But to say that Ding Yu really does not have any opinions and ideas! It doesn't seem to be true!

Put on anyone's body, such a thing will not be too happy, Ding Yu did not get angry! This has given the family considerable face! Even Ding Yu didn't reveal anything at that time, which was beyond the expectation of the family!

But it is precisely because of such non disclosure that the Wang family is quite upset! No one knows where things will go next! If the thorn in the boss's heart is not removed, it will definitely be a big bomb for the whole Wang family!

Fortunately, the children at home and their mother are back!

This is a very happy thing for the Wang family!

The children came back with a lot of presents! Compared with the past, it may be a little weak, but these are earned by themselves! This is particularly important!

In this aspect, it's really not good for the family to speak in other aspects, because the children use their own performance to prove that although they are still very childish, they have the spirit of eating cattle! Even if they now enter the society, I believe they will be very good!

From this point alone, Ding Yu is absolutely successful, and he is the incomparable one!

Of course, a few children are happy, although they can discuss each other through video, but suddenly leave, or let them have quite reluctant, so now get together naturally let their feelings have quite a burst!

As for Taixi? Looking at the performance of the children at home, she should be the most happy. It is true that she is not very satisfied with the father's practice, but look at the present effect, you will know! The father of the child did nothing wrong!

Although I never admit it, I never interfere!

Has the father ever interfered in his own situation? There has never been any interference!

But to control a company, I really feel that I can't do what I want! Fortunately, there are quite a few helpers, together with the help of the child's father and others, so I didn't get beaten down directly. If I just let myself bear all this alone, maybe in two and a half days, it will disappear!

And the father of the child? Controlling such a large financial group, I feel that he has some indifferent, weightless, no personal experience, I can't feel the pressure!

What's more, the father of the child is still involved in his affairs! Educating children is just a small part of it!

If we let ourselves educate our children, what can we teach them? Will it be like the father of a child! Rich but not proud! Expensive but not comfortable? Think about it and know it. It's impossible!

It's quite possible to make them excellent, but it can't be as good as it is today!

When Taixi stayed in Siheyuan for two days, the children at home didn't seem as relaxed as they thought! They had quite a lot of visits. Later, they left at the request of the old people at home! Of course, to a certain extent, this is more like an excuse!

No matter Taixi or the children at home, they don't pay as much attention to Christmas Eve and Christmas as they think! At least it doesn't pay as much attention as you think. Of course, it's just a scene!

When they came back, they got a warm welcome, and Ding Yu even picked them up in person! Of course, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying didn't want to let them! It has nothing to do with being grand or not!

In his spare time, Ding Yu introduced Taixi and his children to Meng Chong! Very formal, also let Meng Chong a little flattered feeling!

The performance of several children is different! Wang An is very calm! Are you a child? A little quiet! And Ding Yun is very generous! It's Ding Chang who makes himself feel a little similar! Even Meng Chong saw Xiao Gang! I'm not familiar with Xiaogang? Of course, I'm familiar with it! And it's very familiar!

But soon several children were taken away by Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying! It's not Ding Yu's turn at all! Even if it is Ding Yu personally to pick up, there is no use, at this time, Ding Yu does not have any say!

Yes or no! The reality is so cruel!

And Meng Chong also saw the dog in Ding Yu's mouth! Ding Yu was jokingly known as the small four eyes, and the children at home called the big bear dog! I really scared myself a lot!

The dog is a little bit big! Great big dog! But a little too quiet! Quiet let oneself feel this is a silly dog? However, when it has a reaction, Meng Chong also feels that the situation is not quite right!

When facing Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying, he rubbed! It's like a little joy! But when Xiaoyu rubbed his head, he was a little impatient! But bear it! But when Ding Yu comes near here! But it's not just showing your teeth! With four legs are starting to move rhythmically up! The marble on the sole of the foot is about to be scratched!

When Ding Yu hummed here, he also supported his head and showed his teeth slightly! Looking at Ding Yu's eyes, there was so much contempt! Too obvious! Meng Chong looked very real, but also a little too surprised!

good heavens! Such a long time! I'm really the first to encounter such a strange thing! In the past, no matter man or beast! Encountered their own big brother, there are so many scared, when we are not as good as a dog! And see what it means! If Ding Yu gets closer, he may not be able to control himself!

