When coming out from Thornton, Ding Yu met Bruno waiting outside!

Nodded to each other! Two people stroll away from here! But someone in the back looked at Ding Yu and Bruno who left! His face was meditating, and he didn't know what he was thinking!

The relationship between Ding Yu and Bruno is very good! Everyone knows this! Otherwise, Thornton wouldn't have come here at the beginning! And Ding Yu really lived up to expectations! Really saved Thornton!

From this point of view, everyone is very grateful to Ding Yu, but will you leave Thornton here? Everyone has a lot of opinions and ideas! Because everyone's sense of Ding Yu is a little difficult to describe!

It is undeniable that this guy is really not average! Even a little too evil! It is said that he has entered the door, but what is it? I'm afraid no one can make it clear!

And there is another problem, which always makes everyone have some doubts! That's about the goodes! Is there any blending of Ding Yu? This is very important! However, we doubt it. Anyway, so far, we really haven't brought out any useful clues!

After all, even if such a thing is confidential, it can always find out quite a clue! But the problem is that so far, it has not been verified. It has nothing to do with Ding Yu! To some extent, this is really puzzling for some people!

Why do you doubt Ding Yu! Because in some people's view, Ding Yu and Goode are the top figures in the pyramid. They compete with each other. This is a common thing! Now the people below rebel, if there is no encouragement from Ding Yu behind! Can it really work?

But it's not that there's nothing missing! It's like the rescue of Thornton. From this point of view, if Ding Yu says he doesn't rescue, is there any way for Mr. Goodall? There seems to be no way!

Ding Yu said he couldn't cure it. What can you do? After all, I took countless ways and methods, and finally gave up! When Thornton was sent to Ding Yu, he basically held the idea of becoming benevolent if he failed!

From this point of view, it seems that things really have nothing to do with Ding Yu!

So up to now, on the one hand, we are grateful to Ding Yu! On the other hand, there is great doubt! There is even considerable precaution, because this guy is so unpredictable that he can't understand what's going on in this guy's head? Or this is the gap between each other after entering that door!

"Why did you come all of a sudden?"

"Hey! I'm still a little worried!" also worried that Ding Yu had other ideas, so Bruno explained, "I'm not worried about Thornton, but mainly about these people! They! It's hard to say what kind of mood they are now!"

Facing Bruno's emotion, Ding Yu smiled calmly!

"Why? It's a little too early for you to worry now?"

Bruno glared at Ding Yu without anger! "You know exactly what I mean when I say this! Follow me on purpose, don't you? I'm not really worried about you! I'm mainly worried about these guys! Their mood is not good at all. Maybe their knowledge is very good! But their thought is too narrow!"

"This is not what I can decide, nor can you decide!" Ding Yu comforted. Bruno can see it, and Ding Yu can see it naturally! "What's more, if you get involved in these things now, how will everyone treat you at that time? This is debatable!"

Bruno is also a little helpless! "There's no one on their mind! Don't say it's right for you! Even for me, they have a lot of precautions, just like I can hurt Thornton! Of course, they also think I'm too close to you to some extent! Anyway, they think they are the most correct!"

Ding Yu smiles! "From a certain point of view, they are indeed the most backbone force, which is not wrong!"

"It's true that it's the backbone, but I don't have you! Is this way correct or wrong? Maybe it was placed a hundred years ago, it may be correct, or even earlier, but in modern society, it needs to be discussed whether it is correct or wrong!"

In this regard, Ding Yu thought about it for some time, and then joked about it!

"Bruno, in your face, I can't go too far to investigate anything. As long as they don't go too far, I still have this tolerance! But quite often, I'm not a good tempered person!"

What Ding Yu said is very obscure! Even so vague! But Bruno is very clear that Ding Yu's words are a very big concession! You should know that this is Ding Yu's hometown and his territory after all! Even what does Ding Yu want? What can happen! And now Ding Yu is willing to give this face! It's really not easy!

But the question is, are these people here? Can you keep yourself in line? About this? Bruno is really afraid to make any guarantee!

Even from Bruno's point of view, it's really hard to get involved in such things! Why not get involved too much! Because of the task assigned to you? It's about ensuring Thornton's safety!

