In the morning, Ding Yu checked Zhou Xiaoan's physical condition!

"At dawn, take him to the hospital! Do a scan for him! I have written the specific situation on the paper. I need to see the specific situation!"

Zhou Xiaoan doesn't understand what his body is. He knows more or less, but what do you think of Ding Yu's meaning? It seems very serious? No! Nothing has changed these years!

Looking at Zhou Xiaoan who left, Guo Kai, who had not spoken, whispered, "Uncle Ding, is it a big thing?"

"There is no big problem! If there is a problem, I will directly find my parents!" Ding Yu explained impatiently! "If a doctor, especially in China, scolds loudly, it means that there is no bird matter. Coming here is a waste of time! Because our population base is too large! Women are used as men, but also as several men, and men are used as animals! And they are still used as big animals! Even if they eat, they don't have much leisure Husband, who has the leisure to be gentle with you? If so, it means you have something to do! "

"Uncle Ding, xiao'an has a big problem?"

"Say big or small! I can see some problems! But if you explain it, it will not be so intuitive! If you really say it, there are not many problems. Honestly, there will be no problems in his life, but he is a soldier! Even if he wants to sail on the sea in the future, if it is not solved, it is easy to have other problems Status! "

Ding Yu explained patiently! "Do you regard him as an 'opponent'?"

"Hmm! I tried other people in the school. At the beginning, they were OK! But with the progress of time, I thought of many ways, but they can't keep up with the rhythm! Xiao'an is one of the few people who can keep up and won't pull down too many!"

Ding Yu took off his glasses, wiped them twice, and then put them on again! "Your own decision! I won't do other interference! His conditions are good! I need to mention another problem here! It's your marriage! This needs attention!"

Ah? Guo Kai was a little distracted for a while! There's not even time to do other reactions!

"To a certain extent, I'm your parent! Your father handed you over to me! I need to be responsible for you, especially in your current situation. More specifically, many people have been staring at you! Everyone sees you, just like a wolf who hasn't eaten meat for a long time! Both eyes have begun to shine blue!"

Speaking of this, Ding Yu trembled all of a sudden! A little scared!

It's not boasting, but the actual situation. You can get Ding Yu's training and Guo Kai's specialty! Now too many people are eyeing, after all, we all have their own channels!

"Isn't it? I haven't graduated yet?"

Ding Yu felt a little funny about Guo Kai's muttering! "Your situation is a little different from others! The children in your family are too young! But Hou Tianliang and others? The situation is quite different, Guo Li and others? Now they have objects, so now the goal will be placed on you! So think about what kind of choice to make?"

"Uncle Ding, do I have the right to choose?"

Hiss... Ding Yu feels a little toothache! "Do you want to say yes? Yes! Choose yourself anyway! I need to say a little here! Don't be naughty. It's true that I have this problem, but I'm quite different from your identity! You wear this dress! You must look like it!"

There was a little curiosity in Guo Kai's eyes, but before he could explore, Ding Yu glared back! Guo Kai touched his head unintentionally!

"Uncle Ding, I haven't considered this problem before. As you know, the school has regulations!"

"I know, I don't encourage it! I absolutely don't advocate it! Even no contact with the local people is allowed! There are blood lessons in it, which can't be ignored! But you're about to graduate! I need to remind you to pay attention when I mention this matter. Don't fall into the pit and can't get out at that time! As for Zhou Xiaoan, you don't need to worry too much!"

"Yes!" there may be some concerns about other issues, but there is really no need to worry about Zhou Xiaoan, because the situation of their family decides! His choice in this area is relatively narrow!

The report from the hospital came out very quickly! Just kidding! Ding Yu said hello! All along, if it's not an extremely special thing, when have you seen Ding Yu so much! What's more, it's not a big deal, not even the so-called human feelings!

How much contribution Ding Yu has made to the hospital! There are absolutely a few in everyone's heart! The hospital can now have this development and scale. Ding Yu's role is really too great! And Ding Yu never interferes with the operation of the hospital! Even the hospital can be said to be responsive!

Don't say such a little request, even if Ding Yu flattened the hospital! We will also consider one or two! Even take the initiative to prepare tools for Ding Yu. At the same time, ask whether the tools are easy to use?

