"Big brother? That's it? "

Sitting in the car, Meng Chong was obviously a little depressed. He wanted to show his face, but he didn't want to bring out such a thing? This is my own business? Or is it a farm thing?

Of course, Meng Chong said that, there are some tentative meanings in it, which is not Meng Chong's original intention! Specifically speaking, it should be regarded as the meaning of Wang family!

"Don't you think so? Do you want to start something else? " Ding Yu ha ha's smile!

"This NIMA is too bullying?"

Bullying? Ding Yu murmured to himself! Think for a period of time, is slightly shaking his head!

"Such a thing is not a bully at all! To a certain extent, the above performance is very normal! In fact, I am more curious about who is behind this

It may be that Ding Yu and Meng Chong are in quite different positions! So the problem that considers also has quite different! This time, it seems that he has some grievances, but for Ding Yu, it's not a big deal! Even very normal!

Slightly abnormal is that the people behind the layout seem to react a little too fast! Fast let Ding Yu have no time to do any reaction, even with the family are involved, this is to let Ding Yu surprise!

Now is definitely not the best time to get angry. If it's really noisy, what kind of thing is this! I'm embarrassed on my face! With the face of the family will also be very embarrassed! After all, grandma and father have come out!

Under such circumstances, even Ding Yu has a big grievance, now also need to stop! If you don't mind, calm down and think about it carefully! Who knows what kind of things and problems are hidden behind this!

What's more, so far, Ding Yu has not grasped any direction, and with the so-called clues, he is approaching nothing!

Don't be fooled by what you show! What's going on now? How do you know that you didn't show up on purpose? So Ding Yu now needs to be calm and even take the initiative to step back two steps! May be more secure!

"Big brother? I feel a little chilly! Do you think this is a good thing? Or bad? " Meng Chong's expression is so embarrassed, "I don't know how to say it, so to describe it!"

In this regard, Ding Yu noncommittal smile“ To a certain extent, you are more lucky! But really speaking, it has nothing to do with you! I even need to thank you. If it's not for you, it seems that I really don't know when things will explode. This time, I need to sell you a favor, a big favor! "

"No! Brother, don't say that. I'm a little flustered! "

Ding Yu knocked his head with his hand, "you don't have to pay attention to the farm business. Anyway, you didn't mean to be involved in it from the beginning to the end! In addition, this time things are slightly strange! It's really not good for you if I bring you in, so you should concentrate on your own affairs! "

To a certain extent, Ding Yu is also a disclosure to Meng Chong!

"I'm in charge of my own affairs, but there's no problem, big brother! Is that really good? "

"Nothing good or bad! Now the problem seems not complicated, but everything seems to be covered up! You don't know something about it! If you know, it will make you have some difficulties! "

"I see!" Meng Chong really understood!

After all, this time, the old lady of the Wang family and Uncle Wang have come forward! Even some of them want to face brother Ding Yu! Are you on the side of big brother? Or on the side of the Wang family? This problem for Meng Chong, really do not know how to choose!

Standing on the big brother's side, to a certain extent, it's bad for his father! After all, my father belongs to the Wang family! But standing on the side of the Wang family, I have infinite admiration for the elder brother. As for the so-called standing in the middle position? What are you thinking of? How can it be!

Their own power is not enough to stand in the middle of the position, can only be the Wang family and big brother two choose one! To be more exact, I can only choose the Wang family, not the big brother at all! This is doomed!

Of course, just in this matter, I need to stand on the side of the Wang family, if other conditions, another matter!

Fortunately, big brother has made a choice for himself before this. If you really let yourself say it, it's not so easy for Meng Chong to be embarrassed!

It's not that I'm a wall grass, because to a certain extent, I admire big brother a little more! After all, he followed Ding Yu's side, but the Wang family? My contact is not as much as I imagined!

But Meng Chong also noticed this time! The handle in Ding Yu's hand has been changed! A King Kong! Meng Chong really didn't notice when he changed things! The brush is relatively clean! Besides, things are a little bit NEW! Brother, it's the first time! But looking at the back meat above, Meng Chong wants to grin!

