"It's a little interesting!" Ding Yu said with some laughter! "It even makes people feel a little funny!"

Facing Ding Yu's contempt, Logan took a deep breath! Some little sorrow! Also quite desolate! Even if a bottle of vinegar is poured down, your heart will not be so sour!

At this time, the external problems have just stabilized. To be exact, they are just about the same as the negotiations! result? The interior is noisy again. Here comes the moth! This is NIMA's! Logan really wants to curse, and even some want to do it!

It's just that I can't find any object to vent in front of me!

Vent on Ding Yu and Sanchez? Don't play such a joke!

Ding Yu looked at Logan suspiciously and saw that Logan also had some cold hair in the back of his head! Because he knew too well, Ding Yu looked at what he meant!

After a period of time, Ding Yucai said faintly! "Logan, no matter whether Liu Song's affairs were ordered by some people or not, I will never take other actions at this time. At least I can hold it down! Sanchez, what's your opinion?"

Ding Yu's first statement made Logan relieved! And Sanchez nodded! He came to Ding Yu with Logan. Why? Need more explanation?

"I have no opinion! But some people really go too far!" Sanchez is also very dissatisfied! Both Ding Yu and himself are very tolerant, even very restrained, but the people in the white house really want to jump over the wall! However, Ding Yu's forbearance really surprised him!

"Logan! Things can't be so deadlocked. We always need a definite time!"

Now that we have reached an agreement with Sanchez, the remaining problems are easier to solve! It's not that the two sides persecute Logan together, but in this matter, Logan and even the white house behind must give a so-called explanation! Break the bottom line again and again! It's beyond everyone's tolerance!

Logan pursed his mouth. "I need to go back and report the situation. It won't take more than a week! Mr. Ding, Mr. Sanchez, I will do it as much as I can, and I need considerable cooperation!"

Obviously, Logan also has a murderous heart and has no way. At this time, Ding Yu is quite patient. Do you really think Ding Yu has a good temper? How possible things, I really know too much!

Ding Yu doesn't have any action now, which means that he is accumulating his anger. When his anger begins to release, will there be a sea of blood? It's really unknown! In my opinion, there is a considerable possibility!

In order to avoid such a situation, in order to prevent the frame of the White House from collapsing, I must be ruthless! There is no way, some people are unwilling! If we have to make so-called small moves at this time, can we really solve any problems? It's impossible!

"What do you mean?" Ding Yu looked at Sanchez next to him!

"I can help in general, but it's not good to stretch out my hand in this matter!" Sanchez said truthfully! "Who knows if the White House guys will overreact?" Sanchez's face showed a sarcastic smile! "But in a week, there shouldn't be too many problems!"

"That's a week!"

After the discussion, Logan didn't make any stop. Ding Yu personally sent him and even prepared some gifts for him. As for Sanchez, he was a little careless. He was not polite even to grab and take it! Like a bandit!

"I'll go. Who are these guys? They drag so much when they walk?"

The sharp eyed Zhou Xiaoan muttered!

"The man in the White House and the other one from the Boston consortium!" Hou Tianliang whispered next to him! "You shouldn't have known such a thing, but who let you encounter it? But it's OK to know it yourself! The director also plans to let you open your eyes and save you nothing!"

"I wipe!" Zhou Xiaoan felt the cold sweat on his forehead come down! "Playing so big?"

"Guo Kai, take Zhou Xiaoan to broaden your horizons! Save you doing nothing here! I won't accompany you!"

"Elder martial brother Hou, can you take xiao'an with you?"

"Go! It's not an outsider!" Hou Tianliang told me! "Can drive! Drive by yourself!" Hou Tianliang didn't know? What does Guo Kai want to do? They are young people with considerable enthusiasm! It's no big deal!

"Kay? What are we going for?"

"You! Pure is silly! Didn't see elder martial brother Hou's expression!" Guo Kai was speechless! "We stay at this time just to make ourselves uncomfortable! Hurry up and leave!"

"I see!" although Zhou Xiaoan doesn't know what kind of involvement is behind this, it can make Hou Tianliang so cautious. Obviously, they can't get involved in this! "By the way! Where are we going?"

Guo Kai asked the security guard for the car key! When he came to the parking place, Zhou Xiaoan's saliva had been left!

"Open this, everyone is fierce!"

