After waking up, Wang Pu slowly turned his eyes to look at the old woman and his son and daughter-in-law!

Just looking at you, there is no meaning to talk! Su Yuan felt a little uncomfortable. He was more puzzled. What about his father-in-law's eyes? Some relief! Some chagrin! Some remorse! Lin Lin's emotions are mixed together, which makes it difficult to make a specific description!

Anyway, Su Yuan didn't understand the meaning of this look!

"Well, it's generally clear!"

"Almost!" Wang Changlin nodded his head! "And Su Quan mentioned something to me! A patient and a guest came to the boss years ago!"

This remark made Wang Pu's face a little embarrassed! Although my son didn't speak up! But the extended meaning revealed in it is really too obvious! The identity of this guest is very ordinary! Don't disturb me if you have nothing to do!

His grandson didn't say that, and didn't even mean to tell the Wang family! And this matter was revealed by the outside world! Obviously, the Wang family has also expressed considerable dissatisfaction! The moral is too obvious!

Now Wang Pu has some worries. If his eldest grandson falls at this time, how can the whole Wang family come from! Even if he doesn't fall into the well, but he really ignores it, it seems that the Wang family can't bear it!

Wang Pu didn't fully understand until now! I really overestimate myself too much! There is no denying that the Wang family has considerable power, but the Wang family's inside information is not deep enough. These so-called inside information is brought by the great grandson! And the grandson? It seems that there is no mountain and no water leakage! But it was just that he was good at hiding himself!

What he did made the whole thing a mess! Even now I have to stand up to clean up the situation and expect my eldest grandson to be emotional? Don't think of such a beautiful thing! It's impossible!

For his coldness and ruthlessness, Wang Pu has made a judgment in his heart!

There is no correct understanding of each other's forces, and there is no good positioning of the Wang family! This is my own problem! Really can't blame others on their heads! An ant wants to swallow an elephant, even if the ant is big enough! We can't sit back and watch the sky. Too much wishful thinking has led to problems in our own thoughts!

"It seems that the Phoenix is really flying out of the chicken nest!" Wang Pu bit his teeth, "what a pity!"

Wang Changlin and Su Yuan were not so clear, but the old lady really knew what the old man meant when he said this!

The Wang family flew out of the Phoenix, but the question is how many people think this Phoenix belongs to the Wang family, not to mention Ding Yu trained by the Wang family? It seems that it has nothing to do with the Wang family! Even if it was found by the Wang family! The attitude of the Wang family towards Ding Yu seems to be debatable!

There was no Wutong wood, but it was impossible to build Phoenix nests, and Ding Yu was so stupid. Even if it is cheap, there should be a so-called limit!

So that's what led to today's situation!

It's too late for Wang Pu to repent, but what's the use? Now even if I beg Ding Yu? Is it difficult to get back? Don't make such a joke! Wang Pu's heart has understood. Come on!

But this awakening came so late! Who could have thought that his grandson could hide so well, and that he was deceived! In this process, I don't mean I don't have any chance to find out! However, it's one aspect that I didn't pay attention. On the other hand, many people who know the inside story have become bystanders!

Why? Now at this time, Wang Pu has more or less figured it out! Why they are so! Because instinctively, I have a little fear of my great grandson! A slip will become eternal hatred! Unexpectedly, he, an old fellow who boasted of being smart all his life, fell in front of his grandson!

The turn of the fall was embarrassing!

"Your mother and I already know about it! Your mother and I have no opinions or ideas!" Wang Pu said happily! "How they call is their business. We two old guys can carry it!"

Now that we have recognized the current situation! Then Wang Pu will react and respond with the fastest speed! I will never see the previous daze again! Even in his body can not find any signs of old age! The reaction is still very sharp! The tiger is old! But still a tiger! There is nothing wrong with that!

Su Yuan looked up at his father-in-law! Look a little incredible! What happened? How do you feel that in an instant, my father-in-law has changed so much? Is it because of the adjustment of the previous hour? This is incredible! Compared with the previous time, my father-in-law seems to have changed from inside to outside!

