Wang Pu is really worried about such a situation. His grandson doesn't offer any conditions to himself, but is it vague? This condition is also put on the surface. Although it is said that the blood of the Wang family is flowing on my body, we should be aware of this problem. We don't need to take it out.

For Wang Pu, such a situation is really so difficult to accept, sitting in front of their own people? After all, it's my own grandson, and I've lost my grandson for many years. But now? Because of the relationship of interests, even let oneself give up this feeling, this taste is really not generally hard.

Although there has never been any kinship in politics, and the focus is on interests, Ding Yu is after all a pro grandson, which is probably the reason why her wife did not rush to her, because she could not face the situation at present. She really had a high expectation that Ding Yu, a child, could tell herself.

Since his grandfather had nothing to say, Ding Yu also turned his head and looked at his brother, "what kind of business are you going to start with? Are there any special considerations? Investment? Or dividends? "

Wang Yang also looked at his grandfather. What about this problem? I hope you can give me some advice. I don't have any experience in this area Don't install any big gun in front of big brother, pure class show axe!

"Neither have I!" Ding Yu's attitude is very firm, "if it's medical, I can give you some suggestions, but is it economic?"? I may have some research on macro issues, but to a certain extent, I can't do anything about it, but I can arrange a place for you at Goldman Sachs! "

"No way!" Before Wang Yang spoke, the old man said no to him. What kind of company is Goldman Sachs? In his heart, I can say that he is very clear. He doesn't need his grandson. If his family really wants to, Wang Yang can occupy a position in Goldman Sachs, but the taste really changes.

"At will!" Ding Yu did not look at the old man's meaning, "I will transfer a part of the shares out. As for Wang Yang, who you want to transfer to, I can't control this problem. As for how you want to participate in and manage in the future, it's all up to you!"

For Ding Yu, money is really not a problem, so I really don't worry about it. But so far, we haven't talked about the specific number between them. This is actually a very delicate problem. How much is appropriate?

This figure is not easy to determine. If it is too much, Ding Yu, the child, may not be able to bear it. After all, his money is earned back. He doesn't operate a money printing machine, but if it is small, it will have too much influence on the whole family. It is difficult to balance the balance between them.

And Ding Yu does not have much say on this issue. Why do you say so? Because Ding Yu is also quite ignorant of the situation at home. Who knows how much money is needed at home? Ding Yu has not personally experienced this problem, so he can not make up his mind.

Anyway, Ding Yu doesn't mean to open his mouth now. Since you have said this, you must know something about it. Just wait for the old man to open his mouth. "Judging from the current level of social development, the expenses and expenses at home may be very large, and this figure may be needed in a year!"

Looking at the old man's index finger, Ding Yu also nodded, "if we say that a year's figure, 10% revenue ratio, 10 times price, this should be a more accurate number, I will prepare according to this, but it may take some time, but the time will not be particularly long!"

It's very aggressive, isn't it money? I have!

"I'm talking about 100 million!"

"I didn't say it was 10 million!" Ding Yu's voice is very insipid. Wang Yang is also listening to it. He feels that he can't sit still. Although he says that there is no gunpowder smell in the conversation between big brother and grandfather, he doesn't know why, but he can't control this fear.

Ding Yu didn't say how strong his financial resources were, and there was no need for this aspect. The old man put forward this condition. Ding Yu paid off in a lump sum. Originally, Ding Yu didn't owe the royal family and the Su family. What if he was related by blood? Does achievement represent everything?

The negotiation with Ding Yu, the child, was very smooth, even beyond our imagination. But it was because of the smooth negotiation that what happened next? There are so many not very good to decide, how to tell Ding Yu this child the next thing? At least the old man felt it was so hard to speak.

To a certain extent, the Wang family and the Su family have closed one door to Ding Yu. What about the other? Although it has not been completely closed, it seems to be half hidden.

