Ding Yu really doesn't have too many ideas about such a thing. What's his grandfather's opinion? For Ding Yu, it's common sense. There's nothing that can't be understood. Just like his grandmother, he went back to his hometown and basically didn't give himself a good face.

No matter in the past life or now, it is the same, but from the bottom of my heart, Ding Yu is still very grateful to this grandmother, because after the situation, she always stood up at the first time, some things are like this, there is no meaning on the mouth, the actual action is the best embodiment.

So I respect my grandmother very much, although she doesn't like herself.

What about my grandfather now? Ding Yu didn't have any grudges. His mind was not narrow enough to that point. Instead, he really felt that his mother had made such a fuss. He could see her condition. It seemed that he was really worried. Even Ding Yu didn't know what to say.

"Mom, I'm not as stingy as you think, and there's nothing I can't understand about it!" Looking at his mother's appearance, Ding Yu also comforted him and said, "besides, even if he is angry, it seems that he should not give birth to this anger on his grandfather. He is already so old! It's right to be a little short tempered. "

Su Yuan looks at his son suspiciously. What about Ding Yu? I think my explanation is almost the same. At least, I don't mean to explain it any more. Anyway, what about this? I've already said it. Does mother believe it or not? This is her business. I really can't control it.

"You're not going to work today?"

"Last night, I was on behalf of the class, and the operation in the morning didn't have anything to do with me, so I didn't go there. It happened that I had some experiments to deal with this afternoon." Ding Yu also explained, "I won't go to see my grandfather. I'm really busy. If you go to see him, please give my regards! I'll come and see him when I have time

Seeing his son's appearance, Su Yuan wanted to say something, but he also knew that it was quite good for him to say so. He could not have other extravagant demands. That would be too much.

While talking, someone came over, and Ding Yu also indicated to his assistant. Tao Jin seems to have begun to adapt to the situation around Ding Yu. Everything has to go on and on. At the beginning, there were some people who couldn't bear it, and his whole person was about to collapse. However, the situation has improved a little.

Because Ding Yu didn't deliberately aim at himself, he did it himself, which made him feel very comforted from the psychological aspect. Without the psychological pressure, other aspects of the work would be handy. Although he was still very tired, there was not much psychological pressure.

"Dr. Ding, aunt Su! Good morning

Su Yuan looked at Tao Jin and nodded his head slightly. He said hello. Tao Jin knows something about the child. What about the people around him? I basically know that many people in the courtyard are service personnel. Such service personnel are arranged by my father-in-law, but obviously, if my son does not have a certain position, there is no such staff.

Even his father-in-law, his husband, and the servants around him did not seem to reach the level of Ding Yu. There are still some big differences. There must be some reasons for his father-in-law and his mother-in-law. It can't be said that there is no selfishness at all. This is not very possible.

But what about that? His son had suffered so much and helped his family so much that he should be a little presumptuous. No one can say anything about it. Su Yuan has his own clear views and opinions on this. This is also selfishness. All mothers are the same.

Because Tao Jin came, Su Yuan did not continue to talk to his son. He left with his grandson and granddaughter. Ding Yu took over Tao Jin's report and looked at it twice. Then he also told Tao Jin some things and situations. The time was a little longer, but it was all about work, but it was not involved in other aspects.

But before Tao Jin finished, Ding Yu's phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, Ding Yu was also slightly stunned for a moment, and then connected the phone, "fat man, you call at this time, but it's a little strange!"

Although usually, we also have telephone contact, but usually in the afternoon or in the evening, there is nothing to talk to each other. This morning, I called Ding Yu, which is really not normal.

"Do you have time? Say something! It's a matter of great urgency! " The fat man seems to have some anxieties, and his tone of voice is not quite right. After hearing Ding Yu's affirmative answer, he also said in a hurry, "my father checked yesterday, and there were some conditions, which were very bad. I was a little confused!"

"It's OK. Let me know what's going on!" Ding Yu is also comforting.

