Su Quan was angry when he went out, but when he came back? However, they were complacent and even elated. When the military leaders knew about this, they also bit their own back teeth. When they made this decision, they had already expected the consequences. There will be no other accidents.

Other people may not do this, nor dare to do so, but who is Suquan! This has nothing to do with age. What about the one who was beaten? Can only be swallowed up, can not have any words, otherwise will beat more fierce. Su Quan is totally unreasonable. It is necessary to repaint teeth, and it is full of mouth. Basically, there is no left.

But no wonder, what about the one who was beaten up? It's a decision made by my uncle to investigate my nephew. It's a good thing that Su Quan didn't take a gun. If we move forward two years, ha ha! It's really hard to say.

This matter will not be exploded. In fact, what about the above arrangement? It is hoped that the Su family will not be too vocal after knowing this. You Suquan has already beaten people. What else do you want? There are so many small problems in this matter, but now that the problem has been solved, we still need to return to the normal.

When Ding Yu finished the operation, he asked about the specific situation. The hospital had no other arrangements, that is to say, Ding Yu could leave work. For this problem, Ding Yu was really a little strange, but he didn't mean to ask, because it was quite different from the past.

In the past, I would never let myself be so free. Although Ding Yu's background is not small, the problem is that since you are in this environment, you should not think about the so-called lazy. It is impossible at all, because many patients will make you even go to the bathroom.

This even has nothing to do with time. In the small county-level cities at home, there will be no surgery at night, except for special circumstances. But in the capital, on this acre of land, let alone in the evening, there are both in the morning and in the morning, and there are many of them one after another.

Ding Yu also does not mean to do surgery. In his spare time, he also needs to see medical records, do experiments and research. On this issue, Ding Yu may have to make complaints about it slightly, because this is not very important in China, because after being a doctor, it is too much time to compress, so it is also powerless for the latter.

But Ding Yu is a little bit different. He doesn't need to think too much about other things besides his work. This saves a lot of his energy. At the same time? His own identity has created very few conveniences for himself. Ding Yu really has no intention to deny these problems, because this is the fact.

Sitting in the car, Ding Yu hesitated for a moment, and then asked the driver to go to his grandfather's hospital. Previously, his mother had already said hello to him. If he could not speak, he was a little bit impolite. Although he said that he did not pass, no one would say anything.

When getting off the bus, Ding Yu also took a deep breath, and then helped his glasses. What's the purpose of wearing glasses? Ding Yu's eyes are very good. Maybe it's to cover up his sharp eyes! It could be something else.

But I'm afraid no one can explain how it happened except Ding Yu himself. When she came to the room, her mother was talking to her grandfather. Ding Yu also slightly bowed down, "grandfather, Hello, mom, Hello!"

Speaking is a formula, but Su Yuan really didn't take it as a thing. He was very happy that his son could come over. He also stood up and pulled his son to his side. "I told your grandfather about you just now, but you are also. It's not very decent to leave your two children at home like this!"

Ding Yu has so many accidents and doubts. How can he mention the children? But Ding Yu also said, "the work is more busy, but the two children are more sensible. Fortunately, basically everyone has free time to accompany them, so everything is OK! What's more, there are nannies. "

Since her mother mentioned the matter, Ding Yu also continued to say it along with the words, but without saying a few words, the door of the room was once pushed open. Looking at the people who came in, Su Yuan also called out his third brother, and Ding Yu also called out his third uncle. There was nothing difficult to say, which was quite normal.

When Su Quan saw his sister, he also said hello. When his sister came, he already knew about it. However, he didn't expect Ding Yu to be here. It was quite unexpected. He didn't know whether he came by himself or brought by his sister. After all, the meaning of this is different.

When several people were sitting together, Su bochen was very happy. Su Quan also peeped at his father. When his sister went out, he also took a look at Ding Yu's nephew. "I beat Lao Hu today. I think he needs to lie down in the hospital in the past few months."Ding Yu is not very clear about who Lao Hu is. But when his third uncle mentioned this matter in front of his own, Ding Yu seems to have realized some problems, but he didn't express too much. Even the matter has nothing to do with him. Lao Shen is sitting there, and even gives people a feeling of indifference.

"Ding Yu, this thing seems to be caused by you!"

Ding Yu didn't nod or shake his head. He just sat there. This is also an expression of his attitude. Since everything has happened, it seems that it doesn't make any sense for him to mention it now. Now that he can understand why he left work so early at night?

Su Quan looked at his nephew's appearance, but also wrinkled his brow. His nephew was even more calm than he imagined! "Someone told me, what happened when you went to Korea this time? It's just a cover up. The real purpose is that you went to see someone! "

Ding Yu's expression is still the same as before, even at this time has not made any response, some things to do by themselves, this is a fact, but now is not a man, spit a spit a nail problem, if really admitted, it is purely to find himself uncomfortable.

There are many problems involved in this. I acted as a black hand of interests behind my back. What about the manipulation of this hand? The benefits brought are huge, and no one can ignore the benefits. Fortunately, Ding Yu attaches great importance to this aspect, but he can't stand the benefits that are too big.

Even if it's all kinds of hiding, how much still exposed some horse feet, even these so-called horse feet, but also let some people feel that there are some moving, but exposed things? For the overall interests, it is just the tip of the iceberg, or even a rare thing. It is not worth mentioning at all.

When I met sun Yingnan, I expected that such a situation would happen. This time, more countries were affected. Whoever came out at this time would definitely be the first bird and would be directly killed. Where's your uncle? It's the military. He wants to know something. It's not surprising.

But the third uncle is not very familiar with the situation. If he really tells him what he knows, he is definitely not helping him, but harming him, and even harming himself. Of course, he also includes many people related to this matter, so what about this matter? I will not have any attitude.

