Guo Kai will have a rest soon! After Zhou Xiaoan reported peace to his grandfather, he also had a rest!

The next morning, when Zhou Xiaoan was still asleep, Guo Kai woke him up! Then he looked at Guo Kai with a confused face. What's the situation? Look at the time! It's only four o'clock in the morning? Why do you get up so early?

Even in school, you don't have to!

However, looking at Guo Kai's appearance, Zhou Xiaoan also got up for the first time, cleaned up and went out with Guo Kai!

"Kaizi? What's the matter? I haven't heard of any notice before?" Zhou Xiaoan patted his cheek while talking to make himself more sober!

"It's not a notice. You're here for the first time, so you don't know much about the situation. Uncle Ding usually gets up at four o'clock in the morning. Of course, the rest time in the evening is relatively late, almost eleven or twelve o'clock! Of course, personal habits! It doesn't mean we have to do this! It's mainly because we can't meet such requirements!"

Ah? Zhou Xiaoan felt his head was a little big and looked at his classmates and friends suspiciously!

"I think you are a little similar! You usually go to bed at 11 o'clock and get up at more than 5 o'clock in the morning! I was very suspicious at that time. My family is special, so I got up at 6 o'clock in the morning, but I was really the first to see someone like you! I was very surprised at that time! Are you a guy What's the matter? "

"I couldn't hold on at the beginning!" Guo Kai didn't hide anything about it! "Before I entered school, due to my father's teaching, I had some experience, but what my father learned was very limited! Later I met uncle Ding! Because of this, I got some training!"

Zhou Xiaoan blinked his eyes. "It's strange! My family conditions are too much better than you! After all, the conditions of the air force are excellent! Absolutely one in a million! It's not boasted! But even so, I still lost the election due to some reasons!"

"You guy!" Guo Kai kicked him! "Uncle Ding is a doctor! And he is also a very big doctor! Just because the current situation is a little special, he has less time to go to the hospital! He has a very deep research on traditional Chinese and Western medicine, which is another reason why I brought you here!"

"True or false? But as far as I know! Although some families still have some ways and methods of practicing martial arts, how to say it? It seems that the effect is not so great. Do you think uncle Ding really knows internal skills and can rise in the air like a video!"

Speaking of this, Zhou Xiaoan can't control her emotions! It's almost dancing!

"Pull the bastard, you've read too many novels!" Guo Kai looked at Zhou Xiaoan suspiciously. "It's not that uncle Ding doesn't know anything. He really knows some special things, but these things need to be accumulated for a long time! Do you really think you can be invincible by taking a pill! If so, what do you want us to do?"

"I just doubt it! I feel uncle Ding is very unusual!"

"That's true!" Guo Kai also sincerely sighed about this! "But it's not that uncle Ding is so powerful. He came down from the battlefield. The reason why he is so powerful now is that he has made a considerable summary in the later stage! And uncle Ding is a Taoist! He has a very original relationship with Taoism. I forgot to tell you about it yesterday!"

"Taoism? What's the situation?" Zhou Xiaoan felt a little confused! "I didn't see any dust?"

"I don't know the specific situation, but Uncle Ding has a considerable relationship with Taoism, which is certain! Of course, uncle Ding doesn't like some things of Buddhism, but it doesn't mean that he has a special meaning for Buddhism! It can only be said that there are some small conflicts between their ideas! Generally speaking, it's like this, which doesn't matter!"

"I still have some doubts. Uncle Ding must know kung fu!"

Guo Kai looked at Zhou Xiaoan, who was a little stunned, and asked rhetorically! "Your family is also an old man! Don't you know that? I think there's something wrong with your head?"

"It's different! Our family flies in the air. What about me? In Uncle Ding's words, sea ducks belong to ships, and basically have nothing to do with land! But they know some! It gives me a personal feeling that they seem to be fooling around!"

Guo Kai nodded! "I really know this! Kung Fu must be some! But like you said, heaven and earth? This is impossible! It is also unrealistic!"

Then Guo Kai's face was red! "When I was that year, I also asked Uncle Ding about this problem. Uncle Ding told me that if I was like this, I would just take exercise!"

Ah? Zhou Xiaoan screamed again! "Are you just exercising? You're going to be invincible all over the school! Don't make such a joke with me?"

