Ding Yu and sun Yingnan talked about a lot of things, including the designation of some plans and the arrangement of personnel. Money is no longer a problem for the two people, but what about these problems? They need to be supported by money or interests.

This is really not one sentence two sentences can be clear, and this talk? Some of them can't be recorded. Some of them are records, but I'm afraid only Ding Yu and sun Yingnan understand what they mean. These things can't be known by the outside world. Otherwise, there will be too much noise.

"How did they play?"

Don't expect these elites on Wall Street to stop too much. It's time to be wanton. This relaxation is deliberately allowed by sun Yingnan. If it is in the United States, it may be more dissolute. It can be more reserved here, but it seems that it is not as good as that.

"It seems crazy. Although I haven't received any complaints, I still know about their situation. Now it's quite restrained. Fortunately, their identity has played a little role. I've found many bodyguards to follow them in nightclubs, beauties, alcohol and casinos. Otherwise, who knows they will be found in the garbage dump? ”

there is no way. These guys indulge themselves too much, and they don't even know who they are. Under such circumstances, sun Yingnan is not good at interfering with anything. He can only find someone to stare at them. As long as they don't make trouble, others are at will.

And these guys are really giving face. These days, they are basically living a life of drunkenness. There is basically nothing else in their stomach except wine. When they wake up, they are in casinos, when they are drunk, they are in nightclubs. As for how they come back and forth, I'm afraid they can't even tell themselves.

In his spare time, Ding Yu will find his son and daughter to play with him, or take a walk with Kim Tae hee and talk about love. These are all good ways of entertainment. As for casinos? Let's forget it! I don't have any interest and expectation.

The main reason why those guys on Wall Street are keen on that kind of place is that they are too lonely and empty in space, and they don't even know how to amuse themselves. On this point, they are quite different. It's not that they deliberately sing high-profile. It's not because they have other aspects of sustenance.

Ding Yu, of course, can not find a way to go to the operation room for yourself, if there is no way for you to find yourself in the operation room.

In the afternoon, Ding Yu was reading a book. Although he had mentioned some medical books, Ding Yu didn't really relax much about himself. As for Taixi, he was found out by the eldest princess of the Li family. It seemed that he was out shopping.

Ding Yu has no other expression for the Li family's courtship. If Tai Xi is taken care of by the Li family on the ground of South Korea, her situation will be immediately different. The influence of the Li family on the whole South Korea is by no means ordinary.

"The way you relax is slightly different from that of others!" While Kim Tae hee was looking after the children, Li Fu Zhen was also slightly indifferent and said, "this does not seem to be the way to go on holiday!"

"Because of personal preference!" Ding Yu put down what he had in his hand, and then he also looked at the princess Li, who was sitting in front of him. "Everyone has his own way to choose. This is my way."

Li Fu Zhen obviously felt that there was something in Ding Yu's words, and then he also gave a slight smile, "how does Mr. Ding treat my family? Can you sincerely talk about it as a friend?"

Looking at Li Fu Zhen's expression, Ding Yu hesitated for a moment, and then looked at Li Fu Zhen with hesitation, "can I understand that you are revealing your future career development direction, and have already made a statement! In other words, you have the direction of efforts, I do not know their own understanding, is there a mistake, but I think so! In fact, your opinions are very clear. "

Terrible, I just want to say it simply, but I think that the person in front of me directly took out the things hidden in my heart and exposed them to the sun. This really made me feel a little confused, but soon, Li Fuzhen woke up.

"I talked to my father about some of these issues. He didn't agree with the communication between you and me, but he didn't seem to object. Personally, this is the most important choice in my life. It's my own choice. This choice has nothing to do with other people!"

"Do you need to take advantage of your brother's absence to find profitable partners? Why me? " After saying that, Ding Yu also laughed, "and, why don't I choose your brother, but you? From the perspective of interests, it might be better to choose your brother, wouldn't it? "

This talk is already in mutual exploration, Li Fuzhen also corrected his look, "our brother and sister three people's future has basically been determined, my sister and I can inherit some things, but the main body of Samsung will never have anything to do with us!""I don't know much about it, but I can almost understand it. That is to say, you will get some subsidiaries. In this way, there should be no problem!"

