"No? Sir, do you know that? " Meng Chong has some doubts about this!

"Isn't that nonsense? My grandson goes to school here! Thanks to my grandson! At that time, his father went out! With the account also went out! There is no development in small cities! fuck! Now I regret it! There's no use for birds at all Speaking of this, while the old man is proud, there are some complaints from NIMA“ In his wizened place, he went to school to think about this and that! But we don't think so much about it at all

Listen to the old man's scolding, Meng Chong doesn't know what to say! The old man's temper is a little grumpy!

"No! Old man, you don't care about your grandson's breakfast? This morning

"I'm not used to his food! This nutrition, that nutrition, if I eat like him, I'm joking, I'm afraid I'll tie my neck in two and a half days! Milk! egg! It's a good thing, but the problem is that an old man like me can't eat too much nutrition if he eats like this every day? One week with our old lady! At noon, the school is in charge, and in the evening, we can eat something decent! "

"Is the school in charge? Are you so relieved? " Meng Chong said a little jokingly!

"Why don't you worry about that! When we are free, we can go to the canteen to check! We are also extracurricular counselors! But we are not able to enter the kitchen interior, there is a considerable level of management

Meng Chong didn't think of this! But think about it carefully, it seems really good! If parents are not at ease, it's good to see it in person!

"It seems that I need to go to the school to have a look when I have time!"

"I don't have too many birds to use. I can't learn! We have a lot of financial support and a lot of social donations! I donated three months' pension on my own initiative last year! Just think of it as my old man making a little contribution! "

Obviously, this thing makes the old man very proud!

"The old man is powerful!" The young people who ate breakfast nearby also had considerable interest, "our family's youngest just went to kindergarten class. When we got home, we basically didn't eat anything. We disliked the poor food at home! I really want to hit him

Because I was very happy to eat, the old man invited me to breakfast! Meng Chong also added wechat to the old man. Looking at the content of wechat, Meng Chong can judge that the old man and he are a pure chance encounter, not a deliberate arrangement!

However, with the passage of time, they also realized what kind of changes have taken place in the small town! I feel this joke is a little bit big! At least in their impression! These should belong to big cities, at least a second tier city. The contrast is really big! Big people feel that some do not believe their own eyes!

Anyway, the time of the day down, we see the dazzling! If really mentions, the small county town's central urban area, is not specially big! If you really take a bus, I'm afraid it doesn't take too long to go around the city. But you can't use such a way to watch a city!

To do that is just to linger on the surface! Can not be practical to understand the small county!

"NIMA, I feel a little intolerable! It's just a small county-level city! But in the city, there are four high schools! Is NIMA exaggerating? Want to go to heaven? "

Meng Chong felt that he could not bear it! Even Meng Chong deliberately ran to two of the high schools to have a look! Nima's, not only Meng Chong began to curse his mother, with Gai Tianxing also began to burst foul language!

What about other places? Let's not talk about the layout of high school! Furnishings, teachers and so on, look at them have begun to drool! As for such exaggeration? It's just a high school. It's built like a university! The space is huge, and the environment is excellent!

From the current situation of small county, it should be said that every inch of land is worth every inch of money, right? But how many high schools? It's not limited at all. There's also donation! Quite all of them are anonymous! Of course, there are also a few yuan, and even this number of years can be traced back to before the founding of the country!

Even one of them is more than a hundred years old! After all, this is a small county, a small county. What was it like a hundred years ago? Under such circumstances, there will be a high school!

"Lao Gai, do you feel that we attach great importance to the overall education here! But the place is a little too narrow! So there is no university. If there is a university, it's an exaggeration! "

Gai Tianxing shook his head, then nodded again!

"I have seen the map, some of which are too small, but the geographical location is extremely superior. If the university is to be built, the whole surrounding area will be surrounded! I'm sure Mr. Ding will agree at that time! But in my opinion, there may be some problems that are not worth the loss! "

Meng Chong couldn't help shaking his head“ It's a pity that the place is a little bit small and there is no airport, but the facilities in other aspects are very good. Anyway, it's not easy to make rational use of your own advantages! "

However, in Meng Chong's subconscious understanding, there must be a big brother's great contribution. He lived here when he was young, and even his adoptive father and his adoptive father gave him a new life. In such a situation, the big brother must have a great feeling for it! I'm afraid anyone would be like this!

