"I don't really envy whether the child is rich or not, but I'm really glad to see the children's books all over the room and the disorderly appearance."

Su bochen is really very gratified, especially after hearing about the situation of Ding Yu, he feels that he is a good child and a very progressive child. What about these children in the family now? I'm afraid there are very few people who can realize this problem at this age.

"By the way, has he no intention of getting married? You motherfucker should care about it

"I have asked, his attitude towards this aspect can be said to be more ambiguous, and the contact between me and this child is not so long, so this problem is not too much to mention, always worried about this, worried about that, said too much, said less, seems to be worried about some!"

In front of his father, Su Yuan also expressed his worries. The actual situation is like this. It is not that he, as a mother, does not care at all, but does not know where to start. This is the most troublesome.

Su bochen, who was sitting there, thought for a while, but was still in a dilemma. However, he insisted, "no matter what happens, Ding Yu is the child of our family. This matter can't be denied. Lao Wang can't cheat everyone on this issue. Some problems should be put on the table."

Hearing his father's words, Su Yuan's mouth twitched twice. "I tried, and the effect was very bad. My father-in-law and my mother-in-law were the first to try, and they didn't get the results they wanted. Now, even if it is the relationship between each other, it seems that there are some difficult to continue, the child has always been indifferent! It's hard to do it! "

While talking, there was a servant coming over at the door, which was very strange. "Old Su, elder sister, there is an old man outside who says it is the old age of the eldest young master. It seems that he has wandered here!"

Yeah? Su bochen looked at his daughter, and Su Yuan shook his head. His stay in the quadrangle was not very long. What's more, he didn't know the situation of the children as he imagined. The attendants felt very embarrassed about this matter. After all, master Su and elder sister were here. How should we deal with it?

As he spoke, Liu came in slowly and leisurely with something in his hand. When he saw Su bochen and Su Yuan in the courtyard, he was also slightly stunned. However, he nodded and said hello. Then he took the things in his hand and went to Ding Yu's study room. He didn't mean to be polite at all.

After a while, Liu Daochang also came out of the study, and his hands were empty. At this time, he also looked at Su bochen and Su Yuan. Previously, he made a phone call, and Ding Yu answered the phone. He had an operation in the hospital and let him put his things in the study.

But he really didn't tell himself that there were outsiders in the courtyard. Looking at the old man, his bearing was extraordinary. Sitting there, he could feel at least some. Liu Daochang also laughed, "I don't know there are guests here. I just called Ding Yu. He just came out of the operating room!"

After saying that, Liu Daochang also looked at him, "don't know elder brother, you and Ding Yu?"


Hearing what the old man said, Liu was slightly stunned. He looked at Su Boshen with some disbelief. His eyes showed a puzzled expression. Ding Yu knew almost everything about Ding Yu's family. Both of them came from the same place. But if you think about it, I'm afraid it's a relative related to something!

"Hello! My surname is Liu. I'm an old Taoist! " The old Taoist didn't introduce the relationship between them, because he was really uncertain. He didn't know the nephew in his name. However, he could feel that his nephew respected him from the heart. He still had some feelings.

"Didn't you hear about it?" Su bochen also said tentatively.

"I live in Houhai. It's not far from here, but I don't come here very often." Liu Daochang is also very cautious to say, "I have not been back for two years, and I am very hard to leave. If I am the old man, I am afraid it is difficult to live here in the capital. Thanks to Ding Yu, I have a place to settle down!"

Su bochen obviously didn't believe it. He was just an old Taoist. As for settling his grandson? What's more, how does his grandson get involved with an old Taoist priest? This question is really something that I've never heard of before. I feel very strange. It seems that there are not many things about this aspect at home.

Unexpectedly, he finally got a chance to know his grandson. Su bochen would never give up such an opportunity. But the problem is that Liu Daochang doesn't know as much about Ding Yu as he imagined, let alone his relatives? Liu Daochang still has some sense of preparedness.