So is it your problem? Or is the world changing too fast! change rapidly! The speed is so fast that I don't have any preparation and defense, but the question is, is the time too short! Less than two hours? Are you playing?

Although I don't understand! Very confused, but one thing is good! That's why Su Yuan didn't mean to make a noise! It's a bad thing to keep silent at this time! Because I don't know what direction things will go next! There is always a considerable gap between what you expect and the reality!

Wang Changlin nodded! "I don't have any problem here! Although many people came to the door! But such things involve some operations inside the farm, which can't be interfered by the family!"

Wang Changlin still knows something about the farm! The management inside the farm can be said to be extremely strict, but even so! Still can't stop some people's greed!

If the farm is very harsh! It's understandable, but the problem is that the farm has never been harsh! Even the treatment and welfare are beyond imagination! But some people just can't resist temptation! Then there is no good way!

This also led to Wang Changlin's particular aversion to those who called to plead! This is not so simple as not to be shameful! I'm afraid the whole person's mind is dark! It's better to stay away from such people!

"Let's not disturb Ding Yu!" then Wang Pu seemed to remember something. "I heard that Wang Li runs to the courtyard from time to time?"

Su Yuan was stunned by this remark, and then nodded his head! Then start explaining the problem!

"Wang Li said about the specific situation! Many people and forces have given gifts to the quadrangle. In the past, the length of time is different, and the things sent are quite different. However, the boss is not very interested in these. He donated them many times, but some things spread!"

"What does the boss mean?"

"I have no problem with the specific situation, but Wang Li keeps in touch with his eldest brother. They quarrel all the time! But their feelings are very good!"

Su Yuan obviously has something in it! It's not true that Ding Yu can't be contacted at home. This is not the case! Ding Yu can be contacted at home! I can even have a good conversation with Ding Yu! There is another problem involved!

Without involving the so-called principled issues, there is still considerable room for everything! At least from the current situation, it is so! Of course, what will the final result look like? It's too early to mention it now!

"Ha ha! It seems that he has made considerable arrangements. From the overall outline of the matter, he has his own subject. Although there have been considerable adjustments in the process, this adjustment will not affect the overall situation! And while the other party has explained, he can gradually complete the adjustment of himself! Awesome!"

Wang Pu made an overall evaluation of his grandson! The old lady doesn't rub her hand at this time! Instead, he pinched his hand and frowned slightly to see Wang Pu! But just look, I don't mean to interrupt Wang Pu! Let's see what he wants to say! Then make further judgment!

"The family didn't participate in the farm from the beginning, so there won't be any intervention now! People were very unhappy! Don't touch the mold now!" Wang Pu said with a smile, "What's more, since others dislike it, let's not be annoying! As for Wang Li and Wang Yang? Including Xiaobao, what they are willing to do is their own business! There's no need for us old guys to interfere!"

I took a look at the old lady! Wang Pu went on!

"If he has such a heart, call to say hello during the new year's festival, or come and have a look. If he doesn't have such a heart, it's useless to say anything else!" then Wang Pu glanced at Wang Changlin with some dissatisfaction. "Isn't everything at home left to you and Su Yuan? Don't run here when you're free? What's the strength of running?"

Wang Changlin smiled! His expression was a little relaxed!

"It's mainly because the noise outside is too noisy! The management of the farm was very strict, and the welfare and treatment are also very good! Many people work on the farm! Now the farm has started self-examination, and the action is very big! Some people can't bear it!"

This reason has been mentioned just now! Why did Wang Changlin repeat it again! Does the subject mean? It means that he can't really bear the pressure now! It's not like this! The problem now is how much trouble the farm is going to make. After all, the farm is involved in all aspects!

"Since people dare to make noise, it shows that they are quite sure!" Wang Pu said calmly. "Not to mention that at this time, the White House has no time to take care of it. Without too much external pressure, he seems to be more relaxed to clean up the internal problems and conditions!"

"Who knows?" Wang Changlin didn't have much confidence in this. His son! Quite a time, it's very difficult! I'm afraid I'm most impressed by my father and mother, not my own evaluation!

"Lao Zhou called earlier! Your mother answered the phone!"

