Ding Yu certainly heard the warning in his uncle's words! Not even ridicule, but a naked warning!

And the fact that he let the children out of the house has aroused his third uncle's serious dissatisfaction! Even now at this time, there are already some jumping feet, so it also leads to talking to Ding Yu. It's very impolite!

Such criticism is absolutely absent in the past!

How old are the children at home! You don't take good care of it! Even put them in danger. What do you think? Still not a father! How can you be like this?

Some words are not too straightforward, because they are mentioned on the phone? A little untimely! When Ding Yu returns to Beijing, it will not be as simple as scolding! It must be a good lesson!

Even though Ding Yu has made considerable contributions, contributions belong to contributions and mistakes belong to mistakes. We can't confuse each other! If all fathers were like him! It's really bad!

When he put down the phone, Ding Yu looked like he couldn't laugh or cry! Some things cannot be explained too clearly! What's more, these bastards at home are not fuel-efficient lamps!

Of course, it's not that there's no danger at all! It's really dangerous! On this issue, Ding Yu doesn't want to deny anything! There is no such need! But Ding Yu also has his own consideration!

Children at home, due to their identity, naturally need to bear more attention, especially in this information society! They are concerned by too many people! It's really not something you can hide if you want to hide!

Since you can't hide, you need to protect yourself through rapid growth! At least in the face of danger, know what to do! In other words, let them experience considerable wind and rain! Even face the wind and rain!

I don't deny that they will catch a cold in the process! A runny nose! Even if you have a fever, you may get hurt! These are unavoidable things! But born in such a family! We need to bear such a price! If you want to be a rice bug waiting to die, you don't have to think about it! It's impossible!

Ding Yu stopped, but the darkness and nightmare of the White House had just come!

After reaching a preliminary agreement with Ding Yu, Goodall began to talk to the house! Don't think about running! There is no chance of escape! Since we made a choice at the beginning, we need to pay a price for this choice today!

You all want the life of our family. Is it very reasonable that I want the life of your family in turn? Of course, it may be a little difficult to finish the job in a moment! Just do it steadily! There must be no omission!

Because any omission is a poison needle hidden in the dark for Goodall and even some consortia! It's too much to guard against! With the goodes! What can others do even if they are quite defensive? There are people who have been thieves for thousands of days, but there are no people who have been thieves for thousands of days!

So why don't you take this opportunity to clean up! Make the interior as clean as possible! In this way, you can rest assured in the future!

Of course, there are warnings in it! Give some people with evil intentions a serious warning! Whoever it is? Offended the board! There will never be any good end!

And Ding Yu's side! Is to put his eyes on the White House! The speed of cleaning is not particularly fast! Can only say orderly! Obviously, Goodall also knows very well! Clean up the White House! Catch insects! weed! Even sprinkle some pesticide, it's no big deal!

Even turning the white house upside down is no big deal! It doesn't matter! But the main body of the White House can never move! In other words, we must not let the foundation of the White House go wrong!

So here's the chance! Ding Yu said to herself! The opportunity has fallen from the sky! The question now is how to seize this opportunity! Never let the opportunity slip away! There will be no shop after this village!

After this time! The chairman led by Goodall will certainly not reveal himself! But the following control and review will be more and more strict! So this time we must make good use of it!

From Ding Yu's point of view, isn't it necessary? What a vital role it plays! Not so! I just need to nail two nails in it! helpful? It's still useless! No one can say!

But if you miss this opportunity, it will be very difficult in the future! Especially at the top! I don't know how many people will pass this time! It really makes people look forward to it!

As for the guys who were on the table before! There shouldn't be too much left! Unless it's like Logan! Never mixed with other aspects! Just do your own thing with your heart! But is this possible?

You know, the previous cleaning has changed many professional managers! And this change! It also led to the final consequences! Therefore, considerable cleaning will never be lax!

When Ding Yu thought about these problems, Gude didn't mean that he was brainless! They are also thinking! To the outside world? What sounds better is that they don't deserve it. What doesn't sound better is that they betrayed! To put it bluntly, it's so simple!

But this cleaning can't be the same as before! Unscrupulous placement personnel! It is inevitable to seek considerable welfare and interests for yourself! But we must not interfere too much with the operation of the white house itself!

