When Mencius was brought here, he was in a bad mood! Dahong doesn't know how to take care of children! And menzie is really a little young! But is there such a problem with body coordination at this age? It's worth pondering!

Meng Dong looks at his brother and wants to step forward! Ding Yu stretched out his hand and looked at Meng Xi with his eyes. He even took out his handkerchief and wiped his tears and nose! After the wipe is hands holding Muncy's hand, a little thin! Just look at Muncy in front of you! It's very patient!

Meng Xi, who was in a bad mood, opened her eyes wide and looked at Ding Yu. She felt that Ding Yu's hands were warm! The brilliance in the eyes is quite different from that of other people. It's a kind of love, expectation and even a kind of longing! Can't see any dislike!

Mencius, who had been anxious, was slowly calming down!

"You lost earlier!"

"It's you?" Muncy blinked her eyes. "Well! I can't find the way black can win! " Young, but the performance is very tough!

Ding Yu wants to laugh, but he is stubborn“ I'll show you something good! " Let people take the bronze man of acupuncture and moxibustion, even Ding Yu himself opened it! Inside the viscera are in, one by one presented in front of the position!

Ding Yu dares to do so. He is not afraid to scare the children!

"Up to now, no one has inherited what I have learned. The children in my family have learned some, but they are not sincere! What they have learned is only skin deep! Would you like to have a try? "

Meng Xi looked at the acupuncture bronze man placed in front of him, and did not want to pay attention to Ding Yu's meaning! And next to Meng Chong feel his heart has to jump out! It's like beating a drum. It's not something you can control if you want to!

Why is that? Does this need to be said? It's just exciting! Even if Meng Chong wants to hold his breath, there are some uncontrollable. Even Meng Chong wants to go out and shout now to vent his excitement!

Muncy looked at it for a long time. "How long will it take me to learn it?"

"I don't know?" Ding Yu shook his head, "it's like our understanding of the whole world, it seems that we know a lot about the world! But on the whole, our understanding of the whole world is less than 5%! Maybe less than one percent! So your so-called learning is a bit abrupt! "

Ding Yu hit a finger ring, soon security is to take the holographic projection equipment to come! Let them install and debug!

Soon the model of acupuncture fellow appeared in front of us! Muncy's eyes have begun to shine up, previously dim, even a little melancholy, but now it's like the little sun!

Ding Yu is to knock his head, and then gently knock Meng Xi's head!

Muncy blinked, nodded and shook her head! But Ding Yu feels very happy about it. He can understand what Meng Xi is thinking? But Ding Yu and Meng Xi's communication, but the people behind are anxious! Meng Chong never felt that he would be so anxious! Feel your mouth has appeared a bubble!

People are really different! And what kind of communication do the two of them have with each other? Why for everyone, everything is displayed in front of them, but they just can't see and understand!

"If you have any request, someone will give you a reply. You need to understand what you can do. There are no problems or impossibilities, because people are powerful and do what they can! We know too little about the world! "

"Well! I'd like to have a look! "

Ding Yu stood up and thought about it. He took the string from his hand and put it in Mengxi's hand!

"I've got it! Sometimes, you need to close your eyes! Let everything close to zero! Taoist way, if you use Buddhist way, you can also! This is a tool! "

Mengxi hands string, hand string is not very long, around his wrist, some big, but very moist!

Seeing his nephew fiddling with his hands, Meng Chong's eyes are already blue! It's true that my elder brother has also given me good things. He has also said that he wants to play with the things of siheyuan. But the nature of the things of siheyuan is totally different from that of the things that my elder brother plays with himself! It can't be generalized at all!

Hesitating, Ding Yu has stood up and walked out! But when passing by Meng Dong, Ding Yu rubbed his head and pulled him out together! Out of the room, to the gallery!

Ding Yu just stood his own step“ Meng Dong, your younger brother is a little out of his mind. It may take quite a long time for him to get through! He can be protected at home, but this kind of protection is different from taking care of him! Can you protect your brother? "

Meng Chong puffed his face and wanted to sound like his chest, but then he showed his stomach again. Before he made a generous speech, Meng Chong, who followed him, pointed his foot at the bend of his leg and knelt down there!

"Big brother, Xiao Dong, he is a child!"

Looking at Meng Chong's action, Ding Yu said with a smile, "you are climbing up the pole! I believe your family should have its own way! What I didn't see is good, and what I didn't see is right. Let him have a try. Xiao Xi is a good child! Smarter than the children at home, and more persistent of course! That's a good thing

"Good thing?"

