Ding Yu's expression is a little helpless! "You guys! Can be really enough ghost, all to those bastards eat it! Are they filial to you? How do you get on the pole? "

"Bullshit!" Maybe I felt rude, but also gave myself a smack, "these bastards, at that time, they all wanted to run for the future, OK! Go ahead! I'm sure I won't be stopped at home. Poor family and rich family, good guy! After working for so many years, it's not bullshit, but fortunately, what I learned is still useful! Now the family is back! Just laid an egg! It's not humiliating enough! "

"How many more? That's a little too much! "

"Hi! I couldn't afford it in my early years. Now there is no such problem. How can I lay two more eggs? And it's not like they don't have a place to live. There are quite a lot of conditions at home! " When you talk, you look very proud!

"I heard that before! The houses in the city are a little nervous! "

"OK, it's not that expensive! Compared with the past years, there must be an increase, which is also a matter of common sense! However, our local control is very strict, usually we go to meetings, but also regular research, the house is used to live! It's not for the bad guys to get money! If anyone dares to do so, he will not be killed! "

Ding Yu sighed, "when I was young, I used to do such a terrible thing. I live in a village! Now think of it seems to be a bit should not! Are standard thinking, with money, I want to buy a house to buy land! At that time, I didn't think of using them to do something practical! "

"My God, Mr. Ding, you're not doing anything. You've already had thousands of Buddhas!"

Ding Yu waved his hand“ No exaggeration, just do what you can, you make money! I also make money with it! If you don't make money! I also want to pick skin and extract marrow. In that case, I won't be so far away from the day when I fall down! "

"I always wanted to make money! Make a lot of money! Make quick money! Reluctant to eat or drink, I want to buy a house, but now I don't have so many thoughts! Physical and mental pleasure! Good health is more important than anything else

"How are the children at home?" I feel that Muncy is a little hot! Already here is to rearrange his clothes for a while, let him not so depressed, he! I haven't seen it yet! The brain has never thought about this aspect! It has nothing to do with being too stupid!

"I don't feel like I can bear hardships, but it's good! The kids at home are very good! Now I go to school here, and they don't have to worry about school affairs! Usually, my wife will go to the school to help! In my words, it's just a little too much worry! "

"Family harmony and children's health are more important than anything else!"

During the time of speaking, Mencius was almost slow! Ding Yu approved a small cloak for him outside, and then led him into the greenhouse together! Don't need other people to accompany, just two people!

"Wow! Uncle Ding, it's delicious in here! " Because there is no outsider, Mencius is also a little bit open!

Ding Yu took him to the position in front of the instrument, "the oxygen content in it! Carbon dioxide, including temperature control and so on! Have a clear control, what kind of temperature is the most appropriate! How long does the sun shine? And pollution and so on! No deviation is allowed! "

"There needs to be a computer in it, too?" Menzie obviously didn't think of it! It's a simple greenhouse, and there's such a saying! This is beyond my imagination!

"Yes! Keep pace with the times! The development of agriculture does not mean that the seeds are scattered in the field! Need to study in many aspects, including the selection of seeds! grow seedlings! Cultivation and so on! Even including the late cultivation! Wait

Ding Yu is very patient to Mengxi sit explain! To satisfy his curiosity!

"And to protect against disease! Just like you kids! If you don't pay attention, you will easily have big problems, even affect your life! You all have special Pediatrics, and on this side of the farm, there are also special doctors! "

"When I used to watch TV, I never knew it would be so high-tech!" Mencius is a child after all, but it's hard for adults to keep calm about it. Seeing Mencius biting his finger, he knows that his thirst for knowledge is starting to break out again!

"Your so-called high technology may be in the eyes of many people, but for farms, it has been implemented for quite a long time! Even has obtained the very widespread application! Of course, considerable problems have also been found. For example, there are not many ways to study some diseases up to now! "

"Why?" "Isn't that a simple thing?" said Muncy, staring into her eyes

"Simple! You! Although the brain is very smart, but for a considerable lack of understanding of the problem! Even in modern times, quite a lot of problems can not be solved if we want to solve them! There are few diseases that can really be cured! "

"No! My brother had a cold, and I've been through it. It's all over! "

"Two things, what they do is just clinical cure, let your inflammation eliminate, or reduce to the minimum, finally still need to rely on your own immune system to recover! This can also be extended. Why do we say that western medicine treats the symptoms but not the root cause? Because you still need to rely on yourself in the end! The drug just acts as a catalyst! "

"What is the difference between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine?"