As for Thornton's teaching and growth, Bruno can't get involved too much! With too much participation, what will Mr. good think at that time? Who knows? The previous time was because no one was transferred! So Bruno played this role temporarily, but now quite a few people have come!

Under such circumstances, Bruno continues to get involved! It will make everyone dissatisfied!

Bruno's protection of Thornton has been a great achievement! You've eaten meat! Can't you even leave some soup for everyone! Just staring at you, Bruno eating and drinking? Everyone drools on one side!

So after listening to Ding Yu's words, Bruno also realized something!

"I don't know if I have a chance to speak!" Bruno suddenly smiled! "In the present position! It seems to be in a high position, but I'm afraid only I know the dangers best! It's no big deal that the road ahead is difficult! But someone always lags behind, which makes me helpless!"

When he found Bruno looking at himself, Ding Yu almost broke the defense! Then he took a bad look at Bruno! Although we are good friends, pay attention to me when you talk! Don't think I really dare not give you anything!

To some extent, it's also telling Bruno not to force me to turn over! It's good to know quite a thing! Really, if you say it! Each other's faces have some ugly ones!

Looking at Ding Yu, Bruno couldn't help feeling so funny!

"I heard that something happened to Wang Li! I didn't mean to inquire on purpose! It's mainly because someone reported it! I can't think that nothing has happened! But Wang Li still has a considerable sense of propriety!"

Ding Yu has some toothache! Hum, after laughing, I said with a slight feeling of irritability! "She called me! At first, she wanted to start from the outside! But I refused! And I seriously warned her that there was no problem in investigating quite a lot of things, but now I can't start from the outside! If she does! There are any problems and situations! I won't pay any attention!"

"A little heartless!"

"What if not?" Ding Yu asked rhetorically! "Even you and I can be calculated! If someone like her really falls into the pit at that time, what should I do? You go to save it? Or I go to save it? If not, what should I do? So it's better to draw a considerable boundary for her at the beginning! Let her know the powerful relationship!"

"Anyway, I've done everything I should do! Under such circumstances, if someone still doesn't know good or bad, I'm sorry! Of course, if Wang Li has any problems! I don't have any way! What else do you want me to do? Is it difficult that I need to take everything for her?"

Ding Yu's mood at this time seems a little excited!

"It's really your style! I can help! It's inconvenient for you to do it, but it doesn't mean it's also inconvenient for me to do it. It really makes people curious. It's not as simple as picking up wool on your head. Together with our heads, they haven't let go! How brave!"

Ding Yu gave a sound! "Yes! I'm a little bold! But Bruno, I have other considerations about this matter! Who can do this? It shouldn't be a little person! A little person can't do such a thing! What's more! It's better at home! Abroad? Ah!"

Obviously, Bruno knows what Ding Yu is worried about! The back of the matter is definitely not as simple as imagined! Yes, of course! If Ding Yu really wants to investigate! It will be investigated! But after the investigation?

I'm afraid Ding Yu has realized the problems behind this! Whether intentional or unintentional! Have revealed considerable problems! In other words, someone deliberately makes trouble behind his back!

Someone deliberately made trouble for Ding Yu. Who are these people? Bruno has quite a feeling now!

Do ordinary people dare to make trouble with Ding Yu? Hearing Ding Yu's name may make you shiver! They may compliment, they may avoid it, and they will never make trouble! Because they know that Ding Yu is really not something they can provoke!

Even let them do something bad in it! They won't do it! Because everyone knows! Ding Yu is more careful! Maybe for the time being, Ding Yu won't care too much, but afterwards? Who knows if Ding Yu will turn things over at any time! Trouble for everyone then!

They're all mixed up! How can I not understand! This alone can exclude many people!

After knowing what Wang Li investigated, Bruno did a lot of thinking! Obviously, Ding Yu doesn't want to create complications at this time! He needs stability! Wait until the present thing is over! If you still have a little temper in this regard, it's not too late to investigate at that time!

"I don't have anything right now! Why don't I ask about it!"

