"Is there anything else?" Wang Changlin said with a smile“ Is that normal? "

"Is that normal?" Meng Benqing felt a little out of control, "my old brother! Let me put it this way! This time, there was no Mengxi at all. At the beginning of the selection, the family had never considered Mengxi. There was no meaning in this aspect at all! Later, his brother recommended him! Why on earth recommended him, I am not so clear! Anyway, I'm afraid now

Listening to Meng Benqing say so much at one go, Wang Changlin is a little happy!

"Good!" Then Wang Changlin's painting style changed, "I don't mean any irony! You can't understand our boss, his eyes? have a style of one 's own! Of course, he himself? It's also a bit of a monster! It's quite different from ordinary people. After so many years, except for Wang An and Tong Tong, I really don't see what children he is interested in! What's more, this time it's still name calling! Your family! It's not that simple! "

"Old brother, I'm a little outsider with this remark!"

"It's a good thing! You don't have to worry about things here. I'm still saying that, it can make the boss see! This is definitely not an easy thing! Even a very difficult thing, no matter what kind of situation, we must ensure good children! They are the hope of the future

After putting down the phone, Meng Benqing breathed a long sigh of relief and obviously called Wang Changlin! Wang Changlin's answer is also to give himself a guarantee, and even take the initiative to take over the pressure in the past! This is definitely not a simple thing!

The Meng family needs to be grateful. If the Wang family really doesn't agree, or even intervene, they can't bear it. But the old brother does things very well, so that the family can't find any problems!

However, we can see other problems from this point. The relationship between Ding Yu and the Wang family is a little subtle, because there are no other children of the Wang family except Xiao Gang! Of course, Ding Yun and Ding Chang are children of the Wang family, but their surnames are ding after all!

Meng Benqing kept this matter in mind, but he didn't have any intention to ask. He couldn't even beat around the bush about it. Meng Benqing also had quite a feeling in his heart, which was similar to the way he went at home, but his performance at home was not so obvious, and he didn't know whether his guess was accurate or not? Hard to say!

For the young master of the Wang family, his nephew generation, I really have some incomprehensible information, and I have inquired a lot of information, but I feel a bit of cloud and mist! The more you know, the more you look like this!

Obviously, there are quite a few problems, but don't be too sharp! Not right! Even if the operation is not good, it is easy to lead to other problems!

When Ding Yu comes back, he looks at Meng Xi who is still sitting there! It seems that he has finished the 3D sketch of the whole bronze man of acupuncture and moxibustion, which means that he has a very good three-dimensional sense of space. Ding yupan sits in front of Mengxi, reaches out his hand and moves the ring on his ring finger twice!

It seems to be a ring, but with Ding Yu's solution, the ring slowly spread out, and then a gold needle appeared in front of Ding Yu and Meng Xi!

"Chinese medicine is quite different from western medicine! What I study is western medicine, but what I inherit is traditional Chinese medicine. They complement each other! But my Chinese medicine level is not particularly superb! But there's no problem in giving you a guide! "

Taking up a piece of wood in front of him, I didn't see that Ding Yu's hand had too many movements, that is to say, he just kicked it out a few times. The golden needle came out through the wood! Then Ding Yu put the gold needle and board on Mengxi's hand!

What a pity! The needle is too soft! Mencius tried many times, but there was no way. He even wanted to leave the gold needle on the board, which was very difficult to do!

"Uncle Ding, why? It doesn't make sense? "

While speaking, Meng Xi looked at Ding Yu attentively, obviously waiting for Ding Yu's answer!

"You are very clever, but I have said that before! We know too little about the world! Is the world we know real? Questions to be discussed! If you want to promote the development of the world, you need to have more understanding of the world, which can be accumulated slowly through learning! But want to break it? Accumulation alone is not enough

"When can I learn?"

"I need a foundation. My brother and sister have a good foundation now, but they don't have much interest in this field. I don't know if you have any interest in this field, but your talent is very good!"

"People at home say I'm stupid!" Muncy pointed to her head!

