The fat man was surprised by song Qiaoqiao's visit, because she had been here once before. From the relationship between each other, it's OK to come once more. Today, song Qiaoqiao comes here again. There must be something wrong, otherwise, she will never find her head.

"Something?" Out of the ward, the fat man did not say anything politely. Although the mood of these two days is a little stable, but this temper is also slightly some good. No matter who encountered such a thing, I'm afraid that the mood will not be as good as imagined. He is not a so-called saint, but his own father!

"I want to see Ding Yu! Is that all right? "

The fat man standing against the wall gave song Qiaoqiao a cold look. His face was immediately pulled down. He thought that song Qiaoqiao would be in trouble, but he never thought it would be related to Ding Yu, which was somewhat incomprehensible to him.

"Everything that my father came here was run by Ding Yu. He arranged the hospital and the doctor. Even the place where my mother and I had a rest were all done by feather himself." The next words, fat man did not explain, but the meaning is quite obvious. In this case, what do you want me to say?

As for the relationship between Ding Yu and song Qiaoqiao, I know something about it. After all, I was one of the parties at that time. If it wasn't song Qiaoqiao's choice, did Ding Yu have no way to attend the college entrance examination?

Of course, if Ding Yu took part in the college entrance examination, it may not be the situation today, but the problem is that song Qiaoqiao, who chose to betray at the beginning, is that everyone knows that if some things are really put on the table, they will not be so good-looking, because they are involved in a certain relationship, there is no way.

"My father has been investigated and just came back!" When talking, song Qiaoqiao also paid attention to the expression of the fat man. The fat man really felt that there was something incredible. Qiao Qiao's father position was not low. If he was really investigated, the noise would be a little big, and he could not have no news at all.

"I haven't heard about it!" The fat man's expression is still some astonishment, the mouth has already opened big cannot close up.

"Not in the city, not in the province!" Now that everything has happened, song Qiaoqiao doesn't mean to hide it, especially in front of the fat man, "the investigation has two days, which is actually a warning. But in this, Secretary Ma is mentioned, and some things and problems of the two people were working together at the beginning."

The fat man already understood the reason why song Qiaoqiao came to find himself, "is there a problem in this? I'm not sure, but from my point of view, even if feather started, he would not do it now. It's still too early to do it now, but if it arouses public indignation, let's say something else! "

Although song Qiaoqiao's father is a leader, does the fat man like him? It is still quite limited. As for Ma Jian and his father, they have no good feelings at all, so what about this? It's more or less a vent of anger.

"This problem has been lying there all the time. If you don't start to solve it, the problem may be big, so I need to talk to Ding Yu." When talking, song Qiaoqiao is also looking at the fat man. "Other people can't see Ding Yu. I know that there are only a few people like Lao BIE, Tan Wendong and you who have a very good relationship with Ding Yu! Which group are you the organizers of? Some people in the class were among them at the beginning. "

"The feelings between junior high school and high school are quite sincere. When we were in primary school, we didn't remember anything at all. However, the so-called university has begun to mix with some other things. It varies from person to person. We have the same interest, so it seems to be a very normal thing to make a fool of ourselves together!"

After saying that, the fat man is also looking at Song Qiaoqiao. If song Qiaoqiao didn't choose to betray at the beginning, then she must be one of them, but now? It's impossible for me to say something. In addition, when I stood firmly on Ding Yu's side, otherwise I would have been eliminated.

It doesn't involve any so-called interest relations, but today song Qiaoqiao came to find his own purpose? It seems that there are so some not too simple, not to mention that they are also facing such a thing, it is difficult not to your father is a person, my father is not a person! What's more, my father is lying on the bed now.

Ding Yu is really not clear about this problem. After he finished the operation today, he didn't have anything to do, so he went to the fat man specially. It seems that the operation will be performed tomorrow. What's the way? The fat person may know, is not so clear, oneself is the past person, how much still knows some.

In the corridor, Ding Yu saw what the fat man was saying to someone. Although the listening was not very detailed, how many Ding Yu still heard some news. When the fat man saw Ding Yu, he twisted his mouth. Although he didn't speak, his meaning was very clear.