"Originally, I was very healthy, and I was also skipping when I took exercise every morning. But when I did my urine test yesterday, I said it was the discovery of tumor cells. Now I am doing further examination. The people I know are the most authoritative in this respect. What do you understand or not? At least we should know more! Although we say it's a prefecture level city here, there is no way to compare the medical level of the capital with that of the capital. "Ding Yu asked about the situation in detail, "from your father's age, it's appropriate to have an operation, but you still need to make a final diagnosis. This is the most important thing. Come to the capital! The medical conditions here can be better, but also more convenient! I'll arrange it! "

"Will it work? My father is waiting for other tests! "

"What kind of examination! It's over when you come to the capital? In the future, don't you still need surgery in the capital? " Ding Yu also understands why the fat man is like this. The main reason is that after meeting such a thing, the whole person has already fainted, and there is no attention at all. Now, someone still needs to make the final decision.

The condition of the fat man's home is very good, there is no pressure in life, and he is here in the capital? How many or so some relations, there are such convenient conditions, why not make good use of it?

As a result, in the afternoon, Ding Yu saw the fat man, and the whole person was totally depressed, and even his hair was not combed. This was different from the usual time. However, the fat man's father was indifferent to this. After seeing Ding Yu, he was also the first to put out his hand. "I said that there was no need to be so troublesome. As a result, the family didn't agree with anything! I'm sorry to trouble you

"What's the trouble? I was together with the fat man when I was in high school. At the beginning, if we said that they were not fat people, I wouldn't be where I am now." Ding Yu is also holding his hand forcefully, is very happy to say, patient! Need to have a good mood and comfort, Ding Yu said so, but also have some sense of relief.

After getting on the bus waiting at the door, Ding Yu said without hesitation, "uncle and auntie, we are also family members. What's the matter? There's no need to be polite. I've already said hello to the hospital. Let's go to the hospital first! "

The fat man's mother also nodded hard, "Xiaoding, it's really troublesome for you!"

Ding Yu also patted the fat man next to him. "If we talk about the situation outside the urinary tract, the problem is a little bit, but it won't be very big. My father is the director of urology. He specializes in this field. I read and read about it. I've had a special fumigation. Don't worry about it!"

The fat man's father is a member of the system, and he is no stranger to Ding Yu, especially what happened during the Chinese New Year. Although there is little talk about it now, in the small circle, who knows that Secretary Ma has been scolded as a dog by the young man in front of him, and Secretary Ma can only bear to spit out his voice.

At the beginning, the reward for his son's outspoken words was not so great. Think about it, my son still had some small blessings. After all, under the conditions and conditions at that time, there were not so many people who could stand up to support Ding Yu. At that time, the Ma family and the Song family were too powerful.

But his son stood out foolishly. At that time, he was also worried. Although he said that things had stopped, his heart was not calm all the time, but he didn't think that after these years passed, things happened such a turning point. It's really 30 years east and 30 years Hexi!

Ding Yu did not mean to delay. He picked up people from the airport, and then he sent the people to the hospital as soon as possible. First he was admitted to the hospital. Then he talked about other problems and conditions. After admission, some examinations that should be done began. Although it was already in the afternoon, what about that?

This is the difference between the county-level city, prefecture level city and the capital city. The hospital here is really 24 hours a day. After a special doctor took over the hospital, Ding Yu also pulled the fat man to one side. "The old man's body is like this. If you find it early, the effect may be better."

When the two people were talking, a middle-aged man also came to Ding Yu's side, and before he could reach his eyes, he had already stretched out his hand. "Dr. Ding, you are a big driver to come. I really have such a feeling of pomp and brightness in this acre of land!"

Comparatively speaking, Ding Yu is still very young. In the medical profession, he is basically a bag carrier. However, the problem is that Ding Yu is of extraordinary origin. He was from St. George's College in England, and his tutor was also an internationally renowned expert.

These are not the most important. The main reason is that he is very clear about the rules in the industry and gives everyone this face, so he is accepted by everyone very quickly. There is no so-called contradiction. To be exact, there is no so-called conflict of interests between them. Ding Yu is not involved at all.

Since Ding Yu gives face so much, we also need to give it to Ding Yu. This is not only a simple exchange of courtesy, but also a worthy investment object. He is so young, and his background is so tough. It is absolutely not a bad thing to make friends. Who knows that day will be useful?

