The next morning, the eldest princess of the Li family also took the information she had just got to meet her father.

It can be said that the relationship between the Li family of Samsung and the Chinese side is quite good. At that time, when Samsung had a prince's rebellion, the one who lost the throne also went to seek refuge in China. In fact, if Li Jianxi failed, he would have taken refuge in China, but he was the one who succeeded at that time.

There are also other relationships. For example, the eldest princess of the Li family has a very good relationship with China, so it is very simple to find some information, especially in the capital.

"Father, this is the information that has been investigated. Ding Yu's reputation is not obvious, but everyone is very taboo against him. I asked someone for a question, but I was seriously warned!"

Li Jianxi slightly stunned, even some doubts said, "was seriously warned? This seems to be a little bit serious. The Chinese side seldom publishes such wording, and the relationship between them seems to be good. "

"Yes, I have been warned seriously, so there is only a small part of the information that can be investigated. The hidden identity behind him is absolutely not to be underestimated. As far as I know, in China, there are not many people who can reach this level. Even the second and third generation of red have no such right and ability!"

"Some can't be imagined!"

Li Jianxi also has some feelings. He has a good high-level relationship with China, and is not far away from each other. Therefore, he has some understanding of each other's national system. The power behind them is so strong, and there is such a relationship in China. It is really hard to imagine.

After thinking about it, Li Jianxi also inquired and said, "was there anyone else besides you and Ms. park yesterday?"

"No more!" The eldest princess of the Li family also said seriously, "but it seems that he is very happy to talk with that lady park. He talks more, and he can't be indifferent to me. However, there are not many common words between them. Taixi's attitude towards me is very good."

"A good relationship will be good for Samsung and the Li family." Li Jianxi also said that he was satisfied with sun Yingnan's way of doing things yesterday. At least he showed his respect for himself. Ding Yu didn't come to visit him, or he went to visit himself. This involves another thing.

We should know that the shares sun Yingnan has taken over plays a very important role in Samsung's future. When discussing conditions, at least he knows what he needs most. This is really not what everyone can do.

Ding Yu gets up early in the morning, so does Kim Tae hee. Although there is a nanny at home, Kim Tae hee still hopes to prepare breakfast for Ding Yu in person. Only in this way can he reflect the virtuous and virtuous lady of a Korean woman. Especially for his own troubles, he has come to visit him personally.

However, before cooking, I still went to see the two little guys. They were not awake. The time was a little early, but according to their appearance, they were sleeping soundly. Jin Taixi also gave a kiss on the two children's foreheads.

The two little guys are also so sensitive. They wave their hands slightly. Looking at the appearance of the two little guys, Jin Taixi smiles knowingly and goes to prepare breakfast. He knows Ding Yu's meal. As for himself and sun Yingnan, they don't eat much.

After breakfast, everyone happily played with the two children, and the two kids ate quite a lot of food, which seemed to be similar to Ding Yu. Moreover, the nanny didn't take the initiative to feed much, just let them do it themselves.

Although food is everywhere, but this situation for Ding Yu, very understanding, now this time of exercise is easier to promote the growth of children, as for dirty, clean up, it is not difficult.

Ding Yu and Lily took the lead to go to Walker mountain villa. All the staff are ready. As for Taixi? She also had to wait for the eldest princess of the Li family, so there was some delay in the time. This was intentional, in order to make the two of them have a separate time together.

When Li Fu Zhen came, Tai Xi was also ready, and the two little guys were holding them. Li Fu Zhen looked at the two little guys and showed a little surprised expression. This is Ding Yu's child?

"It feels a little bit unreal!" After getting on the car, Li Fu Zhen was also very sincere, and immediately teased some little guys in his arms. He was really quite lively and was not afraid of life at all.

"I don't feel very real. I've been together for so many years, even the children have. Basically, he is carrying all kinds of pressure, and I haven't done anything!" Kim Tae hee also understood that today's getting along with each other was a result of deliberate efforts.

Since it's a result of deliberate action, then I need to close the relationship between each other. It's really wonderful to say that the one in front of me is said to be the first princess of the people, because her real identity is like this, without any moisture and falsity.But now I'm sitting with the princess. This feeling is really wonderful, woman? They all have some small vanity, but what about their own vanity? Now basically have eliminated almost, so in the face of the big princess, how much performance of some calm.

