And Ding Yu naturally knows! Why should the intelligence department inform itself!

They have many purposes, but the most important? first? Tell yourself! What conflicts will arise between the provinces! The second one? Is to test Ding Yu's attitude and see what angle Ding Yu is standing on! As for the third one? Ding Yu has a keen intuition about such things!

To be exact, everyone knows that there is Ding Yu in the White House! But who is it? How many? Where is it! No one knows, no one knows!

This is particularly admirable to the intelligence department. I clearly tell you that I have placed personnel in your department, but you just can't find it! Even because this thing almost shook his foundation! No matter what the reason is, from now on, there are some gains outweigh the losses!

It's a pity that Ding Yu doesn't have much words here. Does he have an attitude towards the whole thing? Yes, neither support nor oppose! I don't even want to pay attention! The intelligence department doesn't have many good ways to do this!

Because the intelligence department can't force Ding Yu to do something! Moreover, the reason given by Ding Yu is also realistic. Now there are too many eyes staring at Ding Yu at this time!

What's more, the reason for this time is still Ding Yu, and some of the internal intelligence departments know it! After knowing it, there were some smacking. They didn't expect Ding Yu to play so much! A little too surprising! Is it a coincidence? Or did Ding Yu really reach a certain point?

In this regard, the intelligence department is very suspicious! It is said that Ding Yu walked into the door! For this situation, the domestic side has heard a little! Of course, I heard it not from Ding Yu, but from other people!

The so-called golden wind does not move, cicada foresight! Secretly send impermanence to die!

Has Ding Yu reached this state? No one can say it too clearly! This guy is never easy to deal with and has a bad temper! And the usual time is also relatively low-key! Not much contact with others! At this point, even Su Quan, Ding Yu's uncle, doesn't know how to describe it!

Su Quan has too much attention and contact with his nephew! Because his identity is very troublesome, Ding Yu's identity is even more troublesome! But looking at the current situation, I still can't hide in the end!

But Su Quan is really not ready to make too much contact with his nephew at this time! On the one hand, the time is a little wrong, on the other hand, the place is a little wrong! Ding Yu lies so prone in his hometown. Others may not care about things, but if he intervenes in the past, who knows if his nephew will blow his hair?

If there is no special situation, Su Quan really doesn't want to provoke his nephew. He has a lot of trouble! But also make the relationship between each other worse! Ding Yu's relationship with the intelligence department over the years is really unspeakable!

Say they have a good relationship? It's a little bullshit! The relationship between them is poor, but there is more cooperation! Of course, it's more often to ask Ding Yu for it! Let Ding Yu help. As for Ding Yu and the intelligence department? It seems that I haven't really opened my mouth! But the intelligence department really doesn't want Ding Yu to speak!

Why don't you hope Ding Yu will speak! It's not that the intelligence department is really afraid of trouble! This is not the reason!

But once Ding Yu opens his mouth, it may be unimaginable difficulties and trouble! It could even be a huge event! Therefore, we both hope to cooperate with Ding Yu and don't hope that Ding Yu can find the intelligence department!

However, the intelligence department also understands that such things will come to the door one day! It's just a matter of time! right now? If you can drag it, you'd better drag it as much as possible!

When Hou Tianliang comes back, take Qiu Tianyang with him!

Ding Yu was still sitting in his previous position. It seemed that he didn't move. He slowly rubbed his hands in his hands. He didn't know what he was thinking. His hands made a clucking sound in a quiet room, but it wasn't so abrupt and wouldn't appear very strange!


Ding Yu nodded his head! I didn't stop the rotation of the string in my hand! "There seems to be some cleanliness at home recently! After several children go out, they seem very calm!"

Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang didn't understand Ding Yu! I don't even understand what Ding Yu meant when he said this, so the two people's expressions seemed a little confused! After confusion, it is a piece of indifference!

Ding Yu's mouth twitched twice! Not at one level, the dialogue is so troublesome! They know what they are thinking, but they don't know what they are thinking!

It has nothing to do with right and wrong!

Fortunately, Ding Yu didn't mean to tease them on purpose! "Now things are not as many as you think! So you two make a self-evaluation! Do you want to stay here? Or find something to do for yourself! Don't worry to answer! Just follow your heart! Do what you want, and I can still do it!"

Ding Yu didn't want to play tricks with them! It's really not necessary! So I told them the truth directly! Under such circumstances, do you continue to stay? Or go back! Look at your own plans!