Su Quan looked at his nephew, he has given the point is very clear, but his nephew why there is no expression in this respect, this is a little bit strange, because his father is here? Or there are other reasons.

But since he doesn't want to talk about this issue, he won't force anything too much. Anyway, the above is just a hint. As for what Ding Yu, a child, can say or can't say, this question is another matter, and it doesn't mean that he must know the answer.

For Ding Yu, there is no direct evidence to prove this. Since there is no evidence to prove anything, then other people will take those things that they have no way to disclose temporarily? To a certain extent, it can also be a good cover for sun Yingnan.

What about the exposed things? It's not necessarily true, but it's not necessarily fake. What's more, sun Yingnan's relationship is also complicated. No one dares to attack her directly. If that happens, the whole circle of interests will be exposed. How big the circle is, it's shocking.

Su bochen has been looking at his grandson. Since he came in, he has put his eyes on him. His son mentioned two things, but what about his grandson? There is no meaning of concealment or explanation. There is no expression from his facial expression and movements.

This child's calmness is really beyond imagination. This is not to say that you can do it with firm will. It's totally two things. You have experienced a lot of things. But it's really rare for this child, especially at his age.

"I heard that you gave the old Wang tou that guy 230 million yuan, and even paid back another part of the money to supplement the family after the event?"

Ding Yu is obviously stunned for a moment. This action is quite obvious. Ding Yu didn't expect that his grandfather would mention this to himself. Obviously, he didn't have any preparation. What does grandfather mean by saying so? For a moment, Ding Yu felt that his head was not enough.

What's more, in front of his grandson's face, he mentioned the problem of money, which only saw a few sides! Even if it's love of money, it's not like this, right? This is what Ding Yu feels puzzled about. What does grandfather mean?

Su Quan didn't expect that his father would even mention this. When he spoke, Su Yuan also came in, but Su bochen didn't mean to pay attention to it, "you say it! Why does Lao Wang tou have, but I don't, how do you mean, you give me clear! Am I a little shorter than him"I see!" Ding Yu did not show any excitement. What about this answer? Su Yuan looked at his father and at his third brother. What did he say? It's not very convenient to say it at this time, at least the occasion is not suitable.

Su bochen originally wanted to anger his grandson, but from his appearance, it seemed that he didn't care about it. You can't see whether he was angry or not. He didn't react at all. This made him feel a little unhappy. His grandson didn't follow his temper, so he used such a way to top himself.

You are satisfied or not satisfied with a happy word, but the problem is that Ding Yu didn't express anything, which made Su bochen a little angry, and then he looked a little bit wrong. Looking at the old man's appearance, Su Quan also made a color to his sister, so hurry to withdraw! The old man's stubborn temper came back.

Su Yuan looked at his father and sighed. He couldn't tell who his father looked like. He was so old. How could he be like the children in the kindergarten? If someone else has something, he must have it. If he doesn't, he can't. He has already understood the meaning.

What about money? He didn't value it very much. What he valued was that the grandson's attitude and weight towards this matter were all old guys. Your grandfather had them. I had to be a grandfather. It was so simple. There was no other. Why?

When he came out, Su Yuan also explained to his son that Ding Yu's expression was also a little surprised. His grandfather was a little too competitive at this age, and he was still thinking about such a problem. Ding Yu didn't know what to say at this time. The reason was too speechless.

"What about your grandfather? Sometimes it's too bright. When your grandmother was alive, she was quite dissatisfied with this. What about the wages at home? Basically, they have been posted to these old comrades in arms and old soldiers, but they don't listen to them! "

Ding Yu nodded, "I know, I will deal with it!" What about the extra? There is no need to explain, too wordy, too troublesome, and no practical significance.

But Su Quan in the room looked at his father, "Dad, you mentioned this to the child at this time. Is it a little bit inappropriate! Sometimes you have to think about it from a child's point of view

Su Quan's words are very clear, you and Wang Laozi two people earn a short time, this is no problem, but also can not take Ding Yu this child hard, right! Originally, the relationship was a little bit embarrassing. After this incident broke out, what thoughts did you let Ding Yu, a child, have in his heart?

"I'm his grandfather, whatever he thinks! He can not enter this door, I did not force him Su bochen didn't want to let him. In fact, he was in his heart? Did Su bochen realize that he mentioned this topic? Some too bold, but they are also so some too excited, the child found back.

But the problem is that the Wangs even kept it from themselves, and even their daughter kept it from themselves, which made him feel very unhappy and unhappy? Even Su bochen also made a small temper. I can't control whether you are happy or not, but I'm in a bad mood anyway. You can do it as you see fit!

After Ding Yu returned home, he also began to deal with this aspect of the matter. For himself, he did not see anything difficult. He gave him two ways: one? It is to put the money in the bank, how much grandfather there, how much, the interest is basically enough for extra expenses.

What about the other way? I give my grandfather a certain amount of subsidy every month, but what about the second way? Ding Yu felt that it was not appropriate. It was better to give all the money directly. As for how his grandfather thought about it, he didn't want to care about it, and he couldn't care about it.

Even the next day, Ding Yu dealt with the relevant problems. When Ding Yu came, it was noon. Apart from the attendants, no one would visit at this time. When Ding Yu came, grandfather had already eaten.

Su bochen was quite surprised to see his grandson. Ding Yu also put a file in his hand on the goods cabinet next to him. "When I went back last night, I cleaned up the accounts. What about the old people on both sides? They are not impartial. There was a special situation in the past, so they are not among them! "

He also took a deep look at his grandson's actions.

What about yesterday? What I said was just angry. What's more, it was not a small sum of money. But you came here today and put the money in front of me. What's the meaning of that? Come and hit me in the face? What I have lived on all my life is a face! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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