"What's your opinion, Ms. Li?" Ding Yu did not show too mean and considerate in this matter, but what about the attitude of this inquiry? Li Fu Zhen frowned when he looked at Ding Yu.

"The Cui family has realized this problem. I really hope to be good friends with Dr. Ding, but I'm sorry that I didn't have the chance to visit Beijing before the Olympic Games! I am deeply sorry. "

"So, for the London Olympics, my half host should take the lead in sending out the invitation!"

Each other did not want to talk about the Cui family's matter, because Cui family's matter is no longer so important, "thank you!" Ding Yu nodded with a smile. He handed a bill on the table to Li Fuzhen. Li Fuzhen was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to realize something.

This small action is really interesting. To give the bill to yourself is not only to determine the nature of the Cui family's affairs, but also to sell a considerable favor to himself. The Cui family's matter has been solved, and the round-trip bill of this time is reported, even if it is.

From another point of view, Ding Yu didn't mean to put the Cui family in his eyes. Otherwise, he would not pass the bill to himself. He was really interested in Ding Yu, but he had already established a family, and seemed to be a little older from his age.

"I heard that Ms. Li and Yu Mingyue have a good relationship?"

Li Fu Zhen looked at Ding Yu with some puzzlement, and even had some doubts. He really went to find Yu Mingyue. He also got a lot of news from her. Is Ding Yu's news so smart? Are you too happy? "Good relationship! The jade family has some shares of Samsung, and the same Samsung also holds shares in some companies of Yujia. "

After that, Li Fu Zhen also stopped for a moment, staring at Ding Yu, and said, "I heard that the jade family is looking for a son-in-law. If there is no other problem or situation, I will appear in the bridesmaid group when Yu Mingyue gets married in the future! I don't know if I'll meet you, Mr. Ding? "

Ding Yu chuckled indifferently, and did not answer the topic, "in 49 cities, people who know me will not disclose my identity and news to you. In addition to a limited number of people, Yu Mingyue is one of them!" What this said is more or less straightforward, but this also makes Li Fu Zhen feel a little confused. Do you need to mention this matter in front of himself? Isn't it a little too shameless?

"Mr. Ding, I seem to be interested in you! And not in general

"No, I'm still in awe of President Li!" This is not a joke. It has nothing to do with nationality. Ding Yu has no intention of worshiping foreign countries. The old man of the Li family is really not an ordinary person. He has really built an empire. This is not what anyone can do.

It's hard to hear that he supports half the economy of South Korea. If he really sneezes, many people will catch a cold. Ding Yu is not afraid, but he really doesn't want to be too provocative. What's more, he seems to have some wrong looks in her eyes.

Let's forget about it! After all, they are married women. It is understandable to establish some friendship. As for other aspects, it is better not to have this aspect of development for the time being. The things behind are too troublesome. If you really have this meaning, then you don't have to wait until now to be a woman.

Li Fuzhen also heard Ding Yu's joke, but he was not interested in Ding Yu. He was a little fresh meat, and his private life was very clean. Although he said that he wanted to come out, he seemed to be calm. This really made him feel good about himself.

Although it seems impossible to further develop the relationship between each other at this time, it is still very good to lay a good foundation. Moreover, for myself, Kim Tae hee seems to be just a little girl. If you really want to reach out, Kim Tae hee is still far from good.

As for Ding Yu? I really don't believe it. I was really annoyed by Ding Yu's attitude, but I turned around? His interest in Ding Yu is also growing day by day, and it is not clear what the reason is.

Don't say you are too loose, because your marriage is not what you want, as for your husband? That is to say, a character who is put on the surface, he has no ability to control himself, and he has never met a man who really makes him feel excited.

However, the doctor Ding Yuding in front of him really made him have a little interest. First of all, his style of doing things is absolutely fierce, and his purpose is very clear, and he is not stingy. Moreover, he himself is very temperament and demeanor, internal self-restraint and external performance, presenting this person very well in front of him.