Looking at the east wind placed there, Guo Kai also showed his teeth slightly! All right! There aren't many requirements anyway. You can drive any car! Zhou Xiaoan is a little envious, but he still knows how much water he has! Driving is a bit demanding for him! I'm really not a good player in this field!

"This car is fierce!" after getting on the car, Zhou Xiaoan looked left and right! It's like a monkey! I can't sit still! "I didn't expect such a car here!"

"Take it easy. Uncle Ding said earlier, don't be too excited! After all, you still need considerable treatment. Although you have no trauma, you are an internal injury. If there are any problems and conditions, something will happen!"

"Don't worry! I'm more cautious than you. It's related to my life in the future!"

Guo Kai drove Zhou Xiaoan to a slightly special place and even went through several inspections on the road! Inside and outside inspection, without any ambiguity! Seeing Zhou Xiaoan, I feel numb in my heart!

"Kaizi, where did you bring me? How do you feel that the situation here is a little different?"

Guo Kai, the driver, gave a sound! "Here? It's a secret place! Anyway, I can't find it on the map. I came here to train for a while! Together with senior brother Hou, they also trained here! Uncle Ding's security guards are trained! Of course, they sometimes receive training here in a different way! Also, some personnel are stationed here! To some extent, it's also for Protect uncle Ding's safety! This is generally the case! You are not an outsider, so knowing the news here is not a leak! "

"I wipe! Is it true or false?" Zhou Xiaoan touched his head! "How can I feel falling into the mud!"

"This is not a special secret, but your family will not know! Because there are other problems involved!" Guo Kai explained with a smile! "Many people in China know about Uncle Ding, but the level of knowledge is relatively high! Let me think about it!"

Guo Kai blinked his eyes, "farm, farm, you know!"

"Of course I know! Our father said it! The vegetables and fruits provided by the farm are very good! It's a little expensive! But the effect is absolutely incomparable! Now the country is rich and strong! It can afford to eat! Even eat well! These are invisible!"

"The farm was founded by Uncle Ding!"

"What?" Ouch! Zhou Xiaoan couldn't help touching his head. He knocked a little hard! I rubbed it. Fortunately, I didn't pick up the bag! "Kay, can you play such a joke on me? It's too exaggerated?"

"This is not a joke. The farm was really founded by Uncle Ding. I don't know much about the inside story! But for a long time, we can't see the specific situation of the farm, and the current chairman is still orange and apricot!"


"I don't know the specific situation, but Uncle Ding seems to have a different relationship with Japan! I've heard some rumors about oranges and apricots! The family situation is unusual, and even uncle Ding's opponent in the past! But I'm really not so clear about the specific arrangements of the farm! I just know a little bit more!"

Soon the two people came to the place, and then there was a crackling sound in their ears. Obviously, such a sound is not so strange to the two people, but Zhou Xiaoan's mood was a little nervous!

"I'll go. Is this joke a little big? Did I hear it right?"

"I'll take you here to feel it. Anyway, you're not so interested in the farm! But let you come here is to open your eyes, not to let you play. You know what your physical condition is like!"

Facing Guo Kai's warning, Zhou Xiaoan took a deep breath! "It seems that today will really be an eye opener!"

But before going in, the two people were also rechecked! Of course, to be more precise, it is to give them both considerable protection, including headphones! eye! Helmet, wait! All over! No omission!

"I'm kidding! Do you think these things are a little too extravagant?" Guo kaixiao was very happy! Quite a thing he had only heard before, but he had never seen it! Today is really an eye opener!

"There are not many people on Uncle Ding's side, but they all exist at the elite level. To a certain extent, they are no less expensive than us sea ducks and birds!"

The two stayed here for a long time, but neither of them meant to end! Because Zhou Xiaoan's physical condition has decided! Guo Kai didn't mean to stimulate him!

On the way back, Zhou Xiaoan was also full of regret! "You said it would be great if there were such a practical drill in our school! I feel blood boiling when I think about it!"

"Don't dream!" Guo Kai said impolitely! "You don't consider the cost! It's like there is no way to popularize driving in our school! We are not individuals, but the whole! How many students! There are too many messy expenses! Even if the country is rich, it can't stand it! Everyone wants to be able to cultivate comprehensively! The country doesn't know? It knows, but there are always too many problems Restriction! "

Two people can't stop discussing all the way! I haven't seen Ding Yu since I came back! Two people can only be bitterly back to the canteen!

