All day long, they were busy with the affairs of the fat man's father. In the evening, because there was no other business, people also found a place to get together, but they didn't mean to let Ding Yu and Ding Ding Ding pay for the money, although they were landlords.

After all, people have already helped so much. It's hard to say that they have to invite a meal. At least, they can't make it on their own face.

There's no taboo in eating. After all, it's not contagious. Just pay attention to the diet. You can see that the pressure on the fat man and his mother is a little bit greater, but the party involved? It seems more relaxed.

The meal time was a little longer. The fat man looked at his mother's bank card and put it back with a smile. "Mom, if anyone else, we really need meaning. Otherwise, we don't have a bottom in our hearts, but Ding Yu doesn't have to. If he really comes for this money, it won't be like this."

"Son! We can't let people talk behind our backs. Your father came here to arrange hospitals and places to live. All aspects are in place. If you don't have any, it's too much to say. I understand that your relationship is good, but it can't be like this! "

"Mom, don't worry. I know how to deal with it. Feather's home is full of everything. We have prepared some seafood and native eggs from the countryside. We can deliver them tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. What about the money? It's better to give Ding Yu something in this respect. He likes it better! "

"Will that work? Don't be reluctant to give up the money. Your father's health is the most important thing. You can't say that money has delayed your father's health. In that case... "

"My mother! That's my father. Don't worry The fat man also comforted his mother and said, "I'll take you to have a look at it tomorrow morning

After dinner, Ding Yu also looked at Ding Ding Ding and said curiously, "I've been so busy these two days, but you seem to have been too quiet. This is quite different from what I know about you! What's going on? I don't want to say nothing when my mother calls. "

Ding Ding also showed her teeth slightly, just like the dog was angry. But the problem is that Ding Yu didn't pay any attention to her. She just looked at her sister and stared at each other for a period of time. Or did Ding Ding finally end up with a failure expression, "brother, you should know that I'm not a child!"

This is quite obvious, Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head, "so it is, you said not to end it? The family agrees with this matter, but I heard that your mother-in-law seems to have other ideas and opinions on you. What are you going to do? "

"Brother, you are too gossipy Ding Ding also expressed his dissatisfaction, "get along with is pretty good, other things don't matter, but this matter you don't mind, I make up my own mind! At the most, I'll let you know! "

"I just care, understand?" Ding Yu was also very dissatisfied and frowned. "Discuss with your family more. If you think I'm not suitable, talk to your parents. They are people who have come here. Although it is difficult to communicate with modern people on some issues, age itself is an experience!"

"Understand!" Ding Ding is also drum up his mouth, "I'm not a child, don't worry, I'll talk to my father and mother about this matter!" When talking, Ding Ding was also concerned and said, "I heard that you are busy with your work recently. When my mother called me, she also talked about this matter. Try less!"

"Your dowry hasn't been settled yet? Do you want to work harder? " Ding Yu said with a slight reproach.

Ding Ding also laughed, "OK! I forgive you for saying this. I sold a cute girl to my brother and drove away immediately. I didn't mean to go to the courtyard. As for the so-called nephew and niece, she seems to have no impression.

People in love are so many idiots. Who said this? Ding Yu really doesn't have much impression. But it's absolutely right to describe her sister. She is now in such a situation. However, from the perspective of understanding, her performance is still very good. After all, she is a girl.

When he went home in the evening, Ding Yu also had a video with Taixi for a period of time. Of course, the two little guys were no exception. However, the two little guys obviously couldn't sit still. From time to time, Ding Yu needed Ding Yu to bring them back. Jin Taixi was laughing at the other side. It was really interesting.

Now she's not living a normal life. On the one hand, she's a shareholder of Samsung, on the other hand? It's the shareholder status of SBS private TV station, who can make Cui's family bow down. This energy is absolutely beyond imagination. Because we just took over these things, our work is a little busy.

