After Meng Chong came, he was received by the Wang family! It's obvious that the Wang family has a great intention to protect the Meng family!

In fact, if you really say it, there are other meanings in it. For example, the Meng family was originally a member of the Wang family! There is no doubt about this. Of course, to do so is to protect Meng Chong to a greater extent!

Of course, Su Yuan also knows about the Meng family. It's nothing strange to see Meng Chong. It's Meng Xi's business that makes Su Yuan very curious. Even the whole person is so different! The eldest son has not been like this for some years! The last time Wang An and Tong Tong, it was a long time ago! Almost forgotten!

"Auntie! Your eyes make me a little scared? "

Looking at Meng Chong, who is a little submissive, Su Yuan hums coldly, "intentionally, isn't it?" How can I not see that Meng Chong is on purpose! But this thing? It's just fun!

"I'm shivering now! I didn't expect such a big stir! It's not my aunt! Although my uncle is not here, I still need to admit my problem! At that time, I considered not to leave, so I was in such a noisy situation! No matter what, I'll take it! "

"Bastard, you are smart enough. No wonder your elder brother can take a fancy to you!"

"It's mainly because of my uncle and aunt. Otherwise, who do you know about me?"

If you compliment me, you won't lose a piece of meat, and you can make aunt Su happy. Why not? Right?

"Come on! What happened to Mencius? Now everyone is talking about the child, but no one has seen him! Anyway, this child is a genius! You big brother! Other aspects aside, this vision is absolutely unparalleled! It's not only the curiosity of others, but also my interest to make him value it

Meng Chong showed his toothache! Then he took out his mobile phone and said, "Auntie, this is some images taken at home. They are all about Mengxi when she was a child. You can see them!"

Su Yuan Leng for a moment, along with Wang Yang and Xiaobao, two people also expressed great interest! All over your head! Want to see more clearly and carefully!

The length of the video clip is not long, and it takes less than ten minutes. After watching it, Su Yuan takes a cup and gives himself a breath. Wang Yang and Xiao Bao, look at me and I'll see yours!

This is the child selected by big brother? Is this not a joke? Or is Meng Chong intentional?

How do you feel that the child in the video is groundless and manic! A little out of control?

And Meng Chong looked at Wang Yang and Xiao Bao's expression, then spread out his hands, "when I got on the bus just now, I said it! I don't even know how to evaluate my nephew. It's not as simple as weird. Besides, I don't understand the communication between him and my elder brother. I feel like a Book of heaven! "

Su Yuan watched the child in the video again. After seeing it, he frowned and said, "your elder brother took the child in person?" This question is a bit strange. Why? Because the last one with such treatment was his grandson Xiaogang! Now come out such a child! Seems to be more valued than Xiaogang!

It's not that Su Yuan is jealous? It has nothing to do with this. Su Yuan is just curious. Who is his son? Don't you know? It is because of knowing that Su Yuan didn't understand Meng Xi's situation!

Judging from the video, the child has just taken a quick walk, and sometimes he still has some faltering. He says that he is malnourished, but he is too stubborn. He doesn't show any talent at all. Compared with the children at home when they were young, he is not on the same level at all! Can't even compare with ordinary children!

But why can be valued by the boss? Anyway, up to now, Su Yuan has not found the reason!

"Well! The elder brother is taking the baby in person these two days! Even changed into a Taoist robe! Elder brother is now in the Taoist temple. I can't understand why it's like this! I didn't dare to ask! "

"Taoist robe?" Su Yuan's expression was slightly dull. "Can such a small child do it?"

"I asked my elder brother, and he said that he was also a Taoist. He married and had children the same way, but I could feel that he had other opinions and ideas. What is it? It's not so clear!" After thinking for a while, Meng Chongcai continued to say, "yes! The elder brother also gave Meng Xi a string of hands that had been set for a period of time. I don't understand? "

Ah! Wang Yang and Xiao Bao both cried out. There are a lot of things in siheyuan. Ding Yu never means to be stingy. Even at the same time, they can get bad things out of Ding Yu's hands. But there are really not many of his own things!

"Ma! I don't have anything from my elder brother. The housekeeper is too stingy! "

Su Yuan is white in the past“ Your elder brother must have other ideas, but is it a little inappropriate for him to be young? " This words Su Yuan, also can only say this cent up, "Meng Chong, how do you see Meng Xi this kid!"

