"It seems that you are not rich in general! rich man? vulgar tycoon? The landlord

What about money? If you don't see it, you will see it in your eyes. What's more, the person in front of you is your grandson. How about this money? Previously, I was so angry, but I didn't have any other thoughts and situations.

Ding Yu also sat on the sofa beside him and looked at the time on his watch. "I know what you want to express. You can't stand my style and style. It's not easy for me to make a bowl of water level between two old people. What's more, it's not easy to say whether the water is even or not. I can't care about other people's affairs."

"I remember that you seem to have been trained by the army. You learned these things in the army?"

"This is another thing. If we put it together, it would be confusing concepts or even changing concepts. I don't think it is meaningful and valuable for you to say so!" Ding Yu's performance is very cool, but behind the indifference? It also means "what I can do, what I can do, what I can't do, and I don't ask for it!"

Su bochen looked at his grandson, he had said so, but his attitude is still very firm, at the same time? From this, I can see another point. The child's performance is too rational. It doesn't seem to be a good thing. At least, I look at it like this.

Too rational people have only two situations, one is to hide everything in the bottom of my heart, never easy to express, deep feelings! What about the other one? It is mean, even ruthless, but no matter which kind, it makes people feel a little worried. After all, Ding Yu is only a child, but as an elder? You should care about yourself.

"You have a bad attitude like this!" Su bochen also changed his attitude to talk to his grandson, because he could feel that his grandson did not pay attention to the money at all, and even didn't care at all. What he thought was really different from others.

Ding Yu looked at his watch again, "because it's too young! Maybe I don't have so much experience, so it's not proper to deal with some problems. If there is something wrong, please forgive me! "

Seeing that the wind was not right, Ding Yu immediately changed his tone of speech. He really meant to act in the wind. Su bochen, sitting on the bed, couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

His grandson is smart and even cunning. He has his own judgment on things and affirms his own judgment. He is happy that he can grow to this point. But what about the performance of the problem? A little people feel a little unhappy, there is the ability to see things, some too prominent.

I just want to express a certain meaning, but my grandson did something as fast as possible, and then I blocked the so-called gap at the first time. There was no such thing as embarrassment or shyness because of the difference of their identities.

It's really not easy to deal with! After thinking about it, Su bochen suddenly said, "I heard your third uncle talk about your cooperation with the military. It seems that there is a special immunity right in your hand."

When he heard his grandfather talking about this, Ding Yu blinked his eyes, then looked at his watch again, and then slowly stood up, "grandfather, there is an operation waiting for me in the hospital. The time is really too late. You should take good care of yourself. I will come to see you again when I have time."

Ding Yu's words also have some impolite meanings. This also made Su bochen never think of it. When he came back, Ding Yu had already left. Looking at the attendants coming in, Su bochen's eyebrows were also wrinkled together. He didn't expect that this little guy should have such courage!

Doesn't he know who he is? What's more, from the identity point of view, or his grandfather, he just left. It's really outrageous. Su bochen felt a little angry.

I don't think of myself as a thing. I'm not young, but it seems that I haven't seen a few guys who dare to be like this in front of themselves. My grandson seems to be so few!

However, Ding Yu had already left, and it was meaningless to be sulky now. Then Su bochen also called Wang Pu to ask how he had educated the child and why he didn't understand the truth in front of the big right and wrong?

When Wang Pu answered the phone, he was also a little distracted, especially when he heard about the matter mentioned by his in laws. He didn't know what to say. He could only say that his parents didn't really understand the situation! So there are some too much to take for granted.

The starting point is good, but it ignores some specific situations. You should know that Ding Yu is a little indifferent to the feelings of this side. Lao Su takes it for granted. He thinks that he is a child of the family, so he can be indifferent, but the reality is not like this.Although Ding Yu is the child of the family from the blood, but in terms of feelings, Ding Yu has no sense of identity with the Wang family and the Su family. This may be too much, but the actual situation is like this. We can see one or two of them from the fact that he took the money without hesitation.

