"Uncle, is there something wrong with me?" Xiao Gang's mood is a little low!

Ding Yu touched Wang Xiaogang's head, looked at him slightly flustered, and shook his head!

"That's a thing! It has nothing to do with you! You don't want to get involved. If you are in the position between me and my family, you will be in a dilemma! Quite a lot of things are not what you want, nor what I want, nor what I want at home! "

"When I went back, Granny Zeng, as well as my grandfather and granny were all concerned about it!" Xiaogang is also a little reluctant, but he doesn't know what to do about it. It's very difficult!

"Caring is a good thing, but I have already said that! It has nothing to do with you! " Ding Yu even squatted up and looked into Wang Xiaogang's eyes, "what's the matter? You can learn to understand and even analyze, but don't control. Even if you can control, in my opinion, don't do it like this! "

"Uncle, this will cause me some obstacles!"

"It's not a cognitive barrier. Don't play with these smart people!" Ding Yu nodded Xiaogang's eyebrow position, "at least these will not play any role in front of me!"

Xiaogang is bulging his mouth, just like a puffer! Drum drum, really fun! Even Ding Yu also deliberately pinched two times, let Xiaogang suddenly frustrated!

"Uncle, is there really no problem with my brother?"

Ding Yu nodded“ Judging from the temporary situation, there are not too many problems! And I have found him a good teacher! I believe that after Meng Chong's guidance, Ding Chang will return to the normal! But what about this? It's your secret. Don't let others know for the time being! Don't let them worry with you! "

"I know! Don't worry, uncle! " Xiao Gang raised his fist, "I won't let other people know!"

After talking to the children at home, Ding Yu went to the study alone! Some things! I can only be stuffy in the heart, now things have been quite solved, I will show! If there is no disclosure of things, it is difficult to achieve the so-called effect of publicity?

It doesn't play any role, and there will be even a situation of helping!

So this kind of thing or oneself independent a person to undertake is good! Even the child's mother didn't disclose anything. After so long in her heart, she saw a lot of hope. Ding Yu was also greatly relieved!

If there is a problem with my son, how can we solve it? Ding Yu's heart really has some bottomless!

So no one knows what kind of pressure they are carrying!

When I got up the next morning, all the children except Ding Chang were there, but fortunately everyone's mood was very good! Not affected too much!

"Well, it's going to be the new year's party! Do you have any plans for today? "

It's not as important to be on the stage or not! Anyway, from the party held to now, Ding Yu has never been on stage, for this, Ding Yu has considerable self-knowledge! There may not be too many problems to watch the performance! Let's go on stage and perform. Forget it! It's not as simple as shame!

I can stand on the operating table, no matter what kind of trouble, I can deal with it calmly, but standing on the table? For myself, it's really hard! So don't try such a difficult thing!

"Shifu, we have made quite preparations. Today's performance may be quite different!"

"Yes? Then we'll wait and see at home! "

For the children at home to have such enthusiasm, Ding Yu feel very happy!

On the day before the new year, Ding Yu made a phone call to his home!

My mother picked it up! For the eldest son called at this time, Su Yuan was quite happy. Of course, there were still some grievances in his heart! Why is it wronged? Do you still need to say the reasons?

It's not a decision made by myself, but by the old lady. The family can only support it, and there is no other way. As for why the mother-in-law made such a decision, I know something about it!

"Why haven't you called for such a long time?"

From these words, we can see that Su Yuan has so much bitterness about it! Ding Yu said, "there are so many things recently, and after the children come back, they are a little busy!"

A little explanation, as for whether it can ease the resentment in his mother's heart, Ding Yu really doesn't have too much feeling in his heart. It's not that he has so much resentment about things at home. In Ding Yu's opinion, this is a very normal thing! Everyone has a different choice!

Just Ding Chang? Let oneself really have dim sum strength to be haggard, and there are many things outside! Even if Ding Yu's nerves are strong enough, he feels that he can't bear it! Under such circumstances, so Ding Yu can only try to keep silent, fortunately now things have been quite resolved!