At least with me, you are free! If you want to go, I won't stop. If you want to stay, I won't refuse! As for whether there will be any opinions and ideas from the intelligence department! This is not important! For Ding Yu, it doesn't matter!

It can be said that Ding Yu is domineering, or that Ding Yu has absolute power! It's all one thing anyway! No difference!

Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang look at me and I'll look at yours. The expressions on their faces are so silly. I really didn't expect the director to say so! It's a pity that they didn't understand it, so the director can only be straight to the point!


"I didn't need to think about this problem before! What's the reason? I don't need to say more! But now I need to think about it! It has nothing to do with the length of your stay here!"

Ding Yu also needs to clarify this point! Not that I must drive them away! But now they must understand what the situation is like! If they can't change their ideas quickly, they can only get rid of them! They are not fit to stay!

If Ding Yu forces them to stay at that time, it will harm others and yourself! Ding Yu doesn't want to encounter such a thing, so it's better to cut off this consideration from the beginning! Let them make a decision as soon as possible!

"Director, our personal opinion is to stay!" Hou Tianliang has spent quite a long time with Ding Yu and has a thorough understanding of the implied meaning of Ding Yu's words! So I affirmed my answer at the first time! Even gave Ding Yu an ambush! Put Qiu Tianyang in!

Ding Yu glanced at Qiu Tianyang and then looked at Hou Tianliang!

"You are responsible for your decision!" Ding Yu nodded when he saw that Hou Tianliang had no other words! When Hou Tianliang saw that Ding Yu had no other instructions, he left the room with Qiu Tianyang! When he came out, Hou Tianliang patted his chest and hissed a long breath!

"I don't understand!" Qiu Tianyang didn't hide his dilemma, but he only saw it! Hou Tianliang pulled himself out and even carried the black pot for himself! Besides, what did director Ding Yuding say? I didn't understand it at all! What does this mean! Anyway, it's a mess now!

Hou Tianliang gasped for some time! Then he left with Qiu Tianyang! When you come to a place where there is no one!

Hou Tianliang looked at Qiu Tianyang and said! "When we came here earlier, we had some other purposes! You and I know this in our hearts, the intelligence department knows it, and the director knows it even more! But now the situation has changed considerably! So we need to adjust our position and vision! Can you understand me?"

"That's what the director said?"

Looking at Qiu Tianyang's appearance, Hou Tianliang knew that he was still silent in his words and had not fully awakened! But it's not a bad thing! With the director? It's really normal and good to encounter such a thing! At the beginning, there was nothing better than this!

"Quite often, the director won't be too straightforward, especially in such things!" Hou Tianliang said! "After all, there are so many eyes to pay attention to! We need to take considerable precautions. There is no way to do this. Even the director is equally helpless!"

"I feel the protective conditions here are very good!"

Hou Tianliang patted his head and glared at him with dissatisfaction! "Parable, do you understand! Parable! If you don't pay attention at ordinary times, you expect to pay attention after you go out! You still have too little experience! Pay attention a little during this time. Don't let the director kick you away!"

"Ah? Can't you?" Qiu Tianyang was so afraid! If you are really expelled, it will not be so simple as disgrace, and there will be a lot of things involved behind it!

"Now you know you're afraid?" Hou Tianliang also complained. "I think you've been a little floating these two days! If you don't give you a strong taste, you don't know the smell of beans!"

"And Tianyang, I need to tell you! Your situation is different from Zhou Xiaoan! Do you understand?"

Qiu Tianyang was silent and his eyes struggled a little! Looking at Qiu Tianyang, Hou Tianliang said comfortingly! "What's the origin of Zhou Xiaoan? This is not so important as imagined! The important thing is that he can become Guo Kai's opponent! This is something other people can't do! And don't look at Zhou Xiaoan. He looks a little stupid! To a certain extent, he looks like a pig with a pig in his face and has a clear heart! You! Compared with others, there is really a considerable gap!"

"What?" Qiu Tianyang immediately felt something wrong after hearing this! "You said Zhou Xiaoan was pretending?"

"It's not completely fake! It's really impossible to say that! He is real to a great extent, but this truth also hides a lot of things. Only you can't see it. Both the director and Guo Kai know it. They never treat Zhou Xiaoan as a fool! Not to mention Zhou Jiapei Do you think the child raised may be a fool? What are you thinking? "

How does Hou Tianliang educate Qiu Tianyang? For Ding Yu, he is not so interested! I don't even mean to care! Hou Tianliang is willing to pay attention, so he needs to be responsible. If Hou Tianliang is not willing to pay attention, it doesn't matter! At least it has nothing to do with yourself!