"Coming?" Ding Yu nodded his head slightly, and then he also looked at the person beside him. It was song Qiaoqiao. No wonder the fat man made such an expression. But Ding Yu just said hello and didn't say anything. Instead, he looked at the fat man."Has the operation been decided?" Ding Yu didn't seem different because song Qiaoqiao was here. It's not the first time that Ding Yu saw him. He didn't have so much emotion.

"It has been decided that the operation will be carried out tomorrow. When Dr. Jing left earlier, he deliberately came over and explained some specific problems. There is no situation. You don't have to go there deliberately! Everything is fine here! "

Ding Yu nodded and then went to the ward. The old couple were talking there. After seeing Ding Yu coming, they were also enthusiastic. The doctor had already described the specific problems in detail. From the examination results, the problem was not so big. Fortunately, the discovery was relatively early, and the place where they came was good.

But what about song Qiaoqiao? The old couple's faces also changed slightly. At the beginning, the old couple could say that they knew very well, and their son was involved in it. After taking a look at his son, he found that his face was expressionless, and he did not continue to talk about this topic.

Then Ding Yu also told the fat family about some specific situations, which were all hidden rules in the industry, and special treatment was given to special cases. On this issue, Ding Yu was still very "reasonable". After the explanation, Ding Yu was also a good comfort. There was no big situation. It was just an operation.

"Ding Yu, I want to talk to you!" After finishing with the fat family, song Qiaoqiao also stopped Ding Yu when he left. It seemed that she was a little bit urgent. Ding Yu blinked his eyes and motioned to the fat man. Then they went to the hall at the end of the corridor.

"What's up, go ahead."

Ding Yu really didn't mean to invite song Qiaoqiao out to sit down. At least in his own opinion, it is not necessary to do so. It is good to say something. From this simple situation, it can be seen that Ding Yu still has some ideas about song Qiaoqiao, his old colleague.

Two people are standing in the hall, but for song Qiaoqiao, it seems that he is not comfortable. He is also trying to bear the unhappiness in his heart. He looks at Ding Yu and says, "my father was investigated two days ago, and seems to have involved the horse family?"

Ding Yu slightly a Leng, some don't understand looking at Song Qiaoqiao, this matter to find their own why? But then Ding Yu understood that it was his grandfather and grandmother who made the move. What about this one? How much with some exploratory taste, to see what kind of attitude you will be.

"Do you think I did it?" What about Ding Yu's attitude? It's not salty, and look at the expression on his face, it seems that there is no catharsis and hysteria after revenge. It is very indifferent. It seems that this matter has nothing to do with him.

"I don't know! From my point of view, this matter must have something to do with you. Ma Jian is in the capital now. He doesn't dare to go out. He doesn't even have a serious job. The whole person is decadent. If this is his punishment, I think this punishment is enough, isn't it? "

"I have to admit that I am not a generous person, but I am not stingy enough. I know about it." After saying that, Ding Yu also took a look at Song Qiaoqiao, "but some things still need to draw a full stop, I think you will understand my meaning!"

After that, Ding Yu left, and song Qiaoqiao was also disappointed. On the way home, song Qiaoqiao also thought a lot. Looking at the grandfather and father sitting there, song Qiaoqiao also said calmly, "I said three things, the first thing, I have talked with Ding Yu. His current identity and position are disdainful of making a move. Let's have a look The eyes hate it.

The second thing is to terminate the engagement between Ma Jian and me. In any case, this matter is nominal. If you want to marry him, you can marry him. I don't want to continue to fill the hole.

The third thing, the things at home have nothing to do with me. I'll live and die by myself

After saying that, song Qiaoqiao also stood up, there was no posture to stay at all. Song Yunming looked at his daughter, his expression was so dull, he could be such a daughter! How could she say such a thing, and in front of her father's face, song Yunming felt that she could not accept it.

"Joe, stop for me. What's your attitude?" When talking, song Yunming also stood up. Although he said that he knew the grievance in his daughter's heart, but you can't allow yourself to be small-minded, right? There is no father, grandfather and family in this eye!