But it's solved! Ding Yu is not ready to tell others! Tell me what's going on at home? Let them worry out of thin air? Let Ding Chang for no reason out of a built environment, this for Ding Chang, nothing is a good thing!

"You! Or is it because of Tian Qi's thoughts? " Su Yuan is more direct, without any hesitation mentioned this matter, "in fact, this matter! Tian Qi's problem is also quite big! "

"Mom, it's not like this. Tian Qi's business really doesn't have much to be angry about! Even in my personal opinion, it's more normal! " Ding Yu is not a virgin, he just said his real opinions and ideas“ Farm encountered a lot of things, and even a variety of patterns, now a Tian Qi, and no big deal! It doesn't seem so different just because of his identity! "

"Are you not angry?" Su Yuan obviously didn't think of this! In my opinion, the eldest son hasn't called for such a long time. Obviously, it's Tian Qi's business that makes him have other opinions and ideas. But judging from the eldest son's words, it seems that's not the case. Is it hard to get married? Is the estimation in the family wrong?

"Tian Qi this period of time but compare of miserable, after coming back, Wang Li and small treasure two people also come to teach a meal!"

After hearing this, Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, "what's the situation with grandpa and grandma? I'll call later and ask. I'm sure my grandparents will understand! "

"They are also worried these two days! Quite a lot of things can't disturb them, but Tian Qi's business still makes the old lady angry. You didn't call! Can they have no other ideas? "

When he said this, Su Yuan was a lot easier!

After hanging up the phone, Ding Yu called his father again! I didn't talk about anything else. I just talked about some things in my work, but they all came to the end. Obviously, being able to make a phone call or even talk about something quite like that shows that Ding Yu has no special opinions and ideas about his family!

Then Ding Yu called his grandfather and grandmother. The phone was answered by the attendant. Seeing that it was Ding Yu's phone, the attendant almost trotted into the room. Even when he rushed in, he had some breathing!

The old lady's eyes brightened, while Wang Pu stretched out her hand!

But the attendant still put the phone to one side of the position, and then to connect the video, this just back out!

Seeing Wang Pu and the old lady in the video, Ding Yu stood up and gave a respectful greeting to her grandfather and grandmother! At this point, Ding Yu still can't find any fault!

Wang Pu looked at the video, that is, Ding Yu alone, some gratified at the same time, there are so many dissatisfied!

"What about the children at home? You alone? "

"They are a little busy these two days! After all, I've been away for quite a long time to meet my classmates. I still need to make preparations for the new year. There will be their performances at that time. Moreover, there are quite a lot of things at home that they need to do! And my parents? They are also quite spoiled

Listening to the old man's words, the old lady snorted a little dissatisfied!

"Xiaoyu! It's said that Meng Chong went back with you! After you go back, there will be no movement. The family is worried about quite a lot of things! "

"It's because of Tian Qi!" Ding Yu said with a smile, "in fact, there is nothing to do, mainly because the work is a little busy during this period! It's the end of the year! Quite a lot of things need to be dealt with! If we don't deal with things now, if we squeeze them down, they will press more and more! I can't stand it then! It will also affect the development of consortia and farms! "

Huh? Wang Pu and the old lady looked at each other! This matter is really ignored by the two of them!

Previously, there were some people who paid too much attention to grandson! Even forgot! Grandson's industry in China may only be farms, but he still has such a large consortium under his hand! Even if grandson doesn't take charge of the business of the consortium and the farm, he still needs to deal with it quite often!

Especially in this period of time! It's obvious that Ding Yu didn't mean to escape, or he wanted to put pressure on his family! It's because Ding Yu really has something to deal with! This is the real reason!

"You said this thing, we two old guys really forgot!" When she said that, the old lady was relieved and sighed, "old age in the end!"

"I feel pretty good. My grandfather and grandmother are in good mental condition. I've read the physical reports as well." For the outside world, these are confidential, but for Ding Yu, everything is open!

"Seriously, Xiaoyu, what are you going to do with Tian Qi?"