He took the money to his family twice, one to solve the problem of Chenglin, and the other was to subsidize the family. He took the money twice. Did he say anything else? If Ding Yu is a child in the family, then he may be very happy to get the money, and at the same time, he will be very concerned about it, but the problem is that Ding Yu doesn't mean to care at all.

Don't think that Ding Yu is busy with his home for a week or two, which can't be compared with what he calls his mother for the first time.

But what about this attitude? It's not the same.

Under such circumstances, is it not self defeating to oppress Ding Yu, a child with so-called benevolence and righteousness? So Wang Pu didn't know what to say for a moment. Was it because of your high moral character that other people were inferior to you?

But what about that? Wang Pu doesn't want to explain too much. What can he do? This misunderstanding has been caused. Originally, the relationship between each other was slightly more subtle. Now, I'm afraid it is even more difficult to deal with this situation. Ah! After putting down the phone, Wang Pu looked at his wife and shook his head with a bitter smile.

"Old Su is too anxious!" Looking at his wife, Wang Pu also said in some distress, "I originally thought that I would take my child to see the old guy, and then gradually let Ding Yu, the child, contact people in the family. After all, it needs a familiar process, but where do you think of Lao Su? I want to be a fat man

The old lady also rubbed her eyebrows. "It's obvious that this matter was not considered at the beginning. Who could have thought that old Su, an old bastard, was as reckless as he was when he was young. Now the question is how the child will think, which is the key question."

"What do you think?" At this time, Wang Pu's mood is also a little excited. Originally, all the plans are good, but there are problems and problems in his parents' side. They are already so old, and they are so competitive. What do you want?

Wang Pu has so many complaints, but there is no way to directly mention it to Su bochen. Originally, his physical condition is very ordinary. Now I mention it to him. It can only add chaos to the chaos. So it is better to be calm for a while. Let's talk about it after calming down for a while!

Two people are so old, this frequent run to run in the past, the body is really so some can not bear, and Ding Yu this child? It seems that there is no habit of visiting at all. I hope he can come here, so forget it! It's almost impossible.

Ding Yu didn't take his grandfather's affairs to heart, but for Su bochen, he really had some worries. When his daughter came here in the afternoon, he also thought about it for a while, and then told his daughter about it. After all, he was the mother of the child.

"At noon, Ding Yu came to see me. What's my expression? It's a little bit too direct! " When Su bochen spoke, he didn't have any hesitation, which was also due to his personality. "I think since the child has this ability, he should be more magnanimous in some major right and wrong!"

Su Yuan listened to his father's words, but also Leng God for a period of time, and then said bitterly, "Dad, how can you do this?" After that, he also sighed, "Ding Yu is different from other children. His father-in-law and her mother-in-law's attitude towards Ding Yu can be said to be cautious, because this relationship is just like glass, too fragile!"

"Where did I think it would be like this?" Su bochen also murmured, "before they came to see me with their children, I thought that the Wang family had hidden for such a long time, this relationship should be very good! So there are some uncomfortable things in my heart. I never thought it would be like this! "

"What about the child's attitude towards the family? I'm not a good mother to comment on, and even have some complicated feelings Su Yuan also knew that he would stabilize his father's mood for the time being. He was older, but what about his son? Think about other ways.

