't cause bad influence, but it must be quite shocking! "

Gai Tianxing has a smacking tongue. He takes the information in his hand. Is that it? It doesn't cause bad influence. If it is released, it will frighten everyone at that time!

"It's a test!" The expression on Gai Tianxing's face is full of horror!

"Big brother is in charge of the overall situation. I'm the one who does business. But personally, I have Dahong with me. There are many inconveniences. I didn't expect that you suddenly came out. I don't know if it's my luck!" Meng Chong said with a smile!

"Mr. Meng, what else do I need to do?"

"Wait!" Meng Chong blinked his eyes, "haven't you already sent a message to Guan's family? Anyone else? Guan's family didn't get a chance to talk, but Qu Cheng is another matter! And then Lao Gao will know quite a lot of news. This is important news for him, but it's necessary to paralyze him! "

Paralysis? Why? Gai Tianxing didn't understand this!

But before he could speak, Ding Yu knocked on the door and came in from the outside!

"Big brother?"

Ding Yu nodded slightly, "I asked the housekeeper to check! The specific situation of Tianhua, and some problems of Tian Qi! It's true that there are some slapping faces. Tianhua and Tiansheng don't seem to have much contact, but there are quite a lot of ways! As for Tian Qi? The identity is a little special! "

"Big brother? So soon? "

"It's not difficult to find people, but there are not so many people in the capital who don't give face! There is also Tian Qi. It's a bit interesting. They have come up with this idea. It's really unexpected! " Speaking of this, Ding Yu snorted!

Looking at Gai Tianxing who wants to speak, Meng Chong blinks his eyes slightly to him! Ding Yu certainly noticed! But did not do too much attention! He understood why Meng Chong wanted to be like this, but he didn't take it as a matter!

"Elder brother, I've asked Lao Gai to pass the news to Guan's family. If Guan's family is not a fool, then their family will go to find Qu Cheng now. After all, Qu Cheng's identity is relatively easy to investigate, and they also have considerable business in Dinghu. They can communicate with each other better!"

"That's a good idea, Qu Cheng! That's interesting! It seems that Lao Gao should know quite well, but I don't know what kind of reaction Lao Gao will have when he knows about it, this old guy! It's really not so cunning. It's even so vicious. Compared with him, it's still a little bit different! "

Meng Chong's face muscles twitch a little! Want to laugh, but there are some dare not laugh!

Ding Yu is to give a white eye“ Really, if it comes up? The ability of Lao Gao! It's absolutely unique. It's a pity! Not able to control themselves well! With the change of time, I began to learn to be awed, but the way I learned was too cruel and painful! "

"It's a very difficult thing to do. I went through similar training in those years. There are many people in my family who have not been able to withstand such a test!" Hear Ding Yu say so, Meng Chong is also small feeling for a while!

Gai Tianxing didn't understand the key, but Ding Yu's face became dim after listening to it!

"I have all the security guards I choose! Anyway, the information management department with the prefix basically wants to be able to come to me to check the personnel! When I choose them, there are also some difficulties! "

Huh? Gai Tianxing is stunned for a moment. Is the information management department with the prefix? What is the situation?

After Meng Chong had heard it, he gave a hi“ Brother, at the beginning, there may be some feelings, but later, they may be numb! "

"Is it numb? It's really hard to say! But fortunately, there are not many people in the security department! Is life alive? It's just a few things! "

"Big brother, are there many people who can see through these things? Not much at all

For Ding Yu and Meng Chong, Gai Tianxing really didn't understand too much! So can only be blinked his eyes, a face of helpless expression!

"By the way, big brother, have all those people dealt with it?"

"Quite a lot of people have no way to deal with it. How to deal with it is prefixed. The relationship between them is very complicated. It's like my relationship with the Boston consortium and so on is very good. If they are human beings! Quite a few people have no way to start! It's too embarrassing for us to meet in the future if we really start. Similarly, it's a kind of protection to do so. At least my people won't start. They will be expelled directly! "

Meng Chong has so many teeth, for this matter, Meng Chong has a considerable judgment, but also can feel the difficulty of Ding Yu!

Some people can handle it! But some people have no way to deal with it!

"Brother, what if it's above the surface?"

"If it's on the surface, throw it on the surface! We all know each other's identities and problems! It's not that you can deal with it if you want. It's not that simple. However, the situation in the past two years has been slightly better, but it's just better! Really speaking, it's also bitter water! "

But whose is this bitter water? It's really hard to say!

I'm afraid that even Ding Yu himself can't say how ruthless and heartless Ding Yu is! Only Ding Yu's opponents are qualified to comment. What kind of ruthlessness is Ding Yu!

And these? Meng Chong may guess, but how much can he guess?

After all, how long has Meng Chong been with Ding Yu, and how much can he know about Ding Yu? Even if it is hard to guess, how much can you guess? I'm afraid everything is just unknown!

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