While his parents went to cook, Ding Yu rubbed his big head with his hands! Small lazy is smiling, for Ding Yu has a good feeling! At least when I feel myself, I feel very comfortable!

"What? Look at you! I don't seem to like it that much? "

"Not so much! But I'm a little interested in pandas. If only I could get close to them! And I'm more interested in whales! It feels very strange. Why can it grow so big? " Muncy even made a gesture! A face of incredible!

Looking at Meng Xi's eyes, Ding Yu's mouth began to twitch again! The idea is really strange enough!

"There's no problem with pandas. You can go to see them whenever you want!"

"Really?" Monsieur was about to jump, at least that? There is no way to do it at home“ Can I have a close touch? By the way, what about it? "

"The elder brothers and sisters in the family have quite a lot of donations, including the red panda, which is adopted. You can go and have a look! There should not be too many problems with the corresponding information! As for whales? This is a little bit of a problem! From the zoo? I can do it! Even if it is not domestic, there are also foreign, as for the wild? Just your little arms and legs! I really have some worries. You can't stand steadily on the boat! "

"You can hold me!" Meng Xi has an extraordinary dependence on Ding Yu!

"You are persistent enough!" Ding Yu said with a smile, "let's see if we have this time! If there is such a time, there should not be too many problems! But before that, should you show me something? "

Mengxi's small face once again pulled down, heavily snorted, and expressed the most serious dissatisfaction with Ding Yu's words! Even with his hands dead in the chest position, is the fight against Ding Yu!

Have been waiting for dinner time, did not get too much relief!

However, Ding Yu's meal still shocked Meng Xi a little, and even had some silly eyes! Muncy is not so good at using chopsticks! Even when eating, they can't control themselves very well! But the family didn't have much help! Let Mencius handle everything by himself!

Meng Xi is a little out of reach. Zhao Shuying beside him has helped a lot! Although it's high for him! But age is there! But Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying also found out! This five-year-old has a clear mind! But in the expression of the action, there are quite a problem!

Just like the eldest son said! IQ is very high, but in other ways? There are still some problems! Don't like a thing don't move, and the face of disgust! There is also a little want to compete with the eldest son! Obviously, I don't believe in my eldest son's appetite! I little interesting!

After dinner, Ding Yu and his father cleared the table together, and did not let the nanny help! Meng Xi is with Ding Lin, but she obviously feels that the child has some cognitive impairment. Her eyes are always on Ding Yu who is walking back and forth!

After waiting for Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying to go out for a walk, Meng Xi became active again! But he didn't mean to grasp Ding Yu's hand. Instead, he went to touch Ding Yu's stomach. Obviously, he was doubting whether Ding Yu really ate so much! This is not in line with the common sense of their own contact!

"There's a game out there. Do you want to see it?"

Obviously this can't raise Muncy's interest! Ding Yu went back to his villa with Meng Xi!

"You usually live here! The room is ready for you! It can be arranged according to your personal idea! " With Meng Xi came to the room, Ding Yu patiently said“ If you are afraid, the security of your home is downstairs! You can greet them at any time, and your nanny needs a few days, which needs quite a selection, and the one that meets you is the best! Don't be too reckless

"I set it up myself?" Muncy's eyes are shining!

"Tomorrow, I'll have a sketch drawn! Then you fill it on the computer, and when you feel satisfied, you can rearrange it! These aspects, you are free, but my personal advice? You'd better have a dog if you're a person! A little more convenient! "

"All right! I'll think about it. Can I wait? " Meng Xi looks at Ding Yu pitifully!

Ding Yu nodded and agreed. Then he took him to the study. When the light came on, Meng Xi looked at the study and felt that her eyes were not enough! Even a mouthful of water! The specimens in the room didn't scare him at all. He didn't coordinate his hands and feet, but he came to the front of the bookshelf!

After wandering around for a long time, he just grasped Ding Yu's hand and asked for business!

"You can come in for an hour every day! Not to be harsh on you, but to love your head and body! And you need at least two hours of activity every day! You can ride a horse! Keep a dog and so on! "

"On horseback?" Muncy pointed to her nose! Looking at Ding Yu suspiciously! Isn't it a bit too much for a child like me to ride a horse! Is this human? I am a child!

