Mengxi now follows Ding Yu! Ding Yu did not immediately put a splint on Meng Xi! Instead, she began to take care of Muncy's body! For Muncy's curiosity, also try to meet!

"Why, uncle Ding?"

Meng Xi, who has made considerable adjustments, is very curious about this way and has broken his concept! Because of what he knows about exercise? It's running and jumping! That's it!

Sitting there, Muncy looks very lovely, but his curiosity is a little too serious! Even Ding Yu, is also feeling quite unbearable! Fortunately, I can still be satisfied at home! Otherwise, it's really a headache! This is also able to understand why he is a little unpopular at home!

Fortunately, Meng Xi keeps a good impression on Ding Yu, otherwise he won't even ask!

"Do anything? There are three ways! What about one? It's based on axioms! For example, the formula of mathematics! Physics above theorem and so on! At least in the current level of science and technology, has not found too many mistakes! And after countless verification! What about the other? Big data! It has been verified by the vast majority of people! "

"Uncle Ding, what's the third one?" As she spoke, Muncy turned the string in her hands! It's not fast! Relatively speaking, hand string is a little big for him!

"The third? It's a personal experience! A lot of people don't believe in others, they just believe in their own eyes and feelings! " When speaking, Ding Yu took a look at Meng Xi, "only his own experience! They will feel that what they have heard is true or false! It's like I once said, "I have fun here!"

In this way, Mencius immediately understood! Listen to others say that there is fun here, I don't believe it! But when I really came here, I did a lot of experience before I knew it! It turns out that everything is true!

"Master, what is the way you teach me? I didn't find the theoretical basis, and it seems that there is no mass broadcasting. As for the so-called personal experience, I have personal experience! There is a certain effect, but there is always some mystery! I don't know why? "

"The question? We can take it from many angles. Let me change the question to traditional Chinese medicine! "

"Give me the impression that Chinese medicine is a little bitter! Hard to swallow! I've drunk a lot, and I didn't make a good impression! However, I am quite interested in the way of processing, I am very suspicious! It's hard to imagine how it was developed! Why would someone develop these? " The problem is one after another! Never stop posture!

Looking at Meng Xi's appearance, Ding Yu is so funny!

"Chinese medicine is also advancing with the times! Just the way? A little bit different! Even some of these questions, I have no way to answer you, because my research is not so profound! In other words, on this road, there is no so-called peak! As for those giants and predecessors in traditional Chinese medicine, they are just on the road, walking a little farther and higher than others! Even now, we are still looking at them

"Uncle Ding, can't you reach it?"

"I haven't met those seniors, but I know something from books! In many ways, there is no way to compare, they are towering trees, we are just saplings! There is no comparability between them. Of course, there are some aspects? I might be a little special! "

"Why Mencius is like a hundred thousand why, can't stop asking his own questions!

"Because everyone is different!" Ding Yu pointed to himself and Meng Xi“ It's like you and me! It's like I taught you, what you learn is inherited from me, but will you be the same as me? I don't see things that way! It's like what I learned is to inherit those predecessors, but can I say I'm just like them? "

Mengxi pointed to his head, "it seems that there are many things to be instilled at once, but now I don't seem to be able to pause. Although I can enter that state, I always feel a little redundant!"

This makes Ding Yu laugh!

"At this stage, it's really cruel to restrain you like this! How to balance, for me, is a very difficult thing! Your IQ is too high, at least higher than the children at home, but from the comprehensive performance point of view, you still have a considerable gap from them! "

"I can feel it!" For this problem, Mencius did not deny anything, but from his expression, we can see that he is not so happy, even a little disgusted!

It's not that Mencius is jealous. It's not the reason for this. It's just that he didn't reach that level, but he felt a little uncomfortable, that's all! Young age, with such detached thinking, is really not an ordinary child, if let outsiders know, I'm afraid the first feeling is fear, right?

"It's not a bad thing to have such an idea, but it's not a good thing to express it like this!" Ding Yu specially said, "another point, your introduction is very good! I really didn't expect that you should have such talent. Of course, there are some reasons for that? It's because your mind is pure! "

"Pure?" Muncy is a little puzzled! Because to give their own feelings, they seem to be more confused thoughts!