Meng Dong kneeling there wants to stand up, but looking at Er Bo's sharp eyes, he immediately kneels down there honestly!

Ding Yu also shakes his head! But there is no disgust“ I don't know what kind of situation Mengxi will be like. What about me? Guidance, if you can guide the good! Maybe in the future, the achievement is extraordinary, of course, it may fall short, no one dare to do this aspect of guarantee! So Meng Chong, do you want to gamble? "

"Bet!" Meng Chong did not have any pause, did not hesitate to say“ There's nothing for NIMA to hesitate about! Xiao Xi's situation at home, I still know, although there is considerable care at home, but to a certain extent, there is considerable prejudice! This time, there is no chance for the first try! If it wasn't for Meng Dong's mention, who knows what it will be like, there will really be a pearl in the dust! I can make this decision! I didn't say that

"Meng Dong? It's hard to study with me! For you personally, at least! Your mind is a little too flexible! It's a good thing, it's not a good thing! So if you want to correct it, it will take a little time, and you need to pay a lot! But really speaking, your fat body should be very anti beating! "

Ah? Meng Dong is stunned, but Meng Chong behind is a little silly!

"Brother, don't worry! This son of a bitch is very skinny. Just educate him! If there's a problem, it's mine! Usually, cheating is not enough, but it's very greedy! I'm not old. Look at that figure! The heart is not so big

"There's nothing wrong with being broad-minded and fat! Pay attention to keep healthy! It's not that you have to lose weight! "

Ding Yu greets Meng Dong on his knees and asks him to stand up!

"It's not a bad thing to eat more! Just keep balance! But before that, I need to tell you, ancestor of heaven and earth! Kneeling down is not a shame. We have our own way! But no next time! If I knew, it would not be as simple as beating you up! "

"Ah! I understand Little fat man is very smart! Charmingly naive! It can be said that with a pig face, Xingzhong is bright and clear!

"Come on! For the time being! Xiao Xi, stay with me. Do as you like! "

The meaning is very clear and clear. Pack up and go! I hope here can be a little cleaner! What are you going to do! Don't be annoying here, I don't like it so much!

okay? This side just tidied up, the result Ding Yu a word! Do you think there is any reason for us to start chucking people directly? But there is no way! But for Meng Chong! Big brother, this side has already opened the Tianen! Now under such circumstances, don't say that it's driving yourself out! Even if is kicks own two feet, also does not have any question!

Let the children get on the bus first! Meng Chong took Meng Dong to one side!

"Do you feel anything when you see Uncle Ding? Say it! I know you have a ghost in your heart! So what do you want to express now? Hurry up

"I don't have any other feelings, but I feel that uncle Ding is so powerful! I didn't expect him to like Xiao Xi so much! "

From the words, I can hear that Xiao Xi is really happy to have such an opportunity!

Meng Chong Leng for a moment, then sighed, "you boy! On purpose, isn't it? It's not as simple as you said or as easy as you thought! You and Xiao Xi are brothers, but for the family? It's quite different! "

"That can't bully Xiaoxi!" Meng Dong murmured!

"Maybe that's what you think, but I will never flatter you because Xiao Xi stayed with your uncle Ding? Maybe in the future, Xiaoxi will be a wonderful existence! But for me personally, whether it's you or Xiao Xi! They're all the same. They're all children in the family. That's all

"I don't understand, but I think Er Bo is very good. He often brings me delicious food and doesn't dislike Xiao Xi! Never! Xiao Xi took your hand

"What you said made me feel quite sad! I always regard you as children in my family! Good or bad! Maybe it's education, maybe it's other reasons! I can't attribute all the reasons to you! The bigger the family, the more unclear it is sometimes! I don't want you to understand now, but I hope you can understand quite well! "

"Second uncle, uncle Ding is more powerful than you think, isn't he?"

"The direction is quite different! However, in some aspects of your uncle Ding's appearance, even if you are flattering at home, you can't catch up even riding a rocket. It's impossible! It's like Uncle Dahong. If your uncle Ding does it, it may be exaggerating to slap him on the ground, but it shouldn't be too much! "

Meng Chong immediately raised his neck and blinked his little eyes. Other things may not attract him too much curiosity, but practicing martial arts is absolutely attractive to Meng Dong!

"Want to learn?"

