After leaving from Ding Yu, Meng Chong returned to the place where they stayed. They didn't choose the hotel outside, but stayed in the dormitory of the farm. Maybe from the comfort level, it's not so good, but it's absolutely convenient!

What's more, Meng Chong is not too picky about the environment. Can he show his identity by staying in a luxury hotel? How is that possible? Even Meng Chong noticed that Ding's children came here to play!

Isn't the villa fragrant? Or is there any special plot in it? It's not like this at all! The Ding family didn't care about it. Why should they care about it?

"Dahong, what do you feel and say?"

"Amazing! I mean Mr. Ding's technique! It's amazing Dahong is adoring now!

Meng Chong looked at Dahong's appearance, his heart also moved“ What about the family? "

Dahong shook his head, "it can't be compared, it can't be compared at all! Is it just the application of this technique, not to mention the present at home? Even if all the predecessors are added together, it can't be compared! It's not even comparable! "

"To be specific?" Meng Chong said on purpose!

"It's like repairing a car! Maintenance done at home? At most is to clean the outside, forced by the helpless situation, did not dare to open the engine! Because no one knows what kind of situation is inside the engine. Although sometimes we know there is a problem, it doesn't mean we can solve it! And Mr. Ding is different! He can know where the problem is! I even know that I should go to repair it. I just hit a place

"I don't worry about that. I just feel a little incredible! Kung Fu can really be practiced to this point. I know about you, Dahong! "

"No, there is no comparability at all!" Dahong shakes his head! I don't even know what kind of position Mr. Ding is standing on, but just looking at his hand, I know I don't have any chance! If you use liquid medicine, it's quite possible to put down your Kung Fu, but the problem is that Mr. Ding didn't put down his kung fu! I'm quite sure of that! "

Looking at the already incoherent Dahong, Meng Chong comforted him for a while!

"How do you think big brother practiced? Do you have a chance? "

Dahong really thought about it for a while, then shook his head“ No chance! It can't be done at all! It's like climbing a mountain! Some people climb mountains every day, but actually, it's only a few hundred meters! I can't even climb to the top. I can't go up when I'm halfway up the mountain! But some people? Everest is like playing! Although they all climb the same way, there is no comparability between them at all

"I can understand this metaphor, but I still feel a little incredible!"

"Such talent is incomparable to others, but I have some insight into what Mr. Ding said to us before! But such a thing I dare not gamble, because there is no possibility, there is no trace of hope! This is not a matter of success rate at all! "

"Between life and death there is a great terror?" Meng Chong immediately said it! Looking at Dahong nodding, Meng Chong also sighed“ If other things can also be considered, but such things will not matter! "

Other things can also be considered, but this matter is not any can be considered! It's not a question of daring at all! The possibility of failure tends to infinity, while the possibility of success tends to nothing!

Even if you want to experiment, there is no way, because you can't get any useful data! There are too many things involved in this! There is no way to copy big brother's success!

Of course, if you can keep up with big brother, there may not be too many problems, but so far, how many people can keep up with big brother's steps? In Meng Chong's opinion, so far, I haven't seen it at all!

After all the children at home have been treated, it's Meng Chong's turn finally!

But at this time, Taixi doesn't need to show up! It's Dahong and Gai Tianxing who fight next to us, together with the children in our family, who are also watching. Help us when necessary!

"Brother, I still feel a little nervous!" Meng Chong, lying on the bed, said something difficult! Without these children, things would have been better!

"Don't worry, you can't die!" Ding Yu said a little jokingly, and then also looked at Dahong and Gai Tianxing“ You two know the next steps! This is very important. There must be no ambiguity! "

Looking at Ding Yu's action before he started, Dahong and Meng Chong didn't say anything, but the children at home couldn't help it!

"Daddy, is this because Uncle Meng is an adult? Quite different from us? "

"Yes! Your uncle Meng is an adult! Quite a lot of places have been fixed! However, due to the different growth of each person, it may be the same on the whole, but there are still considerable differences in the details! We need to adjust measures to local conditions, and we can't copy the hard copy. In that case, there will be considerable problems and situations! "

While speaking, Ding Yu pointed to Meng Chong's arm, "and look at his blood vessels! It may not be obvious from the outside that there are too many problems, but what is the truth? Absolutely can't catch up with your blood vessels, there are popular words, his blood vessels due to wine and other aspects of stimulation, has begun to change

After hearing this, Meng Chong was a little excited! But it's obvious that Ding Yu didn't finish! Now Meng Chong is still honest to be a tool man! That would be better!

