In the evening, Ding Yu went to see Thornton! Looking at Thornton, Ding Yu felt a little funny!

When Thornton saw Ding Yu, he felt a little angry! "Good evening, Mr. Ding!"

"You have a good temper! What's the matter? You have confidence?" Ding Yu murmured to himself. "Also! After all, your bones are different now! Your voice is much louder! Should I say congratulations?"

Thornton really doesn't have any good way to deal with Ding Yu's strange aura. What can he do? If you can, you really want to catch Ding Yu and beat him, but obviously, it's difficult to dream!

Since you can't do it, then bear it!

"Mr. Ding, many people have come. I'm a little upset!"

If it was his parents face to face, Thornton would never say so, but when he met Ding Yu face to face, Thornton didn't have so many questions and didn't have any hesitation! I didn't even take this as a thing!

Although I haven't been here for a long time, I give myself the feeling of Thornton! The communication with Ding Yu is very equal, although I have to say that he is a little bad at a considerable time! But this kind of bad makes me very comfortable! At least in a good mood!

You know, Ding Yu's relationship with his father can be said to be very poor. Although his parents didn't mention something quite with him, many people around him mentioned it! Together with the people who came today, they solemnly made an expression!

But in Thornton's own heart, it was clear! Why is this!

Whether his father or Ding Yu, there are too many interests behind him! When this interest relationship is determined, they need to stand on the opposite! What if there is no such thing between us? I'm afraid they will become very good friends!

I don't want to understand, but I have to understand, and I have to understand very clearly and clearly!

"Really? There are many people? It can be more lively!"

Thornton rolled his eyes. Can you tell me such a thing? Just tell yourself, let the people over be honest, this is your territory! It's the dragon who has to dish, and the tiger who has to lie down! Don't trouble me or yourself!

"I think they are ready now that they will come!"

It hurts to talk to Ding Yu, because you need to think all the time. You can't have any pause. Once you pause, you can't keep up with Ding Yu's rhythm! Even be taken away by Ding Yu!

Indeed, such resistance can only last for a short time! But Thornton feels very good because he has been a great help to his growth! After more than two years of interference, it finally began to be watered! And the water is still manna! Nothing is more enjoyable than this, and nothing is more appropriate than this!

"They have their affairs, which has nothing to do with me, and I'm too lazy to care! But due to your physical condition, I need to be responsible!" said Ding Yu!

Ding Yu made his meaning very clear! No matter who comes or who doesn't come, it won't have any other impact on Ding Yu, and Ding Yu basically doesn't care about these people! The first thing I need to ensure now is Thornton's physical condition, as long as he is healthy! Everything else is easy to say!

"Mr. Ding, these people come mainly to take care of me! Life always needs to be more meticulous!"

Ding Yuxiao has some fun! The little guy is not old, but he has a lot of heart!

"It's up to you!" gave Thornton a new check-up! "At this stage, you don't need to use any powerful medicine! It's most appropriate for you to take care of yourself slowly! Because your body has been hurt! You may not see too many problems and conditions in a short time, or even too many problems in thirty or forty years! But if there is a problem, you should stop The whole body may collapse, okay? "

"Can I live so long?" Thornton clearly felt that there were some accidents! "How do you feel, Mr. Ding? You don't seem to be joking with me! But I still feel very surprised!"

"Surprised?" Ding Yu smiled and looked very confident! "But your body has been quite impacted! Judging from the current situation, the problem is not very big, but you need to take a good rest! This can not be solved in a moment! And don't be eager for success!"

"Mr. Ding, it gives me a personal feeling that you seem a little impatient!"

"I didn't give you more pressure!" Ding Yu's face was positive, "This point must be made clear! Although you have considerable mental problems, your physical problems are more serious! And the test I give you? More guidance! It is also to repair your mental condition! From the current situation, everything is still good!"

Thornton puffed his mouth! Although he didn't want to admit it, the truth is the truth! There's not much to argue about!

"Mr. Ding! These people coming now?"

However, halfway through the conversation, Ding Yu interrupted him!

