Su bochen did not stay in the courtyard for too long. Although he said that the living conditions here were good, there was a big difference in other issues, including medicine, medical treatment and experts. Ding Yu personally sent his grandfather to the car, but he didn't mean to accompany him.

The reason is simple! I have other things to deal with. I don't have the leisure.

Of course, these are perfunctory. The actual problem is that the feelings between them are not in place. What is Ding Yu's attitude towards the Wang family and the Su family? It seems that there are some resistances. Even now, he has no intention to take the initiative to visit the door. To know that each other has passed the running in period, but Ding Yu still has no performance in this respect, which can explain the problem.

Su Yuan went back with his father. He was so worried. When sitting on the car, Su bochen patted his daughter's hand, "this child! Is a good child, this is not said, but the question is whether our family can surrender to live? It's hard to say! "

I have been in contact with Ding Yu for two days. Su bochen has made some subjective judgments on this child. The child is definitely promising, but it does not mean that there is no problem at all!

"I don't care so much about this problem. I just care whether he still has this feeling for his family. I feel a little bit of talent. I can't say what kind of feeling it is! After all, I am a mother, and my mind may be so different from others! "

Su bochen shook his head. "If you want to say that you have no feelings, it's really biased. Why did you call Ding Yu the first time when the son-in-law of laowangtou had an accident? It shows that the feelings between each other are in place, but the way of expression between them is not the same! "

"It's too cold, at least in comparison!" Su Yuan also expressed his dissatisfaction, "look at his adoptive father and mother, as well as his sister, and then look at his own home, the gap is really too big, I doubt, is his adoptive father and his mother instilled in him any other ideas?"

When he said this, Su Yuan looked a little embarrassed, and Su bochen also snorted heavily.

"Well, you mother, what should I say?" Su bochen also comforted him and said, "the typical one is jealousy. It doesn't look like I educated him. But you also need to think in a different position. Ding Yu is your own son. This is true. But what about the person who raised him to adulthood? After all, it's his adoptive father and mother! "

"But look at the child? I don't believe they didn't mean anything about it at all? "

"This is too biased. Children can grow up to this point, they also have to work hard, we need to thank others, their pay is far more than us, we should know that Ding Yu's family is just an ordinary family, there are no particularly good conditions, this should be satisfied!"

Su Yuan is also silent. He always feels uncomfortable in his heart. The discomfort is really multifaceted. To be exact, he is so jealous. He wants to get more. He always feels that he owes the child, but the problem is that he can't find too much balance.

His eldest son doesn't need to worry about many problems. How can he be a mother! It is for this reason that Su Yuan has some complaints. In fact, it is quite normal. After this period of time, the situation will gradually get better.

Ding Yu coaxes the two children to sleep. On this issue, the two little guys have been doing very well. There is no noisy saying. However, Ding Yu's discipline is more strict, even more strict than Taixi. When he was young, he should develop good habits in this respect. This is Ding Yu's idea.

Then Ding Yu also went back to his study and brought the door with him. This was a slight surprise to the service staff. In the past, the eldest young master really seldom did so. It is obvious that Liu Daochang came here today and brought a very different thing.

However, the service personnel are not very clear about what it is. It is better to know what should be known, what should not be known, or to stay away from it. Relatively speaking, the eldest young master is still very good. Whether he is a person or a person, he needs to be praised. This is not an exaggeration.

In the evening, Ding Yu still sleeps late. He is really very busy and has a rest time of about four hours. However, when he wakes up in the morning, Ding Yu's spirit is still quite abundant. He doesn't have any so-called fatigue. He even has time to exercise his body. It can be seen that the service personnel also show their teeth.

As service personnel, even if they don't understand it, they still know some knowledge at least. The eldest young master can't have any influence on his health. However, as the servants of the quadrangle, they also know that the physical examination of the eldest young master is very good, which is better than that of ordinary people, even far beyond.What is the reason for this? Are there so many people who can't say well because of exercise? If exercise can play such an effect, then birth, aging and death may not be as much as imagined. It is certainly not the reason for this, but there are some other aspects of the situation.