It's Ding Yun who comes and pacifies the bear! Hold the head a good meal of intimacy, this is to solve the problem!

Taixi next to him is laughing. It's not the first time to see such a scene, but it's a pleasure to see it once! There is so much happiness! After all, such a thing happened to the father of the child, it is so funny!

"How do you feel?"

Meng Chong thought for a little time, "now let me make this evaluation. Brother, you are not just trying to embarrass me! Not flattering to say, are good children! But really, I like Ding Chang! "

"Yes! You are of the same kind Ding Yu ha ha's smile! express volumes!

"It's just a feeling I can't say! I feel very in tune with you, big brother. Sometimes it's a kind of inexplicable feeling to like it! Anyway, it's pleasant to look at! From the inside to the outside! I feel like I saw what I looked like when I was a child, but it's quite different! It's a feeling of not being clear! "

"The other children in the family didn't show this problem! But only Ding Chang Ding Yu has some toothache feeling, "in this problem, I have other ideas, has not been very good to correct! If you have time, take him with you these two days! Do me a favor

The expression of Taixi beside him was a little surprised! But can let the child's father say such words, Taixi is still very surprised! Also let him have more curiosity to Meng Chong!

"Big brother? You can rest assured! I'm not sure about myself! After all, I know my own problems very well! "

Ding Yu nodded attentively“ After understanding the inheritance of you and your family, I have this idea! For other children, there may be some effect, but the effect will never be too obvious! "

"Brother, I can have a try, but I don't guarantee any effect!"

"Please Although it was on the car, Taixi bowed respectfully!

For this sister-in-law, Meng Chong still has some impression. Although he doesn't quite understand it, is it such a thing? I don't have much relationship with myself, as long as I like it! But we can still see some problems from it!

Why do you say that? This sister-in-law is not a famous lady, and even does not match with the elder brother! How did the Wangs agree at the beginning? Of course, there may be quite a reason for this, that is, big brother likes it!

But in the identity and position of big brother, sometimes even if you like it, you need to resist a lot of pressure! Is it because of this that the relationship between big brother and the Wang family is slightly embarrassed?

It's not right. Things will never be so simple! What is the power of the consortium like? I don't know much about it! But the farm has what kind of power and inside information, how much or know some of their own! The farm alone is enough to make elder brother have a considerable heritage, really against the Wang family! There won't be too much fear!

But on second thought, things do not have much to do with themselves! Why do you have to worry about it?

It's true that my father is a member of this faction, and even took an important post, but to a certain extent, he is not! So is it the Wang family or the elder brother? This question? ha-ha!

But even if the heart has a considerable choice, but say it is another thing! It would make the Wang family quite embarrassed, so it would be nice to have such a thing on top of face! I believe the Wang family will understand this very well! What's the matter? Do you have to make everything clear? No good!

Back at home, there was no chicken flying and dogs jumping, but Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying were like old hens protecting food. They directly drove Ding Yu away! Instead, he left Taixi. As for the children at home! Naturally, it is also a place to stay around!

"Brother, I suddenly feel it! It seems that your position at home is not so simple as exaggeration! "

In the face of Meng Chong's jokes, Ding Yu didn't take it as a matter!

"My father's side can be better, as for my mother's side? Just two and a half days! It's not that she doesn't like children. You'll know when my sister comes back in two days! My sister is already a mother! I have two nephews! But my mother didn't pay so much attention. She said that if she slapped her twice, she would never have any hesitation and ambiguity! "

When he comes to Ding Yu's home, Meng Chong really doesn't have a sense of restraint at all! This is absolutely impossible to happen in the Wang family! There are still quite big differences between each other, if you really say it! Does Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying really not know their own power? It's impossible!

But in the case of knowing, why can you be so easy? I really don't care about my identity!

But do not understand, to a certain extent, Meng Chong really has some small envy! Because I can't do it to a certain extent! It's really impossible! Even a lot of times, do it yourself, will appear to be very deliberate!

At this point, Meng Chong thinks that the Ding family's atmosphere is really good!

