Ding Yu is really not good at negotiation. Let Sun Yingnan deal with these matters! Obviously, Princess Li has made great efforts in planning her own family.

Sun Yingnan didn't mean to refuse. Li Fuzhen is not the best person in the business world, but he is a representative person in the whole business community. At least in South Korea, she has a very successful father, and behind the same background is the giant Samsung.

In everyone's understanding, Samsung is SamSung of South Korea, but in fact, there are some mistakes in the above understanding. If only from the perspective of equity, is it mainly foreign-funded holding and mainly controlling? Or wall street, but Li Jianxi is through a complex cross holding, control of Samsung's power.

If it is not because of the subprime mortgage crisis, Ding Yu has never been able to get Samsung shares from Wall Street. Even if he gets the shares, it will be a very high premium. In fact, this is the main reason why Li Jianxi visited Ding Yu. Ding Yu controls a certain number of three-star shares, although it is under the name of Kim Tae hee.

This business is still very profitable. I just need to provide some protection for Ding Yu's lover. On the ground of South Korea, my words can still play a certain role, and even provide other convenience. As long as you can win over Ding Yu, it's good for the whole Samsung.

But their daughters have a natural advantage in this respect. Because they are all women, their communication may be more simple. Even because of other reasons, they will be very harmonious with each other? All of them are not possessed by his son, but for Li Jianxi, he can only be tied to the big ship of Samsung!

"We have reached a preliminary agreement with Li Fuzhen, which can be regarded as a memorandum! At present, everything is meaningless. What is important is when will president Li begin to show his meaning in this respect, and how long will it drag on? "

"His age is a little bit older, and I can feel some problems from his physical condition. I still have this assurance!" Ignoring sun Yingnan's surprised look at himself, Ding Yu also said, "this investment should be very appropriate, sometimes relationship is more important than interest!"

Sun Yingnan also shook his head. "There is not much interest in this investment. What I am more interested in is how do you find out that Li Jianxi has a problem with his health and can make such a judgment? I don't believe you're going to buy his private doctor. It's impossible! "

This is not unreasonable at all. Sun Yingnan also has his own private doctor, and even the president of the United States has his own private doctor. On this point, he not only has to bear the ethical constraints and professional ethics, but also needs to be responsible for the patients. If anyone violates the rules, it is not only a simple matter of being despised, but also may end up with a small life.

Not many people will take their lives out to joke, so want to get Li Jianxi's health report? I'm afraid we have to start from other aspects. Where did the master observe it? Although he is a doctor, it seems that he is a surgeon. It is OK to have an operation. Is anything else OK?

Looking at Sun Ying looking at himself with suspicion, Ding Yu also stood up on his shoulder. "I'm just trying to make a trial in this respect. Based on my own judgment, it's OK to understand from a personal point of view. As for whether you believe or not, it's another thing!"

"Master, this is not a question of believing or not believing, but feeling that there are some things that can't be understood, do you know? This matter is like the subprime crisis, which makes me feel very confused. I always feel that there are some things that I don't understand! "

"In fact, I also have some confused, just a feeling." Looking at Sun Yingnan's wide eyes and dissatisfied expression, Ding Yu also blinked his own eyes. "Chinese medicine has its own uniqueness, which you can regard as the accumulation of history. Without a history of thousands of years, you should not think about it!"

"I know something about it, but is it really so amazing?"

"It's not magic or magic. I ask myself that I don't have the ability to do this. So I studied western medicine. In the profession of traditional Chinese medicine, it's more difficult to learn medicine, it's more difficult to practice medicine, especially to be a famous doctor. What about my achievements in Western medicine? Only a few years to complete almost, this is the difference

"After a long talk, I still can't understand it!"