The two people talked about it well, but he was not very satisfied with the result, but what about the Taoist priest Liu? Seems to have some interest.After Ding Yu finished the operation in the hospital, he also took a sip of the prepared coffee, dealt with the pathology, and then Ding Yu made a certain summary. The operation is a process, but in this process, we need to constantly find out what our problems are. To be practical, we should be critical.

Only in this way can Ding Yu climb the peak faster and better. There are not a few doctors in China, especially surgeons. The daily operation statistics are an astronomical number, but not many people will consider and summarize their gains and losses in the operation after they have finished the operation.

Of course, this may also be a kind of life experience. If Ding Yu did not have such a strange experience, he would not do so. But the problem is that Ding Yu has a rather special experience, so he is very strict with his own requirements. Outsiders can't understand why Ding Yu wants to do this.

However, it does not hinder people's admiration for Ding Yu. He is not very old, but his hands-on ability is absolutely superb, and he has his own unique understanding in response. He has never seen any panic performance on the operating table. Standing there, he gives us a kind of courage and encouragement.

What about these? Only a part of the people are affected. The essence of the problem is that Ding Yu did not touch the interests of other people at all. On the contrary, it brought more benefits to others. This is also the reason why Ding Yu established his foothold as quickly as possible.

What's more, Ding Yu's attitude is not so arrogant as imagined. He never hides problems that he knows, and he never pretends to understand the problems he doesn't understand. This also makes some old experts in the hospital have a lot of good feelings, and everyone is willing to communicate with Ding Yu.

After a brief explanation with Tao Jin, Ding Yu also left the hospital and drove to see the fat man's father. In the morning, he had been undergoing surgery. At noon, he didn't even eat any rice. There was no time at all. When he came out, he just drank a cup of coffee, but Ding Yu went to the fat man's side.

"What was the result of the examination?" After seeing the fat man, Ding Yu didn't say anything. Everyone was already very familiar. "I had two operations in the morning. I just finished. What did the doctor say?"

The doctor is in charge of the operation

Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, and the fat man also understood, "earlier, someone came to see Dr. Jing Xujing. It seems that he is going to do some operation! It's said that his hands are relatively high. It should be in the operating room at this time! "

Then Ding Yu also handed a box inside to the fat man, "I brought it from home. I'll go back later. There's a martial uncle in the house. It seems that there's something wrong. I don't know when Jingxu will go out from the operating room. I'll go to see my uncle. If there's anything wrong, please call me!"

"Feather, you don't have to run back and forth. I don't know what to say if you are like this!"

"It's OK. It's on my land. If I go back, it's your land. If there's any problem, I won't be too polite!" After saying that, Ding Yu also patted the fat man, and then the two people went to the ward together.

After greeting some situations, Ding Yu explained the reasons from the doctor's point of view. From the doctor's point of view, Ding Yu is comforting the patients and their families, hoping that they can have confidence in this aspect. Otherwise, the psychological pressure is too great, which will have a certain impact on the disease.

After staying in the hospital for a period of time, Ding Yu turned back to the courtyard. At this time, it was time for dinner. Looking at the two old men talking about in the courtyard, Ding Yu also said hello to him, "grandfather, are you here? Uncle, you've ignored me! "

As soon as this word was said, Liu Daochang was also stunned. He looked at Ding Yu suspiciously, and then seemed to remember something. His expression was a little surprised! Su bochen, on the other hand, looked at Taoist priest Liu, his grandson's uncle. What kind of generation is this? Can you tell me something you don't know about your grandson? It looks like this.

Then Ding Yu also pulled his uncle into the study, "he is your grandfather? Pro grandfather? "

Ding Yu also nodded his head, "for a period of time, I haven't said to my family all the time. This matter will be put there temporarily." Ding Yu in the first time to the whole thing to qualitative, Liu Daochang is also a bitter smile, this matter? It's really hard to get involved.

"I put it there for you. It took a lot of effort."

Ding Yu looked at the things placed there, "martial uncle, please do me a favor." It takes quite a lot of effort. This kind of human relationship needs to be collected. Some things can't be considered from their own point of view, but also need to be considered from other places. It's not a bad thing to think about it for others.