But from an emotional point of view, now the old man feels that he is very much at a loss. For Ding Yu, the child, he still expects Ding Yu to put forward certain requirements, at least to be fair, and to make his heart feel better. But even at the end of the day, Ding Yu still didn't open his mouth.After his grandfather left, Ding Yu also went to his study, and his life still had to go on. There was nothing different from the usual time. Even the next morning, Ding Yu handed the things inside to the servants at home. "When Wang Yang comes, just give him the things!"

After that, Ding Yu went to work. After all, it involved a lot of money. It was impossible for Ding Yu to transfer all the things to Wang Yang at the first time. However, some preparations were needed. Ding Yu told sun Yingnan all these things. He also knew that the service personnel must have reported the matter to his grandfather and grandmother, which could be handled Solution.

Although they say they work here, what about the actual situation? People who can't be regarded as their own. If they think like this, they may feel better. Of course, this is psychological comfort. Sometimes they need some mental anesthesia, and they may feel more comfortable.

Does Ding Yu really have no idea about something? In fact, in Ding Yu's opinion, this is just a transaction, but two sides of each other? There is a special kind of relationship, there are kinship and blood relationship between them, but it is precisely because of such involvement that there will be such a transaction.

The choice of the Wang family and the Su family will not be too easy. Otherwise, they will not wait for so many years. Over the years, both the Wang family and the Su family have been walking on one leg, which can be said to be quite miserable. In fact, there is nothing wrong with the hardship at all. It is mainly walking on one leg, which is different from walking on two legs.

In the morning, when she looked at the old man's porridge, she was still a little lonely, and then she felt a little bit lonely when she came back to the old man's house

"Well, just because I know the general situation, I feel a little awkward. If you say that he doesn't know the general situation a little, I hope he can play tricks with me! At that time, I extremely hoped that such a thing could happen. I always felt that he was a child with willful rights, but he didn't have it

"Ding Yu is too sensible, or he can see too clearly. At the same time, some of them are too rational. If you want to show a little bit of irrationality, this problem really has some difficulties, at least I think so!"

When talking about this, the old lady also stopped for a moment. "Although the child didn't say something, it's not bad to try it out. What do you think?"

Wang Pu took a look at his wife. He thought about it for a while, and then nodded. Although it was said that a slap in the face could not make a sound, the problem was that the Ma family and the Song family were so excessive that they simply put their grandson to death! Some of them are too much.

For a long time, the Wangs didn't mean to take any action. It's not that adults don't remember villains. It's not because Ding Yu didn't show his intention. Now that the opportunity comes, the Wangs feel it is necessary to find this place for their grandson.

Song Qiaoqiao's father felt that something was wrong when he left the Wang family. Although it was not as big as imagined, it was enough to cause certain influence. You should know that this matter should have been handled internally in the province, but the problem is that song Qiaoqiao's father was called to the capital.

Although the news has not been widely spread, it has been enough to have a shocking impact on the whole song family. At this time, the Song family also had some doubts. Where did this wind come from?

In terms of his age, song Qiaoqiao's father is not very big, at least he is still more promising. Now suddenly such a thing comes out, which will be a fatal blow to the development of the whole official career. If there is nothing wrong with him, it will be fine, but the problem is that there are some problems in his body.

Song Qiaoqiao's father's life is not limited, just in cooperation with the relevant investigation. At the beginning, the Song family didn't understand how things happened. But when Ma Yutian's affairs were involved, song Qiaoqiao's father seemed to wake up all of a sudden. Ma Yuntian's things made him very impressed.

Years ago, he seemed to have been taught a lesson by a young man. Although it was just a few simple words, he really lost his face. When he heard about this, he did not know why, and his heart was also thumping for a while. However, nothing happened in the following period of time, and he was also relieved.

But now the two people have been mentioned together. The matter involved is actually the so-called old accounts. The implication is really too clear. It is obvious that Ding Yu has reached out. If it is not Ding Yu's hand, there will be no such problems and situations.