Ding Yu thought for a while, "at the beginning, he was a little angry and puzzled, but later he thought that things were not as important as he thought! To deal with Tian Qi or not to deal with Tian Qi doesn't have much influence in fact! "

In fact, Ding Yu in the previous time has shown a considerable attitude, Wu Chun's own things do not have any reaction! I didn't make any decision about the farm itself. Is it related to Tianhua? After their own investigation, also shelved! Under such circumstances, will he still deal with Tian Qi?

Don't talk about the old lady's protection, even if there is no old lady's protection, I will never continue to do it! It has no meaning and no value. Is it just to prove that you are not easy to be provoked and that you are not vegetarian?

I have passed adolescence! So there is no such thing!

"What do you say? We also have some worries, which is why we haven't called you all the time! We're both here today! Tian Qi, don't move! "

As for the reason, Wang Pu and the old lady didn't mention anything, and Ding Yu didn't mean to ask. If they were willing, they would say it, but they didn't mean it, so don't poke their hearts! Nothing interesting!

"Well! I know about this! I'll take care of it! "

Let's talk about it! Wang Pu and the old lady were greatly relieved! If other people say this, they will be worried about whether this is true? In other words, they deliberately stabilize the two old guys, but this is what grandson said, so there are not too many problems!

It's true that Sun Tzu is always ready to report, and even quite often he is very cold and heartless. However, since he has said this, it means that he will definitely do so, which can be believed!

"Xiaoyu! To a certain extent, it's not your style! "

Ding Yu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head“ There are too many things on the body. Is that one of the reasons? Is that another reason? The things behind me made me have some doubts for a moment, so I decided to step back two steps to see the situation! "

Wang Pu and the old lady looked at each other again! It's true. I didn't expect that grandson would answer like this!

Obviously, grandson is not entangled in this issue, and even has a more long-term view! The farm problem is definitely not one-sided! So what about grandson? Also did not take the means and ways to deal with things like before!

But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be the way it used to be, but is it really the case?

You know, this grandson of his family has always been a schemer. The depth of the layout is absolutely beyond imagination. He didn't start with Tian Qi. This may be true, but it's impossible to say that he really gave up!

But on this issue, Wang Pu and the old lady are really hard to say? At this time, no matter what you mention, there are some inappropriate and even quite inappropriate things!

After all, the great grandson has already raised his hand! No matter what the reason is, this time he has given the family enough face. Under such circumstances, what else do you want? If we talk about excessive demands at this time, it will not be as simple as embarrassment!

Even the great grandson's temperament will definitely be in an uproar! It's hard to say! This kind of thing, grandson can definitely do it!

"Your grandfather and I don't have any say in this matter! But take it easy

If placed in other time, Ding Yu really did not see will have any attention! But now? Ding Yu thought for a while and nodded“ Yeah! I got it! The main problem is that there may be a little more problems on the farm side! However, judging from the current situation, the overall situation is still good! "

What should be said needs to be said. As for what shouldn't be said, don't mention too much! And Ding Yu also believes that his grandfather and grandmother will not have any opinions on this. If they are involved in the farm, it is a serious cross-border!

There is a clear distinction between the farm affairs and the family affairs. Ding Yu does not interfere in the family affairs, and the family does not interfere in the farm affairs. We all maintain a tacit understanding!

Why is the Wang family worried this time! Because this time the old lady's behavior, to a certain extent, can even be seen as a provocation to the farm at home! Ding Yu didn't get angry directly at that time, which really relieved many people!

If there is something wrong, no one will be able to handle it! In the past two years, Ding Yu has really stopped a lot! It's not as angry as it used to be!

But the more it is, the more worrying it is! Even let people have some fear!

When the fist goes out, people won't worry too much, but when the fist goes back? Can we not worry? Who knows when this fist will come out? And where is it going to be? No one can say too clearly!

What's more, which is Ding Yu's fist? Even if other people's fists are on their heads, it's no big deal. But what about Ding Yu's fist? Even in ordinary places, it can cause fatal damage!

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