On Christmas Eve and Christmas, Ding Yu accompanies Tai Xi, while the children at home follow Meng Chong's side!

At the beginning, the children at home kept a considerable distance from Meng Chong! But can let the father in the home so value, absolutely can't have two brushes so simple! Suddenly after the contact, but found that the uncle Meng seems to be a little ordinary! No flash!

But with the change of time, other people may not feel so obvious, but Ding Chang feels that uncle Meng is right, and even at the same time, he is another himself! There is not much eye contact between each other! Sometimes, it's just a simple action to know what each other want to do!

Even Ding Chang directly went to find his father!

Although doing so, a little disturbed his parents' peace, but Ding Chang could not bear it at all!

If you can bear it, the whole person will explode!

Before he came, Ding Chang was very excited, even very excited, but when he came to Ding Yu and Taixi, Ding Chang's performance was like a dog begging for snacks! Just about to put a tail on his ass!

Tai Xi pursed his mouth, the smile on his face a little uncontrollable! Holding his son, a good love!

Can I not guess the purpose of my son's coming? But this kind of thing does not involve itself! So after loving yourself, I will prepare coffee and desserts!

And Ding Chang is honest sitting in front of his father!

"So you are very satisfied with Meng Chong?"?! Can I say that? "

"I wonder where Uncle Meng came from. I've never heard of such a person before. It's really amazing! Although the contact between each other is not particularly close, but I feel particularly in tune When speaking, Ding Chang's eyes are so bright!

"Don't even think about it!" Of course, Ding Yu knew what his son was fighting, so he vetoed it immediately!

But Ding Chang obviously did not understand the meaning!

"Daddy, can't you make it? Isn't this a bit of a surprise? "

"I really can't make it! This time I can invite him here! It's also a lot of trouble. To a certain extent, we understand each other and contact each other all at once! Of course, there's a lot of meaning in this? Is to ask him to be your teacher for two days! How much you can learn is your own business! The next situation is not easy to estimate now! "

"I'm alone?" In this regard, Ding Chang quite surprised!

"Meng Chong's way? It's not suitable for other people, so relatively speaking, the nutrition that can be absorbed from Meng Chong's body will never be as much as you think, but he and you agree! So the decision is in your hands. How much can you learn and how much can you change? I really have some to see! "

"Specially for me?" Ding Chang has a little incredible feeling! Is the degree of emphasis a little high?

"The direction of each of you is quite different! Wang an! Children! Xiao Gang and Ding Yun, they don't see too many problems now, but you Ding Yu sighed, "now there are some imbalances! Maybe you don't feel the problem yourself! "

In this regard, Ding Yu has a certain concern, but find the problem, solve the problem! Although this is quite difficult!

"Dad, this seems to be a little too much, isn't it?"

Ding Chang showed his teeth, but he was not really angry. He was just expressing his opinion. In front of other people, Ding chang would never be like this, but in front of his father, Ding Chang was a little more direct!

"Don't you see your problems?" Ding Yu is a sudden rhetorical question!

Ding Chang slightly a Leng, blinked his eyes“ Dad, I don't feel too many problems and situations! "

"Your temper! Not extroverted at all, which is obviously different from Ding Yun. Of course, Tong Tong's character is not extroverted, even a little introverted, but his performance is pretty good! You alone? I haven't corrected all the time. I'm really worried about this problem! Can always find the right opportunity! Now Meng Chong just came out! So I invited him to come here and let you have a specific look! "

Ding Chang blinked his eyes, "Dad, my problem is very serious?"

"Ha ha? Yes? You finally said that? It means that you've got a lot of verification in your mind, right? "

"When you didn't mention it before, I had this feeling, but it wasn't so strong. But after you mentioned it now, I felt that the situation was more serious than I thought, and you invited uncle Meng to come!"

"Genius, have you ever heard of that?" Ding Yu didn't mean to hide from his son!