"So is Lao Wang tou. Isn't this intentional? I know it's like this, and I've brought it here. Now, I've made a joke. It's not a shame to lose it! "

Looking at his father's appearance, Su Yuan also wanted to laugh, but he had no way to laugh, "Dad, where's father-in-law? It also depends on your poor health. What's more, it's a happy thing, so I don't have so many ideas. As for Ding Yu, I'll tell him! "

"Well!" Then Su bochen also took a bag that Ding Yu had put here before. "This one was sent by him at noon. Although I am an old man who is competitive, what about money? It's really not what you imagine. Look in your eyes and deal with it! "Su Yuan opened his eyes and then put the things there again. "Dad, Ding Yu's temperament sometimes shows a little bit stubborn. The money is a lot, even an astronomical figure. But for him, I'm afraid he doesn't pay much attention to it. There are also a lot of expenses in the family. You'd better keep it! It's also a child's heart. "

In fact, Su Yuan didn't know much about his son's situation, but he also looked at the situation of the siheyuan, so he had some self judgment. Moreover, the child took the money, and I'm afraid he would not take it back. After all, even if a bowl of water is uneven, it should be balanced.

"I've never lived like this because of the little generation in my family! The face is clean! "

Su Yuan washed the fruit for his father, and then comforted him and said, "this child is really too special, so it is not impossible to understand the problem in this respect. Previously, I also had some difficulties in thinking. How could this child look like this? But now it's a good time to see! "

In the evening, the doctor once again checked for Su bochen, and the problem was not very big. After two more days of observation, if there was no condition, he could go home for a rest. Such problems live in the hospital is really not too much necessary, and health care doctors often follow up, there is no problem.

When Su Yuan came back to the courtyard in the evening, his son didn't come back. This is not likely to be hiding from himself. Is his son? Other aspects of the problem may be, but this problem is not so difficult to face, there is no need.

It was not until the next morning that Su Yuan saw his son. When he woke up, his son was playing with his grandson and granddaughter. Did he get up too early? To know that their age is not small, so this sleep is slightly less, but the three of them get up so early, what is the ghost?

"When did you come back?"

After Ding Yu settled the two little guys, he turned to his mother and said, "in the early morning, there was an operation. After the operation, he came back. After he came back to sleep, I didn't disturb him."

Su Yuan is not satisfied with his eldest son's work, but what about this one? There is no way to say it. After all, it is the son's own choice. There is another problem that the son is very autonomous in dealing with some problems, which he can't mix with at will.

"I went to see your grandfather yesterday afternoon!"

While eating, Su Yuan also mentioned this to his son. When he spoke, he also paid attention to his son's face. However, he was disappointed because there was no change in his son's face. Obviously, this incident did not cause much fluctuation to him.

"Oh, I went to see him at noon and mentioned something to him by the way." Since her mother was not willing to mention it, Ding Yu also took the initiative to say something about the relevant aspects, and it was not a shady matter. "It's not a big obstacle, and it doesn't have too much influence on myself! I don't want the old people from both sides to have other ideas! "

"Well, that's not what I mean

Su Yuan looked at his son, but also had some helplessness. "Your grandfather didn't know your situation very well. He had some opinions about your grandfather and grandmother's taking you to the past. He always felt that the people in the family were hiding from him, so he had such a small temper and an old child!"

Ding Yu looked at his mother and nodded his head slightly. "I know, it's not a big obstacle. My grandfather's temperament is relatively upright. I've heard some of his deeds!" What is Ding Yu's attitude towards this matter? It also made Su Yuan feel helpless, because he obviously felt the estrangement among them.

If Ding Yu is angry, he may feel very happy, but the problem is that the child doesn't show any signs of unhappiness, which makes him feel worried. Once this crack occurs, it is not so easy to untie it, especially at this time.

Who do you blame for this? Ding Yu is a little bit sensitive. This is normal. From the point of view of this child, Ding Yu will be very cautious and even a little stiff. And the father-in-law and mother-in-law are completely kind-hearted and have no other meaning.

Of course, the father's temperament is like that, it seems that he can not shift all the responsibility to him, so doing is quite inappropriate.

"Your grandfather is a little old. How about dealing with some problems? It's old-fashioned paternalism! " Su Yuan didn't want to cause embarrassment between his father and his son, so he tried his best to smooth the atmosphere. What was the effect? It's not clear yet, but I need to work hard.

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