"Just be quite ready! At that time, not only learn to ride, but also know how to clean up! For example, clean up the horseshoes! Clean up the stables! wait! All these need you to complete! It's also something you can't escape! "

Originally very happy Meng Xi, the small face once again LADA down! I'm so angry!

"Take care of it for an hour, go to bed at eight or nine o'clock in the evening, and get up at six o'clock tomorrow morning!" Ding Yu's attitude is beyond doubt“ If I find that you do other small actions, then it will be deducted from your time! " Ding Yu specially pointed to the position of the study!

Mengxi looked at the study, very greedy, "if I perform well?"

"Then it depends on how good you are! For example, after your body can maintain a considerable balance, it will increase a little time. Don't think about playing tricks. I seem to have told you that I am a doctor! "

In the morning, Ding Yu's performance is not any different from usual. Meng Xi got up at six o'clock, but the little guy is quite angry! The bed is very comfortable and very big! I came here for the first time without any fear! Maybe Muncy didn't feel the problem himself!

After breakfast, Ding Yu took Meng Xi, who was dressed like a little bear, to hang out at the farm! Menzie's hands and feet are not so flexible, and he falls down there all the time! Ding Yu will help him up, but he doesn't mean to scold him! Even give a considerable encouragement!

Finally, when Mengxi couldn't walk, Ding Yu carried him behind him! Fortunately, the children at home did not see this scene, otherwise they would have already jumped! Because for them, this is basically not enjoy the treatment! And Meng Xi's small hand is holding Ding Yu's neck, and his strength is a little bit big!

Although it's on Ding Yu's back, Meng Xi is not honest at all! In the past, there were few such experiences! The character is too unpleasant, and the questions are a little strange. Now we can see the real world! It's just that his way of expressing excitement is a little different from that of ordinary big brother children!

There are a lot of people who say hello to Ding Yu, even to Meng Xi, who is on the top of Ding Yu. However, Meng Xi is a little too restrained at this point. Once he sees a stranger, he always buries his head in Ding Yu's neck! It's like a frightened Sparrow!

To be able to be carried by Ding Yu on the body of the children, in the public impression, it seems that there is really no! Everyone is more curious about Mencius, but it doesn't mean to disturb too much! Because everyone found that the child was a little too small, even a little too shy!

Of course, even if Muncy's performance is a little bit worse, we will not have too much attitude! Whether it's the face of Ding Yu or the face of the Ding family, everyone will accept it! What's more, the performance of the children of the Ding family has made them quite impressed!

Talking about noise? I'm afraid no one is more noisy than them! But the performance is really good, but also led to other movements and friends, unfortunately, the time is a little short, less than two years! If only they could stay forever! But now Xiaoyu hasn't left! This is one of the few good news!

Moreover, although the children of the Ding family have already left! But the atmosphere they led did not disappear, and the flag did not disappear. Now Wei Lai's performance is also very good!

"Uncle Ding! They are very kind, but when they look at me, their eyes show quite curiosity! "

Lying on Ding Yu's shoulder, Meng Xi spoke in a low voice. He could clearly feel that his mood was a little low!

Ding Yu is to smile, "so say! I've never been a good man! But it doesn't mean I'm a bad guy! It's OK to do what you can. If you really want to talk about it, there are many people who are afraid of me and even have a deep aversion to me! "

"Is that true, uncle Ding?"

"Of course it's true, let alone human! Even if it's RMB, it's not liked by everyone! "

"I like it very much!" Menzie said abruptly, "I want to have a separate environment and everything I need! Do not want too many people to disturb! Just a quiet person! "

"This is just a dream! To be exact, human is a group action, but a single individual. You can express the individual's character, but you can't let the individual separate from the whole! If you are alone, can you cook? Can you grow crops? Hard to say, can you do laundry? Wait, you won't! "

Meng Xi, who can't refute, pinches Ding Yu's neck fiercely, which can be regarded as expressing his indignation. As for such a poisonous tongue? I'm just a child. There's no need to do that!