"And your uncle Meng's blood is a little thick! Of course, these are excreted! It can be seen that there are a lot of good things to eat at ordinary times, and there is some excess in nutrition, and these excess things have not been well absorbed and utilized! It's precipitated in one's own body, which causes considerable damage to one's body! "

Several children are more courageous, for the flow of blood and not too much feeling!

"Master, I feel that the color of the blood is a little wrong! And the speed of blood flow seems to be a little slow! "

"Very careful observation! You uncle Meng in normal times! Still pay more attention to exercise! It's not that his way of exercise is wrong, only that he didn't get a very good way, so it created some problems in other aspects! I hope you take a warning on this point! "

Dahong is looking at him, while Gai Tianxing is sitting on the record. Anyway, he doesn't understand anything. But looking at Mr. Meng chongmeng on the bed, he is very energetic. There are a lot of blood stains on his body! And what about the blood? There are black, there are sticky, there are also mixed with other things, feel very strange!

But Meng Chong is more and more energetic, and even has leisure to tease himself!

After the cleaning up, Ding Yu wiped it with a towel and didn't let Dahong get started. The main reason is that Dahong didn't know the weight of it!

After cleaning up the front, Ding Yu sighed“ The front of the most trouble, because the front of the blood vessels are very dense! And it's too close to the organs! But the current effect is not bad! It was just like noodles. Now? But it's a bit of a wedge! "

"Big brother!" Meng Chong feels his spirit is particularly good! I can't tell what the reason is! Anyway, I feel very relaxed all over my body! It's like a layer of armor has been taken off“ Now I feel that even if there is a tiger in front of me, I can have a try! "

"Be light! It's not over yet! And even if it's over! It needs a lot of recuperation! Even the follow-up care is more important, which determines your future direction! The last leg of a journey marks the halfway point. Take it easy

Meng Chong is turned over, and Ding Yu starts to do it. The process is very cautious and careful. He even can't bear to explain it to the children beside him! And when Ding Yu's side is over, Meng Chong has been sleeping comfortably!

Ding Yu is a sign for Dahong and Gai Tianxing“ After waiting for him to get up, let him move a little bit, and then wash! Rest in the guest room at night! Don't go out! He's not in the right situation to go out! We'll wait for a while, and then we'll talk about it! "

Then Ding Yu left the room with the children at home!

When Meng Chong woke up, it was already an hour later“ I'll go. What's the situation? " Moving his eyes, Meng Chong feels a little silly! But still walk out of bed, simple in Dahong's help, the activity of his body, after a new wash, this is back to the guest room!

"I feel like the whole person has changed all of a sudden!"

"You still need to wait, Mr. Ding said. You need to rest next. You have to stay here tonight. You can't go back! After all, your body after a considerable conditioning, with modern science to explain, that is, pores and blood vessels, etc., are open! Now if you go out! It's very easy because of the weather, extremely cold shrinkage, this will cause considerable problems! As our old saying goes, you're under the wind! It's a big problem! "

All the time waiting for the next morning, Meng got up and washed again, even deliberately. He seemed to have a lot more things on his body, but he couldn't tell what it was? When he came out again, Meng Chong took a deep breath! I even moved my shoulders twice!

When he saw Ding Yu again, Meng Chong was so excited! But it's not good to disturb Ding Yu, because Ding Yu is exercising there! I've been waiting for Ding Yu to finish his exercise! Meng Chong took the towel and handed it to Ding Yu!

"Big brother!" Although it is a shout, but some excited words! Full of gratitude!

"It seems that the spirit is very good. Did you have a good rest last night?"

"It's an indescribable freshness when I feel the dawn. Now I feel that my mind is light and my body is light! It's no exaggeration to say that the whole world has become sunny! If you give me a pair of wings, I feel like I can fly! "

"You have a good foundation! Fortunately, there is a lot of care at home, otherwise even if you start, you will not be able to play too much role! This is the result of the difference in the inside information! "

After dinner, Ding Yu and Taixi have something to do, but Meng Chong didn't take the children. Although the children in the family already know, they don't want to disturb Meng Chong at this time! The main thing is that Meng Chong has something to do, and they also have quite a lot of things! However, they also have a considerable interest in Meng Chong!