But song Qiaoqiao's father also had some doubts about this. If Ding Yu knew a young man and a young man, it might have a certain impact on his work. But now, in his own investigation, this is something Ding Yu can't do. Naturally, there are rules within the system, which will not be broken.There are some differences between the rules and the nature of the law, and they are even more stringent than the law. If Ding Yu is not a person within the system, he can't do this. But the problem is that according to his own understanding, Ding Yu is not a person within the system, which makes me feel really confused. Who is Ding Yu?

I can't even remember what happened at that time. It's so long ago that I need to remember it. At the beginning, Ding Yu seemed to fight with her daughter. What happened later? It seems to be out of orbit.

It was originally a matter of love between his daughter and his daughter. However, Ma Yuntian took this matter to a higher level and directly involved in politics. Although from a political point of view, they achieved success, but it was at the expense of Ding Yu's future. At that time, Ding Yu could not even take part in the college entrance examination.

The conditions of Ding Yu's family may be better, but he can't take the college entrance examination. For him, it is definitely the biggest blow in his life. There is no future. Later, he can only become a soldier. What about the follow-up problems? I don't know so much about it, but now the serfs are singing.

It's your turn and Ma Yuntian's turn. Now the investigation is just an appetizer, or even this one? It was just a warning. In less than two days, song Yunming had already investigated some of his problems, but he did not give any conclusions.

Two days is just a little reminder to song Yunming. What's wrong with you? It's not fully investigated, but you still have a job, so go back to work now! However, waiting for the investigation of relevant departments at any time is almost like this.

Song Yunming went back to his father. He didn't know what to say. His family was very anxious. After he was investigated, he suddenly went home again. Does that mean that there is no situation? Many people look at Song Yunming with expectant eyes.

He took a look at his old father and then at his daughter. "Joe, come with me!" Then also pushed his father together into the study.

"I've almost figured out what happened." After saying that, song Yunming also took a look at his daughter. "In this process, Ma Yuntian was involved, so we had to mention these problems by name!"

Hearing her father's words, song Qiaoqiao's face turned pale. She already understood what her father meant by saying this. After waiting for so many years, the retribution finally came. Song Qiaoqiao also sat there without saying a word. The father of the Song family sighed at his son and granddaughter.

I know the general situation of the matter. Ma Jian has been in the capital all the time. It seems that he is not young. Qiao and Qiao have been working for several years, but what about Ma Jian? I haven't the meaning of working all the time. What's the reason? I'm still clear in my heart.

"Is there a way out?"

Now that things have happened, don't try to escape. It doesn't make any sense. What's the problem in front of you? Song Yunming is still thinking about how to solve this problem. However, song Yunming has no confidence in how to solve it.

Once again, Ma Yuntian was scolded by Ding Yu as his grandson, but Ma Yuntian didn't dare to refute anything. He thought he had transferred to the place, but now it seems that the hatred has been settled. It is not easy to resolve this hatred.

"Do you still have contact with Ding Yu?"

Song Qiaoqiao, who was asked, shook his head and didn't want to mention it immediately. However, there was no way to do it. "There was no connection. I contacted him a few years ago, but there was no result. But Ding Yu is in the capital. The fat man came here two days ago. His father was ill. Ding Yu arranged it for him. Otherwise, I don't know! "

Song Yunming's eyes are slightly bright. It's his old subordinates, regardless of whether it's useful or not. This relationship can always be involved. There is also the fat man, who seems to have some connection with his family.

"Go and have a look! After all, it's here in the capital. If you don't take a look at it, it's hard to say it! "

Song Qiaoqiao looked at his father, "want to call Ma Jian together?" Song Yunming's face also changed, which can be said to be quite embarrassing. This is no different from poking his own heart.

Once again, I remember what happened in those years. At that time, I forced my daughter to make a choice. In my opinion, interest is supreme, politics is above everything. But now? Do you regret it? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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