Zhou Xiaoan looked at the hospital report. The problem was not very big. As for the image data, he couldn't understand it at all! It's not that I don't want to see it, but even if I look dizzy, it's useless! What it should look like or what it should look like!

After waiting for him to come back, he gave Ding Yu a look. Ding Yu took them into the study, put the captured image on the film reading lamp and looked carefully!

"Traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine can be said to have different ages! In this regard, the development of Western medicine is commendable!" Ding Yu said a little! "Zhou Xiaoan, this is the crux of your problem! There was this problem at the beginning! Now the problem still exists! That's why you can't be a bird man!"

"Uncle Ding! This problem was mentioned to me at home. This blockage is determined by nature!" Zhou Xiaoan looked a little distressed! "Anyway, it's impossible to be a pilot! There's still nothing wrong with being a sea duck! And at the beginning, I thought about whether to have an operation, but there are still some risks! And this thing doesn't matter, so it's always put there!"

"It's not much trouble! However, due to your personal physical condition, there are not many possibilities to go further! There are also some items in your training. There is no problem in reaching the standard, but it's impossible to break through!" Ding Yu snorted! "OK! I know quite a situation! I'll think about it!"

Then Ding Yu waved! Just get rid of it!

After the two left the room, Ding Yu found a phone number?

"This is Ding Yu. Please listen to Mr. Zhou!"

Ah? The people on the phone were stunned! Ding Yu? Ding Yu! what the hell! Then put down the phone and ran away like a sprint! When I found Mr. Zhou, I was already panting! Obviously a little too excited!

"Hello, director Ding!" when Mr. Zhou answered the phone, he was a little excited and hesitant! Because I'm not sure what the purpose of Ding Yu's call is?

It wasn't a calculation at the beginning, Guo Kai! But if you have this idea, it's true!

"Hello, Mr. Zhou!" Ding Yu greeted him, and this greeting also made Mr. Zhou feel some fun. Obviously, Ding Yu is not an arrogant and domineering person! Although I haven't seen it, I've heard some so-called rumors! But listen to Ding Yu! It seems quite different from the rumor!

"I'll come straight to the point. Forgive me!"

"Director Ding, you say!"

"This is the case! Guo Kai regards Zhou Xiaoan as his opponent!" Ding Yu explained the meaning of the opponent, "It's a good thing that the two of them can promote each other. The problem is that I just checked Zhou Xiaoan's physical condition! If from this point! His current situation is not so appropriate! He can't keep up with Guo Kai's rhythm! It's not too much to say that his physical condition is too mediocre!"

"Hey! Director Ding! Since you said it! Then I won't hide it. At that time, the family was preparing to train him to be a pilot! There was no problem in all aspects, but who thought there was a problem in that place, just like a problem with the valve! And it was impossible to have surgery! If there was no surgery in that place, it was OK. If there was surgery, the problem would be too big! I've had other inquiries! But no one dares to do it! "

"Master Zhou, Guo Kai finally fell in love with xiao'an, that is to say, the competition between the two of them has begun!"

Mr. Zhou has some worries! "Director Ding! This competition?"

"Since it's competition, we need to make them synchronized. It's also a good thing that Guo Kai can see such a classmate. But I need to inform you about Zhou Xiaoan. After all, he is your grandson! What do you mean?"

"I'm boring!" what a shrewd man master Zhou is! "As long as you don't die! If you really have no way, you can't resent others!"

"Mr. Zhou is joking! He won't die! It's very hard for him to be an opponent with Guo Kai! To a certain extent, it's not allowed to give up halfway! I'm sure he can enjoy Guo Kai's treatment, but if he has problems, don't blame me for being merciless!"

"I promised!"

Ding Yu said bluntly, and Mr. Zhou agreed! "Director Ding! I won't say anything superfluous! I remember this favor!"

"Give me a break!" Ding Yu smiled bitterly. "Although xiao'an's performance is very good, it's hard to say whether he can withstand the pressure! That is, due to the considerable training you gave when you were a child, you are excellent now, but it's really hard to say later!"

"I understand! There will never be any interference at home! What I said!"

Got quite a guarantee, Ding Yu hung up here! At the same time, he also began to prepare considerable materials for Zhou Xiaoan!

"Your situation is a little complicated! The block here is like an air valve!" Ding Yu pulled a model! Simply gave Zhou Xiaoan and Guo Kai a look! "Ordinary people, the valve is so big!" Ding Yu gestures his fingernails! "But your valve is a little small! What's more, the endoscopic technology was not so developed in those years. What's more, your family's expectations for you also decided that the operation was not suitable!"