Why? Because if you put this on your hand! No more! Two hours of time, their hands will be guaranteed to blister, a week's time is likely to cocoon! This is still a mild case, if it is a little more serious, what will be the result, it is really hard to say!

Can obviously feel out, big brother knead when the speed is relatively slow, one is a! But the whole bracelet is slightly elegant! No accessories on it! The style is not high at all! But everyone has a love! It's really hard to say anything!

Back to the original place, Ding Yu is sitting on the chair, silently rotating his hand string, and Meng Chong is with Gai Tianxing to see the specific briefing, all about Gao Changyu!

Don't disturb Ding Yu now! And it's the most unsuitable one!

No matter who is able to see that Ding Yu is not so happy as he imagined, and he may even have considerable resentment in his heart. At this time, if Ding Yu is provoked, what kind of things will happen? There are some really hard to say! You should know that the closer the distance is, the more likely it will be burned to ashes at that time!

After Wang Yang met his father, he took Tian Qi back to the capital, but there were not many people who wanted to disturb him! But what about Tian Qi? I was taught a lesson earlier! But the lesson? To a certain extent, it is performance oriented! The real punishment has not yet fallen on him!

Wu Chun confessed his own problems, including Wu Bi, who was also punished. However, due to the rush of time, there has been no result!

And farms? It seems that some of them are so powerful! How to deal with the relevant personnel, seems to have no intention to announce! Is it a low-key mess? Or deliberately without hair, now really let people have some do not understand!

All in all, it seems that what has been exposed now is only a Tianhua! But the problem is that Ding Yu just went through a scene! And then there was no movement! This is really too suspicious!

Now if Ding Yu really wants to have some action or make his own voice, then moving Tianhua is the best choice!

But the problem is that Ding Yu didn't do anything! So what does Ding Yu want to do? Previously, quite a lot of eyes were focused on Ding Yu's body, now it is even more so! It's almost impossible to keep such a thing from happening! What kind of treatment will Ding Yu adopt this time?

"Meng Chong, let's get ready and go back!"

"Go back?" Meng Chong Leng? Obviously, I didn't want to understand. Where is it going?

"Yes! I don't feel much about Christmas Eve and Christmas! For the new year? It can also be said that there is no love of that kind, but on the lunar new year, has a considerable feeling! Because it's our own festival! But there is no way, the child's mother for Christmas Eve and Christmas, new year or more attention, plus the new year's time when the farm also held a party! We need to meet them and communicate with each other! And the children should be back then! Go back earlier, prepare earlier

"Capital?" Meng Chong asked subconsciously. After looking at Ding Yu's face, Meng Chong immediately responded, "big brother, let alone, I haven't been to that small town, but I've really heard about it! Even had certain investigation and understanding, the environment there is absolutely unique! Back to the mountain and face to the sea! four distinctive seasons! Now it's full of fish! Think about it, there are really some people who want to drool

"Go back first! Take the high-speed rail! It's more convenient! "

Just go! Very happy! Even happy let a person have so some don't believe! But this is also in line with Ding Yu's character! The whole journey, there is no stop! Ding Yu and his party directly returned to the small town here!

"Let's go! I'll take you to meet my parents! When they learn that you are coming today, they must have dinner at home! "

Maybe it's because of coming back home, Ding Yu's mood is obviously better! Even a little smile can be seen on his face. Meng Chong dares to swear that this smile is absolutely the most sincere! Absolutely from my heart! From the inside to the outside, there is no doping!

"Dad! Mother Seeing Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying, Ding Yu smiles shyly! Slightly have so some small wanton!

"So soon? And he came with his friends? " Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are quite hospitable! Ding Yu is to give two people to do some introduction, at the beginning, Meng Chong still has some formality, but soon adapted to it!

Give Meng Chong the feeling that elder brother's foster father and foster mother are ordinary people! Not because of Ding Yu's reason, the eye is higher than the top, even appears very ordinary and ordinary! To a certain extent, Meng Chong has seen quite a lot of people! After a little power and money, the whole person is gone with the wind! It just fell down!

But the situation of the elder brother's adoptive father and adoptive mother seems to be a bit unexpected. According to the power and money of the elder brother, even if they want to go to heaven, it doesn't seem to be a big deal! Too simple! But what about them? It's a couple! Live a simple and simple life!