"Yes! You didn't see sister Xiaoyu yesterday. She should come back today! She should be a good sister, but don't make fun of her. She is very sensitive. From the perspective of identity, she is more miserable than you! It's hard to adjust, so do you understand what I mean? "

"Hum!" Meng Xi snorted, "Uncle Ding, I've seen a lot of greenhouses. Can I go in and have a look?"

"Yes! But it was agreed in advance! You can't touch the things inside at will, because many of them are experimental! "

"Why, not planted?" It's not that I haven't watched TV. Who can I cheat? Although you are young, it doesn't mean you don't know anything“ Are there aliens in it? "

"Is there an alien? I really don't know? At least I haven't heard of it or really seen it, but the farm is my own creation! I still know something about it! "

Two people together into the shed, but before coming in, or to deal with a considerable procedure!

"Uncle Ding, don't you say you founded the farm?"

The disdain between the words is revealed! Ding Yu laughs“ Because of this, I have to abide by the rules more! If even I can't abide by it, will the following people abide by it? Of course, there are other situations behind this! There are some grandfathers in it. Sometimes, I don't want to contact them very much. "

"Why? Is that annoying? "

"Well?" Ding Yu said, "it's not a nuisance, it's a little irritating! I'll be the same as you when I'm equal! For other aspects of affairs will not have any attention, just focus on their own work! But I have to say, their brains are really powerful! Of course, there is another reason, they will chase my ass for small money, I can't bear it! There are some exaggerations! "

"Uncle Ding, do you have a lot of small money?"

"There are a lot of them, but if we really let go of the gap, it's really a bit unbearable for these grandfathers and grandmothers! It's like a scientific experiment! My God, small money is like filling a bottomless hole! No matter how much, for them, it's just a simple number! "

Meng Xi is envious of this, but it's a pity that she knows a lot about small money. However, she has never used money. Sometimes she even wants to buy some other things with sugar money, but she can't get them! It seems that parents are always on guard against this. It's really hard to understand!

"Can I have a little money?"

"I didn't expect that you were still a money addict?" Ding Yu laughed, "every child in the family has his own expenses. At this point, I will never be stingy! But they can control themselves very well, after all, they are old, but for you and I always have considerable doubt

"I won't buy sugar!" Meng Xi promised Ding Yu!

"I don't mean that. If you buy sugar, I'll feel a little relieved! I have some worries that you will do something dangerous! This is my worry! Your brain is too smart! So before this, I hope you can give me a guarantee! Because you have no specific definition of danger and unknown! "

"Don't you want me to learn from you, uncle Ding?" Muncy's eyes turned!

"I want to make a real choice with you! This is two times! I don't guarantee that you will go this way? No one knows! And doing so will lead you to show great resistance! There will even be counter effects, for a genius like you! It's absolutely counterproductive

Ding Yu has a very clear understanding of this, and even said it in front of Meng Xi, without any concealment! Of course, Mengxi may or may not understand, these are not as important as imagined!

Don't restrain Mencius too much, it will become his shackles! Before he was at home, he knew more or less! To a certain extent, his parents love him more! But the way and method above, there are considerable problems! Of course, it's also because they don't know how to deal with it! There are quite a few problems!

Came here, although only a few days, but Muncy is very active performance! There is no case of anger and madness. It is true that there will be times when people are angry, but they are more reasonable!

And that's what he showed after he got out of the shackles! And extremely let Ding Yu feel satisfied! There's nothing better than this! At least proved that their guidance effect is very useful!

But really speaking, it's not a common problem! Sometimes Ding Yu will feel very headache! It's really hard to deal with! I wonder if he was born to torture people? I doubt it!

But Ding Yu didn't let Meng Xi go into the greenhouse immediately. Instead, he moved a little in the outer space for a while, and even prepared a bottle of water for him! Next to the staff, is a trot all the way!

Ding Yu smile, even very polite said“ I'm a little busy with my work these days! New year's goods have been prepared! After a while, the new year will soon be over! I heard that you have submitted quite a few opinions and ideas? "

"Hi! Mr. Ding! It's a joke! We really don't lack money in our hands. Basically, most people don't lack money very much. They all want to give us something of our own. It's better! "

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