"Are you kidding? Kung Fu takes years of practice! It's not a game on TV! What's more, Kung Fu? It's different to keep up with the battlefield! There are similarities between them, but there are obvious differences at the same time! You go to the battlefield? You find someone to fight alone? Is it possible? Even if you can hit a hundred, one shell will come! Even if you can With you, even the bones will not be left! "

"I understand that. When I was a child, I wanted to be a great Xia!" Zhou Xiaoan's eyes showed a strange vision! "Carrying a dog beating stick every day, I was beaten like a dog!"

"Deserved it!"

Without two steps, I met Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang!

Hou Tianliang knew at a glance that it must be Guo Kai's idea! Because Zhou Xiaoan doesn't know anything about the situation here!

"Got up a little early!"

"Just want to come and see something! Not to mention there's nothing else in the morning!"

"Elder martial brother Hou, elder martial brother Qiu! Do you know kung fu?" said Zhou Xiaoan, a little impatient!

The two people who were asked looked at each other and felt that they were out of touch, but then they couldn't control their expression and laughed! Hou Tianliang took the lead in stopping the smile!

"The first thing to do here is basically like this! In fact, it's very simple to put it bluntly! We all have some skills, just like you can sail, support, etc.! The division of labor is quite different! Let me do the command. There are not many problems with the command of the team, but I can't do it if I command a ship!"

"Elder martial brother Hou, you are too modest!"

"Hey! It's really not humility. The director often tells me that it's not easy to do your job well! I always remember this! I dare not forget it all the time!"

Looking at the two people walking nearby, "When I see you two, I feel happy from the bottom of my heart, because you have a very good starting point to some extent. At least at this time, you have done your own job! What is the purpose of students? Accumulation! It doesn't mean that everything can rest after entering the school! Just find a so-called good job! Especially you! Even less can we have such an idea! "

"Two senior brothers, I think you are already excellent!"

"This is a little too flattering! Before I met the director! I also felt a little proud! The academic performance in the school is good! There is a good prospect! I didn't find that the gap is a little big until I met the director! And this gap is not a star and a half!"

However, Hou Tianliang didn't mention too much. One reason is that he doesn't have the level of director. In addition, he has arrived at the villa! The lights in the villa have been on! It's obvious that the director has got up at this time!

Ding Yu's exercise gives people a feeling of old people. It's slowly rising. Even the old men in the park are much better than this! What makes Zhou Xiaoan feel a little uneasy is the security guards around! It's not that they look so scary! It's really not like this!

There are so many foreigners! I don't know where these guys came from! I really didn't find out at all! What's more, the guy style they carried on them! NIMA's, isn't this kidding me? If there's any noise, the joke will be big!

"What? Scared?"

Hou Tianliang next to him obviously noticed Zhou Xiaoan's tension! He has become accustomed to nature! But for Zhou Xiaoan, it must be the first time he encountered such a situation, so his performance is inevitable!

"I'm a little scared, and I'm also a little worried!"

"Understandable!" then Hou Tianliang said faintly. "Do you know why there are so many people? And why there are so many equipment? The reality is more cruel than you think! It can be better in the past two years! And these security guards have changed, not a single crop!"

"No! This is China!"

Looking at Zhou Xiaoan's shocked expression, Hou Tianliang said definitely, "this is China, but our eyes and steps can't keep up with the director! The director's eyes are all over the world! In China, it's only a very small part!"

"They are all?" Zhou Xiaoan felt that when he spoke, he had already kowtowed a little!

"Of course! Everyone can be said to have experienced hundreds of battles! Their origin is very not simple, and can even be described as high blood! Wild boy! Alpha, etc.! But these are just a basic condition for entering here! We also have people, and the projects in charge are quite different!"

"My mother! It's not as simple as exaggeration!" but then Zhou Xiaoan said suspiciously, "elder martial brother Hou, is there no problem with their loyalty? What's more, they are already the elite among the elite? Why do they still come here? And uncle Ding also instructed them and didn't see anything?"

In the face of doubt, Hou Tianliang has some feelings! "We haven't been able to practice to that extent! We don't have quantitative accumulation, so we can't achieve qualitative change! You are the same, but they are different!"

"Qualitative change?" Zhou Xiaoan's eyes revealed great curiosity!

"Yes! Qualitative change! But there are too few people who can do it! The director has done it! Others have done it! This is also the reason why many people gather here. Their loyalty needs no doubt!"

Then Hou Tianliang pointed to himself! He also pointed to Guo Kai and Zhou Xiaoan!