But I've heard that my eldest brother's grandmother doesn't like to see him very much, and I don't know what the reason is. I don't know! I didn't expect to encounter so many interesting things in this small place!

When he came back in the afternoon, Meng Chong met a little girl with smart eyes! See light rain, Meng Chong is really no preparation! So the whole person has so many dull, dull after, there are so many at a loss!

Because there is no preparation!

Ding Yu is very good to ease the embarrassment of Meng Chong! Knead the head of two light rain!

"When did your brother say he would be back? He's free outside, and he's throwing you at home! "

"Hee hee Wang Yu a smile, in fact, at home, he is very free! Grandfather and grandmother in life to give their incomparable care, will not let themselves feel any constraints and pressure! Even give all the love to yourself, because the other children are not at home! I really want the wind to get the wind! Rain for rain!

So Ding Yu's provocation will not have any effect!

"My brother has come back in these two days! But you need to go to the capital first? Come back with my teacher's mother! It's just Shifu. It's a little pitiful! " When you speak, you also use your fingers to rotate your cheek position, lovely one!

"This is your uncle Meng Chong Meng. Although he's a fool, he's actually a cute fat man! It's almost the same as your brother Ding Chang, but the rank and rank should be too much higher! "

"Hello, uncle Meng! Welcome to be a guest The little girl is very clever! It makes people feel very cute!

When I leave, I also lead a big dog! I feel the contrast is a little bit big!

"The little girl is so cute!" Meng Chong's words are absolutely not compliments!

"Wang An's younger sister is a little too young! Otherwise, this time also need to go out, but the family is not at ease, with Wang himself is still a child! It's easy to be distracted if she's allowed to take her sister away, and my parents are extremely opposed to it, so they keep her! "

"Let's go Ding Yu is a bit wanton“ I have already called and they have made preparations in advance, which is quite different from the hot springs in other places. I even found two prescriptions for them, especially at this time. If they don't book in advance, there will be no place at all! "

"Speaking of it, I just noticed that the traffic situation here is very good! There's a one-way street

"What's the matter? Look down on our small county, don't you? " Ding Yu gives a white eye“ Now there are a little more vehicles, so it's also a great attention. But when the living conditions are good, we also hope it will be more convenient! There is no way to do this! And when the city began to plan, it began to pay attention to this aspect, so although there are a lot of vehicles, there is not much congestion! "

"I feel that luxury cars are not as many as I imagined! But there are so many business cars! "

"Don't mention it! These guys got rich at first! All over the world, everything! Quite often, I don't know how to spend my money! What luxury cars, villas and so on! It's no different. I'm afraid it's hard for you to imagine the extent of their death. A bed is placed in a 200 square house! "

Gai Tianxing's mouth twitched, while Meng Chong slapped himself, "can he sleep soundly at night? I'm afraid it's not just a nightmare, is it? Even the old emperor dare not sleep in such an empty house

"They don't understand the exaggeration! What to do when you can't even sleep? I felt that I couldn't control myself, so I got myself a gold bed. It's real gold. After listening to it, I almost had to laugh! "

"The circuit in this house must be well protected! Otherwise, if you lie on it, you will really become a roast chicken

"Now it's great. The bedroom of 20-30 square meters has a great sleep and delicious food! But fortunately, after that savage period of time, they all changed slowly! "

Everyone came to the hot spring! Look at the cars in the parking lot! Most of them are business cars. Why? Because it's comfortable! And the space is huge! It's not like a car or an SUV. It looks good, but actually it's a matter of who uses it!

When Dong Fang saw Ding Yu, he almost trotted. Mr. Ding himself came here. He could not even invite such a thing himself! However, the old man of the Ding family usually comes over, and it's not good if he doesn't charge. If he doesn't charge, people won't come over! Who do you want to reason with!

Fortunately, Mr. Ding did not forget himself! However, I asked for a prescription from Mr. Ding, and Lao Xu provided me with herbs. Now I'm not as easy as making money! No way! the one and only! Other places can't learn! And they learn! It's hard to draw bones when drawing dragons and tigers!