But I'm afraid it's not clear what it is, let alone these service personnel. Even if it's the consolation of the old man and the old lady, Ding Yu, to a certain extent, ignored it. We have seen too much about this issue, and even some of them are not surprised.

When Wang Yang came, Ding Yu had already had breakfast. Looking at his elder brother's appearance, Wang Yang didn't mean much to be polite. Just like a joke, he was polite in front of his brother. Let's forget such a thing! Don't find this uncomfortable for yourself. His brother is definitely not the man in the imagination. Politeness is of no use to him.

"So early?"

Wang Yang was also in a hurry to put things into his mouth, and even had time to tease his nephew and niece. They seemed to be very interested in their behavior. After a while of hilarity, Wang Yang looked at his brother and said, "don't mention it. My grandfather is not happy, so I'm in bad luck!"

Ding Yu just said, well, he didn't even have to ask his grandfather why he was not happy. From this, we can see that Ding Yu is not happy with the Wang family and the Su family? Not much sense of belonging.

You should know that Su bochen is the foundation of the Su family in the final analysis. Any situation he has, not only does the Su family care about him, but also makes many people tremble. But for Ding Yu, in addition to caring about his grandfather's body, he has no idea about other aspects.

"If you're unlucky, come to me. You're not afraid to bring bad luck to me." Ding Yu's words were not polite at all. Wang Yang was stunned and then began to laugh.

"You're the boss. I don't have a place to go? I wanted to go to the second elder sister, but forget it! Don't talk about it. After stepping into the 100 meter radius, she can tear down the pieces for me. I still don't want to find any trouble in this respect! "

"Well, you stay here." Ding Yu looked at his watch. The time was almost over. He still went to the hospital. He didn't have much time to pay attention to Wang Yang. As for whether he would make a fool of himself in the quadrangle, he didn't have any worries. He was no longer a child.

Wang Yang has long learned from his elder brother's happiness. After eating, he also accompanies two little guys to play, and even looks at the babysitter teaching them some things. This is a very strange thing. How old are the two little guys! It's too early to learn?

When Su Yuan came over, he was surprised to see his little son sitting there like a child. "Mom, come and have a look. It's very interesting. What does my brother think? The child started preschool education when he was so young. It's so exaggerated. I've never seen it before!"

Su Yuan is really a little strange about this, very good, the two little guys seem to be very attentive to this, learning things between playing, feel very good, the nanny seems to be very attentive.

"What's the matter?" Su Yuan also thinks that his son has such a fuss, "your grandfather's body has no too many problems, but you need to take good care of it. Don't fool around. When you have time, see your grandfather more. I'd better go home and take care of your father. He never cares about his body so much."

"Well, I know!" After saying that, Wang Yang also looked at his mother, "Mom, how do I deal with things here, do you want to take my brother to recognize the door?" Wang Yang's meaning is very clear, but although this matter oneself dare say, but let oneself do? This is really not a lot of courage.

However, things have been horizontal here, there are so some improper, he is a child of the family, it is necessary to do some things, all have now, brother has never been on the door, this thing is really let the family feel that there are some sour heart.

"Did your grandfather say that?"

Su Yuan is not stupid. Wang Yang was raised by his own flesh. To be honest, he has a few moles on his body. What about others? Really can not do it, only their own little son has some advantages in this respect, at least Ding Yu does not exclude him.

"Mom, it has reached such a level. I think I still need to work hard. Anyway, I have nothing to do recently. It's good to try it, don't you?"

"Whatever you want, but let's have a word first. Don't get too carried away. You know who your brother is. I don't want to hear any other rumors. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Yes, you can rest assured." Wang Yang said hello to his mother. In fact, he asked his mother to blow the breeze with his father. This matter still needs his approval. After all, it is his own Laozi!In the evening, Ding Yu accompanied his mother and younger brother to have a meal, but he came back a little late, and the rest was ok, "go back so soon, don't you stay for two days?"