But now Li Fu really feels a little tricky, because he has a very good relationship with Kim Tae hee, and even has children. This makes him feel a little difficult to start with. Moreover, Ding Yu's identity is also a problem. I can see that, but I can't eat it, which makes me feel itchy.But at this time, Ding Yu has finished the conversation. He has other things to deal with. He remembers the subprime mortgage crisis very clearly. He is also quite clear about the series of consequences caused by this. Since he knows the result, he is really sorry if he doesn't do anything.

But I really didn't think that these guys on Wall Street are so brave, or sun Yingnan is so brave. The set up behind this is too huge. I never thought that such a big ball would be thrown up. Ding Yu felt that he was worried. If he didn't make a good fight, the ball would kill him.

This is also the main reason why Ding Yu asked sun Yingnan to come to Korea, "such a big bureau! You are not afraid of any other problems and conditions, to know that this money is not general hot! It's not even a problem to build an empire with this money. Anyway, I'm afraid now In a slightly leisurely and empty room, Ding Yu also said with a frown.

"The matter has been dealt with. We just need to harvest in the dark. What's more, we are not the only reapers. It's just the size of the cake. We all have something to eat. How much we eat depends on how much we eat! Of course, the rest of us eat only the sesame seeds we have left. "

Ding Yu held his chin in his hand. "I have never doubted your sincerity. To be more practical, this action makes me feel a little scared. You can also understand this as timidity. I need a little awe. Don't ask me why, because I can't explain it to you!"

Sun Yingnan also felt a little incomprehensible about the host's words. Previously, he thought it was a blame, but judging from the current situation, this is not the case at all. He is more like comforting himself.

"Sir, I don't quite understand what you mean, but everything is well covered up. No one knows the exact number except Mr. and I. This is a pyramid. I only need to be responsible to you, sir!"

"It has nothing to do with cover up!" Speaking of this, Ding Yu also laughed, "OK! I admit, I am very moved, I am persuading myself to accept this situation, but I want to be more reserved, I want to say this, you should understand what I mean! Do you think I'm greedy? "

This way of speaking really makes sun Yingnan feel unacceptable. Looking at Sun Yingnan's appearance, Ding Yu also smiles bitterly, "I have experienced a lot of life and death, and I have also faced many temptations. For me, this is nothing, but in the face of such a test, I feel a little under prepared!"

Only now did Sun Ying understand, "so it is. I thought there was something else going on." Sun Yingnan almost worries about the number, but it's not a bit of money for him.

The reason why I don't care is very simple. I am a servant, or more directly, a slave. Everything I have is the master's, and what is the basis of his success. Sun Yingnan clearly understands that it is based on the clear direction and judgment given by the Lord.

With these, we can have our own conditions and foundation for success. Otherwise, everything is just a mirror image.

"It seems to be understatement, but my heartbeat is hard to control. For me, this situation is quite serious. If I can't control my personal mood and physical condition, it shows that my personal problem is quite big and needs to be well adjusted."

"Women are the best way to adjust?"

"You mean something!" Ding Yu's face was slightly serious.

"I think the eldest lady of the Li family seems to be very interested in you. From the perspective of interests, it is not a bad thing to find such a partner, and there is no need to involve any so-called interests. Of course, this is only my personal opinion, and from my point of view, it is more appropriate!"

"Well! Can I take this as a matter of personal life? " Ding Yu is also a white eye, it is obvious that this aspect of the matter was mentioned, Ding Yu how much feel so some are not satisfied.

"Tai Xi is not a suitable hostess candidate, her identity is a problem, and the married Ms. Li is also not, although she said that her family situation is good!" Looking at Sun Yingnan's meaning of going on, Ding Yu slightly waved his hand.

"It's a problem for me personally, and it's quite a big problem!" After that, Ding Yu also rubbed his head with his hand, "OK! Anyway, you are a member of the family. I think I can ask you for your opinions and ideas. What do you think of my parents? "

"Well? They seem to have a good relationship with Tai hee! "

"Sorry, I'm not talking about this, I'm talking about my own parents!" After that, Ding Yu also said in detail about the situation in this respect, "although I said that I knew for some time, what about this problem? I have always been skeptical, or not so sure! ""Wow, should I say congratulations?"