However, Dong Fang didn't mean to unify the world! If you eat by yourself, you have to let other people drink soup, don't you?

But even so, high-end bath this aspect, they occupy too much initiative! In addition, the masters from Yangzhou and local masters are integrated together! No!

Today, Mr. Ding came with his friends. He must be satisfied!

"Mr. Ding!" After a brief introduction, Dong Fang greets Meng Chong and Gai Tianxing!

But I didn't accompany you, because this environment is more private and better! In this case, if you follow up, what kind of behavior is it? It's a little too annoying! So forget it! To satisfy Mr. Ding and his friends is more important than anything else!

After soaking in the hot spring for a period of time, I feel that the decoration and layout here are not bad! But if there is anything strange, Meng Chong really doesn't have too much feeling! When he was waiting for a small pool, Meng Chong was able to see the high end of it, along with the doctor's equipment! Who is suitable for the water, who is not suitable for the water and so on!

Moreover is the ratio of drugs, at this point, Meng Chong still has a certain say! After all, I read a lot of books, not like Dahong! He is an iron man!

"Are you already so extravagant? To a certain extent, it should be regarded as a medicine bath, right? "

After soaking for quite a long time, there is a special massage master who is responsible for beating again! Comfortable Meng Chong all slept in the past, although the sleep time is not particularly long, but the whole body is like a new look! From the inside to the outside!

"That's a little bit more powerful!" Although the next process may be a little ordinary, the previous medicine bath and massage are already worth the ticket price! Even let people feel endless aftertaste!

"These two days, the children at home come back to let you and Dahong see something different! It must be good for you! Before this? You need to be quite prepared! "

Then Ding Yu called Dahong, "Dahong, you are in charge of Meng Chong these two days! Let his body fully open! When necessary, we can take some fumigation methods, so that the pores on his body can be fully opened! At the same time, don't let him catch a cold! If you catch a cold, all previous achievements will be wasted! "

"Big brother, what's the situation?"

"It's also a reward for you! It's good for you! But before that? Focus on sorting out things about Lao Gao. As for me? No problem

"Well! I am a hard-working life, and I know that! "

After returning to his hometown, Ding Yu was a little quiet! Even give people the feeling of some depression!

Is it because Wu Chun's incident hit Ding Yu a little bit earlier? For this point, there is really no one dare to do this! Together with the Wang family, he called Meng Chong! The side beat side attack of asked!

But there is no effect, at this point, Meng Chong did not hide anything! To a certain extent, it can't be concealed at all. Meng Chong has a very clear understanding of this. I will explain in detail what it should be like, but the problem is that I can't take the initiative to inquire, can I?

If you really take the initiative to test, then the meaning represented is not the same!

At that time, you don't have to take the initiative to drive yourself out, and you don't have the face to stay beside you!

Although Meng Chong also knows that elder brother's position of keeping himself by his side is quite purposeful! I'm afraid I won't deny this even if I'm big brother himself! But from another point of view! Big brother for their own ability is very recognized, and even give their own maximum play space!

And they get more than that!

Under such circumstances, what can you say and what else do you need to say? I don't need anything! Good performance of their own can be!

Meng Chong now more or less can understand why big brother's farm can run so well, and the consortium itself has no understanding! So it's really hard to make any evaluation!

Because big brother is really decentralization! And never add any interference, there may be some adjustments, but will never move the main frame, and I can clearly feel that even if I make some adjustments, it is just to make myself better!

As for the situation described by Meng Chong, the Wang family is also a little helpless, even a little anxious! Because this time the situation is so special, the old lady's hand, the reason is quite worth pondering! With Wang Changlin here is also the initiative to find his eldest son! Of course, these are only internal reasons, but external reasons? Up to now, there is no real investigation, at least Ding Yu has not made specific disclosure at this time! So now the Wangs urgently need to know what kind of attitude Ding Yu is! But what about Ding Yu? Without any disclosure, I went back to my hometown directly! Maybe this is the attitude of Ding Yu, he is very dissatisfied now? But it's so far fetched, because every year, Ding Yu basically does it! www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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