Ding Chang and his brothers and sisters transmit this information, including his grandfather and grandmother, as well as his mother. Anyway, those who can be informed are basically informed by him! I don't know what to pay attention to?

Maybe it's because I'm happy, maybe I want to release myself!

However, Ding Yu's ability to cook in person still arouses the interest of quite a few people at home! After all, the number of times Ding Yu cooks is too limited, but it can't be denied that Ding Yu has considerable talent in this aspect!

Of course, there are some exaggerations to say that! It's not too much problem for Ding Yu to make one or two specialty dishes, but if you really want to let Ding Yu take charge of it, this kind of joke will be a little too big! Even Ding Yu would not believe himself!

In the past, all the children in the family would gather around Ding Yu, but today, it is obvious that a quite special situation has happened. All the children in the family have been dragged away by Ding Chang! That is to say, Xiaoyu is not interested in it. He follows Ding Yu and seems to be interested in cooking!

Why the elder brother and sister they do not have too much interest, the reason is too simple, they discuss things too painful! I'm not suitable to participate in it, so forget it! Is it not good to make yourself relaxed and happy?

Xiaoyu is very patient to help Ding Yu do the deployment! You can't use the so-called measuring instrument at all. You can catch quite a lot of condiments, not much! See light rain quite heart, oneself can not have such ability, every time when cooking, or more salt! Or there's less sugar!

Even if you take out the scales, the effect is not so obvious! Give your own feeling, or instant noodles may be better, although you need to prepare some other ingredients, but there is no need to condiment such troublesome things! Because it's too hard for me!

"Uncle Ding, why can you control these so precisely?" Xiaoyu drum his mouth, a face of puzzled“ And grandparents, when they cook, they never weigh! But the taste is very suitable! I like Grandma's cooking best

"Because it's been honed by time!" Ding Yu explained carefully“ You are still young now, try it occasionally, there are not too many problems! But if the smoke is burning for a long time, I believe that my grandfather and grandmother will definitely be distressed!

For this problem, Ding Yu has a very clear understanding! Now the only child left at home is laixiaoyu! In this case, not to mention the salty dishes, even the things fried with salty beans, they will feel very indifferent! Even in such a situation, it is difficult to make a considerable change for a moment!

"It's just that sometimes I feel that my grandfather and grandmother work hard!" Light rain muttered to say!

"It's not hard! For them, it's even a kind of happiness! "

In the evening, everyone praised Ding Yu's sauce beef! It's not that we haven't eaten sauced beef, but the sauced beef made by Ding Yu is impeccable in terms of meat quality and taste! This makes people have some doubts! What kind of way does Ding Yu take?

Meng Chong, in particular, is particularly curious about this aspect!

"Brother, how do you do it? You know, there are some records about it at home, and I'm quite interested in it. Even I've tried it, but I'm not really that material! Even the chef at home can't connect all this well! This makes people a little irritable! If you have a list, you can't make it. It's strange! "

"Ding Chang is very interested in you! Even took the initiative to come to my side! "

"I feel that Ding Chang is more and more in tune. It's not that other children are not good enough. I really haven't seen such excellent children as them. I've really opened my eyes on this issue, but they haven't been suitable. Now I have some small expectations!"

"Can I give it to you?" Ding Yu asked!

"Give it to me!" Meng Chong said for sure!

Two people are just a simple conversation, but this conversation has decided a lot of things! In the evening, Meng Chong took Ding Chang away! And Ding Yu is the other children to call together! Of course, it's to explain the reason. Even if I don't explain, I won't have too many problems!

But Ding Yu will never let them have any doubts in their heart! Only in this way can they grow better!

"Daddy, what does that mean?" Ding Yun takes a look around. Ding Chang is not here. He goes with Meng Chong! This kind of thing is not conducive to the internal unity, but my father just sat by and watched it happen!

Ding Yu gave his hand for a moment, so that we can be calm!

"A long time ago? I just want to mention this aspect, but none of them has found any chance. Now I have found Meng Chong and even invited him to come here, so the situation has been alleviated, and even there is a possibility of further development. I feel very glad about that! "

When he said this, the expression on Ding Yu's face was also sad!