"Man! Especially in modern society! The more you experience, the more complicated it will be, because the world is changing so fast that people are dazzled. There is another kind, which is a rare case, that is, it will be more pure! See through the fog of the world

"Uncle Ding, which one do you belong to?"

If other people would never ask this question, but Muncy? But it is very direct, like it has not been thought about at all! I don't know what's on his mind!

"Me? Two kinds of products, when needed, I can be black, white, or even transparent, when not needed, I can be complex and changeable! There is no qualitative, we can change each other! "

"I seem to be quite interested!"

"I don't know what you will look like in the future, and I won't restrict you too much. Although I want to set a so-called benchmark in front of you, I'm not a good person myself! What kind of person will you be in the future? It's your problem! "

"Uncle Ding, shouldn't you be a good man?" Said monsieur, staring into her big eyes!

"Good people? Is a cover, is also a constraint, too redundant bondage! People like me are not suitable, pure mind does not mean that you are a good person, this is two things, involving the world outlook! Some problems of values and consciousness! At the same time, we need to treat the problem dialectically! "

"To treat problems dialectically is to doubt everything?"

Ding Yu shook his head, "it's not a good thing to erect this idea so early. I believe your head is smart, but you can't be too reckless! You are too weak! "

"Uncle Ding, I feel that you are deliberately shirking what?" Said Muncy, wringing her little nose!

"I didn't mean to shirk anything! It's because you have some worries! "

"It's a good thing to perform well, but it's also not a good thing, especially when you're attracting too much attention now! For yourself, you don't feel it yet, but you need to pay attention to it? "

"Attention? Why didn't I see it? " Even Muncy took a look around!

"When you come here, you pay attention to everything! You know what? I said to Meng Dong at the beginning, I hope to choose a child who is a little bit stupid, and it's better to be a child with the same muscle! "

Mencius pointed to his own! It's very simple. Is it me? At the same time, the expression on Mengxi's face was suddenly pulled down. Obviously, at this time, Mengxi can't control his emotions! This is quite normal!

If Meng Xi could control his emotions now, Ding Yucai would feel a little abnormal!

Genius? After all, there are some small temperaments of their own, and even hinder the genius, so they have quite willful rights! God gives, there is no reason!

Ding Yu gently scraped Mengxi's small nose with his hand. It was very funny! Especially his angry look!

"The direction of understanding is wrong! What do I call a tendon? To a certain extent, the above is very dedicated! At this point, let alone children! Even a considerable number of adults can't do it! But you do have this aspect of the characteristics, so I will make a considerable choice, I hope you will go on this road! But who knows? "

In this regard, Ding Yu did not express his determination!

"Uncle Ding, I've seen my brother's exercise. It's quite different from me!"

"He! I'm quite interested! But how to say? Some of them are too lively! It's not as quiet as you are! So it needs a lot of training! what about you? Temperament is very quiet, but some are too quiet, and even some are too sharp! Since they are quite different, we need to take different ways! "

"Don't understand?"

"You should have never worked in the field. Of course, you are too young! But I believe you should have seen your parents cook! Take beef for example, the same piece of beef needs to be sliced when making soup for a short time, and cut into pieces when making stew for a long time, using different methods! If you slice when you stew, you will be as old as wood chips! It's also possible to stew directly into soup, and you can't eat beef at all! Of course, what I said is a bit general! "

"No! I understand! But I can't do it well. Every time I do it in proportion! "

Ding Yu said, "have you ever done it? You tried it at your age! I really haven't seen this from any information! At least you've never shown that! "

"I tried it with birthday candles and aluminum cans! To a large extent, the proportion of the above cut, I boast to do well, but the taste is difficult to describe! So I gave up! "

Ding Yu's mouth slightly twitches! Children are too smart, it seems that is not a good thing! At least in front of Mencius some too smart! It can't be said that they are just fooling around. It can only be said that they have infinite curiosity about the world, but to a certain extent, this curiosity is very dangerous!

Parents and relatives are not able to stare at them all the time, no such time, no such energy! It is certainly inappropriate to let them indulge too much, but if they are not allowed to think and given space, they will lose their spirituality! So it's not easy and not easy to achieve balance!