Huh?! Ding Chang Leng for a while, then pointed to his nose with his finger, "Daddy, do you mean me? Is this not a joke? "

"Asperger's disease doesn't mean idiocy! This is a question of two natures! So you don't need to be so surprised! At that time, I was very worried about you and Ding Yun's problems, but from the current situation, Ding Yun does not have too many problems, but you boy! It's too clever. I doubted it at that time, but I can't solve it! "

"Daddy, how can we solve such a problem?" Ding Chang is a very free and easy smile, not like a child at all“ I think it's a good thing. I didn't expect that I was a genius, or even a genius that can be recognized by you! "

"Don't beat me!" Ding Yu reprimanded, but then also laughed!

"Say it? I have also had some problems in this aspect! Even quite a lot of materials have discussed this aspect, but it has not been verified. I always avoid this problem! But now there is no way! Because your problems are beginning to show up! "

"Daddy, you think I should be a little proud now! Or should we be modest? "

"I don't know! Anyway, I used to have a headache, or even quite distressed. Otherwise, why do you think I want to put you in the mountain city, where the mountains are beautiful and the waters are beautiful? I hope you can keep it. But now, the effect is not so obvious. Fortunately, luck is not wrong! "

"If you say that, Dad, uncle Meng is really not so powerful!"

Ding Yu thought about it, and then whispered“ This thing? I really didn't tell anyone else! However, due to your situation, I'll tell you to listen to it alone, and your mother doesn't know about it! As for the Meng family! It has existed since Ming and Qing Dynasties! Maybe even earlier! To this day, it's still very good! "

"It's impossible?"

"Why not?" Ding Yu said with a smile, "their home! But it's wiser than you think! I'll tell you the simplest thing and you'll know! Where's uncle Meng Chong? It's not official career! What about him? It's just a rich and idle person! "

"From the appearance of the style, it seems to be true, but after a real understanding, you will find that everything is just a fake! It's just that it's very good. It's not so easy to be noticed! "

Ding Chang said thoughtfully!

"It's very sensitive! This is what makes you different from other people! Uncle Meng! Their family has a habit of recording their own experiences and lessons, and then leaving them to future generations to see! There is no beautification, there is no deliberate slander! That is to write everything on the paper! How much can posterity comprehend? This is the matter of posterity! Of course, it's a little different from history books! "

"Great Ding Chang directly jumped up, he has realized that one of the powerful! It's a surprise to Taixi outside. He looks inside and shakes his head. It's rare for him to be so excited!

"But Dad, can you really do that? This is not difficult any more

"I envy such things very much! But can you put it on me? " Ding Yu hit a faltering, "really hard to say! Some things I dare not implement on the paper! It's like you're a kid! There are some things I dare not say! "

"Daddy, do you mean it? How can I feel like you're picking on me! "

In this regard, Ding Chang performance of some dissatisfaction, but this kind of mood, in the past, it is very rare!

"But these things of the Meng family? I really didn't see it! Because of your business, I need to sell Meng Chong a lot of favor! Of course, Meng Chong and I are quite right! I don't care as long as I can make you better! "

Hearing what his father said, Ding Chang touched his head!

"Dad! Am I a little too headstrong? "

"It has nothing to do with this! You are my son, in fact, no matter which one of you has a problem! I would do that! Let's talk about this genius problem! What about your father and me? There is such a problem! The previous time performance is more serious! I'm sure you've heard quite a lot, haven't you? "

"I've heard about it, and I know something about it through the terminal at home!" When speaking, Ding Chang peeked at his father and found that the expression on his father's face didn't change much!

"The devil! Butcher, wait! I don't believe there will be any good words. After all, it's not easy to put such things on anyone. There are some comments on the terminal at home, but the things mentioned are not as many as you think! At least for you, you are just watching the excitement

"Dad! I have seen some records in it, very vague! But through their evaluation and information, we can feel that they don't hate you in general, but why do you do that? Is it because of the illness? "

"There is quite a reason for that. You know, I came down from the battlefield! Although I didn't die on it at the beginning! But it's just a little bit different! "

"No check!" Ding Chang didn't give his father this face at all. "I've inquired about countless people, and found countless information, but the earliest related aspect was when you were admitted to hospital!" Speaking of this time, Ding Chang couldn't help peeping out“ I really found out some things. I didn't expect that you were still so romantic when you were dad. I just don't know if Mom knew? "

Ding Yu has a headache. He really wants to give him a bean collapse! Let him know the power of it!