Two simple words, and then Ding Yu also pulled the fat man next to him, "my classmate, in the words of the capital city, is the goods that grow small, catch fish together, play games together and fight together! The sick man is his father, my uncle! I got the news in the morning. I just came by plane! "A few very simple words have already outlined the relationship between each other. The middle-aged doctor in white coat over there shook hands with the fat man. He grew up together as a child. He learned about his illness in the morning and got to the capital in the afternoon. This relationship is absolutely extraordinary.

Because of this relationship? Does not involve any interests, is a very pure relationship, even this kind of relationship is more than a brother? Mr. Yao is in charge of this. I'm the middle-aged person in charge of this. Mr. Yao is also in charge of this

Ding Yu also jokingly said, "I won't invite you to dinner in the evening. I don't have that time. But I recently made a pair of lion heads with four buildings. I remember you are quite interested in this! That's the deal! If something goes wrong, I'm going to smash the door! What's more, it's the kind that takes people with them! "

"Too much exaggeration Jingxu also said rudely, "in fact, it's mainly because my old father likes it. He's an old Beijinger. He's very interested in it. You doctor Ding's hand is absolutely extraordinary, but I don't want to take advantage of you. My father seems to have a string of beads there to ensure your satisfaction."

"You are afraid that the old man will beat you with a stick."

Ding Yu also jokingly said that, while talking, the fat man's father and mother also came, Ding Yu also introduced Jing Xu to two people. Although the detailed report has not come out, it does not prevent Jing Xu from introducing the relevant situation. A brief introduction is OK.

And Ding Yu is pulling the fat man out of the hospital together, "I'll take you to see the house, whether it's hospitalization or follow-up problems? Can not say that all things are in the hospital side, inconvenient! And also have bad rest, originally this age is old, don't cure one, the other fell down again! What a loss

The fat man also tried hard to hammer a blow in Ding Yu's chest and wanted to speak, but he was too excited. On the contrary, some of them couldn't speak, "OK, don't cry like a woman. By the way, what about your housewives? This husband is ill, and she doesn't come over. Isn't it a bit unreasonable? "

If ordinary people would never say this, but Ding Yu has a very good relationship with the fat man, so there is no avoidance in this respect. The fat man also suddenly laughed, "if you want to follow me, my mother didn't let me, just got pregnant. This is the treasure of our family, haha!"

There are tears on the face, and there is a smile on this side. It's really weird.

When she came to the place, Jiang Xiaoyun had already been waiting there. At this time, she also changed her gun. She drove a BMW 7 series. If only from the appearance, it would be more luxurious than Ding Yu's car. However, the problem is that Jiang Xiaoyun is now a businessman who pays attention to his identity and has no way out.

"Ding Shao!"

Although Ding Yu has already transferred his business to his sister, Jiang Xiaoyun still respects Ding Yu as always. This respect comes from many aspects. If there is no Ding Yu, there will be no one of his own today. He still remembers this kindness. If not, he will not know the matter and come over on his own initiative.

In fact, this kind of work is very common, any salesman can do it, but Jiang Xiaoyun personally came over, which is a very obvious attitude problem. Ding Yu also nodded with a smile, "I also personally went there. It's hard!"

"I'm here first. The eldest lady may come later. She seems to have other things to do."

Ding Yu turned to introduce the fat man, and then said with a smile, "or your face is big. I haven't seen that crazy girl for a long time recently. When you come, she appears. It's not easy!"

After a look at the house, it's not very big. The one with two bedrooms and one living room is a place for accommodation and convenience. The fat man is still very satisfied with the environment. After Ding Ding Ding comes, she thanks him. Ding Ding Ding also takes the opportunity to comfort her. She has already made it clear.

"There's nothing too big. Let go of your mind!"

After the arrangement of the house, Jiang Xiaoyun said hello and left. Then the three people went back to the hospital. From the time point of view, the normal families have already started to eat dinner, but now the time is not very suitable.

"Dad, how do you feel?"

The fat man's father didn't have too many conditions, at least from the point of view of the mentality is still very good. Looking at the girl who came in, he also looked at the fat man with a puzzled look. "Dad, this is Ding Ding Ding, Ding Yu's sister. I borrowed the big jeep for the Chinese New Year. They are all from my family, so come and have a look

"Oh! I'm an old man who's just sick. I don't need such trouble! Everybody's running around! " Fat man's father, at this time is thinking of joking.

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