Ding Yu is very clear how this is a matter, the heart of Tai Xi! There are still some unwilling, this is the most important, and Ding Yu has so many indulgent meaning, so it has created the situation today.But Ding Yu really didn't mean to keep Taixi in a cage. In that case, even the perfect love would wither. It's not as good as now. When I miss you, two people can meet at any time, make a phone call in the morning and eat together in the evening. It's very convenient.

It's just a way of life. There's no so-called discordance. Of course, it may be because the social progress is too obvious. After the video with Taixi, Ding Yu coaxes the two little guys to sleep, and then returns to his study. He has a lot of things to deal with.

And what about these? Su Yuan is also in the eyes, feeling that his son is a little too hard, and there is a mother of two children, even some of the children are so indifferent, he has so many dislikes, even want to say that his son is not a little child, even the father of the child.

In some aspects should pay attention to some, need to have a father's appearance!

But the problem is that Su Yuan didn't dare to say that his son was not easy to find. The relationship between them was a little weak. What's more, what about Ding Yu? On this issue, it seems that there are other barriers. If you put too much emphasis on it, will there be other situations? Su Yuan was worried.

But looking at his son's condition, Su Yuan didn't resist. He stayed up so late this evening and got up so early in the morning. He didn't see any rest time for him. Although he was young, he couldn't bear to endure such a long time!

But what about children of this age who are married? It seems that it is not as many as you imagine. I don't know what the young people of this generation are thinking about. Su Yuan and his generation, at this age, have already been able to play soy sauce.

What about children now? All of them are full of wine and wine. On this issue, Ding Yu is really free from any pollution and has no bad habits in other aspects. The reason why I want to comfort him is that he feels that the child is too hard-working, even a little too bitter.

When eating in the morning, Su Yuan didn't hold back. "Xiaoyu, I know you are self-motivated. It's good, but you also need to pay attention to your body. You can live like this every day. You don't have too many problems when you are younger. However, when you get old, you will find this problem. There are also problems with children."

Ding Yu was slightly stunned and nodded to his mother. "Mom, I am a doctor. I have a certain understanding of my physical condition. There is no big problem. No matter what is the diet, recuperation, regulation or other aspects, it is still good. You can rest assured!"

He comforted his mother for a while, but Ding Yu did not mention the problems and conditions of the child. In Ding Yu's opinion, there is no need for him. Why mention his own child at this time? For each other, there are so some embarrassment, after having breakfast, Ding Yu went to the hospital.

Looking at his son who left, Su Yuan also sighed. He had a lot of words to say to his son, but the problem is that his son has already had his own subjective ideas. What about what he said? The effect is really too limited, even not too much significance.

If we say that the son grew up around him, it certainly won't happen. But the problem is that his son didn't grow up around him, so there are a lot of situations on him? It is unrealistic to think that you can understand everything through the period of time you know.

What's more, Su Yuan is also very clear now. It seems that there is no general expectation for this child in the family. This also creates the relationship between them? It's also a little bit embarrassing, so I'm not sure if I'm deep or shallow, but I can't see it. It seems that I can't say it!

Su Yuan felt a little fidgety. There was another problem with his father. He seemed to be a little embarrassed. This embarrassment originated from the previous events? There are still some people who can't erase their own face. This is the most important problem.

The doctor has diagnosed him. His father has no problem. He can go home and have a rest. The attendants have gone through the formalities. Su Yuan takes his father to the courtyard to see the two little guys. Ding Yu is busy. He can't stay at home. If he meets now, he may be very embarrassed.

The father seems to be really not interested in the two little guys. The two little guys look at the old man in front of them, and they are also giggling. Su bochen also stretched out his hand and pulled the two little guys' hands in his own hands. Now, the old man feels a little excited.

Su Yuan also called his eldest son, but the call was answered by his assistant Tao Jin. Ding Yu had already entered the operating room earlier. Judging from this, he would not be able to get out without two or three hours. Therefore, it is not realistic to expect his son to come back at noon.