Then Ding Yu also showed a little puzzled look, "no matter president Li, or your brother-in-law, will not let you reach out. This has nothing to do with being excellent or not. The patriarchal society is dominated by men. This situation can not be changed by one person or two people. I have no discrimination against women, just tell the truth!"

"I'm not a dreamer. I'm afraid I can't afford it even if I'm given the whole enterprise. What's more, there won't be too many people supporting me to sit in that position. What I need is to control my own, and don't say anything that looks at the future. That's meaningless!"

"In this way, it seems that we will not reach any consensus. It is really difficult for me to find common ground among them."

"But you have transferred Samsung's shares to Taixi. This influence is enough for me personally, and Samsung has enough financial support, but it does not mean that I have enough financial support. At most, I have some personal connections, which are not enough!"

Ding Yu pondered for a while and nodded his head, "although what you said is very clear, I still have some puzzles. I don't know what you can get, but the question is what can I get? No matter what angle you stand on, interests are the essence of the core. "

"My friend! What does Mr. Ding mean? Sometimes friends are more important than interests. "

Sitting there, Ding Yu thought for a while, "as a friend, the cost is slightly lower, at least from the perspective of interests. Moreover, this is a relatively long-term investment. From the perspective of income ratio, it is not very cost-effective." However, Ding Yu's voice is also a sudden turn, "but as a friend, I don't need to worry about too much!"

Originally, Li Fu Zhen had been so disappointed, but Ding Yu's next words also made her feel so overjoyed, "thank you for your support, Mr. Ding!"

Looking at Li Fuzhen who was going to stand up, Ding Yu also laughed, "forget it! Thank you for your support. I'm just a little doctor with little reputation. But Taixi may need more care from you in the future. This is my little request! "

It seems to be a request, but there is another requirement hidden in it, that is, try to eliminate the influence of Ding Yu's visit to South Korea. This is not even as simple as the requirement. It has some orders and tests. If you can do well, then our cooperation may be more solid.

Ding Yu is not a rigid person. Why not choose Li Zairong? First of all, their positions are different. Relatively speaking, his reputation is not obvious. Thirdly, what's more, what's more? Although he said he was away from abroad, he was still making a show. The eldest son was proud of himself! Only others ask for his share.

What's more, he is not a very good partner and partner, which has nothing to do with the future. The main reason is that he is pro European and American. There are obvious differences in this ideological issue, while Li Fuzhen is different. This is also the main reason why we can sit together.

There is also a problem that can be reflected in this, that is, the first impression is really very important!

Ding Yu had a good first impression of Li Fuzhen, but what about Li Zairong? He had never met at all, so the impression naturally fell to the ground and there was no way to change it. Even if Li Jianxi wanted to change the situation, it was not as easy as he thought. Who let something happen in the previous time.

It's just so unfortunate! When Ding Yu came, his son had already gone abroad. He could not let his son come back at this time. He missed this opportunity. Then he could only talk about it next time. Otherwise, what can we do? This is not intentional, but my daughter is a little concerned about this matter.

Li Jianxi can see this quite clearly. For his daughter, this may be a great help. However, Ding Yu's attitude has been tested by himself, but he does not have this meaning. In fact, there is no terrible meaning in this aspect. Sometimes money is not omnipotent.

The Li family still has no problem in Samsung's control. His generation has no problem, and his son's generation will not have any problems. As for the next generation? This problem is not for their own consideration, they can not live that long.

"Isn't Eugene orny too nervous?" When there were only two people left, Jin Taixi told Ding Yu in a low voice. Now he realized the power of Ding Yu, which was almost the same as what he thought. Fortunately, he paid attention to this aspect at the beginning, otherwise it would be really embarrassing.

When I came to South Korea, I could even meet the president in the rumor. This is totally unimaginable for me. Although I said that my family was relatively rich, I also had to look at the object of comparison. When I learned that the president was coming, I was going to be silly. It was true.It's just a feeling of bewilderment. Fortunately, Fu zhen'ou'ni treats himself well and teaches him a lot of things. But the reason is that Ding Yu has no married husband. Otherwise, people will know who he is? After seeing it, they didn't pay attention to it.