The children sitting around Ding Yu were all a little absent-minded. Obviously, they all recognized that there was something in Ding Yu's words“ Previously, Ding Chang came to me alone. I mentioned this aspect to him. Now Ding Chang is not here, so I need to discuss this aspect with you! "

"Master, is there something wrong with Ding Chang?" Wang An is very keen to feel the problems and conditions!

After thinking for a while, Ding Yu nodded his head slightly“ Yes, Ding Chang has some problems! Even a long time ago, there were quite a number of problems, but all the time? The problem is not very serious, and I haven't found a suitable person, so I'm so delayed! "

Ding Yun sat there with his legs crossed, looking a little nervous“ dad! What's wrong with Ding Chang? If it's true, he's a bit lazy. Besides, he doesn't have any other feelings! "

"He's sick! To be exact, his illness is due to me. More directly, he inherited my illness. I can't solve this problem very well, so my way is absolutely not suitable for him! I have been looking for someone who can solve this problem! At least the right person for Ding Chang, until Meng Chong appears! "

"Sick? Genetic disease? " Ding Yun immediately attracted everyone's attention, "no! Daddy, why didn't I? Is it because I am a girl that there is no such problem? "

The corners of Ding Yu's mouth twitched, "is this a problem? You really can't treat it like this. You can only say that your personality is a little more extroverted, so you don't have to show this rigid problem, but Ding Chang? I was a little introverted. At that time, I was also very difficult. There was a strict filing system at home, but you didn't know it! "

"Dad, what kind of illness is it? I feel that Ding Chang's body is very healthy. Is it mental? "

Although everyone was worried, Ding Yu nodded“ Asperger's disease, even to a certain extent! Of course, to a certain extent, you also have this problem, but due to your own reasons, so the performance is very good, basically did not receive too much impact, but Ding Chang's performance in this aspect is slightly so serious! "

Several children immediately wake up. Even Xiao Gang takes out his mobile phone for the first time and starts a considerable query. Looking at the query results, there are so many worries and doubts!

"Daddy, why don't we feel this problem?"

When he said this, Ding Yun was a little depressed. We all grew up together, caring for each other and promoting each other. But unexpectedly, Ding Chang had such a serious problem! This is a little unforgivable!

"Because you and Ding Chang are the same kind of people. To a certain extent, they have brought out the best of you. Although they are just small flowers now, they can see the future! And Ding Chang? Sometimes the mind is a little different! "

"Master, do you also have this problem?" The expression on Wang An's face is a little nervous!

Ding Yu said with a smile, "I once had this problem! There is a saying how to say, genius is distressed, because not too many people can understand, just like you are the same! At the same time, I also worry about you! If you really live in the cloud, it is a very sad thing! But how did I solve this problem? You don't need to know now! And my way? Extremely unsuitable for Ding Chang! "

"Master, is uncle Meng Chong's way suitable?"

"My way is to walk on the tightrope, and it's still tight. It's hard to say whether I collapsed or the tightrope broke at that time! No one dare to make such a guarantee, and Meng Chong's way is very gentle, and even can control himself very well! At that time, it will play a role beyond imagination, but it is not so suitable for you! Because there are so many differences in character! "

How to understand the meaning of Ding Yu's words? This is very important and the key!

"Dad, I suddenly remember that the label on your body is not as good as you think it is!"

Ding Yu's face is a little dark. He suddenly finds that the performance of these bear children in other aspects is still to be discussed, but they are absolutely gifted in keeping a small account!

It's hard for them to remember such a thing! This once made me feel speechless!

Relieved a little time, Ding Yu just continued to say, but before this, also stare at Ding Yun! Now at this time, she even wants to make trouble with herself. She is also really big hearted! But I'm afraid it's just because of this! That's why she won't be affected! In this respect, it's a good thing!

Ding Yun didn't take his father's "threat" as a matter at all, and even had a little pride! Look around, and then pull Xiaogang over! If placed in the past, Ding Chang is definitely the best vent object, but the problem is that now Ding Chang is not! So now take Xiaogang to make a sample!