"You need to find the answer to this question by yourself. What's the answer I told you? It just belongs to me! What's more, what I said just represents me. Maybe it's right in my opinion, but with the development of time and the progress of science and technology, and so on! Then there may be mistakes! So we need to look at the problem dialectically! "

"Uncle Ding, didn't you say you were a doctor?"

"It's true that I'm a doctor. It may be possible to solve quite a few problems, but it's unrealistic and impossible for me to solve all the problems. I learned these little by little. At the same time, after quite a summary, I always reflect on my own mistakes and so on! Not out of thin air! "

"Then can I go to the hospital? Although I don't like hospitals very much! "

"Don't go to the hospital when children are OK!" Ding Yu patiently explained to Meng Xi“ But it's OK to be on guard. I won't take you to the hospital today. I'll take you to the gate of the infant hospital to have a look! "


"Feel it!" Ding Yu touches Meng Xi's head with a smile“ Go to the hospital, although there are quite a surprise, but there is more pain! This kind of emotional infection, for children like you, is a bit inappropriate! So let's go to the maternity and infant hospital to have a look! Can feel the joy! The hope of new life is like the green seedling here! thriving! Grow up

But when he came out, Ding Yu still let Meng Xi slow down for a while. His small physique, in such weather, if he didn't pay attention to it, it would be a problem, but it was still a big problem!

After getting on the car, Ding Yu asked him to sit on the special seat for children, in order to protect his safety! Sometimes Mencius is too active, really need to give him a little restraint, but can't make him too rigid! To a certain extent, this is also a very test!

When he came to the hospital, Ding Yu shook hands with the people below“ Mr. Liu, will you excuse me? "

"Hi! That's what you said! I was treated as an outsider! Is not, at least I can be regarded as a teacher's student! At the beginning of the time also took me for a period of time! Then I ran away! "

Two people heavily shook hands, "with the children at home, let him feel the joy of new life!" Also did not let others follow, is a line of three people, Ding Yu took Mengxi's hand!

All the way to the door of the delivery room, Ding Yu and President Liu sat at the door together!

"So busy?" Looking at the crowd, Ding Yu is also a little absent-minded! People are not a little bit so many, this situation but I did not think of“ It's not all in these two days, is it? It seems like a normal day! "

"You're kidding! There are few people today! " President Liu snorted, "what else is there upstairs? If it's such a level, it's just too busy. Especially in the past two years, if I'm not kidding, pigs are not so fast! So positive! This child is one after another

Looking at the smile from the corner of president Liu's mouth, Ding Yu felt a little emotion!

"Well, you have a wonderful life!"

"Busy feet don't touch the ground! Are baby pimples, are parents' eyes, are afraid of problems, even the slightest problem, can not! No one wants their children to be in any condition! Do you think so? "

When talking, the door of the operating room has been pushed open! A nurse yelled at her own high voice“ Is sun Mao's family here? Hurry up! Mother and daughter are safe! Come here and get ready to carry your wife! "

Originally in the door of some people, this time all gathered in the past! Nurses are also very impatient“ Move back! Wait outside for me! Don't push in

And at this time, someone has come to Ding Yu in front of them, also regardless of 37 21, put sugar into Ding Yu's hands! And a box of cigarettes! It is obvious that the previous time has been quite prepared!

Muncy was a little confused. Someone put a handful of sugar into his hand and hugged him happily! Look at him, the excitement is beyond expression, do not know how to do!

Are you really that happy?

After Meng Xi looked at Ding Yu for a while, he talked with his hand. When Ding Yu turned around, he said in a low voice, "Uncle Ding, was I born in this way?"

Looking at his longing eyes, Ding Yu explained patiently“ I don't know the specific situation, but your birth represents hope, children are the future, no one is immortal, you will get married and have children in the future, and you will grow old slowly, these are normal things! But in my opinion, I should be very happy. Did you look at my uncle just now? "

"See, seem very happy, and still from the heart of that kind of!"