I am a Korean, so I naturally know how strict the social hierarchy of South Korea is. Although the society is developed, its essence is still the same as before. Basically, there are not too many changes. Although there are some soft feet, they can hold on, because if you lose yourself, you will lose face to your husband.

Ding Yu sighed gently on her forehead with her hand, and pinched her face slightly. Jin Taixi also felt helpless. How old they were, he thought he was a child!

"Inevitably, there are too many brothers and sisters in the family. Even now, President Li has not been able to distinguish some industries clearly. Inevitably, his brothers and sisters will have other ideas! Everyone has a little bit of an idea. "

Kim Tai hee subconsciously covered his mouth and his eyes widened. "It's not time to divide the family property. President Li will make a so-called decision on this matter. Sooner or later, it's just a little bit worried."

"I don't want to be president, do you? Not likely! " When speaking, Kim Tae hee also nods hard.

"You don't have to think about the president's business. No one's turn will come to her. This is absolutely certain. However, the chairman of a subordinate company should be indispensable. However, it is also necessary to see what aspects will be involved. The main industry is still impossible! This is a manifestation of the attitude of the successor. "

"It's too complicated!"

"In fact, from a historical point of view, this is a very normal thing. It can only be said that the inheritors are too excellent, which is not a good thing. What's more? It is that President Li's attitude towards this matter is too ambiguous and obscure, or more frankly, he does not respect women! "

Ding Yu has said so thoroughly that Jin Taixi doesn't understand there, but then he also looks at Ding Yu, and Ding Yu also smiles, "OK! Let me be frank. I will save you other ideas. I have transferred the shares of Samsung to your name. As for the real exchange with Fu? Is this part too much transferred to your name? "

"Why?" Kim Tae hee is also quite strange. She feels a little surprised about this. Why should she transfer to her own name? She really doesn't mean to covet too much for this. She doesn't earn much. Compared with Ding Yu, it is like this. But for ordinary families, their own family seems to be small and rich.

"It's convenient for you to work here in Korea. If there's such a thing as Cui's family, I don't know if there's such a time. When you say I'm coming or not, if I don't come, it seems that I'm sorry. If I come, I have other things to deal with, so I'll find you a big supporter first!"

Ah? Kim Tae hee immediately understood. He gently hammered at Ding Yu's chest, and then leaned against Ding Yu's body. "I'll pay attention to it. This time, I didn't expect to cause such a big disturbance. Some people in the circle are not clean. There is no way to do it!"

"I can't control this. I'm not a God. I'm just doing what I should do!" Ding Yu is also holding Kim Tai hee, two people are also tired of crooked together, but soon this calm was broken, two little guys sitting in the walker, wobbly came over, while walking, also shouting.

Ding Yu and Jin Taixi, one by one, held the two little guys in their arms. "By the way, I've been here for a few days, and I haven't visited. I don't care. I'll see your opinion!"

The so-called visit is not a general visit. If Ding Yu really comes to visit, especially Ding Yu's identity, Jin Taixi's family must be well prepared. It's a rather troublesome thing to say. Unlike China, chicken stewed with mushrooms will solve all problems.

This is not true in South Korea, but even if there is no chicken stewed with mushrooms, there is still a need for ginseng chicken soup. Relatively speaking, Ding Yu's identity is relatively high, which is very clear to Kim and his wife. What's more, Ding Yu is quite right for his daughter, even can be described as spoiled.

Under such circumstances, if Ding Yu really wants to come to the house, the Jin family needs to be prepared. Ding Yu can't come to the house rashly. It's also disrespectful to the Jin family. Is it traditional? We still need to respect it. The original time did not understand, now that we understand, then we need to do something about this aspect.

The Jin family still attached great importance to Ding Yu's arrival. Especially after her daughter explained some things, the whole Jin family looked at Ding Yu differently. Originally, they knew that Ding Yu was a golden tortoise son-in-law, but they didn't expect to see Ding Yu so much.

Even you can have face-to-face talks with idols. For the whole Jin family, it's really hard to imagine, so it's very grand to treat Ding Yu.The rest of the Jin family really didn't mean to be envious. They couldn't be jealous at all. They could only envy the life of Tai Xi. Now they can basically be a young grandmother at home. Why don't other people have this life?

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