Specifically, Qiu Tianyang is not as talented as Hou Tianliang, and he is not as talented as Hou Tianliang! But he was brought by Hou Tianliang! Don't look at the monk's face, look at the Buddha's face! So it's better to hand him over to Hou Tianliang and let Hou Tianliang look at it and deal with it! The so-called slim chance is better than no chance! Right?

I'm afraid this is one of the few opportunities Hou Tianliang can fight for, and also one of the few opportunities Qiu Tianyang can save himself!

I just don't know if he can correct it! If you can correct it, it shows that there is still considerable hope. If you can't correct it, Ding Yu won't do much here? Qiu Tianyang's future can be imagined!

Hou Tianliang brought him here. To a certain extent, he needs to be responsible for him! You can't just bring him here! It is inappropriate and inappropriate to ignore it. After all, he is also a member of the intelligence department!

But the performance in the previous stage is not so good! That's it! About Qiu Tianyang, Hou Tianliang was pressed down and didn't take initiative to report up! But also expressed Ding Yu's attitude with the intelligence department! Now this time quite a thing is over! The way we get along with each other should also be changed!

In this regard, the intelligence department has no opinions. The intelligence department doesn't think there are too many accidents for Ding Yu to make such a rapid adjustment! This is Ding Yu! He seems to follow the rules, but in fact he does what he wants and goes his own way! People can see it, but they can't find it! So there's nothing strange about him now!

After Ding Yu made the last adjustment to Zhou Xiaoan, he slowly cleaned up the utensils in his hand! "Not today! Go to the hospital for an examination the day after tomorrow to see how the specific situation is?"

"Uncle Ding, I feel very good!" Zhou Xiaoan even raised his biceps when he dressed! Used to realize their own health! Ding Yu subconsciously skimmed his mouth!

It's not clear whether he pretended or his own character is like this! It's hard to make this judgment! But there is no one who can play treasure!

"Don't feel too good about yourself! It's not for you! These are for your grandpa!"

Ding Yu said with an angry hum! "You can still be Guo Kai's opponent now! This is due to the training given to you by your family in the past. Of course, you have laid a deep foundation for yourself! This is the key to becoming Guo Kai's opponent. Of course, you have not slackened yourself! You have not been confused by the outside world! These qualities are commendable, but these are just the previous achievements! Ming Is that what I mean? "

"I see!" Zhou Xiaoan assured Ding Yu with full confidence! It's so straightforward! If you pretend to be stupid, you are deliberately fooling and teasing Ding Yu!

"Maybe someone will eat and die on the merit book, but it will never be me!"

"Whatever you say? I just hope you can remember!" Ding Yu waved, and he didn't bother to listen to him live in vain in front of him! At least I don't have so much mood now! Wait until you have a chance in the future!

Looking at Hou Tianliang who came in later, Ding Yu cleaned up! Then there was a sentence without a sentence! "Why? Qiu Tianyang hasn't adapted yet? He hasn't come to his senses yet? You've worked hard enough!"

In this regard, Hou Tianliang smiled! "The main reason is that the director teaches very well. He can teach such excellent talents as Guo Kai! Zhou Xiaoan is even more extraordinary!"

"This horse?" Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, and even couldn't stop his smile! "A little too stiff! So what? You want to plead with him!"

"For him, this is a test. It doesn't mean that we must intercede with him, but that we hope the director can give him some time! It's always a young man who has great momentum in many aspects!"

Ding Yu watched Hou Tianliang for a few seconds and looked at his sincere expression! Nod your head!

"Is he proud or floating? This problem concerns him? Of course, you also have considerable responsibility!"

Hou Tianliang nodded endlessly. After he came here, Qiu Tianyang really drifted a little! This point has some of its own responsibilities. It doesn't remind him well. It makes him float too much!

"Yes! Director! I will remember this lesson!"

"The situation in the White House is unusual! Although agreements have been reached between them, those agreements say important and unimportant, and wipe your ass hard! They have no effect at all! They can be said to be abnormal precautions at this time! You should also know some of the reasons!"

"Know something! They always think the reason for things is you, director!"

"Don't admit it, but it's hard to deny anything!" Ding Yu sobbed! "Do you think I was forced?", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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