"What is their purpose here? I really don't have any interest in it! Even what they want to do? It doesn't have much to do with me. I don't have any meaning to care about it. Can you understand?"

"I don't quite understand!" Thornton said angrily, and even wanted to deliberately get angry with Ding Yu!

"Can't understand, also need to understand!" Ding Yu didn't look like what because of Thornton's small temper? There is no such need! "Your father and I represent different forces. Similarly, as the inheritor of your family, you must think from different angles in the future! This is certain!"

"Mr. Ding, is there no way to avoid?" Thornton's eyes looked forward to it!

"At least from the current situation, there is no way to avoid it! Just like me and your father! There is no way to avoid the relationship between us! It seems that we are all high above, in a word! But in fact, we don't count a lot of things!"

"I can understand some! But at the same time, I have considerable emotion!"

Looking at Thornton's slightly ironic expression, Ding Yu suddenly laughed! "It doesn't matter whether it's a good thing or a bad thing! Whether it's me or your father, we all have a clear understanding! Do something at the right time! You don't need to worry about this! You need to face the situation you're going to face!"

Thornton felt a little confused at this time! "Mr. Ding, it seems that you have brought me rhythm again!"

"What a normal thing!" Ding Yu said disapprovingly! "Just get used to it! There's nothing unacceptable! All the children in the family call me a big devil! They're used to it!"

Looking at Ding Yu's suspicious eyes, Thornton felt that he really couldn't control his anger. What you said was so natural, as if I should have been used to it for a long time!

But do you know? How many days have I been here? Such a short time, let yourself adapt to everything, is it really as yourself omnipotent? I'm still a child, okay?

Even if their talent is very good! But it takes time! You can't let yourself have no time to adapt! You can master everything! Are you kidding? But obviously! Ding Yu has no consideration of this aspect at all! This made Thornton so angry, even so angry!

"Mr. Ding, is it really good for you?"

Ding Yu looked at Thornton with suspicious eyes! A look of surprise! But looking at Ding Yu's expression, I know that Ding Yu is absolutely intentional! He's even a bit of a joker! Just for Thornton! This makes Thornton feel a little angry!

"I really doubt how you said such words?" Ding Yu disdained a little! Look at Thornton's eyes are quite different! "Although the children in the family are very dissatisfied with this, they are a little happy! It's not that they are masochists, but because they know that such an opportunity is not easy!"

Thornton's expression is a little lonely! Because compared with the children of the Ding family, they are a little more different! I didn't even see the other children of the Ding family except Mengxi. Why didn't I see them! There seem to be many reasons for this, but there is only one in fact! That is, there is a considerable gap between myself and the children of the Ding family!

If I see the children of the Ding family, it will have a great impact on my spirit. This is the most real reason! Now Mr. Ding mentioned it again! I really have some little sadness!

But Thornton reacted quickly!

"Mr. Ding! I always feel that you are deliberately inducing me by saying such words! Although I know, I can't refuse! Of course, I also know that there must be a trap, but compared with the temptation in front! Even if it is a trap, I need to step in! And I still have no regrets!"

not bad Ding Yu even applauded Thornton! And such behavior made Thornton so angry! It makes people wonder if there is something wrong with the guy sitting in front of him? If it's preaching addiction, it's really no big deal! But obviously, this is not the case! It's a headache!

"Good! It's good to have such an understanding!" Ding Yu then tilted his mouth! "Although I know! What I said seems a little too false! But I still need to give you some encouragement and comfort to save you from other situations! That's really not good!"

Staring at Ding Yu's face for a while! Thornton slowly lowered his eyes. He really couldn't control it! Even Thornton was thinking! Where is the most appropriate place to hit this punch! eye! Nose? Or mouth?

I feel that no matter where it is, it is very good! Unfortunately, I can't find any opportunities!

"Mr. Ding, won't the children at home have any resistance?"

"Oh? I didn't see it! You still have such a careful thought? Good! Very good!" Ding Yu was very impressed! But how fake his expression is! Because Ding Yu didn't cover up at all! "I really have some to wait and see. I hope you can bring me more fun!"