"Aunt, I want to boast, but you can see the situation in the video! I don't know what to say! I also called Muncy's parents! Ask the specific situation, they are still competent as parents! There is no difference in the treatment of this son! But I can't tell why one came! "

"That's the weirdo! No wonder your elder brother values it so much. If you have time, you can ask! "

Su Yuan's words all of a sudden reminded Wang Yang, so also Yi! Su Yuan looked at his little son, "what? What do you have to say? "

"Ma! I'll ask Xiao Gang, we don't know much about this aspect, because we know little about it, but the children at home are not necessarily! They have been following big brother for a long time, and they have a good understanding of him. We have no clue when we make random guesses here, but for them, it may be different! "

After Wang Yang obtained his mother's consent, he hung up the video to his son. From the time point of view, it's very appropriate. Xiaogang must be out of school now! As for what to do, I don't know. There are certainly not many questions to ask by phone!

But the video has been waiting for almost half an hour before it was connected!

Xiao Gang is still sweating, but first give his grandmother, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao, including Meng Chong Hello!

Looking at Xiaogang's appearance, Su Yuan felt a little distressed. He didn't know whether he was playing or tired? Let Xiaogang wipe the sweat on his forehead first, and then come back“ It's not like that. What are you doing! Be careful not to catch a cold

"I went to the activity! Another period of time will be winter vacation! There are no problems with homework, but there are some shortcomings in other aspects, so we need to hurry up! "

Xiao Gang is not vague at all, and simply said his own situation“ What can I do for you, grandma? "

"Do you know that your uncle has a new child?"

"Monsieur?" Xiao Gang nodded, "I heard! I've also seen some of his conditions. Does grandma have any questions? "

Looking at his grandson's appearance, Su Yuan knew that he was intentional, so he also snorted, seriously expressing his dissatisfaction, "you kid play monkey for me, don't you? Don't follow me. I don't know what's going on at home. It's the same with the capital. Your uncle hasn't been interested in this aspect for several years. Now suddenly, a Meng Xi comes out. No one knows what's going on! So it's hard to do at home! "

"I understand!" Xiaogang immediately nodded, "I've seen the situation of Mengxi, a little shocked!"

"What do you mean?" Not only Su Yuan, but also Meng Chong! Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are already nervous!

"I've never seen a child with such talent. It's really amazing! My elder brother and sister, including me, couldn't catch up! Together with Hart, they can't catch up at all. They're a genius, and they're the genius among them! " When you speak, you can clearly see that Xiaogang is so excited that it's beyond expression!

Ah? There are so many silly eyes in my family! Genius? Is this an antonym? A born fool?

"Xiaogang, why do you say that? I've just read some information that your uncle Meng brought me! It feels like something's wrong! " Su Yuan raised his doubts! It's just a little obscure!

"Well? It can only be said that there has been a considerable deviation in the early training! " Xiaogang pointed out, "he is a genius. He needs to be cultivated in the way of genius. He can't be cultivated in the ordinary way. If he uses the ordinary way, he will give up Xiaoxi's supplies! Even if there is no waste! There will be other problems as well! "

"So you've all seen it?" Su Yuan asked with a smile!

"Well! I played chess with him for a while! It's no match at all! What a tragedy! The blow is too big! Later, uncle stopped! Let us reflect for a period of time, but even so, also let us have a considerable doubt, are we just waste snacks? The gap is really a little big! "

You're the only ones who don't have snacks? This is not a deliberate joke, is it? You are just like a monster in other people's mouth. What's more, if you are a waste snack, what are the children of other families?

So Su Yuan snorted again, "it's not like words, so how do you say your own!"

"Hey, grandma, Xiao Xi is so good! However, it depends on the meaning of uncle. Xiaoxi needs a lot of adjustment. We have also seen the specific situation! His brain is too smart, quite a problem, ordinary people have some can't understand! This is also the reason why people may look at him quite differently! "

"Ha ha, so to speak, your uncle has the meaning of this aspect!"

"I think so." Xiao Gang is very interested in Meng Xi. There are too few such friends in the past“ Uncle thinks we should guide him in another way! Not enough to use the usual way of education! Because if we use the usual way, it will hurt him too much! But this one needs time and adjustment! I don't understand that much about it! "

"Can you say so, it seems that you are very interested in him?"