"Your mother doesn't know much about me! And she knows too much, out of thin air worry, also has quite improper! But if you really don't know anything, this one is so cheap! But this is a little tacit understanding between us, so if you want to steal chicken, don't think about it! "

Ding Chang's face showed a knowing smile!

"Dad, is that how you kill yourself? Because I don't understand, I can only guess like this! "

"No!" Ding Yu is very sure to say, "such things do not need to hide from you, when the time comes, they will tell Wang an! Due to your own problems, I'll give you a hello in advance! "

"It seems that I'm a little bit preferred!"

Looking at his son's proud appearance, Ding Yu snorted“ Don't push your nose on your face. You haven't reached that point yet. I'm the first to tell you! As for Wang An and them, I will talk about them this evening at most! There is no need to hide such things from them

"All right!" Ding Chang pretended to be a failure, but then he laughed“ Dad! How did you solve your problem? However, after you mentioned it now, I suddenly found that it seems that there is really a problem in this aspect, and even the problem is quite serious! "

"Say what you think!"

"Originally, I always felt that you were a little too serious! It's true that we have quite a smiling face in front of us, but other times, people are afraid to look at it. At the beginning, I thought you did it on purpose? But now, it seems that this is not the case at all! We all have some misunderstandings! "

"There are some reasons for this!" Ding Yu didn't deny it!

"I never deny that I'm a genius. I don't mean much, but I read a little more books! Even at the same time, you can almost remember a general idea after reading it once! "

After that, Ding Yu pointed to his head“ I believe you also have the memory way and the method, I use is the drawer type! It should be similar to what you are using! "

"Not yet!" Ding Chang shook his head. "At this point, elder martial brother is the best! Second, I'm probably the worst performer! Even Ding Yun is better than me! "

"It's not as exaggerated as you said! I know something about you! " Ding Yu said with a smile, "maybe in other people's eyes, it is a manifestation of genius, but to a certain extent, there are some deficiencies in other aspects. There are too many such people in history!"

"It's weird and sometimes it's profligate! When I was reading, I always felt quite puzzled. I always felt that they had some signs of acting and that they were deliberately trying to impress others. But now, that's not the case! On the one hand, too many people can't understand, on the other hand, they may be emitting their own emotions and so on! "

"Generally speaking, only when you are in it and know yourself correctly, can you realize some problems in this aspect! No one can guarantee that what we are discussing must be correct. We just stand on the shoulders of historical giants to look at problems! So I'll look a little further, but it's really clear that I haven't seen it yet! "

"Dad, I'm a little scared when you say that!"

"So learn more from Uncle Meng Chong! He is particularly powerful at this point! Even the performance of ease, but due to his identity, he is not very prominent just! It took a lot of effort to get him back! "

"Daddy! Should I be moved? "

"Don't say those strange things! From the current situation? If you are in a serious situation, you may have the same problem as me! However, if we can guide well, there will not be too many problems! At this point, Meng's way should be more suitable for you, but all the options are in your hands! "

"All right! I really like Uncle Meng's way, but I'm not sure how much I can learn? " With these words, Ding Chang suddenly looked at his father curiously, "Dad, my sudden development, I seem to be misled by you! In fact, after talking for a long time, it seems that you didn't say anything, at least the things you said were too vague! "

"At least Asperger's disease is serious!"

Obviously, Ding Yu attaches great importance to this!

"I think it's a bit of an honor, but Dad, you've always been very cautious, even too calm, so that I, as a son, don't know how to describe it. Isn't that a bit bad?"

"So?" Ding Yu asked!

"Daddy! We all have so many greedy recently! It seems that you haven't cooked in person since you came back so long! But we cook in person, which is a bit too bullying! It's not fair at all

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing“ All right! Ask your mother, and tell your grandparents, I make sauce beef in the evening, this is one of my few specialties

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