"Sometimes genius is not understood by people. It's like you play with building blocks. In your mind, what you are thinking about is how to get through the endgame. It takes the shortest time and has the highest efficiency. But for them, they are not up to that level yet. They just can't play with the building blocks well because of you! It's just different cognition! "

"So why do so many people blame me?" Monsieur said doubtfully!

ha-ha! Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, a little happy“ Because you are a child, they are adults! A lot of times they want you to do things their way! Good job? Can get considerable praise, and even make them feel very proud! Of course, this kind of training is not suitable for you

"What is the right way?"

While talking, Muncy fiddled with her hands! A little bit hard!

"Your head is too smart! But you are a fool! There is another point, although your brain is very smart, but due to the nutrients are supplied to your brain, leading to the development of other aspects of your body is not perfect! So I told you, when it's necessary, you need to press the pause button on your head! "

When speaking, Ding Yu also deliberately pointed to his head!

Mencius shook his head. "I can't stop. I don't know how to stop!"

"I can teach you some ways and means! But before that? I need to make some adjustments for you, at least let your body and development barely keep up with your head, so that they may be more coordinated with each other, just like you still have some faltering when you walk, and even a little headache sometimes! "

Ding Yu's concern for Mengxi is all-round! And this is the most surprising for the security of the home! You know, the last time I did these things, it was when Wang An and Tong Tong came here! Obviously, Muncy is a new kid!

However, the child's performance is a little strange. The security guards who have contacted can feel the child's strangeness! In addition to Ding Yu, just a little familiar with his brother! As for other people, it is to maintain a considerable alienation!

But these are not important, as long as he is valued by Mr. Ding, then everything will be OK!

To a certain extent, sir, do you still have little work these years? Is it really a lot? Sometimes it's more weird than Muncy! Even more stubborn, but look at the current situation at home, what more to say?

However, the children in the family are really a little different from their husband! On this issue, we all have a very intuitive impression! Is your request strict? Not particularly strict! Even some indulgence! But the effect of Mr. guidance is very good!

Along with some of the security of their own children, quite a time will also be guided! Only a little less children, mainly because of their identity! It's time to settle down! If it was placed a few years ago, who would have thought about it?

At this point, my husband has never shown any dislike, but the children at home are a little bit less competitive. What can I do about this? It's not that we don't adopt the way of Mr. Zhang, but after seeing the way of Mr. Zhang, we all feel a little chilly! The most gifted children have no problems! If it's an ordinary child, it's OK!

It's not that there is no money, it has nothing to do with this! What will happen if you don't have such talent and have to try? It's hard to imagine, for children, it's absolutely a kind of devastation!

And Meng Xi these two days time, stay in Ding Yu's side, feel very happy, with face above can see smile! Although sometimes there are still some silly, but at least give people the feeling is a normal child, of course, to really speak, may also choke a somersault, but has been a considerable improvement!

Find the direction, and then to deal with, it is too simple!

When Meng Chong saw his nephew again, he looked at the Taoist robe on his body. He was quite surprised! When Meng Dong looked at his brother, his eyes also showed a little love and admiration! This little robe is really cool! It's really nice to wear it on my brother's body!

"Brother, is this treatment a little too much? Is Muncy still a little small

"Some of his other things are not suitable! At least this Taoist robe is simple! But don't worry! In the future, whether he will join Taoism or not depends on himself. I am also a Taoist! I'm a Taoist for the time being! I'm married and have children! No delay! It's you, hem

Meng Chong, who was beaten in the face, turned a little red. Is this simple? After all, their identity is different! And the next Meng Chong looked at his second uncle's appearance and snickered! I've never seen the second uncle eat so shriveled. It's so interesting! That's fun!

Meng Chong looked back! But it didn't mean any reprimand! And Mencius is holding his brother's hand! Is holding his brother's hand, like a child! Think about it, he seems to be really a child, but also a child who has not grown up!

"Brother, I have a special reason for my business!"

"It's your own business. How does the child arrange it?"