"I envy your sincere feelings!" When saying this, the big princess's expression slightly shows so some bitterness, own feelings? How to say it? Forget it, don't say it. It's all tears.

And Kim Tai hee also obviously felt this. He should not forget to sprinkle salt on the wound. He can still see this small situation. Although he said that he and Ding Yu were not married, he was very happy. What about the big princess? Already married, but from her revealed condition, looks like the sentiment is very general!

After turning this topic around, the two people also went to Walker mountain villa with a lot of jokes. However, Li Fu Zhen has almost understood some of Ding Yu's conditions along the way. Is he a doctor? It was just an expectation of his father.

As for the so-called forces, what is revealed now is just the tip of the iceberg, and it has an extraordinary influence in Britain. This deliberate information really surprised Li Fuzhen. He did not investigate the intelligence and saw that what he saw was only superficial information.

At the same time, Ding Yu and Ms. park have been sitting together, drinking coffee together, which seems to be a bit leisurely and lazy. "I heard that Mr. Ding has reached an agreement with Samsung. Previously, SK deliberately called me to ask me, hoping that I could help adjust it in the middle of the room."

This remark clearly says about SK, but actually it's a trial. Ding Yu didn't think about it for too long, and then nodded slightly, "if you can get your friendship from Ms. Park, I think it's a matter worth considering!"

After hearing this, Ms. Park sitting there was also shocked, and then a faint smile appeared on her face. "I didn't expect that you would have such a big face in Mr. Ding. Just ask, but the way they educate their children in their home is very problematic."

It doesn't need to be too obvious. Just let the meaning be clear. I don't really want to pay attention to this matter. What's more, you are just educating the children there. It's no big deal.

Ding Yu paid attention to the scenery in the distance. "In fact, the purpose of my coming here is not only to find the venue for Taixi, but also to gain your friendship from Ms. park. From our judgment, it is very important for our future development to be able to obtain your friendship from Ms. park."

Speaking frankly, Ms. Park felt that some of them didn't believe her very much. Were some of them too absolute, and some of them were too explicit. Political affairs were always obscure, but what about the people in front of her? There is no such consideration at all.

"Mr. Ding, this is a big joke! I feel a little overwhelmed. "

"It's not a joke, it's just the fact. I'm sorry that I said something too abrupt, but I think it should be more straightforward and more unrestrained in this way."

Ms. Park picked up her coffee and took a sip. She was still thinking about it. Yesterday's topic was quite explicit, but what about today? It makes me feel more incredible.

"It's a little depressing to hear that Hillary failed!" Ms. Park then threw out a tentative topic. She needed to further explore and judge.

"Depression is only temporary, and the strong rise of * * is hard to match. As for McCann, I'm afraid he doesn't have much confidence in his own heart. However, with the support of the Republican Party, he must stand on that position and fight until the last moment, otherwise the Communist Party will become a laughing stock."


"It's not absolute, it's affirmative. And as far as we've heard, we've reached some agreements with Hillary, which will surprise many people."

"Now?" The coffee cup in Ms. park's hand is also shaking. You know, the campaign is not over yet! At this time, the so-called agreement has been reached, and then she also said, "will she take an important position in the new government?" When speaking, he is also staring at Ding Yu's eyes.

"It's not sure yet, but everyone is optimistic about her position as secretary of state." After that, Ding Yu also took a deep look at Ms. Park in front of her, "if she takes office, she will be nominated, and the nomination will be passed!"

Ms. Park, who sits beside Ding Yu, also takes a deep breath. She does not hold the position of secretary of state like Hillary Clinton in the government. However, her situation is similar to that of herself, and even seems to be carved out of a mold to a certain extent. It is very similar.

"Will she continue to compete?" It's like asking, but it's like muttering to yourself.Ding Yu didn't answer immediately, but said, "Ms. Park, in turn, what exactly is the cause of Hillary Clinton's previous failure? Remove the internal causes, we only talk about the external causes! "

"Regardless of the overall situation!" After thinking for a while, Ms. park also said with a sigh.