May be relative to the ordinary poor people, their living standards are very high, but relative to the whole family, their life is really too simple, even some monotonous!

At ordinary times, what the old couple do is to support medical treatment and education! There's no sense of sticking to your own identity! Before, Meng Chong still had some doubts about whether it was because of elder brother, but from now on, it's not like this at all! Because the smile on the old couple's face and the expression in their eyes have already explained everything!

After meeting his parents, Ding Yu took Meng Chong and Gai Tianxing to visit the villa! Obviously, I can feel that the interior decoration of the two villas are quite different, and the furnishings of the villas are also quite different!

"My side is decorated by my mother! Parents there is their own choice! I'm basically not involved in anything! "

"Big brother, you didn't give some opinions and ideas?" Meng Chong said a little jokingly!

"No!" Ding Yu shook his head. "At the beginning, it took a lot of effort to build these two villas. At that time, the conditions were more convenient. Now, it's really very difficult! And there is quite a feeling in it! It's more comfortable to live! No other feelings

When entering the study, Meng Chong and Gai Tianxing were both shocked! Is this a study? It's not too much to say that it's a small library! Even give people the feeling of a little exaggeration!

"Yes, sir!" Meng Chong scolded directly, especially when he saw several specimens, the corners of his mouth twitched“ Brother, this thing? Is it a bit out of date? be misfits? There are also specimens and this acupoint specimen placed together, isn't it a bit disharmonious? "

"I used it in my research, but it's not so fine. There's also the full image, but if you don't know much about it, you can forget it! But Dahong can have a look! "

"Brother, is this the study? It's a little too much exaggeration! I have to build one for myself when I go back! It's so emotional! Reading here in your spare time is absolutely beyond imagination

Meng Chong is really excited! There are some furnishings in the room, but what about these furnishings? There is no decoration, basically has a considerable function, and the most things are books!

And Meng Chong also noticed! A lot of books have rough edges. Obviously, I often read them. I even took out two of them to have a look. There are quite a few notes on them, which is a bit too powerful!

"Speaking of it, I really can't do this. Although I usually read books, comparatively speaking, I feel that you are absolutely the difference between heaven and earth with elder brother!"

Although his family background and even his education are very different, Meng Chong is really ashamed after seeing Ding Yu's study. His family background is much deeper than Ding Yu's!

But I am too lazy! What is the result of slack? When I think of it, Meng Chong can't help shaking his head. Today, he was really taught a lesson by his elder brother!

"Brother, you will make me very insecure! Is that really good? "

When he spoke, Meng Chong's face was full of bitterness!

"It's wrong to be a young man if he is not romantic! This is not false, everyone has absurd time, you have, I have! But don't forget what is the essence of yourself? It's not easy for your family to spread to today! Even a very rare thing! I really haven't touched a few of them in all these years! It's a pity to see you so deserted! "

Meng Chong was silent for a little time“ Brother, are the children in the family like this? "

"They usually like to come here! After two days should be back, if you stay, there will be considerable contact, but too lively! Sometimes it's really a headache, at least I have some helplessness in this problem, too much pampering at home! My parents have nothing else to say, but for children, sometimes even I can't help it! "

"I didn't see it. I felt very warm and kind!"

"There's nothing wrong with the word passion, but kind?" Ding Yu's expression has changed a little“ This word describes my father may be a little better, my mother quite a little bit of temper a little bit dry! The most pampered one at home is probably mother! But when we start, it's just the mother! "

"Still doing it, really? Don't you mean it's very spoiled? " Meng Chong is a little confused!

"I'm very straightforward. If you know more, you'll know! She's a primary school teacher. If she's not more powerful, how can she hold those bear children! You and I should have come from that era! The teachers in those days were not so good! "“ That's true. At that time, when the teacher went to visit, my father had a different identity, but he had to make tea and water for the teacher honestly! It's not like now, I haven't heard how many teachers are going to visit. Of course, society may change too fast! " It's just a matter of fact! Not to highlight something! There is no such meaning! Appreciate some, a new wash, and then ready to eat dinner! But before that, Meng Chong also understood his elder brother's family status! If we let the outside world know about this, we will be absolutely shocked! www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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