Mm-hmm! Meng Dong nodded! Meng Chong shook his head. "I really don't know what the way is like here, but I know a little bit. It must be much better than at home! I don't know if you will have such an opportunity, but I hope you can cherish it! It will benefit you and the whole family for life

"At home, too?" Meng Dong is a smart man immediately!

"Yes! I've tried! At that time, your uncle Dahong was also present. In the future, your uncle Dahong may or may not have such an opportunity! I don't know! I hope you can get such an opportunity! "

Meng Dong is not able to win, Meng Chong really can not say clearly! You know, Xiaoxi already has a good grasp. After the elder brother took a look, he stayed, without any hesitation! Not even mentioned!

It's true that I've been with my elder brother for a while, but because of my understanding of him, his vision is not generally high! It's not that big brother looks down on other people. It's really not such a thing. It can only be said that there are so few people who can make big brother's heart beat. It's pitiful!

Now Xiaoxi is taken in! As for Meng Dong, Meng Yu and others, they are just associated! But even so, for the children at home, it is also a rare opportunity, even for the Meng family, it is also an opportunity!

After getting on the bus, Meng Chong made a phone call to his home and told the situation in detail!

There are some differences in Meng Zhidao's view of this matter. The children who took them in the past were not taken seriously. On the contrary, Meng Xi who was at home was taken seriously! But what about Muncy? How to put it? Call him retarded! It's really not, but it's quite a problem for us to feel!

But such a child, was Ding Yu to see! Is it intentional, or is Ding Yu's vision extraordinary?

So Meng Zhidao asked about the specific situation in detail, and even took the previous video to see it! Do not say, really see some different places!

For the description of Meng Chong, the way of Meng has a new understanding!

"So? What do you think? I'm a little confused! I think you should know better than me what's going on with Muncy

"Grandfather, since you can't see clearly, then put it down! It's not hard! It's not a bad thing! " Meng Chong said, "is Xiao Xi an indispensable child in the family? As far as I know, it's true that he is a child in the family, but apart from his parents, no one attaches importance to him, or even cares about him! "

"What about the other children?"

"Big brother's meaning is very clear. If you want to stay, you can go to school here. Big brother has mentioned this to me before, and I have also told you! I've inspected the schools here before, and I'm going to have a look at them these two days! Specifically, it depends on the wishes of the children at home. If they want to stay, it's better. If they don't want to stay, they don't want to be reluctant! "

"That is to say, except for Mencius, there are so many people who look down on him!"

"Meng Dong can stay, but the elder brother's meaning is more for Xiao Xi's consideration. Usually, Meng Dong takes care of Xiao Xi at home. The relationship between the two brothers is very good! And see elder brother's meaning, also have some other ideas to Meng Chong! I'm not sure about the details. After all, there's no way to ask about such things any more! "

To some extent, Ding Yu is very good to the Meng family! The more you know, the more you know about this young master!

"If we all stay here, some of them are not so decent and easy to explain!"

"Grandfather, let them choose for themselves Meng Chong's words are not very like suggestions“ If no child can get into the big brother's eyes this time, it's not said, but now that someone has been selected this time! Then it's not our problem! "

"Meng Chong, I can't carry it at home!"

For this matter, Meng Zhidao knows that this is a good thing, but the problem is what to do if he is found? It's not as simple as you think. The influence of the Meng family is not small, but it also depends on the situation! It's not your own back garden. You can do whatever you want?

"I can't carry it, and I can't help it!" Meng Chong a little rogue said, "no one thought that such a change would happen! Why don't you let them talk to big brother? "

"Nonsense? Isn't that right? " After sighing, Meng Zhidao also made up his mind, "I asked Benqing to make a phone call to explain the situation. It's not that we don't want to, but that no one thought that there should be such a change! This is beyond our control! "

Careful preparation at home didn't play any role. On the contrary, the unpopular child at home was taken by Ding Yu! Who do you want to reason with? Now there is no way for the Meng family, because the right of choice is not in the hands of the Meng family!

In fact, this matter, can only say that the Meng family think a little bit more! After Meng Benqing called Wang Changlin, Wang Changlin was so happy! Such things placed in the past, it is simply dare not imagine! When did my eldest son make such an opening?

What happened to the Meng family? Isn't it the Wang family? Just for this!

"Benqing, when do you have time to meet Meng Xi of your family? It's not easy to let the boss open this mouth!"

"Can't you?" Meng Benqing is also a little strange, "speaking of it, I have really met Meng Xi. How can the child say that? I can't describe it! "

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