"I feel a little irritable about this matter. I am not a person who likes to indulge more. But I have a little more things to deal with. At least there are some headaches. Now I need other people to give me some advice. But I can't talk to my parents about this. I'm afraid they will worry and be afraid."

"I see!" The parents here refer to the adoptive father and mother of the host, "but master, this problem is your own problem. I can't make any decisions for you. I'm the role of obeying orders, not the role of giving orders!"

"If you ask, it's like asking for nothing. At least give me some constructive suggestions! I can't carry all the problems on my own It is obvious that Ding Yu is also venting his dissatisfaction.

While talking, there was a doorbell ringing in the room, because Ding Yu and his staff had contracted out all the rooms. All the room managers provided services for them. They were really luxurious. So the hotel also accompanied them to be careful. Even ordinary guests need to be cautious, let alone VIP guests.

Sun Yingnan walked to the door position, not long before he went back to Ding Yu's side. He said in a low voice, "President Li's personal visit, it seems that he is very interested in you!"

"The unexpected things, which don't come over, seem to be earlier than the imagined ones!" Ding Yu also laughed, "what do you think is the purpose of his coming here?" Ding Yu is interested in this.

"Samsung is facing some small troubles, but for president Li, these small troubles are not enough to have any impact on him. What's more, he has basically reached an agreement with the current president, that is to say, the current difficulties are not difficulties at all. I don't think that his coming this time is a courtesy visit!"

"It doesn't matter if it's not so important. All the people have come. It's better to receive them."

Ding Yu is in the front position. Sun Ying is half behind. Her identity and position are different. Don't look at her talking in front of Li Jianxi. It's because the master is not there. But now? When the master is here, he needs to embody his will, which is what he should do.



Ding Yu speaks Korean, which is better than what he imagined. This really makes Li Jianxi feel a little surprised and even has some scalp numbness. The young man in front of him really makes him feel terrible, and even has a feeling that he has been old. Although from the perspective of age, he can be his grandfather.

You should know that one's energy is limited, but what about the young man in front of him? It's really unusual to give yourself a feeling. Although it's just a simple hello, the voice and intonation can be fully reflected. He is familiar with Korean and has mastered it.

From his present position and position, he basically doesn't need to work so hard. There is no need to do so much. What's more, learning a foreign language is not as easy as you can imagine. If you have this time, you can do other things, which may be more meaningful.

"Isn't Mr. Ding's first visit to Korea?" Li Jianxi is still very friendly. Judging from what he can trade with himself, his own power is absolutely not to be underestimated. Since he has come, he still needs to be polite as a master, regardless of whether he is an enemy or a friend in the future.

"I've been here a few times, I have a good impression. Even when I came for the first time, I was taken in by a star scout. It's interesting to think about it!" Ding Yu also said that he was here to see Tai Xi, but this time? It's not just that simple.

I'm afraid the purpose of Li Jianxi's coming here is to inquire about the purpose of his coming to Korea. As for what happened before? Ha ha, it's just a cover up. "Korea's entertainment industry is still relatively developed!" There was something provocative and tentative about this remark.

Why do you say that? Because Taixi is a person in the entertainment industry. Now it depends on Ding Yu's reaction.

Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head, and there was no other expression on his face. "Unfortunately, I still have other things. I can't stay too long. Otherwise, it's good to have a good appreciation."

Since you asked, then I don't hide anything. I won't stay here for too long, and even will leave soon. To a certain extent, it can be understood that my affairs have been handled. If you welcome President Li, we will show our good feelings to each other. It is better to be friends than to be enemies, isn't it?

What's more, if Ding Yu doesn't really represent the position of the problem, what's more, if you can tell the truth of the problem, can you tell me the situation? Even if it doesn't disappear, it doesn't look like much.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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