The lessons of the past have illustrated quite a problem! As for the right and wrong! There's no need to tangle again! The White House is weak and even unstable. If anyone dares to offend the board of directors at this time, it is definitely not as simple as asking him to look good! Make sure they know how powerful it is!

Ding Yu naturally knows that this attitude is more or less revealed to himself! They absolutely don't want any action at this time! After all, the harm to them is a little so big! And this kind of injury leads to a series of subsequent things! The pain in it is difficult to eliminate even for a moment!

Is it Ding Yu's fault? This problem really needs to be discussed! Ding Yu made a bad start! But the follow-up has nothing to do with Ding Yu! This is also the reason why there is no way to find Ding Yu now!

On the one hand, it's a bit unreasonable to find Ding Yu now! On the other hand! Everyone is really not sure about Ding Yu! Too much lyb, always doing bad in the back! It's really overwhelming!

I'm afraid it's hard to stop the White House for a moment! After all, there are a little more people cleaning, and the new guys! It also takes considerable time to adapt! But it's not that it's not good at all! There are also endless benefits. It depends on whether the new guys can play!

"Uncle Ding! What's on your mind?"

Guo Kai looked at the tea on the table. It was cold! I can't see any heat! And Ding Yu? It seems that the thinking time is a little so long, and I don't know what I'm thinking!

Ding Yu, who woke up, looked at the tea tray in front of him and smiled! "Why are you alone! What about Zhou Xiaoan?"

"He went to take a bath and change his clothes! The smell on his body is a little too strong! I didn't dare to take him to the end, but I watered the farmhouse fat before! I took him to adapt! Fortunately! I can stick to it! But this smell is really beyond the reach of ordinary people!"

Ding Yu gave a sound! There is no meaning to do anything else! "I've been here for two days! I didn't ask you if you have any plans in the future?"

"I'm going to have some!" Guo Kai looked at the water, poured it out, and then boiled it again! Wash tea! Make tea, the whole action is in order! When Zhou Xiaoan came, he also had different expressions. I didn't expect Kaizi to have such a skill! I really saw it today! It's really some beautiful feeling! Fortunately, he is not a woman, and he is also a man!

Ding Yu motioned to Zhou Xiaoan who said hello! Let him sit down first!

After drinking tea, Ding Yu said slowly! "I heard you went down to work?"

"I did such a job at home in those days! It's more exaggerated than I thought! The absolute farmhouse fertilizer in those days! There's no addition, it's real!" Zhou Xiaoan doesn't avoid cold! There's nothing wrong with your head! But this mouth is a little broken! "There is a little high technology on the farm. I don't understand it!"

Ding Yu leaned over his body as if he remembered something! "I was given a good explanation in those years! Even the farmyard manure needs a good follow-up treatment! Otherwise, it will cause great pollution! And after the follow-up treatment, it can better enrich the land! Generally speaking, it is such a situation! I didn't listen to it in too detail! I know it's such a thing! It's OK!"

"What do you say? Open your eyes?" Ding Yu seems a little casual!

"Well, it really opened my eyes!" Zhou Xiaoan's expression suddenly became solemn! "In my understanding, even if agriculture has made progress! It is nothing more than mechanization! Machine planting! Machine harvesting and so on! But I never thought there are so many things and problems in it! Informatization! Is this still agriculture?"

"I won't talk about the farm machine first! I don't understand it so much! But the informatization of the farm is really an eye opener! It can really investigate everything! It makes people have some doubts! There must be benefits, but there are also quite awkward things. I can't tell what it feels like!"

Ding Yu smiled disapprovingly. "To some extent, it's a gimmick! Someone is willing to do it! Then show it! It's no big deal! But with this gimmick, the situation is quite different! There's a lot of added value inside!"

"This also has added value?" Zhou Xiaoan said, showing his teeth! The expression has such a little pain! "Then how expensive is this?"

"It doesn't matter! Quite often, these things are generally exported! It can make foreign people better understand the gimmicks! Of course, more frankly, it is to take more money out of others' pockets!"

Zhou Xiaoan pursed her mouth! "Uncle Ding, are others really so willing to take out the money?"