"I'm very interested, but it's difficult to be good friends with him now! Because his way is quite different from ours, we need to think of a way! And there is something wrong with his health! "

"Physical problems? That's not right Su Yuan shook his head. "I've read his data. He may have some malnutrition in his body, but I haven't heard of other problems and problems!"

"I've heard from you about this! The main reason is that Xiao Xi's head is too smart! All the nutrition for his head, but it's not enough! So it will lead to other aspects can not absorb nutrition, so the body is weak, seemingly no problem, but in fact there is a considerable problem! And in the long run, it is also a kind of damage to his head! Generally speaking, it's like this. There are more details. I'm not so clear! "

At this time, people suddenly realized! Su Yuan looked at his grandson, "you! Winter vacation is coming soon! Do you have any plans? Don't leave home on holiday

"Hee hee, I must go back to see my grandfather and grandmother for the first time, and I miss you at home!"

Su Yuan is very pleased, not to say a few words of Xiao Gang, but Su Yuan saw the countless possibilities of Xiao Gang's future, performed very well, answered his own considerable questions, but for some of his own situations, he avoided them, and the avoidance was very obscure! It's not abrupt at all!

From this point of view, his uncle educated him very well! I can't find any fault at all! As for some of the side effects? There is no need to care too much. Xiaogang is just a child after all! If too much of the prick, it seems that his grandmother, a little unreasonable!

"Take a bath, and be careful not to catch a cold! Do you hear me? If you let me know, you're fooling around, you must spank when you come back! " At this time, Su Yuan also changed his tone!

But everyone can hear the doting revealed in it!

After the video was closed, Su Yuan sighed with relief, "it seems that we still don't know much about Mengxi. Obviously, the boss has a clear understanding of this child!"

Xiaobao, sitting next to him, shook his head. "Aunt, I really admire big brother. I don't want to say that if such a child is placed in front of me, I may have pity, but I won't have too much patience! As for Huiyan Zhizhu, this kind of thing will not happen to us! I'm normal! "

"Look for a fight!" Su Yuan was happy, "I really let you say it right! Xiaogang is obviously aware of the truth, that is, we are blindly worried, and it has no effect! I don't know if the boss will teach me like this. I'm afraid Xiao Xi can't bear that way at home! "

For this? There is really no good way at home! Even many people are quite helpless about it! To a large extent, Ding Yu's education methods and methods, there is not much hiding, but for the vast majority of children, there is no way to bear!

Due to both children and family, there are some problems that can't be persisted! Under such circumstances, what can we do? Can only be to give up, or learn from a part of the experience, can only be like this! There is no other good way!

I hope all the children can be customized, just like joking! Let's not say whether Ding Yu has the time. Even if he has the time, he doesn't have the energy! What's more, every child is tailor-made, whose cost is it? Ding Yu is rich, true! But we can't be without any restraint!

You know, the only few children at home have made Ding Yu tired both physically and mentally! How many more? I really want Ding Yu to die of fatigue, don't I?

So no matter from that point of view, it is not so appropriate! Fortunately, Ding Yu did not treasure himself. This may be one of the few good news! But people? After all, they all have the meaning of "to win the dragon and look forward to Shu"! And especially when it comes to children, no matter how much they pay, they can also be considered!

"I think it's quite possible. Except for Xiao Gang, even Ding Yun and Ding Chang didn't have such treatment at the beginning?" Xiaobao, it's very sudden!

Everyone looked at each other. Meng Chong didn't understand the situation and didn't have much say in it, but Su Yuan and Wang Yang's mother and son! Is the party, for things have the most intuitive understanding!

Speaking of these children at home, Xiaogang was definitely the only one at that time! Even now, Ding Yun is often jealous, which shows that the general! But none of these things can be decided at home! So now worry, as if really eating radish pickles with leisure!

"Yes! Meng Chong, I heard that your elder brother asked you to take Dingchang

Wang Yang and Xiao Bao were stunned for a while, and the news really didn't know! Let Meng Chong take Ding Chang. There are some accidents. What does elder brother mean? Completely pull the Meng family to the chariot? There's no need! Or what is Meng Chong's secret! This is a very interesting thing!

"Auntie, in fact, my elder brother asked me to give lessons to all the children in my family. I can still learn the four books and five classics! But I didn't think that Ding Chang had a little interest at home! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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