Since Ding Yu has released a certain degree of goodwill, Li Jianxi has not said too much refusal. Friends are always better than enemies. What's more, from the temporary situation, there are no disputes over interests. Since there are no disputes over interests, there will be no conflicts basically.

What's more, Ding Yu is also a more suitable friend. Maybe with the development of time, we will gradually find some advantages and disadvantages on each other. This is simply certain. There is no perfect person, and even the best person has his own shortcomings. At that time, we should see each other's tolerance.

If we can tolerate each other, then we can become friends. If we can't tolerate each other, we'd better separate as soon as possible. That's good for everyone.

President Li's visit made Walker villa more careful. At first, I felt that these guests were very unusual. Now it seems that they are really so! Even President Li of Samsung visited in person. Although President Li of Samsung said that because of the influence of the previous time, his position in everyone's mind, especially in the eyes of Korean people, seems to be really not many people can replace him.

However, Ding Yu is also a kind of person who is more able to behave. For the sake of reciprocity, since he has come to visit, he can't express too much affectation. Therefore, when he looks at his father in Li Fuzhen, he needs to be careful. If Ding Yu really knows about it, then the possibility of turning over each other will be very large. This has already belonged to Commercial theft.

"What do you mean, father? What kind of reply should we give to the outside world? At this time, some people in China are probably staring at this matter. The impact of this matter may be very far-reaching! " After all, Samsung is in a lot of trouble.

Li Jianxi also laughed, "since the previous two things are not so important, let's put a message to the market. It's good to have more friends. What's more, we have reached an agreement and cooperation with sun Yingnan. This news is enough to cover up some problems!"

"Do you need further cooperation?" Li Fu Zhen did not go to look at his father, but said in a low voice.

Li Jianxi also said, there is no other expression, the atmosphere between father and daughter seems to be so dull, but for Li Fuzhen, she has got the answer she wants, which is the most important for her.

How can I not understand this? What about the daughter? I don't want to pay attention to it, but I can't ignore it. Her marriage belongs to a kind of union, an internal Union. Whether it's good or not, I'm afraid no one can say clearly.

But judging from her daughter's performance, I'm afraid she already has other ideas and opinions in her heart. However, it's no wonder that one side is the eldest lady and the other side is the subordinate. This situation is not so good for the other side. Her consideration at that time may be no problem, but from the present point of view, the original consideration is still poor.

It is precisely because of this reason that my daughter tentatively raised this issue with myself. I really have no way to express this intention. After all, it is my daughter. It is just like what she said to Ding Yu. She is old and her heart is soft. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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