Fortunately, for the family, it is not a special test! Other aspects of the family may be lacking, but in terms of personnel, there really will not be any lack!

"The family will provide you with a teacher, or rather a nanny! Because you need someone to take care of your food, drink, Lhasa and so on. You are too young! At the same time, she will be responsible for your health and so on. At the same time, she will provide you with several security personnel at home to be responsible for your safety

"Is it necessary, uncle Ding?" Obviously, Muncy doesn't like this arrangement very much“ I think the tablet is very good! " Mengxi has a little resistance to this!

"Yes! After a while, it will be the New Year! What are your plans and arrangements? "

"I don't know? And uncle Ding, do you think it's a bit too much for me to arrange such a thing with a child? "

"I always feel that you are quite different from other children! So quite a lot of things respect your personal choice and arrangement! It's like your parents! You may not think about it, but I need to think about it! "

"I don't understand. Sometimes it feels normal!"

"I'll talk to your parents about it! Try to make proper arrangements! As for now? Move your body! Since you came here, you haven't been able to move much. A child of your age! It is quite inappropriate! This can't be refused! "

Although it is Ding Yu face to face, but for such a thing, Meng Xi is still not as happy as imagined! My face is going to be a mess! But Mencius is also very clear, such a request, there is no way to refuse! At the same time can not refuse! But I really don't like it!

Why can Meng Dong coordinate so well, but he can't?

After solving Meng Xi's problem, Ding Yu feels that he should go home! After such a long time in xiaodaoguan, Qingxiu should be over! If you continue to stay, other aspects are easy to say, but my parents, I'm afraid, really can't stand it!

Even call the door, there is a considerable possibility! Especially his mother, give Ding Yu feeling! Her tolerance now should have almost reached the limit! Don't challenge her bottom line! The end may be very sad!

However, before this, Ding Yu asked people to clean up the Taoist temple again, and expressed his gratitude, which is not as simple as saying it orally!

It's better to take some practical actions than to say a thousand things!

But Ding Yu didn't go back alone, but with Meng Xi! In this way, you can at least share your firepower! Because Meng Xi is a little inflexible and agile, Ding Yu almost leads him to his parents' villa!

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying, you look at me, I look at you, what's the situation, brought a child back!

"The child?" Ding Lin took the lead in discovering that the child seems to have a little problem!

Ding Yu gave a brief introduction, "Mengxi! Meng Chong's nephew may become my apprentice in the future! It's very smart. If you look at it in terms of IQ, not many people can match him! "

"You brought back such a small child?" Zhao Shuying looks at her eldest son with some satisfaction. However, she looks at Meng Xi with tentative eyes, only to find that Meng Xi is holding her eldest son's hand at this time. She doesn't want to come over at all, and even has some evasion in her eyes!

Ding Yu let Meng Xi sit beside him! Looking at the little lazy, Ding Yu fumbled twice, but Meng Xi was not interested in this aspect at all!

Looking at his parents' eyes, Ding Yu smiles!

Pointed to his head, and then continue to say“ This child is only five years old, but his brain is developing too fast! In a popular way, it belongs to the most intelligent people! The intake of nutrition is basically supplied to their own head, but even so, it is still not enough, so it also caused considerable problems! "

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying immediately showed their worried look!

"Boss, this is not a small thing! How old is he? The most important thing is the body, we must ensure the health of the body, otherwise it is easy to have other problems, even if it does not come out now, there will be other aspects in the future! " Ding Lin himself is a doctor, so he has a certain understanding!

Ding Yu hit Meng Xi's head with his hand at this time. It was not heavy at all! It's a warning to Mencius! Mengxi tooted his mouth, and then again began to turn his hand inside the string!

Seeing Meng Xi's appearance, Ding Yu looked back at his parents and explained“ Too smart, but due to other reasons, was ignored! Young, but how to say? He should start to observe after he comes in, and even be able to analyze the situation of your father and mother! "

"At least five floors!"

The corner of Ding Yu's mouth twitched a little, hummed, and then continued to say, "I need to make him a little calm now, and he didn't mean it, or he might be a little direct in expression! This is his personal way , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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