"Dad, Ding Yu is in the hospital for surgery. I'm afraid there is no way to come back at noon. And yesterday, the father of his classmate just came to Beijing. It seems that he has some problems. He needs to pay attention to it, so he really has no time!"Su Yuan also tried his best to explain to his father that Ding Yu was not really hiding, but something else. After listening to the explanation, Su bochen nodded slightly. At this time, he didn't pay much attention to this matter. After all, the two little guys in front of him made him feel very interesting.

At noon, Su bochen also had dinner in the courtyard. In fact, the meal was not as luxurious as expected. After all, they were at this age and still needed light and nutrition. As for the two little guys, they had their own small stoves, and their food was very happy.

After lunch, the two kids also went to take a nap. Under the guidance of Su Yuan, Su bochen wandered around the courtyard. During his stay in the courtyard, he was familiar with it. His father came here for the first time, which was obviously strange.

If you want to know something about Ding Yu, you need to have a good look. What about the layout of the room? Ding Yu's style and requirements are still relatively high. Su bochen also took a look at it, slightly sneering. Obviously, he was a little dissatisfied with his grandson's luxury.

Looking at the low-key just, but the old man is also experienced many years of wind and rain, how can this aspect of feeling have no? I feel that my grandson's living conditions are too excellent. Money is not such a cost!

However, after seeing Ding Yu's study, the old man also nodded with satisfaction. This study is slightly different from other rooms. It is not as large as expected, even slightly disordered and not neat at all. Moreover, there are more things in the study, but most of them are books.

"No one's going to clean it up?" Although he felt satisfied, he still relied on his old age to show his sense of superiority. Su Yuan knew his father a little.

Looking at his father's appearance, he also explained that "Ding Yu, the child, doesn't let other people in the family move his study. No one can. Even if the two little guys don't have permission, they are not able to enter Ding Yu's study. This is his private space. Who moves, he will be very unhappy!"

Looking at his father's eagerness to try, Su Yuan also shakes his head. Obviously, he disagrees with his father's rashness to do such a thing. In other aspects, we may take care of the father's identity and position, but for Ding Yu, the child, he has not been able to accept it.

Su bochen hesitated for a long time, but gave up. Although he said that he wanted to have a try, his reason still let him not do it. He could feel that his grandson was more or less polite to himself. In a more popular way, it was like this, and in a less pleasant way, he was a little distant.

After all, if the daughter's position in the middle of the hospital is very difficult, then don't stand in the middle of her own situation! After suffering for so many years, I finally have some hope. I can't be destroyed!

Why is it like this? Maybe it is because I lost my child at the beginning!

This problem can not be said that he has no responsibility at all. Although it is said that the situation has passed, the estrangement is still placed there. After pondering for a period of time, Su bochen went back to the reclining chair in the middle of the yard and sat down, "Oh, did he know about the things in those years?"

Su Yuan shook his head. "I've never talked to him about this problem. My father-in-law and mother-in-law seem to have never talked to him. I have tried vaguely and have no response. However, I am not very clear about whether Ding Yu has investigated himself behind the child. However, there are not many people who know the inside story."

"I had some small opinions about this child at the beginning. This is mainly because I have a certain relationship with Lao Wang tou. He knows my disposition, so to speak, he knows me very well. I'm also in love with him!"

Su bochen also did not hide his own problems in this respect, "but after reading his study, I really have some feelings. Every child in the family is counted as one. It seems that no one's study is like this! When it comes to luxury and comfort, it's better than that! "

Su Yuan also thought about this problem. It seems that this is really the case. It is just like the study in his own home, which is grand and solemn, and is full of books. But to a great extent, it seems to be just a kind of decoration. It seems that many families' study rooms are like this, and there is no difference.

But my son's study is really different! Su Yuan also watched this for a long time. After returning to the courtyard, Ding Yu spent most of his time here. He also felt a little confused. From the point of view of the truth, don't you need to work so hard? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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