"I'll go. I'll think about buying two houses! For the kids! At least make it convenient for them! The result is good! Directly was called back! They don't buy it at all! I'm not here to work! I'm not here to invest! Not to come back to take care of my parents! "

"There is a house in the house! If you don't dislike it, just live in the past! Just follow me! If Meng Dong doesn't dislike it, he also lives here! After the children left home, there was not so much movement, but a little bit not used to it! More children! It will be more lively! "

"Big brother? Is that all right? Muncy's character is a bit stubborn! Will it affect the two old people? "

"They would like to have more children at home!" Obviously, Ding Yu has made a decision“ If Meng Dong has time, go to the Wudao club over there. It's just behind the farm square. Most people don't know about it. It's a little bit lonely there! At this stage, a little physical activity and hands and feet is good, but there is no other need! "

"I have no problem!" Meng Chong took a long breath! Then he looked at Meng Dong, "Xiao Dong, take care of your brother! Mainly in life! Do you hear me

"That's my brother!" Meng Chong said to take care! This time, I didn't stand my chest. Of course, I was afraid to show my stomach again!

In his spare time, Meng Chong said to Ding Yu in a low voice, "brother, I heard that there is a lot of noise in the capital! I may need to go. Would you like something to bring home? "

Ding Yu glared back“ What's the matter? You think your skin is a little tight. Is that what you mean? I can repair it for you! The effect of cleaning and repairing in this period of time is very good! Do you want to try? "

Words down, let Meng Chong's mouth slightly touched! Can't cause trouble, is really can't cause trouble, this elder brother of his own family, is really not to give face, especially in this matter, don't give any openings at all! It's not that I don't help, but I don't give myself any chance!

I don't know if the Wangs will understand after I go to the capital? If you don't understand, you will have to suffer! And I can't find any excuse! How to make excuses! As for looking for elder brother to judge? Are you kidding? Even more impossible! Isn't that a typical bargain?

After leaving Ding Yu, Meng Chong went straight to the capital! Wang Yang and Xiao Bao welcome each other in person!

"I said, brother Chong? What about? Have you got that face? "

In the face of Wang Yang's sarcasm, what else can Meng Chong say? It's almost time to show his belly! Now this time is definitely not the time to play horizontal, so also jokingly said, "or I squat down and hold my head, a total of feeling that there are still some opportunities, if not, I doubt that I will lie out?"

Wang Yang and Xiao Bao look at each other and smile! Obviously Meng Chong's attitude satisfied them! They also know that Meng Chong did it on purpose! But it's OK to go to this point! Anyway? Meng Chong is a person valued by elder brother! We are joking with each other, it's no big deal! And Meng Chong is not the one who can't take a joke!

But do things? Enough is enough! If it's too late! At that time, it will be very difficult for big brother to do it! On the one hand, they are optimistic about people! On the other hand, my brother! It's even hard to do at home. On the one hand, it's my son, on the other hand? Is he his own general? How to deal with it?

"You can't go out lying down! But it's your treat tonight! If you go out standing, don't blame our brother for not paying attention to it! Brothers really can't afford to lose that man

We're done with the scene! Meng Chong then said, "when I came here, I went to see my elder brother! Be scolded by big brother! I have no face to see anyone

"It's said that Mencius is highly valued by the elder brother?" I can know quite a lot about things over there, but if I want to know them well, it's impossible! Now the family is particularly curious about Mengxi. To extend, everyone in Beijing is quite curious about Mengxi!

Why are you so curious? Do you need to say more? Ding Yu's eyes are absolutely convincing! Whether it is the selection of children, or other aspects, are after countless validation! I hope you can learn a lot from it!

"What's a good boy, Monsieur?" Meng Chong is also a little sad about this“ He is a neglected existence in our family! Even a transparent general existence, the only thing that can make a little impression is that it is a bit stubborn, and even the head is a bit hard to use! At least that's what everyone said! "

"What is it?" Xiao Bao, sitting in the co pilot's seat, almost twisted his neck!

But still covered his neck, his body turned over, at the same time with his hands knead twice his neck tendon“ Brother Chong, are you kidding us? You have a bad head? Can elder brother see that his head is hard to use? "

Wang Yang, sitting beside Meng Chong, also has a toothache!

"Is there any misunderstanding?"

"I've been watching all the time. Anyway, I didn't understand the operation between big brother and the news! Even I doubt that few people can understand it! It's just four building blocks, and then I started playing chess. I realized it later! But that's it! " Meng Chong explained a little!

"I really want to see this Muncy in your family. He must be a character, otherwise he would never do it!"

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