"How could it be?" Ding Yu looked at Zhou Xiaoan suspiciously, looking like a silly child! "Don't talk about others! Even ourselves, no matter what the situation, it's a thoughtful thing to pay out! As a mentally mature person, even a penny needs to be considered!"

"That's true. I never sell those messy things. It doesn't work!"

You are an exception! Ding Yu really wants to pout at him. Zhou Xiaoan is quite different from other children! It may have a considerable relationship with the family that also hinders his growth. To a certain extent, it is really a wonderful flower!

When children from other families go to the Treasury, they will show that they want to be absent-minded, but Zhou Xiaoan is not like this at all! He has no greed at all. He wants to come! How many planes and ships can this money buy! How much can you do for the country!

Compared with Zhou Xiaoan's childlike heart, Ding Yu really feels so ashamed! But how to judge whether it is good or bad? It's really not clear in a moment!

"Xiao'an, in modern society, you still have such a pure mind! It's a good thing! But it's also not a good thing! What about the so-called good thing? You can concentrate on doing something in some aspects! The so-called bad thing, maybe in many aspects, you will have a certain estrangement from modern society!"

"It's OK!" Zhou Xiaoan doesn't care at all! "Uncle Ding! I'm not stupid. Although I can't stand it sometimes, I still know it in my heart!"

Ding Yu suddenly smiled! "I hope you are really clear! Not false confusion!"

Hou Tianliang came in quickly from the outside! Looking at Ding Yu, it seems a little nervous! Ding Yu motioned to Guo Kai and Zhou Xiaoan. When they left, Ding Yu asked! "Why? You can't sit still?"

"Director!" Hou Tianliang looked at Ding Yu with admiration on his face! After all, I'm afraid I can't do such a thing even if I let myself do it! "Now, the number line is a little chaotic! I can't feel the clue. I feel that everyone is so flustered and can't be stable at all!"

"Tea?" Ding Yu took up the cup and motioned to Hou Tianliang for a while!

Hou Tianliang felt that the blood from his heart almost gushed out. Now your old man came to me at this time. It's really unbearable! I'm looking for you. I'm not here for tea, okay?

"Director, don't joke with me! Now it's going to boil outside!"

"When the pot boils, it boils! It's not a big deal! It's not a strange thing!" Ding Yu said disapprovingly! Even with considerable disdain! "Now I'm running over there! What's the matter? I really feel lively, don't I? It's noisy. I don't know how many people will fall down?"

"Director, I'm worried at home!" Hou Tianliang peeked at Ding Yu! The performance is very cautious and careful! "Now there are some people who have no confidence and don't know what to do next! It's too chaotic! You can't see any direction at all!"

For such a test, Ding Yu smiled noncommittally. Hou Tianliang felt that there were some hairy feelings in his heart!

"I really don't know and don't want to know how your intelligence department should do it!" Ding Yu took the lead to show his attitude! "Because I don't want to get involved in this too much. On the one hand, some people say my hands are too long! On the other hand, there are a lot of people who pay attention!"

Having said that, Ding Yu also solemnly nodded at Hou Tianliang!

The reason is very sufficient and very true, so people can't do any refutation! But give Hou Tianliang the feeling! There seems to be some problems here! But what aspects are involved! Hou Tianliang couldn't make it clear for a while!

With doubts, Hou Tianliang left! At the same time, it also conveys some attitudes of Ding Yu!

The intelligence department seems to have considered this matter more clearly! Is Ding Yu really without any action? Or is his action invisible to others? Things to be discussed!

Is it because Ding Yu walked into that door that Ding Yu really had no other placement in the United States and white house? How possible! Even if you are fooling ghosts, you can't take such a rough way! No one will believe it!

With the White House, even Goode behind is very clear. Ding Yu must have buried thunder! But how many mines were buried? Where to bury the thunder again! I'm afraid no one can make it clear!

Even if the whole white house is overturned and investigated again, we can't find any problems and clues! If Ding Yu's people could be easily found out, they would not even have residue left when they were cleaned. As for the situation like this?

So Ding Yu's people! May be the most unlikely person! Maybe the most humble person! It's hard to make a specific judgment!

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