"I live in western medicine, but it doesn't mean that I don't know anything about traditional Chinese medicine. In addition, I have some special skills, so I can still judge some things. Is the body of President Li? There are still some problems! But it can be maintained! "

"I'm speechless Sun Yingnan also extended his thumb, and Ding Yu also raised his chin with pride. However, the action was so far, it was obvious that there was still some complacency about the praise. Looking at the master's appearance, sun Yingnan was also a little obsessed.But soon sun Yingnan woke up and said, "there are some things that are not very good on Wall Street, and some of them are too bold. So after such a big noise this time, I'm afraid it needs to be depressed for a period of time! The upper class of the United States will issue a serious warning about what Wall Street is doing! The next step is the concrete action. "

Ding Yu agrees with this. History can explain some problems, but he can't rely solely on history. He needs to have his own judgment. Only in this way can we achieve the most perfect news. Learning is fundamental!

If you don't have the so-called learning, how can you understand the problems and the situation? If you don't understand the problems, you can't rashly make a move, and the result is only one. That is to say, if you are the illegitimate son of the goddess of fortune, you will die.

"What about your judgment?"

"This time, Wall Street is simply too bold or too greedy. It is not too bad to have such an end. However, the United States will not watch this situation continue to deteriorate. We must consider other ways. I don't care whether other people are in bad luck, but I can't have any problems myself."

"Typical hooliganism!" Ding Yu also didn't care. "In fact, it seems that the United States has always regarded itself as a hooligan, which is really beyond our reach. At least other people are still so reserved, but the United States is too direct on this issue."

"Are we an accomplice?"

This topic is direct enough, but also has some very exciting flavor. Ding Yu's expression is also a little strange. After a long time, he sighed, "you really say, it really makes me feel so embarrassed. From my own point of view, I don't know how to judge it. Your words have hit my pain point!"

Sun Yingnan's face is very calm. It seems that this thing is very normal for her, and it is not a disgraceful thing. Compared with many people, it is really so great. What's more, there is no so-called betrayal to the enemy or the torture of human nature, which is totally irrelevant.

"Well! Let me be frank. What about the warning of the United States for Wall Street this time? From the current point of view, the effect is good, but not completely pointed out! I'm afraid they didn't think that the consequence would be so serious. If I point out the problem, I think they may bring disaster to the East in the next step. As to which aspect it is, it's not easy to judge! "

"You can say it's Europe!" Ding Yu also gave the answer directly, "I think there is something wrong with the trap you set for me. There are not many places where you can shear sheep now. There are a lot of political factors involved. The United States is not a fool!"

"Master, can't you give me a sense of accomplishment?" Sun Yingnan also deliberately put up an arrow and said, "I will gradually start to make this plan after I go back. However, the time for this plan may be a little long, because our harvest has not been completed. This is a long process! This is just the beginning. "

"With the beginning of success, I hope you can have a perfect result. If necessary, you can give up some interests. This is allowed. Compared with the whole income, our security and confidentiality are the most important. I believe you can handle the problems in relevant aspects, can't you?"

Looking at Sun Yingnan nodding, Ding Yu did not continue to talk about this topic. His purpose of coming to Korea has been achieved. In this case, there is no need to continue to stay here. There are many things waiting for him, so don't stay too much.

However, sun Yingnan was the first to leave. He gathered up the group of guys under him. Even some of them were still delirious and drank too much when they got on the plane. They were very clear. What about this trip to Korea? It's just for relaxation. There's no need to worry about other aspects.

Sun Yingnan left, which means that Ding Yu will also leave in a short time. The Cui family's people come to visit again, or hope to see Ding Yu. In the previous events, Ding Yu did not bother with some problems too much. It is a face given to the big Princess of the Li family of Samsung. But what about the actual situation? There is no need to put the Cui family in the eye.

What about SK? It also made the Cui family realize certain problems. Although he said that he had never appeared, the power behind it was absolutely exaggerated. Even President Li visited in person. The news revealed in this still made people feel very shocked.

There are not too many conflicts of interest between the Cui family and the Li family. However, if the Li family can meet such an ally, it still feels certain pressure for the Cui family. The problem is a little bit more serious! Although it has been solved, the Cui family is still a little worried about this.

On this point, South Korea and Japan have a lot of the same, that is, for the worship of the strong, is it true that Ding Yu's behavior? Or let the Cui family feel that he is a strong, is the real strong, Cui family's influence is not small, but it is only in the scope of South Korea.What about Ding Yu's strength? The scope of influence is really too large, but the problem is that Ding Yu didn't pay too much attention to the Cui family. It's good to see that in the face of the Li family, it's good not to settle accounts with you. At this time, it's still too late to pay attention to you.