This word does not have too much nutrition, but also is a kind of concern! Su Yuan knew clearly in his heart, "your father is alone at home. Although he said that there are attendants in the family, it is still worse. Your father never knows how to take care of himself, and the housekeeper says that if he can't move him, he still needs me to supervise him!"

Ding Yu took a look at his mother and didn't mean to answer the question. Instead, Wang Yang said two words beside him. Then Su Yuan also explained to his eldest son, "Xiaoyu! During this period, Wang Yang may have been in the capital. The child does not have much social experience. Although the family is strict, it is not good enough after all! "

Taking a look at his brother, Ding Yu has understood the idea of the home more or less, "I know!" That is to say, it's not that Ding Yu doesn't want to communicate with his mother. It's just two times. His mother can't take any attention. It depends on the two old men.

At noon, Wang Yang sent his mother on the plane. Anyway, he didn't have anything to do, so he also personally saw him off. Then Wang Yang also went to contact his feelings. What's his identity now? Also need to show a little, also be regarded as telling the outside world, oneself is basically not going to follow his father's old way.

This is a very obvious signal. Now it depends on my brother's attitude. I talked to him about this issue earlier. At that time, my brother's reaction was good. I can only say that.

In fact, Wang Pu is also thinking about this issue. Is it good or bad to do this? Will it leave a bad impression on Sun Tzu, who has not even registered his family? But I have already made a lot of profits from my grandson's hand. Although I am Pro grandson, my behavior seems to be too much.

Is this the main reason why Sun Tzu has never nodded back? Think about it from another angle. Before you admit your identity, your family has begun to dig your own foundation. If you really admit your identity, does it mean that you will have to rely on others in the future?

But for Wang Pu, this is also a matter of necessity. Why do you say that you and your wife are both old. Maybe you can close your eyes tonight and open them tomorrow? These are two things that are said. Some things still need to be grasped.

What's more, Ding Yu is a grandson. I believe he can understand it. From the perspective of his conduct, he is very sensible.

In the evening, Wang Pu came to the courtyard by himself. He came alone. Some things still need to be told with Ding Yu. I hope he can understand the difficulties at home and don't be too impulsive. But actually, Wang Pu doesn't have much confidence in his heart.

Although he said that he was the absolute authority in the family, it was only within the scope of the Wang family, and Ding Yu's child only belonged to the Wang family in blood. Emotionally, he was far away from the Wang family, and this problem did not even need to be avoided.

Wang Yang looked at his grandfather, hesitated for half a time, but also slowly said, "grandfather, is it really in such a hurry? When my mother came over in the morning, how much revealed some meaning in this aspect? I looked at my brother's attitude, there was no expression on his face, and I couldn't feel it!"

"Your brother is a very smart man. I don't worry about the choices he makes. No matter what choices he makes, I can accept them, but I am also very worried that he will make some choices!"

After saying that, Wang Pu also shook his head, "you! I'm still too young to see some problems and situations behind this incident. This time is not even a so-called trial! " After saying that, Wang Pu also heavily sighed, "some things are really too chance coincidence!"

Ding Yu knows that his grandfather has come. There is nothing to welcome or not to say. When he comes, he will come. When he comes, he will eat, drink and entertain himself. However, if there is something in his family, you can do it at will. From the aspect of attitude, it is like this.

Looking at his grandson, Wang Pu once again bit his back teeth. "You don't have much contact with the children at home. Maybe you are familiar with Wang Yang and Wang Li. Wang Li is a girl, and from her personality, she is not so suitable. Do you think?"

Ding Yu has the final say of his body, and no other attitude to say, "Grandpa, what you say is what I do not have any opinion!"

What about the attitude towards this matter? Ding Yu slightly showed that some did not care, "you said a range of good, can do I try my best, can not do also ask grandfather to understand, I am so big ability!"

When talking, Ding Yu's performance can be described as light and light, as if this matter has nothing to do with himself. On the other hand, Ding Yu has no heart for the whole thing! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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