"Yes, the so-called strong and female, this is just an excuse. The most important thing is that we don't take into account the overall situation. This is the most fundamental reason. We can talk about it better. At least, it's not difficult for us to sit down and have a meal together."

This is the greatest sincerity. If you put out your hand, it means that the interests between each other have been reached. If you say you disagree, then forget it, because we have put the conditions on the surface. You have not grasped the opportunities available, so it is not our problem.

However, Ms. Park did not meditate for too long. She immediately stood up and stretched out her hand to Ding Yu. Ding Yu also stood up very seriously, and then stretched out her own hand. The two people tightly grasped each other's hands. It seemed very simple, but there were many conflicts of interests revealed.

"I don't know what Mr. Ding thinks of South Korea's economy?"

"The economic system is a bit different!" Just like a joke, South Korea's economic system is totally deformed, but the problem is that this lady park's face or forget it! What's more, it's necessary to have a good relationship with Samsung. I'd better not make any comments. I just need to reassure this lady park.

The so-called reassurance is that we and sun Yingnan will not get involved in the economic system of South Korea. What you do is your own business, so we don't care. If it is not because of Taixi, we will not visit in person. Of course, by the way, it is necessary to know.

What's the most worrying thing for Ms. park? It didn't happen. Ding Yu wants to have a good relationship. It just represents a personal relationship. As for whether there will be cooperation in other aspects in the future, this is another thing. But from Ding Yu's point of view, it is basically not necessary.

Ms. Park, who is sitting beside Ding Yu, has almost understood that this is an investment, a super modern investment, and the capital under this capital is also so large. However, for Ms. Park, things are within the acceptable range, and there are only some simple agreements between them.

They didn't even have a deep talk, just like ordinary friends chatting. After Li Fuzhen and Jin Taixi arrived, we simply met. At noon, we had a dinner together, and then Ms. Park left. Li Fuzhen and Jin Taixi strolled there. Ding Yu and sun Yingnan had other things to deal with.

For three days in a row, Ding Yu lived in Walker mountain villa. As for sun Yingnan and others, it was the same. In terms of living and working conditions, there was no saving, even some wanton and farce. This is in line with the characteristics of Wall Street.

However, these guys still have a good sense of propriety. I just make a fool of myself here in the hotel and make a fool of it within the scope allowed, without causing any influence or making any so-called scandal. These guys are free and easy in Walker mountain villa, but the Cui family is really sad.

Because these two days, they suffered a little bit of loss, and at this time they can't find any help at all. First of all, they are domestic. No one wants to stand up on this issue. Moreover, some people from abroad want to help, but the result is that people really want to crack the mouth. That's too much.

There is no problem for the Cui family to survive. The Cui family still has some details. However, the problem is that if the Cui family is able to survive without any benefits, it will not win anything at all. On the contrary, it will destroy the Cui family's details. To know that the impact of the subprime mortgage crisis has come out, it is not a way to solve the problem to continue to carry on at this time!

In addition, although SK says it belongs to the Cui family, it does not mean that there will be no other shareholders. The problems of your own family and others will suffer together with you. This matter can't be justified at all! So under the circumstances of internal and external difficulties, the Cui family's people also came to the door.

The main reason is that the relationship between the eldest princess of the Li family and Kim Tae hee is quite close. Jin Taixi blows the pillow wind to Ding Yu, and the rest of the things are better solved. However, this pillow wind also needs some skills. What's more, Jin Taixi is not very satisfied with the affairs of the Cui family.

After the Cui family has dealt with Kim Tae hee and Lee's eldest princess, they can face Ding Yu and sun Yingnan directly, and take care of the eldest princess of Kim Tae hee and Li's family. The Cui family really paid a lot of money. This is not a matter of saying. At least Ding Yu needs to give power to other chaebols in South Korea. Not everyone can move Tai Xi.

Move Tai Xi, where to put your face? So even if the Cui family is aware of their mistakes, it also needs to pay a certain price. In terms of admitting their mistakes, the Koreans have to fight with the Japanese even more sincerely. What about the strong? It is absolutely convinced and admitted that the attitude is absolutely good! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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