Why did Bruno suddenly cross in! Because Bruno knows Ding Yu very well! Sometimes it's really very careful! If you really move your hands then! Absolutely no meat!

I'm afraid no one can make it clear how much noise will be made! I'm afraid the bloody rain is light!

And then the White House must be weak, with Mr. good? There won't be too many moves! Even for the future! At this time, Bruno also needs to harden his scalp and give things to the next! Otherwise, I really think Bruno has nothing to do! Must be annoying in front of Ding Yu!

For Bruno, get a hand in it! Ding Yu watched him for a while! "Bruno, it's just a small thing that no one cares too much when it's placed in ordinary times, but it's now! If you're careless, you may cause great trouble! I don't mean to be contaminated!"

There is some warning in this word! Even more than one level of warning!

On the one hand, he told Bruno that if things in it were to be mixed up, it would be easy to be criticized. His hand was a little too long! Another level of reason? If you get involved in this matter, you will disrupt your own deployment!

Bruno laughed, "I can't watch it! You and I are always very good friends. I have to let them all spit out! It's yours, it's yours! There's no doubt about it. Whoever comes can't! Whoever gets involved will cut off his claws!"

"OK! Since you want to do this, I can't stop anything!" at least Ding Yu won't be too strong in such things! Because there is no meaning!

Now that Bruno has seen through! Then others can see through! Even if you are blocking, you won't have much effect. It's better to push the boat with the flow!

"Bruno! As a friend, I think I still need to remind you! Things should not be as easy to deal with as imagined! Don't get involved in it yourself!" since we have talked about the conditions, there is no need to hide anything! Say two words of concern, practical!

"I'm too lazy to talk to these guys! But I think Mr. good should be very interested! As for who will be involved in this process? It's not so clear! Who knows?"

Bruno deliberately raised his shoulder! Ding Yu also pursed his mouth! A bitter smile! A little too much! But it's really a good idea! Even a very appropriate choice!

It won't involve Bruno himself! Even let Goodall decorate! And it won't cause disgust in other aspects! It can be said that all aspects are peripheral! Kill with one stone!

"You're a good idea! No wonder you deliberately wait for me here!" Ding Yu lit Bruno with his hand! "Speaking of it, I really have the feeling of suffering losses! Even now I'm quite unhappy!"

"How about eating! How about taking a bath? Call that old guy Sanchez too! He seems to be a little sleepy these days! It's time to come to you when he's almost explained!"

After hearing this, Ding Yu stared at the past with hatred! "Shall I? Bruno, you weren't like this before! When did you become like this now? It's really so outrageous!"

If so, the last three people came together! Of course, I didn't want to go to Lao Dong on purpose! I just found a good place in the city! Charter! And this makes Ding Yu so angry! Why? It was Ding Yu's treat! Is there any reason?

Admittedly, this is your own territory, but you've gone too far!

But it can also be seen that Sanchez was really tired in these two days. He even fell into the pool before he took a bath! Ding Yu and Bruno are so funny!

Even when Sanchez woke up the next morning, he didn't know how he came back last night! If there were no security, Sanchez really had some doubts about whether he would wake up and find himself lying on the garbage!

But when Ding Yu had breakfast in the morning, he called his third uncle!

"Third uncle! Good morning!"

"It's getting late!" the middle-aged man said with a smile! "It's said that your side is not generally lively!"

"Can it not be lively? But fortunately, there is no boiling pot!" Ding Yu also said with some emotion! "The White House should have been liquidated by now! A considerable agreement has been reached between them in general! It is impossible for the White House to be pushed! There will not be much change in the main framework! But this cleaning will be very powerful!"

"Things are too noisy! I'm not afraid they'll trouble you when they come!"

"It doesn't seem to have much to do with me! What's more, Goode's son is still with me now! It can only be said that some people are greedy! They want to replace Goode! Stealing chickens can't eat rice! So now they must pay a considerable price! I'm not interested in getting involved in these things!"

Listening to Ding Yu's words, the middle-aged man has understood the situation!

"I see! If there's nothing to do recently, just stay at home with your parents. I've explained the relevant aspects of the children's affairs. They'll pay attention. Don't worry!"

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