The two dogs in the house look very old! However, you can see that you must be well taken care of! Otherwise, it would not be so spiritual!

But big brother has to wait on two dogs! And look at this situation, it seems that is not the general proficiency! At ordinary times, absolutely no less work! It's quite a contrast! After all, the identity of big brother, to start in person? Isn't there no nanny at home? Why?

"Big brother? You still like this stuff? How about two Tibetan Mastiffs! I can still find a way out! "

"Don't underestimate it. Xiaolao has a very special position in our family. She has been with my parents for many years, even when the child was not born! Up to now, it is relatively healthy, that is, sometimes quite naughty! There are other dogs at home! Even the children in the family have a special small institution. When you go to Siheyuan, don't you see it? "

"How many dogs do you think? But I didn't pay much attention at that time! I'm more interested in turtles

"Their boss is very hard on me! They don't like each other! But in addition to Ding Yun and Ding Chang, that bastard basically ignored other people! Don't give me face at all. I always tear my pants open at the beginning! I don't know what to say, OK

"Brother, how can I listen to you? I feel a little aggrieved!" Meng Chong is really a little sad! Is it true that big brother has no way to take a dog?

The dinner was very rich. Meng Chong even had two drinks with Ding Lin! Can obviously feel it! Drinks are very different! Should be self brewed, but after a considerable proportion of late and precipitation! Otherwise, it would never taste like this! Drink to the stomach inside feel abnormal comfortable and comfortable!

Eating is more lively, you can see that Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are not hypocritical and polite people! In addition, Meng Chong and Gai Tianxing also performed very well, so everyone was very happy! But Ding Yu and Dahong are slightly dull. Their main direction of attack is the things on the table!

After eating, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying didn't mean to accompany them! But with a little lazy they go out!

"Big brother! Feel uncle and aunt is very free and easy! I really admire you and have a good attitude! "

"It's OK. To use modern buzzwords, it's just a little bit of curtilage! I like to stay at home when I have nothing to do! In principle, the conditions at home are still very good! But there's no way. They don't like it at all! " Ding Yu doesn't have much to hide about it. His parents are just like this!

"Is it a rest, or shall I show you around?"

Huh? To say tired, there is really no tired! In the evening, I'll go out for a stroll, but it's such a small county. And now, can there be any excitement? However, due to the situation here is not so understanding, so Meng Chong is really not good to go under this aspect of judgment!

"I have nothing to do, but I don't know if you have the time, elder brother!"

"Let's go! There should be a competition in the evening. If we have time tomorrow, let's go to a hot spring. The children at home don't know when they will be able to come back? Just take advantage of the two rest, this time a little busy! I haven't had much free time all the time Ding Yu seems to have pointed out that!

From the current situation, it seems that Wu Chun has come to an end! But Meng Chong is very clear, things are far from the end of that degree, but big brother now this time did not want to pursue the meaning!

What about the follow-up? Is that a problem? Meng Chong is really not so clear, because big brother did not have any mention with himself! The reason for this is that Meng Chong has some speculation, but it's just speculation! This aspect of the matter, they can be less involved, or less involved in a bit better! It's easy to get angry!

What's more, it's really hard to say what kind of consequences it will have if it's really mixed in! Big brother didn't mention anything to himself. To a certain extent, it's also for his own good! Can I be ignorant!

What's more, there are other things on his body, Lao Gao's things have not been solved all the time! I can pick sesame and lose watermelon! Take care of Lao Gao! I can't get away with this credit!

After Ding Yu came out together, Meng Chong found that there seemed to be a lot of people on this side of the square!

You know, this is just a small county! Although it is still early, there should not be so many talents! So NIMA is exaggerating? Definitely not because Ding Yu came back!

"Big brother? What's the situation? So many people? " Looking at the busy crowd, Meng Chong is a little curious!

"It's supposed to be watching the game!" Ding Yu took a look at his mobile phone and said casually“ The sports development here is very good! There are even some better seedlings! After the common people are rich, their spiritual pursuit is also relatively high! Play badminton! Basketball and so on are very good, as for football, I know a lot about it! After all, the winter here is rather cold. Just this one will persuade many fans away! "

"That's true!" But Meng Chong was surprised that there were so many people outside! Even if there is a hobby in this area, but not so many people! What's more, I know more about the situation of sports in China! If you don't play, it doesn't mean that you don't have the ability to watch and appreciate!