"That's hope!" Then Ding Yu turned his head and looked at President Liu, "Lao Liu, there are so many children in the hospital, are there enough people? I saw the nurse just now, and I can practice it! "

"Hi! Don't mention it! Anyway, I dare not have any words, really on the temper, I can only be subject to! No one can stand the heaven, the earth and the Lord of the air

"Head nurse! No wonder you are so confident Ding Yu noticed the difference on her hat!

"Hi! This is not the most terrible! Her master is terrible! They have goods in their stomachs! Many families want to invite her, after all, for the newborn has considerable experience, but they are not bad money! People like children! It's all over! It has nothing to do with money! No one can do it! Now is the apprentice! Take out of the apprentice than a fork! Anyway, I have to bow down to make it small! "

"It's not easy! I heard my father say that you were the most arrogant and domineering in those years. You were bullied by elder martial brother Yang! And it's a very speechless one! "

"I'm kidding!" President Liu said, "this guy is good when he's cheap! I was at a loss in those days! I didn't feel too much before, and I don't know much about it until now. Otherwise, can he become vice president? This bastard is beautiful now! "

Between each other is a mutual joke, but not too many other aspects of meaning!

"But now more and more people are giving birth, and more and more people are coming back! The conditions are good! It's natural to have children! So now the hospital is busy day by day! My side is a little better, the hospital is really overcrowded now! It's all people

"These guys! In the past, there were many students going out, but there were not many left behind. Moreover, most of them were students who had been trained for many years. It's not that they don't want to stay, but because there is no space for them here! Now it's much better, no matter it's work! In terms of environment and so on, we can let them do it! "

"Who said no?" President Liu also patted his thigh, "in the early years, there were many people in our maternity and infant hospital, but how many were excellent? After all, we are just a small county town, and we are close to the sea, so we can recruit two people, but what about the people? How much does it matter? There are not many people who are really knowledgeable and can stay! But now? Hum, I want the best

It's very domineering! But also due to the considerable capital!

"Is it for you up there?"

"It doesn't matter whether we give it or not. The important thing is that many people can't refuse the conditions we offer! settle! The house and so on! These are the conditions! Plus our wages and benefits and so on! Who does not want to come to such a place, consumption itself is not so high, and beautiful, four seasons! Medical and school aspects, is also very abundant! Under such circumstances, why don't they come? "

"You are coercion and inducement!" Ding Yu had no choice but to laugh!

"That's how they bullied me in those days! I didn't make it worse. I've been very tolerant! Who let them not catch up with here! It's not bad in our upper City, but how to say? The work pressure is bigger than us, and the environment can't catch up with us, and there are all kinds of shortcomings! "

"We also have many shortcomings. After all, there are still some small cities!"

After saying something, President Liu just left! Because someone came over, but it is not so important to leave intentionally or unintentionally! Ding Yu is holding Meng Xi's little hand!

But he has been observing the delivery room! Very attentive!

"What do you feel?"

Ding Yu drags Meng Xi to the outside of the baby room! Look at the babies on it! From time to time there are crying voices! Together with may be a cry! Of course, Ding Yu also took him to feel a few new-born children. With the consent of his parents, he also let Meng Xi touch the children's hands and feet!

It's very soft, the whole heart seems to be suddenly opened! Maybe there are some ugliness on the face, but I don't know why. Looking at them, everything seems to be eliminated!

"Uncle Ding, why is it quiet? I feel quiet! It's like everything's gone! I used to contact with children, but I don't like them very much, but now I see their new born children in West Zhejiang! I feel a blank in my head. Staring into their eyes, I feel pure! "

"Very smart! Also very spiritual! When people see children, especially quiet children, they will also be quiet to peace! It's a very special feeling, even a feeling that can't be described! But it will soon disappear! And in other people and affairs, there will be such a manifestation, but it is rare to go! "

"It seems to be the same!" Said Monsieur slowly“ Don't know why, look at them and feel everything is gone! Even at that time, it seemed that nothing needed to be cared about! "

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