Xiaogang wants to resist, but how can he bully his sister! And even if it's resistance, it can't play any role at all, so now it's time to endure such humiliation! What else can we do?

For such things, Ding Yu's attitude has always been blind and deaf!

After Xiao Gang came, he always wanted to get along with himself! Can I not see through this? But on this issue? Ding Yu really doesn't want Xiaogang to participate! At least not so early!

He should not be a microphone, nor should he be a puppet!

This is also why he refused him, but from the current situation, he should be awakened! For things at home? Ding Yu knows and understands more or less. Some things are worthless if they are true! So at this time, it's better to keep a considerable sense of distance!

As for the worries at home? Is that a problem? It's really something to be discussed!

"My labels are too complicated! It's hard to decide whether it's right or wrong! I didn't really take it as a matter! Really if too much as a matter, it will fall into the pit

"Dad, I once remember a sentence you said, the name may be wrong! But nicknames are basically not staggered! "

"So?" Ding Yu has set his eyes up, "are you going to rebel?"

"Of course not. I just want to remind you! Save you forget! And I'm just a hint of friendship! For us, the effect of your little trick is not as obvious as we thought! "

Ding Yun jumps a little, but Ding Yu can feel it. His daughter wants to activate the atmosphere!

"My question? In general, it has been solved. I don't deny that there were some violent and even wanton cases in the past, but everything is OK! "

The children at home, as if by the impact of a bomb! Straight back!

They know more about Ding Yu than outsiders! It is precisely because of this understanding that they are very clear about what their father's words mean! At the same time, there are also quite a lot of things to guess and verify!

"Master, is it really more exaggerated than what I imagined?"

"Due to the situation! In the original situation, we made a certain choice. If we look at today's situation, it has considerable benefits, but at the same time, it also has a very bad impact. We can't say whether it is right or wrong! If I were who I am now, I might take a different approach? "

Ding Yun doesn't think so. "Dad, if it's now, you may be even colder!"

In this regard, Ding Yu really considered for a moment, and then slightly nodded his head“ It's really hard to make this judgment, because things can't be assumed like this! "

The children in the family have not been entangled in this matter for too long!

"Master, when did you find this problem? I'm talking about Ding Chang. We've never felt this way before! " Wang An is quite ashamed of this! Because he is the elder martial brother!

"Don't be disappointed. This is not something you should care about! I am aware of this because of myself? There are some problems in this aspect! A little more! I always pay attention to your health, because this is the root of your growth! Is also absolutely can not ignore! And more importantly, you seem to have forgotten! I'm a doctor! Even a better doctor

As soon as this word comes out, everyone is so silly. Why? Although all the children at home know that Ding Yu is a doctor, how to say? Give everyone the feeling, quite a time Ding Yu is not a doctor!

Now Ding Yu is very serious about this matter, on the contrary, it makes us feel that there are some reactions can not come over!

But think about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case! At least for many outside people! Ding Yu's main work is a doctor, and also a very excellent doctor!

Just at home for Ding Yu have more understanding, and this understanding? Also let everyone have so some neglect Ding Yu's identity! This is a very strange thing!

"All right! What should be said has been said! What should be done has been done! If there's nothing wrong, get out of here Ding Yu clapped his hands twice, attracting everyone's attention!

Everyone stood up, but Xiao Gang still hesitated to look at Ding Yu, there was some struggle in his eyes!

It seems that the children at home also noticed this problem, but after everyone looked at each other, they quickly walked out and left Xiaogang alone in the room!

Xiao Gang was a little confused. He didn't expect that his brothers and sisters would be so ruthless. He just took a look at his uncle, but he thought that it would be such a result! Isn't that a bit of an overreaction?

Ding Yu looks at Xiao Gang, slightly shakes his head, but also walks to his side!

Touch his head“ You! I'm still young, so I don't need you to bear it. Don't put pressure on myself out of thin air! It doesn't make any sense! It has nothing to do with you

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