"No, you don't know whether it's lucky or unfortunate! Both of you have been recorded! Of course, Guo Kai should have been recorded long ago! As for Yu Xiaoan, you? Although it's the first time to come, I believe at this time, this trace on you can't be eliminated!"

"That's not right! I still know how big my face is! Just kidding! Little ants like me deserve their attention? Things that shouldn't be! Are you free?"

"You've made a big show this time! From the past, your information has been on the desk of the heads of intelligence departments in various countries! As for whether you will do it to you, when to do it to you, and what kind of way to do it, these questions have begun to make considerable decisions!"

"Can't you?" Zhou Xiaoan's eyes were a little flustered! But then there was considerable excitement! "Elder martial brother Hou, do you think they are full? Is it worth it?"

"It's worth it. After getting close to the director, it's basically such a situation. For you, it's a kind of protection! Of course, it's also a test!" Hou Tianliang looked at Zhou Xiaoan with some pity! "The so-called protection is easy to understand! In quite a few cases, I won't do it to you! If necessary, I will mark you with a special color label!"

"Hey? What's the reason?"

"Existence that can't be provoked! If it's not a special situation, I'm not willing to provoke it in quite a few cases!"

Zhou Xiaoan glanced at his good friend and continued to ask! "What is another so-called test?"

"Money! Power! Women, etc.! Only what you can't think of, not what they can't do! Moreover, under similar circumstances, some tests can't be touched for you, because your identities are quite different! It doesn't mean that you can finish eating, drying and wiping! This is absolutely impossible!"

"Let me tell you an example! The director has a student! You may see him in the future. His name is Guo Li! He is a doctor! He is a very good doctor. He often goes to visit him for dental sacrifice in his spare time! What was the temptation he faced in those years? The top star of Hollywood! Billions of dollars in cash is placed in front of him!"

"How much? Billions of dollars?"

"Xiao'an hasn't seen it yet, has he? Guo Kai should have seen it!" then Hou Tianliang nodded to Guo Kai!

Guo Kai took Zhou Xiaoan to the farm vault! There was nothing to say along the way! Because this is a test of Zhou Xiaoan! When the money show in front of Zhou Xiaoan, Zhou Xiaoan directly began to curse his mother!

"Sir, how many planes do you have to buy? How many ships do you have to buy?"

"I can't buy much! The money here is at most a few planes or ships, and it's not the top one! If it's the top one, the money here may be only a fraction! But your idea is really different from ordinary people! At least when I faced this at the beginning, my idea was quite different! For me personally, Too much of a test! "

"Shit!" Zhou Xiaoan scolded! "I didn't expect so much! It's a pity to keep it! Just buy the applicable things! But why do you keep so much cash? What you spend is money!"

"Don't ask me! I certainly don't understand! And as far as I know, uncle Ding seems to be more luxurious at home, but his life is a little simple compared with his own situation!"

"When I see these things, I'm a little excited! But after I'm excited, I don't feel very useful!" Zhou Xiaoan said with some pondering, "Kaizi, you should know my family. You don't care about such things so much, so I also develop this character! Sometimes I doubt whether I'm stupid?"

"You are so short-sighted!"

After coming back, Hou Tianliang took a look at Zhou Xiaoan. He really looked at Zhou Xiaoan differently. Obviously, Zhou Xiaoan was deeply influenced by his family! At this point, I have many different opinions than other peers! It may seem a little silly to many people, but from another point of view, it is absolutely sincere!

"You will certainly face more temptations in the future! Even quite temptations are unexpected to you and also unexpected to me. What you see today is just to open your so-called horizons!"

"Elder martial brother Hou, isn't this eye opening way too exaggerated?"

"It's no exaggeration. Quite a few people can't stand it in front of this. They haven't been able to react for a long time, and have fallen into confusion! This is not an example! But I hope these will remind you!"

Ding Yu didn't come here until he finished his exercise. He didn't care so much about their hot chat!

But I didn't expect to be broken by Zhou Xiaoan! "Uncle Ding, how do you feel that it's not real Kung Fu, or even a little pretentious! It's not refreshing at all!"

Ding Yu was stunned, even blinked his eyes, and then he smiled! "What you don't see is the most real. Is there any Kung Fu? It takes a long time to practice and a little talent! Wulin experts are also human! Let alone guns! Even bows and arrows can't resist against the flesh!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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