When entering the stadium, Meng Chong found that he underestimated everyone's enthusiasm a little too much! good heavens! The atmosphere is about to lift up the ceiling of the gymnasium! But when Meng Chong reacts, he finds that his elder brother has been surrounded by some people!

"The atmosphere here is so good!" Gai Tianxing opened his mouth! I have seen a lot of sports events! With the scene also saw a lot, but such an ordinary game, will attract so many people, with the atmosphere will be so fierce! This is really what I didn't expect!

When Ding Yu came back, he had a child with him!

"Wei Lai, this is Meng Chong. You can call him uncle!"

Wei Lai's smile is respectful to Meng Chong! Gai Tianxing, Dahong and others! Then he sat beside Ding Yu! There is no sense of restraint and tension, Meng Chong and others are also more surprised!

"Big brother, little guy is a little interesting! I can feel something else from him! He can even smell quite a lot. His parents must be working in relevant departments! "

When hearing this, Ding Yu nodded and said with a smile“ His father is a policeman, so to a certain extent, he was quite affected. Before he went to junior high school, he was just like you! When I was a child, I didn't obey the discipline! It's called a disturbance, and there are not many ways in his family. After he went to junior high school, he became a classmate with his children! At that time, the children in the family carried the flag! Now all the children in the family have left! It's his turn to carry the flag

oh Meng Chong's eyes lit up!

"Interesting! I started to carry the flag at this age! " Meng Chong showed great interest in this!

And next to gai Tianxing is also watching, looking at Meng Chong, a little plump, but definitely not fat! From the appearance of the above, very zhouzheng, eyes are very flexible! Smile! Not too much formality! But also did not show what the so-called publicity, give people the first impression, is a good child!

But can be valued by Ding Yu, or even carried out grandly, can be a simple child? In this regard, Meng Chong and Gai Tianxing both feel quite different! Meng Chong, in particular, observed with great care. He even crossed Ding Yu and had a good communication with Wei Lai!

After waiting for the end of the game, Meng Chong has some lingering feelings!

"Great! How wonderful Meng Chong is so convinced that although Wei Lai has left, Meng Chong is still full of praise! How long have you not seen such a child! How are the children of the Ding family? I haven't made close contact, but Wei Lai's performance has made me a little overjoyed!

Of course, there is a little bit of depression behind this. Why? Because look at Wei Lai, and then look at their own children!

Those children of my family have been investigated by myself! Compared with Wei Lai, there are too many gaps! The so-called people die more than people! It's true that the goods are better than the goods! Anyway, after watching Wei Lai, Meng Chong really had some impulse and killed all his children!

"Big brother? How on earth have they been trained? " When he said this, Meng Chong was quite curious!

Ding Yu is a simple talk about the process and progress!

"From the current situation, their performance is very good! But what happens next? Everything is still unknown, no one dare to do this aspect of the guarantee! The current good condition does not mean that it will be the same in the future! "

Ding Yu is a little too cautious about this!

"Big brother, you are a typical spectator. You don't think it's too big! You have silver in your pocket. Of course, you don't panic! But what about us? I'm really flustered in my heart! Now I'm scratching my ears! "

Ding Yu is to spread his hands, "I have no way! Who made the encounter a little late? This is not up to you and me! But if you are interested, you can have a try. The number of students in the school is very tight now! And when the child comes here, it's really suitable! "

Obviously, Ding Yu did it on purpose! To a certain extent, Ding Yu handed over Gao Changyu's affairs to Meng Chong. Of course, there are trust and tests, but it also made Meng Chong take considerable risks!

Do you still need a sweet date to eat? Although Ding Yu didn't fight Meng Chong, is he a man and a man? Can't be too harsh, and Gao Changli's things to Meng Chong's hands, his treatment is also very appropriate, even Ding Yu can't find out any problems!

Under such circumstances, can Ding Yu be indifferent? How is that possible?

Even Ding Yu will give more! On this point, Meng Chong and Gai Tianxing both have quite feelings! Maybe there is still a long way to go in the end, but from the current results, it has made two people a little excited!

"I'll have time for you tomorrow! I need to go back and see my grandma! Whatever you want! If you have time in the evening, go to the hot spring together! "

When you get up in the morning, look at the training team outside! Meng Chong blinked his eyes, and Dahong was eager to try! Next to gai Tianxing, he took a deep breath!