"I feel that I have broadened my horizons today! I have seen a lot!"

"It's not enough, isn't it!" Guo Kai smiled coldly. "After all, I need to give you some sweets to taste. Do you really think this pit is happy sea water? It's so beautiful that your nose bubbles! Now give you some sweets to taste, you won't be able to eat at that time! I seemed to have a relaxed time at that time!"

"No?" Zhou Xiaoan said suspiciously! I've seen the training in the afternoon! What a knife and a gun! There is no ambiguity! "Kay, you're not scaring me, are you? We're sea ducks!"

"You'll know then!" Guo Kai didn't explain much about it!

Logan and Sanchez left! Ding Yu is a lot more relaxed! Together with Bruno, they began to come out! It's not like before! Hide on one side and pretend to be dead!

"It's really you! You're lying down. At this time, I really doubt whether you're the son of a bitch?"

"Cut! Thousand and eighty thousand year turtle, don't think I don't understand!" Bruno won't be fooled! "But after lying down for a few days, plus the medicine you prepared for me, it's really comfortable! It's also really enjoyable! I'm really tired some time ago! I can't even bear it! It's not easy to have a little spirit!"

"Deliberately, isn't it?" Ding Yu said with a bad smile! "When you see Logan and Sanchez running away, you live again?"

"I really don't want to see them. There are too many troubles! There are so many unclear!"

"It has nothing to do with me!" Ding Yu said disapprovingly! When I looked at Bruno, there were some teasing! "They didn't mention you. Don't they have much respect for you?"

Bruno looked at Ding Yu contemptuously! "Ding! We're still good friends! It's already such an obvious thing! Can you really look at me? But you know, I can't get involved in such a thing!"

"That's why I'm very angry!" Ding Yu couldn't help sighing! "You're not here when you need it! It's hard for me to stand alone in the front position!"

"I've heard quite a lot! It's said that the people over there in the White House are a little dishonest!"

"You've heard, too? Does it seem that the news is very well informed?"

"Other things may be delayed, but if such news is not well informed, it is really easy to have problems!" Bruno sighed! "Hearing about Liu Song, I've been suppressed! It doesn't look like your style at all. I thought you would be furious at that time!"

Ding Yu waved his hand! A look of disapproval!

"Is it intentional? Just want to give me an embarrassment?" Ding Yu couldn't help humming! But then there was a considerable sigh! "At this time, we should focus on the overall situation! It's true that I don't like white house and Goode very much! But everyone knows that quite a lot of noise at this time is bad for the overall situation! I don't want to be a ghost for death!"

"Only the last sentence is true, isn't it?"

Bruno won't believe Ding Yu's nonsense. What is the importance of the overall situation! At this time, Ding Yu has no other actions, but just doesn't want to be a ghost for death. To be exact, Ding Yu is sitting on the mountain watching the tiger fight, that's all!

At this time, the more steady Ding Yu is, the more impatient White House and Mr. Goode are! The longer the delay, the greater the loss for White House and Mr. good!

After all, the overall framework is already crumbling! Under such circumstances! If you don't hurry up, will it come true when the house collapses? Are you kidding? It is precisely because of this that Ding Yu is as stable as Mount Tai!

If the white house really collapses! It's a good thing for Ding Yu! But the possibility is too small! And it's too dangerous? I don't even see any chance in it! Otherwise, do you really think Ding Yu is afraid of threats? How is that possible? His courage is definitely the hairy one!

It seems very calm on the surface! But in fact, they are bold and lawless!

"Well, that's what you asked me to say?"

"No! These things really don't have much to do with me. At least I don't care about it now! It's mainly because Logan and Sanchez are gone! Can I finally take a breath? Is there another reason? Has Thornton worked too hard these two days? I'm worried!"

"Do you worry too much!" Ding Yu really feels a little sad and laughing! And that's why! People who don't know think something happened!

"Can I not worry about it? Besides Thornton, is there anything else I need to care about at this time? It doesn't matter what's going on in the White House! Who's missing then? It's impossible to lose my share! Besides, it seems a little premature to get involved now, isn't it?"

"Can I say you are definitely an old fox?" Ding Yu said madly! "And all the bargains are yours! Is there any reason?"

"Cut!" Bruno was very dissatisfied! "It's like how innocent you are! Don't tell me you're unprepared! I'll never believe it!"

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