Then Ding Yu sighed! "What a pity! The children in the family have always been very modest, but how to say? They still have a considerable gap! Moreover, I'm afraid it's difficult to catch up in a moment and a half! I'm really a little disappointed about this! I hope you can make up for it, but it depends on what you look like now?"

Ding Yu subconsciously left his mouth! A look of contempt! And such actions and expressions made Thornton's fingers twitch! Too crazy!

Although I already knew he was not a good man! But you can't do that, can you?

Think about the information you have read! Why do so many people hate Ding Yu so much? I have found the answer now! I wonder how he lived for so many years? It was a miracle that no one was killed!

How long have you been in contact with him? I can't control myself again and again! Who fought him for so many years? What kind of mood is it! But from another point of view! All these years! What if everyone can't give him? Itself can also explain quite a problem!

In other words, Ding Yu has been strong to a considerable extent! He has a considerable foundation and inside information! This is the core! Without these, can it be today's situation? It's impossible!

"Mr. Ding, it should be a very interesting thing to fight you!"

This sentence made Ding Yu silent for a little time, and then he said it slowly! "From my personal point of view, I can't say that! As my opponent, it's a lucky thing! But at the same time, it's a very painful thing! From my personal point of view, it's a very interesting thing! But at the same time, it's very boring and even makes people feel helpless!"

"A little incomprehensible!"

"I forgot if I told you! The greatest freedom in life! I can't do what I want to do! That freedom is just a superficial freedom! Even a little false! The greatest freedom in life? Is that I don't do what I don't want to do! Of course, my understanding is the most correct!"

Listen to Ding Yu's explanation! Thornton blinked his eyes and didn't fully understand!

"Mr. Ding, standing in the position of you and my father! What you want to do should be a little simple! What you don't want to do! It seems to be simpler!"

"Ghost pull!" Ding Yu said with some laughter! "What do I want to do most? From the current point of view, it should be the research on medicine! Surgery in the hospital! Research on traditional Chinese medicine! The combination of theory and practice! Drug research, etc.! But obviously, there is no free time and no time! The last thing I want to do is to deal with all kinds of troubles! But it backfires , trouble is like air! Everywhere! "

This description made Thornton don't know what to say for a moment! Trouble is like air! People can't live without air! In other words, you Mr. Ding left the trouble! I can't seem to live! Of course, you can also say! Trouble is around him all the time. You can't break free if you want to break free!

"When I heard Mr. Ding say this, I suddenly thought of my father!"

"Your father!" Ding Yu snorted! "He is not much different from me! We are both the same, and we can't even catch up with men in ordinary families! At least in terms of freedom! There are too many things we don't want to do and too few things we want to do! But the reality forces us to do a lot of things we don't want to do, and basically nothing can be done !”

"It's a little complicated, even confusing!" Thornton's expression was a little distressed! Because this remark is too tongue twister! "I don't know how many people envy you and your father's position! Even for this position! Do everything!"

"Yes! Do everything! But from the position of your father and me! It would be a good thing if someone could take our place! But is it possible? It's impossible!"

"Why is it impossible? I am the heir of my father, and Mr. Ding, your children are also your heir! We are the guarantee of the future!"

Look at Thornton! Ding Yu shook his head! "You also said! You are the guarantee of the future! The so-called future is what hasn't happened yet! Do you know what the future will look like? You don't know! I know? I don't know! Everything is unknown!"

"I feel that there are too many contradictions in this discourse, but I don't know where to refute for a while, which makes people very confused!"

Ding Yu is the size of ha ha. Thornton looked at Ding Yu and couldn't help muttering! In Thornton's opinion, it's obvious that Ding Yu has a nervous attack like this! Now Thornton is thinking! Do you want to stay away! Save yourself. When you have a problem, you don't even have a space to avoid!

But this idea is a little sad. Why? Because of your physical condition! Now I can only lie on the bed honestly, and I can't move too much!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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