"Zhou Lao?" Wang Changlin was stunned. Obviously, he didn't have much preparation for it. He looked at Su Yuan and shook his head slightly. He really didn't hear the news in this regard!

"Lao Zhou and his family all fly planes! Especially Lao Zhou, they were powerful roles in those years, but they didn't have much communication with each other. Instead, they have considerable communication with your father-in-law. The grandson of their family is with the boss now! I didn't ask about the specific situation. Let me tell you, you're not prepared!"

"When did it happen?" Wang Changlin smiled. "I haven't heard about it for some time. I look like Meng Xi?"

"I was introduced in the past! One of Ding Yu's students took a fancy to the children of the Zhou family! I don't know if it was because of courage or other reasons?" Wang Pu didn't comment too much on this. It's no problem to mention such a thing. If you really study it deeply, I'm afraid there's some backwardness in your heart!

The Wang family didn't say there was no chance! And there are very good opportunities, even many opportunities, but none of these opportunities have been seized by the Wang family! Ding Yu threw out quite a lot of "hands of friendship", but it seems that they were perfectly missed by Wang Pu! So when it comes to this matter, Wang Pu really has some pain in his heart!

If there is never any chance! It can be better! But there were opportunities, and even countless opportunities, but they turned a blind eye and a deaf ear! Finally, when you wake up, you find that everything is far away from yourself. You can imagine the pain in your heart!

Wang Pu wondered how much ecstasy he had drunk before he could make those decisions! What's more, how do you drink so much ecstasy soup? Where do these ecstasy soup come from?

I don't deny that I was a little floating at that time, and even some couldn't myself, but I didn't seem to forget myself! So for so many years, have you never really been sober! To be exact, many things you see are false!

Or what you see is true, even what you hear is true, but due to the guidance of some emotion! Let yourself have serious paranoia in thinking! What you see is just what Ding Yu, his grandson, let you see! As for what you don't see, it has long been hidden!

Even after the half hidden curtain, those things were just bait he deliberately threw out!

Generally speaking, what you see or don't see is all the bait used by Ding Yu, his grandson, to hide his real bait! I was very happy to eat. I didn't think Ding Yu seemed to be very happy. He just played with himself!

When he really opened the table, he found that the things on the table were nothing at all. For Ding Yu, they were dispensable! He never really cared! This bastard! How old was it at the beginning! How can you have such a mind?

Now I want to come, when he hasn't come home, or when he hasn't been found by the Wang family! Have you been prepared in some aspects and eliminated his bright industry for the first time! Since then, he had no expectations for the Wang family, and even had deep vigilance!

Wang Changlin and Su Yuan are their own parents! Including his aunt and uncle! Uncle and aunt, together with the next generation of Wang Yang and Xiaobao, Wang Li, and even the next generation of Wang Xiaogang, are these all in his plan?

The more you think about this aspect, the more you feel the possibility of this aspect!

In addition to himself, Ding Yu's relationship with others is not close! There doesn't seem to be much contact between each other, but it's not far! Say hello when something happens! Ding Yu can basically be perfect!

But only his relationship with himself always seems to have a gap! I'm aftertaste now. How much of this is the intentional meaning of my own grandson?

Playing with eagles all my life! What happened? Played by an eagle who thought he was tied to his belt! Remember this? Wang Pu has some feeling of toothache, but that's it. Wang Pu's blood pressure really doesn't mean to rise! This point is indeed so abnormal!

Even Wang Changlin has made the doctors at home ready, and they are waiting to rush up!

However, his father has no problems, nor is it a reflection of the so-called return! Anyway, it's amazing, even some people don't understand! If anyone else is like this! I'm afraid it's already in the hospital! And whether they can stick to the hospital is what they say!

But what about your father? The more you listen, the more powerful you are! What happened to NIMA!

Even Wang Changlin felt that his father didn't have too many problems. On the contrary, there were so many problems on his side that he couldn't hold on! The situation is not similar to what you expected!

Really don't know your father? Or is there a considerable problem with your head at this time!

Wang Changlin began to have self doubt at this time!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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