"I don't want to say anything else, just the air quality! It's not the coldness in imagination, and there's no bitterness! This side is near the sea! From the truth, at least the wind should have some salty taste, or even more exaggerated, it should be quite bitter, but there is no feeling in this aspect! It's a bit of a surprise! "

"Don't mention it. Although it's a small county, it's the only one in the country! As Lao Gai said, this is the seaside after all, but there is no damp and cold, and I read carefully, there is no so-called disaster here! Even never! This has to be a little amazing! "

"True or false?" Gai Tianxing doesn't believe it!

"Let's go! Don't eat on the farm in the morning! There will be such opportunities in the future! Let's go outside and find something to eat. Only in this way can we see the change and development of a city! "

And so on out of the farm, Meng Chong their feelings can be said to be particularly strong!

"Mr. Meng, I feel that I can't help being rude!"

"NIMA!" Meng Chong can't help it“ Is this clean one a little too much? " The so-called clean does not mean that the road is spotless and impossible! Mainly the overall framework! Environmental Science! Layout and so on, all give people the feeling is pleasing to the eye!

This can't be arranged in a moment! Need the whole city has a very good planning! Because of curiosity, it's exercise! Several people walked all the way, walked all the way, talked all the way!

Even during the period, I saw Ding Lin, he took the dog for a walk, with some old comrades, everything seemed so natural and harmonious! When other people are with Ding Lin, they can't see any restrictions and compliments! As if he was an ordinary person!

Do these people not know Ding Lin's identity? Impossible!

The smaller the place, the more difficult it is to hide such things! But they are still so magnanimous when they know Ding Lin's identity. The situation is worth thinking about! Even good to guess!

Put yourself in the shoes of your father, can you do it?

Meng Chong can't help shaking his head. It's not that his father put down this mentality. But the question is, can people around him put down this mentality? The situation is not clear in one or two sentences!

The place for breakfast is not too small! The whole store is very clean! People may be a little bit more, but the variety is really very rich! Meng Chong also paid attention to it! Things are not expensive, at least in their own understanding, very cheap!

"I feel that living in such a small city is also a kind of happiness! Excellent environment! Transportation is also relatively convenient. As for teaching and medical treatment, we don't know much about it! But from the known situation to understand, absolutely excellent

"Is the young man from abroad?" An old man at the next table, hearing Meng Chong's words to himself, said yes!

"I just came here yesterday. I heard that there will be a new year's party this year! Come and have a look! "

"Ouch, the relationship is tough!"

This words let Meng Chong not from of is a Leng! It's just going to a party. It doesn't need too much relationship!

"How do you say that, sir?"

"It must have been invited by the farm! If it's not for the invitation from the farm, it's almost impossible for other people to enter the party, but for local people! Brush your face! But there are a few places left, basically the second or the third

"Are there so many people?" Meng Chong is a little curious!

"Natural, annual retention project! Previously, people on our side didn't have much interest in going to the party, mainly because there were a lot of tourists during that time! The passenger flow is much more than usual, but now? Living conditions are getting better! So I am looking forward to going to the party! A symbol of absolute status

Meng Chong can feel the changes in everyone's psychology from the short words!

At the beginning, everyone wanted to make money! Why? Because there is no money, so I want to make money, now there is silver in my pocket! That is to say, after solving the problem of food and clothing, we have a higher pursuit!

"I've heard about it before, but it's really my first time here. I feel that everyone's mental outlook is really good! And the climate here is also good! I just don't know what the medical treatment and school are like here? "“ In terms of medical treatment, the whole surrounding areas need to come here to see a doctor. They can go directly to the province, and even connect with hospitals all over the country! Now the hospital is bigger than before. I heard that it will be expanded! As for school! Hey, hey The old man laughed, "didn't you hear that? In the province and in the upper level cities, they always run to our side to catch seedlings! Bullshit, we can give them all good seedlings. What's the good thing to think about? " When he said this, the old man was proud, even quite proud“ Isn't it good to go to the provinces and the upper cities? " Meng Chong was a little surprised, and he put down the spoon with Gai Tianxing! I am also quite interested in this“ Bullshit, our school, there is a count of one, all networking, and can do all the quality education! Scorpion Baba alone The old man said with great pride! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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