In the evening, Ding Yu talked to the children at home, but didn't mention it too much! It was obvious that Xiaogang had something to say, but even so, it was the next morning that Xiaogang met Dingyu!

Meng Chong also got up earlier. When he came to the villa, he also saw the children's exercise! No light rain! In addition, the other children at home can be said to be a Bula! The way to exercise is to let Meng Chong squint his eyes!

Ding Yu simply moved his body, then stood on one side of the position, looking at the children at home!

Dahong is standing behind Meng Chong, looking at these children's exercise, and then whispered in Meng Chong's back to say“ Skeleton is very good, not stiff to exercise themselves, the foundation can be said to be very good! I haven't seen such children. When I was young, I exercised, even very systematically, but I didn't have their foundation! "

"True or false?" Meng Chong turned his head and didn't believe it!

"Of course it is In other aspects, Dahong doesn't have any right to speak, but in this aspect, Dahong doesn't have any problem throwing Mengchong a few blocks away“ And at the beginning, I was not so calm, even slightly impetuous. This is a common fault of children! "

"No! I feel that you were already very powerful at the beginning! I'm the real jump

"Not the same!" Dahong shook his head. "The layman watches the excitement, the expert watches the door! The foundation plays very well, even at this time, still does not have any strength, is not to say cannot do, but does not have too many necessity! Now this time they are still out of a stage of development! I really hope to see what kind of brilliance they will burst out when they grow up! "

Dahong's eyes are shining! Meng Chong is also the first time to see Dahong so excited!

"I don't know much about it, but I don't know much about it now. How can I feel that they are a little short of breath now?"

"How normal! Even if it is running, there will be asthma! Practicing martial arts is a very hard thing, but it is also a very comfortable thing! Just like they are now! They just enjoy it! Also enjoy it, and did not feel that this is a hard work! That is to say, they have an extraordinary understanding of practicing martial arts! "

Meng Chong blinked his eyes!

"I seem to understand! It's like learning! Most people are interested in learning? I feel very depressed! But quite a number of people do feel that this is a very happy thing! It's even quite exciting! They enjoy it and even feel very happy! It can be understood in this way! "

Immediately, Meng Chong asked, "didn't you just say that? They have a very solid foundation! Under such circumstances, why not continue to go down? Just like learning, primary school has finished! There's no need to stay, right? "

This is like saying to Dahong, but it's like asking about Ding Yu next to him!

But Ding Yu did not speak, eyes are still placed on the child's body!

Dahong is waiting for a period of time, and then said aloud“ I don't know about learning! I am an idiot in learning! But in the aspect of martial arts training, I think that if I have a look ahead of time, I may not have too many problems, but I can't be too anxious! Of course, this is my personal understanding! "

Waiting for Dahong to finish, Ding Yu nodded!

"It's not that there are no geniuses in the world, but there are quite a lot of geniuses! But a hundred years have not been able to appear one! And even if there is one, quite often there are other problems! It's a loss for the whole world if we don't get very good care! "

Ding Yu's speech has a considerable height. Meng Chong blinked his eyes, some understanding, while Dahong's eyes were confused! To a certain extent, he couldn't understand what Ding Yu was talking about, but Gai Tianxing, who had been standing behind, seemed to be able to understand some, but his understanding was very limited!

"I've seen a lot of geniuses, really? Children at home? It's not a special genius. We can only say that their conditions are good! "

Listen to Ding Yu say so, Meng Chong is not from of smile, because oneself can Ding Yu elder brother say this words is what meaning!

If placed in an ordinary family, they may perform well, but only relative to children of the same age!

But they are now in such a family environment, have very good conditions, so the excellent performance is a natural thing, to a certain extent, it is too desalination of their own! I didn't mean to brag, but after listening to it, I really wanted to hit people to a certain extent!

"Brother, if people outside know this! They'll curse! "

"From another point of view, I set a good example for them! At the same time, it may remind one or two sentences, but there won't be too much interference! Because of too much interference, it can repair the saplings. It has visibility, but it has less plasticity! "

Meng Chong shook his head after thinking for a while“ Brother, there is no way to become the mainstream! "

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