Guo Kai looked at the model, then looked at Zhou Xiaoan, and couldn't help shaking his head!

"This is a little too troublesome! Close to the heart! I don't understand the endoscopic technology, but if I open the chest, I will never pass the experience! I can't even be a sea duck with him! But I can't think of any other way except to do it! It's like a piece of paper lying there! It's a little too much test!"

"All right! I know what you want to say!" Ding Yu glanced at Guo Kai! Then I looked at Zhou Xiaoan! "I said hello to your grandpa just now! I can give you considerable treatment!"

Guo Kai was a little excited. Zhou Xiaoan felt that the news came too fast and the whole person was a little confused. Even Guo Kai shook his arm, it seemed that he didn't wake him up!

"There are two reasons for treating you. One is because of your family! It doesn't mean how powerful your family is and how much money there is in your family! At least in these two points, I think it's worse, especially the latter one! Your family's dedication to the country is worthy of respect! As for the second reason, Guo Kai recommended you! I hope you Can cherish this friendship with each other! "

What Ding Yu said is very serious! Zhou Xiaoan and Guo Kai looked at each other!

"Uncle Ding! We have nothing to say! Look at our performance!"

"I forgot to say! After you graduate, whether you will go back to be a bird man or continue to be a sea duck depends on you, but the possibility of being a bird man is not so great! Because your age decides!"

"I prefer the sea!"

"Whatever you want!" Ding yuhun said carelessly! "Guo Kai! Sit next to you and keep quiet! And xiao'an, take off your coat! Loosen your belt at the same time! You need to cooperate!"

Ding Yu had made considerable preparations before! At this time, we only need Zhou Xiaoan's cooperation! Maybe for others, it's hard to go to heaven. Unless you operate with a knife, it's absolutely impossible to complete it, but for Ding Yu! It's really not as painful as imagined!

But even so, it took almost two hours! I can't see any bleeding! Similarly, I can't see any wounds! Zhou Xiaoan didn't feel any difference in his body!

"Pay attention, don't take a bath in these two days! Don't drink, and don't go to violent activities!" Ding Yulin said a lot of things! "The temporary problem is not big! You still need a follow-up treatment, so self-discipline! And Guo Kai, you should also pay attention! Internal injury is different from trauma!"

"Uncle Ding, I feel better!" Zhou Xiaoan patted his chest and spoke!

"How do you feel?" Ding Yu snorted! "If you can feel it, why didn't you treat yourself earlier? Don't talk nonsense!" Ding Yu has a good understanding of Zhou Xiaoan's broken mouth, so he doesn't give face! "Guo Kai, you can take him out for a stroll, but pay attention to some things. Don't touch them!"


Guo Kai and Zhou Xiaoan have just left! Before Ding Yu cleaned up, the communication facilities on the table rang!

"You two came together! It would be unimaginable if the outside world saw this!"

"There seems to be guests!" Logan said lightly!

Ding Yu couldn't help feeling so funny! "Logan, you seem to have gone too far! If you don't say that, I still think you are a good man! But if you say this, I even have some uncontrollable hands and feet!" Ding Yu looked at Logan with a bad look!

Logan didn't take Ding Yu's threat to heart! Because everyone knows that Ding Yu's words are not a threat! It's just a little joke between each other!

"Ding! We need to go back! Do a lot of mediation!" Sanchez also looked at Ding Yu with an embarrassed face! "At the same time, we need to make certain arrangements!"

"This seems to have been determined for a long time! It's just to go back and say! Is there any other change in this?" Ding Yu looked at Logan and Sanchez with a puzzled face!

Give Ding Yu his feelings! It has been done very well! With the face they give them! What do you think of the current situation? Something else seems to have happened?

"I'd better say it! Ding!" Sanchez said helplessly! "To be exact, there is a considerable problem in Logan! And from now on, the problem is not small?"

Ding Yu looked at Logan, then slightly frowned and pointed to himself!

"That's not what I mean!" Logan looked at Ding Yu as if he had misunderstood and quickly explained! To be sure, it has nothing to do with Ding Yu! "It has nothing to do with Mr. Ding. There are quite a few problems in the White House!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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