The Cui family once again asked the eldest princess of the Li family. Li Fuzhen looked at the presents on the table and thought for a long time, then slowly said, "what about these gifts? He didn't see it in his heart. I think there are some mistakes in the direction of this matter, at least now! "

"Please enlighten me The person sitting in front of Li Fuzhen is a key figure cultivated by the Cui family. Obviously, although Ding Yu has no intention to investigate this matter, it is still a huge threat to the Cui family. Especially this time, the overseas affairs have made the Cui family aware of some problems and situations.

"Mr. Ding didn't pay much attention to the affairs of Cui's family. It was decided by his specific position and environment. Therefore, he couldn't find many breakthrough points in his body, but another person was different!"

After saying that, Li Fu Zhen also slightly nodded his head, "but Tai Xi's identity is now so some different, she is not only a shareholder of Samsung, but also my partner!"

What should I say? I have already said that I am very clear that the Cui family can not use strong now, needless to say Ding Yu. Standing here, I can give the Cui family enough pressure. What I am worried about is that the Cui family is not prepared for this aspect.

To know that Ding Yu has transferred all the shares of Samsung to Taixi, it means that money is not in the heart of Ding Yu. If you Cui family wants to completely resolve this matter, you still need to suit the remedy to the case. If you can get Taixi's understanding, then the remaining things will be easier to handle, which is absolutely certain.

Sitting in front of Li Fu Zhen, the middle-aged man was slightly stunned. Then he seemed to realize something. Then he stood up and respectfully saluted Li Fuzhen, "director, thank you very much." It's a very formulaic appellation, but this appellation makes Li Fu Zhen feel very satisfied. This is another kind of recognition to himself.

Now that we know the situation, the remaining problem is how to deal with it. What about Cui family? It also has a clear direction. How about solving Ding Yu's problem? For the Cui family, there are so many too difficult, even to a certain extent, can not climb.

Cui's family has been here more than once, but Ding Yu is avoiding it. It's useless for you to find any relationship. I just don't want to see you. This time, I feel very angry and angry. I may get more and more angry when I see you.

In this case, we should take the madam route in another way! Although they didn't mean to marry each other, Ding Yu's attitude towards Kim Tae hee was extraordinary. As long as she could make her blow the pillow wind, the rest of the things would be easy to solve.

Madame's route is still very important, because the Cui family has heard some rumors. Her hands have even begun to hold the shares of Samsung. This is revealed by Li Fuzhen. What does the news to the Cui family mean? We can say it is very clear in our hearts.

Kim Tae hee was not very happy about Cui's visit because his impression of Cui's family was not so good. Although he said that the matter had been solved, he was still not so happy, but what about the visitors? They really have no way to refuse, is their own teacher.

The Cui family invited their own teachers. They can refuse the Cui family's people, but they can't refuse their own teachers. In Korea, where teachers are respected, the status of teachers is different. The teacher's child is still a small cadre in the energy department of Cui's family. Kim Tae hee can understand that under such circumstances, he respectfully invited his teacher to come in.

As for the Cui family, Kim Tae hee really didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, he helped his teacher. This is also a manifestation of his attitude. What about the things the Cui family handed him? Kim Tae hee did not want to see the meaning, just nodded, "I know, I will see the situation!"

The meaning is very clear. You can leave the Cui family. Since you enter this door, I will see to deal with the remaining matters. As for how I handle them, it is another matter. As for now? Don't you see I'm reminiscing with my teacher? You'd better stay where it's cool!

For the Cui family, being able to send things in is already the biggest victory. As for Kim Tae hee's lack of good looks, this is normal. If she has a good face, it is strange.

Previously, let alone meet, even did not know that the door of the gift was over there. People simply ignored you and forced them to be helpless. This is also the invitation of Kim Tae hee's teacher to come out of the mountain. Relatively speaking, the cost is not as big as imagined!

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