People who can make their father pay so much attention to them! It won't be too easy! And my father even started it in person. For my father, this is a very exhausting thing! Although they haven't made it clear yet, these things are not so important!

"I feel that you don't value Mr. Meng in general!" Taixi is also curious about Meng Chong. Now there is no one else, just the two of them, so it's natural to talk a lot!

Ding Yu, with his coffee in his hand, did not deny that he valued Meng Chong at all!

"Meng Chong's father has a lot to do with his family! Even more important! Of course, this is not the reason why I value him! Even what he is doing now is not the reason why I value him! I pay more attention to him, of course, their family is also very powerful! I learned about these later. If I had known about them earlier, it would not have been the same effect as it is now? "

"You mean the children at home?" Taixi immediately understood, "I think their performance is very good! No pride! The development is very good! Totally beyond my imagination, I had some worries at the beginning! I'm really afraid they can't bear it

When he said this, Tai Xi looked at Ding Yu with some resentment! Of course, I also understand that this is for the good of the children at home! But in terms of feelings, there are still some unacceptable!

Even when it comes to this, Taixi is also very dissatisfied with the stare!

Ding Yu is smiling“ How many of them! Too clever! To really leave them at home, on the one hand, is divorced from the public; on the other hand, in terms of the situation at home, no matter where they are placed, here or in the capital? They will be spoiled! It's like here, our mother can be more strict! But this severity is only relative! "

"I think Xiaoyu is very good!" Although Taixi also knows that this word is right, he can't help refuting it!

"That's because all the children at home have left! Xiaoyu is a little lonely! Also has is the light rain this child is also quite sensible! You didn't see the concrete! I say one of the most simple, the rain at home more special, has always been sent to school! But now? There's no need for anyone else. They're old couple! Even quite often, they will fight for this matter! "

After hearing this, Taixi couldn't stop laughing! But after the children came back, I saw it! The children are doing well, but what about their grandparents? The performance is very exaggerated! Really want the stars in the sky, they will climb up the ladder!

Although it's a bit disrespectful to say so, they really spoil their children!

On this issue, it's really hard to argue! Even sometimes, I feel a little too much is not enough! But the old couple really put all their thoughts on the child! From this point, I have nothing to say, full of admiration!

"Meng Chong has real ability?"

"Don't be fooled by his extravagance! It's quite a show! " What about some things? Ding Yu is really inconvenient to tell Taixi, but not deliberately hide, but it involves the Mengchong family's secret! If the secret that he gave to his family is revealed! It's really hard to meet again!

Looking at the child's father's appearance, Taixi did not ask any more!

"Every time I come here, I feel that the city has changed a lot! I still remember when I came here, although the environment was very good! But what about the whole city? Not much energy! But now, the city feels very young and energetic! It's not that many tall buildings and edifices have been built! "

"There are some big changes in the city now, but the main body is still very good! There may be a little more people these two days. Why don't I take advantage of this time to take you around the mountain for two times? "

Hearing Ding Yu's proposal, Taixi is still very interested! Then two people drive, also did not carry others, is Ding Yu and Taixi two people, together went to the mountain Taoist temple!

Because there was no road repair, so the car stopped at the foot of the mountain!

"I feel a little bit biased here!" Tai Xi helped Ding Yu, but looking at the surrounding environment, he had a different artistic conception!

"There are many mountains and rocks here, which are not suitable for development. I knew from the beginning that although the incense is not abundant, it has a considerable continuity all the time!"

"That's where you can find such a place!"

"After a lot of repairs, there were not many people in ordinary times! If the two of us go to other places, even if we are not deliberately harassed, it is absolutely the focus of everyone's eyes! Especially at this time, I'm afraid everyone will come to me! "

Taixi laughs! For such a thing, it may be OK in ordinary times, but the more complicated it is at this time, it is obvious that the father of the child is impatient with it, but in such a position, there is no other way, and he really can't refuse if he wants to refuse!

It's like in your own position, if you want to leave, how can it be? A lot of things in the company!

However, it is also a kind of happiness to be able to walk here quietly with the father of the child! Although this kind of happiness is a little short, but everything needs to be divided into two! So I cherish this time very much now! Very beautiful! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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