Song Qiaoqiao looked at his father and his face was numb. "It's really a sad thing to be born in such a family. You only have interests in your eyes. There is no so-called daughter. For the first time, I listened to your words, chose to betray, betrayed my classmates and all. The second time I listened to you, engaged to Ma Jian, and now I go to beg on my knees Ding Yu, three times. I feel I have done my duty to be a daughter. I feel very disappointed with such a father and family! "

"Do you want to live in the future?" The old man sitting there said slowly.At least I can live a happy life He bowed slightly, and then left without looking back. The next day, song Qiaoqiao resigned. Without any reason or reason, he resigned and went through the formalities. Then he packed up his things and left the capital. He had no intention of staying.

There is nothing more sad than death of heart. Now Song Qiaoqiao is totally in such a situation. He knew it a little late. But for song Yunming, this blow is really not so big. His daughter is right. He has never really considered problems from his daughter's point of view. She is a child, not an experienced veteran.

I think about the problem from my own point of view, but never from the perspective of my daughter. When she was very young, she was under great pressure. Yes, I got what I wanted, but what happened after I got it? What's more, how can I explain this matter to my wife after I go back?

When it didn't happen, I really didn't think about this problem. When it happened, I regretted later. But I didn't think that my daughter would make such a choice. Now I don't know how to deal with this matter.

Ding Yu has been waiting until the evening to come to the fat man's side, the operation is very smooth, the problem should not be particularly big, the rest of the need to take good care of, as long as the psychological pressure is not big, it is not too big a problem.

"JOJO seems to be gone!" When sending Ding Yu out, the fat man also said with a sigh, and Ding Yu also shook his head, "she talked to me about some things yesterday, and she had to hang this responsibility on my head. I am so wronged!"

Ding Yu did not specifically explain your problems and conditions. The fat man also nodded, "I know that at the beginning, her father had to force himself to get involved and break up the good relationship. Now something like this has come out again. Although it is said to be a leader, this leader is a leader." Fat man also sighed.

Ding Yu also shook his head, "what happened at the beginning? I don't pay special attention to it. If I want to get revenge, I will never wait until this time today. I have already told them about this matter. Let's do it for the time being. "

Ding Yu feels helpless about such a thing. It's not that song Qiaoqiao moved himself. It's not because of this. It's mainly because he doesn't like the way his grandfather and grandmother do. Maybe he has a good starting point, but this way is not suitable for him, at least not what he wants to see.

As for the fact that Joe left? Ding Yu really did not have any other ideas, just a choice of life, just like when he was forced into the military camp, at that time was not a choice he expected, but he did not have any way, only Huashan one way.

In Ding Yu's opinion, it was very simple at the beginning, but because song Qiaoqiao and Ma Jian's parents got involved, the whole thing immediately changed in essence. At this time, although he said that he was very restrained, he still couldn't make a move, which was not as important as he imagined.

There are a lot of people who will rush to do it for themselves, only because they have not shown their attitude in this respect. So even now, there is no other situation, but what about the negotiation with the family this time? Also let grandfather and grandmother, moved this aspect of the mind.

Whether it's sooner or later, even if granddad and grandma don't do it, others will come to visit in the future. As for the future development, Ding Yu really can't say clearly. Who knows? It depends! It's already like this.

Song Yunming, however, was a little frustrated and left the capital. He couldn't stay in the capital for a long time, and the work there was still waiting for him! They have already called to urge them. In fact, song Yunming is very clear that if he leaves, his work will continue. The reason why everyone calls is very simple, that is, he wants to inquire about some situations.

It doesn't matter what happened. If there is no situation, it doesn't matter. If there is any situation, we can prepare for other aspects. To put it bluntly, it is so simple. Is it too practical? ha-ha! In the official career, it is really very practical, we only pay attention to interests.

Song Yunming thinks it is necessary to talk to Ma Yuntian. He is the main party involved in this matter. Moreover, Qiao Qiao also said that when he left. He was really not a general heart stopper!

At that time, I was only selective and cooperated with Lao ma. I should still be passive. But now? You have to bear the main responsibility, but what about your old horse? Hiding in the back, carefree, forced his daughter to run away from home, song Yunming felt that he was about to control his emotions! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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