"If you don't say that, I won't eat here. It's a bit awkward. My family is still waiting for me?" Then Liu Daochang also took out a pamphlet from his arms and handed it to Ding Yu, "take it!" This is the most fundamental thing. It is also the reason why Liu Daochang has been waiting for Ding Yu. Otherwise, he would have gone.Ding Yu personally sent Liu Daochang out of the door, and then went back to play with the two little guys. The dinner was not ready. Su bochen took advantage of this time to inquire and said, "I haven't heard that you have such a relationship! Although I said I didn't know you for a long time, I knew a lot of things! "

"One of my martial uncles, a Taoist, had already returned to the secular world many years ago. When I found him, he was already lying on his back and had to recuperate. I just arranged a good place for me to spend my life."

Ding Yu's explanation seems serious, but who is Su bochen? He hums coldly all his life. He is very dissatisfied with his grandson's behavior, even quite unhappy. On the surface, he gives himself some explanation, but in fact? These are all things that he can investigate, and there is no need for him to say so.

However, Mao didn't know what he wanted to know. For his grandson's behavior, Su bochen didn't know what to say, so he thought he didn't know! Because it can be seen from the situation that he is not willing to disclose this information. How can he be so cautious when he is so young?

What's more, they are all family members. Are you like this? Who is on guard against whom? I'm his grandfather. Can I hurt him? It's impossible!

"You boy! It's not really a fuel-efficient lamp! Forget it, I'm too lazy to say it! I learned something about you from your third uncle, but it's obvious that this understanding is not enough. The military has consciously sealed up some of your information. If you can do this, it shows that the position in your military's mind is still very important. "

"A little bit of a use?" Ding Yu is also slightly coping, said, "everyone is just reciprocity, in fact, there is nothing that can't be seen. Maybe it's because there are too many people I care about, so there's such a scene!"

The answer is not what he asked. This is Ding Yu. He did not appear to be so rigid because of his identity. He was still the same as before, "you just talk about it like this! What about the house? Except for me and your third uncle, other people are not very clear. When do you see the people in your family, tell me when you think about it! "

Ding Yu's words have come to his mouth, but after thinking about it, he still swallowed it back. He really didn't want to be fussy, especially in the face of his grandfather and his old people. Anyway, he was his own elder. What about some things? It's better to give in a little bit. Don't make it like a cockfight. It's not very good.

Looking at his grandson's appearance, Su bochen also nodded, but he did not have much expectation. However, his grandson's performance was very good, at least he gave himself face, which was not easy. If he really said something, he would not have been able to stand it.

At least from the mood, there are so some unbearable, but Ding Yu seems to be in time to resist. But from inside? Some problems can still be seen. He does not agree with the Wang family and the Su family as he imagined. It is true that the Wang family and the Su family have extraordinary power, but what about that?

People don't like it. If the cattle don't drink water, they can press their heads. But the question is, what is the effect? Especially in such a matter, Su bochen has already tried. On this issue, his grandson is really not so face saving, so that he almost lost his footing.

You know, that is not a small sum of money. His grandson took it out when he said it. This is absolutely not bold and forthright. There are too many meanings behind it. So now, Su bochen also feels that he has some difficulties. He is not good to continue to test his grandson. The situation is very dangerous.

If you try again, your grandson may turn over. At that time, it will not only be a disgrace, but also a lot of situations. So, Su bochen also has some wait-and-see meaning. What about his grandson? He was also extremely clever, and he didn't show any performance.

If Ding Yu has other performances now, he may be able to push the boat, but the problem is that he has no other performance, which makes him difficult.

Whether he does or not, Ding Yu may not say anything, but the problem is that he sees everything in his eyes. Ah, how did the child educate him? How much is really inherited from the old man Wang. All of them are ghosts and ghosts. They are full of ghost ideas, but the problem is that they never want to reveal too much.

It's true at this point, but this boy is not like himself at all. At least he has been mixed up in the military, and it is said that he has been mixed up in the military, but retired for special reasons. Otherwise, he will definitely be able to take over the mantle of the Su family. It's a pity.

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